lunes, 6 de julio de 2009


Everything went like clockwork !!!

Mary I've just popped in to thank you very much for organizing last weekend's trip to the seaside for the old folk.
Julia That's very kind of you. They all seemed to enjoy it.
Mary They certainly did. Everything went like clockwork, in fact I don't think you could have done it better.
Julia I'm not sure about that, there were one or two things that could have been improved.
Mary In a perfect world perhaps, but as far as I'm concerned it was a great success. So thank you again.

You've done a fantastic job !!!

Gordon I've just been reading through your last project report.
James I hope you didn't find too much wrong with it.
Gordon On the contrary, you've done a fantastic job.
James Well, I'm not sure about that.
Gordon You're too modest. It's really well organized and written and offers some very well thought out conclusions.
James Well, I'm glad you like it and hope it proves useful

You look really chic !!!

Gina Where are you off to ?
Alison I'm going to a civic reception at the town hall.
Gina Who's it for ?
Alison It's for a delegation from our sister city in Germany.
Gina Well I must say that outfit really suits you. You look really chic.
Alison Thank you. I want to look my best for the foreign guests.

Explanation :

Something or someone that is chic is fashionable and sophisticated.

Example : Her gown was very French and very chic.

It's a cross !!!

Josie Have you seen Peter's new dog ?
Lara Yes I have but couldn't recognize the breed.
Josie That's not surprising because it's not a thoroughbred, it's a mongrel.
Lara Ah, that explains it. What kind of a mixture is it ?
Josie I think it's a cross between a collie and a retriever.
Lara If that's the case it should be a very good-natured dog.

Explanation :

Something that is a cross between two things is neither one thing nor the other, but a mixture of both.

Example : Ha ! It was a cross between a laugh and a bark ..........

Kittens are always playful !!!

Sam Look at your brother playing with the kitten.
Lara Yes, he really enjoys teasing her with that piece of string.
Sam He's holding it up so she has to jump for it.
Lara Kittens are always playful, aren't they ?
Sam Yes they are, that's why they're such fun.
Lara It's a pity they seem to lose much of their playfulness when they get older.

Explanation :

A playful animal is lively and cheerful.

Example : ..... a playful puppy.

It's very attached to him !!!

Eddie I'm sorry that the parrot is squawking its head off.
Denise What's the matter with it ?
Eddie Well it's just spotted a cat outside the window and it really doesn't like cats.
Denise Do you ever let it out of its cage ?
Eddie My father does. It's very attached to him so it perches on his shoulder and behaves itself when he's around.
Denise Would you ever let it out ?
Eddie Oh no, because it's more than likely to give me a nasty nip if I do.

Explanation :

If you are attached to someone or something, you are very fond of them.

Example : She is very attached to her family and friends.

You have to walk a dog every day !!!

Tania Why is your dog whining and looking at you so expectantly ?
Barry It's the time of day. He always does that around now.
Tania What does he want ?
Barry He wants me to take him out for a walk.
Tania Are you going to ?
Barry Oh yes, but I like to tease him a bit by pretending not to notice.
Tania Do you take him out every day ?
Barry Of course, you have to walk a dog every day because it needs the exercise to stay healthy.

Explanation :

If you walk your dog, you take it for a walk in order to keep it healthy.

Example : I walk my dog each evening around my local streets.

Heel girl, heel ! Sit !!!

Zoe Is that your new dog ? What is it ?
Fay Yes, she's a chow chow and only six months old.
Zoe Are you taking her for a walk ?
Fay That too, but I'm also giving her obedience training.
Zoe Let's have a demonstration.
Fay All right, here we go : [ To the dog ] Heel girl, heel ! sit !!! There's a good girl.
Zoe That's very impressive. She came to heel and sat straight away.
Fay Yes, she's a very obedient dog.

We had to have our cat put to sleep !!!

Cindy What's the matter, you look as if you've been crying ?
Betsy I have, I've just come from the vet's.
Cindy What happened ?
Betsy We had to have our cat put to sleep. She had a tumor which was incurable.
Cindy Oh dear ! I'm really sorry to hear that. How old was she ?
Betsy She was 15, which is quite old for a cat. But she really was like one of the family. That's why we're all so upset.

Explanation :

If a sick or injured animal is put to sleep, it is painlessly killed by a vet.

Example : I'm going take the dog down to the vet's and have her put to sleep.

That was for the best !!!

Dan The parents of children in our street are a lot less worried these days.
Chris Why's that ?
Dan One of the neighbors had a very fierce dog which scared everyone. Last week it bit one of the children so badly, she had to be treated in hospital.
Chris That must have been an awful experience for the little girl. But why did you say they are not worried now ?
Dan Well they complained about the dog to the police and the police forced the owner to put it down.
Chris Oh I see. Well I'm sure that was for the best.

Explanation :

If you say that something is for the best, you mean it is the most desirable or helpful thing that could have happened or could be done, considering all the circumstances.

Example : In the long run, it was for the best ..............

We must keep him on a leash !!!

Martha I'm really enjoying this walk in the country and so is the dog.
Hank Yes, he's running here, there and everywhere.
Martha Oh look, there are sheep in the next field !
Hank I'll grab him straight away and put him on the leash. Here boy !
Martha Thank goodness you managed to catch him before he spotted the sheep and started chasing them.
Hank Yes, we must keep him on leash from now on. Farmers around here are likely to shoot on sight any dogs they catch worrying their sheep.

Explanation :

A dog's leash is a long thin piece of leather or a chain, which you attach to the dog's collar so that you can keep the dog under control.

Example : All dogs in public places should be on a leash.

That's my aim !!!

Danny I've just had a great piece of luck.
Fred Don't tell me you've won the lottery this week.
Danny Not quite, I've got a free weekly riding lesson at the local riding stables.
Fred I know you love horses. How did you manage that ?
Danny I offered to muck out the stables and to help groom the horses for four hours every week.
Fred That's not a bad bargain. It won't be long before you're an accomplished horseman if you can keep the arrangement going for any length of time.
Danny That's my aim.

Explanation :

The aim of something that you do is the purpose for which you do it or the result that it is intended to achieve.

Example : ..... a research program that has largely failed to achieve its principal aims.

To be neutered !!!

Mary Can I see the new kittens ?
Isobel Of course, they're over here with their mother in this basket.
Mary There are five ! Aren't they tiny and so sweet ?
Isobel Yes, they're only a few hours old and their eyes haven't opened yet.
Mary Is this the mother cat's first litter ?
Isobel Yes it is, and happily they all seem to be healthy.
Mary Do you expect her to have more in the future ?
Isobel No, we'll be taking her to the vet to be neutered as soon as she has recovered from the birth.

Explanation :

When an animal is neutered, its reproductive organs are removed.

Example : We ask the public to have their dogs neutered and keep them under close supervision.

He's got a taste for exotic pets !!!

Hughes I'm always a bit apprehensive about visiting Peter.
Jeanie Why's that ? He's such a nice chap.
Hughes He is, but he's got a taste for exotic pets.
Jeanie I didn't know that, such as ?
Hughes Well, last week when I was there he had a baby iguana running around the place.
Jeanie A lizard ! Ugh, that would give me the creeps.
Hughes It's not my idea of a pet. But that's not the only thing he's got. He's had a three-foot python for quite a while now as well.
Jeanie He ought to get a job in a zoo.

Explanation :

If you have a taste for something, you have a linking or preference for it.

Example : That gave me a taste for reading.

They get out of condition !!!

Jack You're out exercising your dog I see.
Eric Yes, dogs have to be exercised daily, otherwise they get out of condition.
Jack What's his name ?
Eric Rover.
Jack That's a good name for a dog. Why is he woofing and wagging his tail ?
Eric Can't you see ? He wants one of us to throw that stick as far as we can for him to fetch.
Jack I can't disappoint him. Come on boys, ( throw stick ) go fetch !

Explanation :

If someone is out of condition, they are unhealthy and unfit, because they have stopped exercising regularly.

Example : He was too out of condition to clamber over the top.

Our cat had a litter !!!

Millie What a playful litter kitten! Is it a boy or a girl ?
Janet It's a girl. We've decided to call her Winkie.
Millie How sweet ! How old is she ?
Janet Only six weeks.
Millie Did you get her from a pet shop ?
Janet No, our cat had a litter for four and she's the only one left.
Millie How do you mean ?
Janet Well we've given the other three to friends but decided to keep her, as she was the prettiest of the bunch.

Explanation :

A litter is a group of animals born to the same mother at the same time.

Example : a litter of pups

He's a thoroughbred Boxer with an outstanding pedigree !!!

Jack Is that your new dog ?
Jill Yes, we've only had him a week.
Jack He's really handsome and very lively.
Jill He should be, he cost a fortune.
Jack Why was he so expensive ?
Jill He's a thoroughbred Boxer with an outstanding pedigree that's why. We got him from a top breeder.
Jack Do you intend to show him ?
Jill We're not sure; we'll take a breeder's advice on that.

Explanation :

A pedigree animal is descended from animals which have all been of a particular type, and is therefore considered to be of good quality.

Example : a pedigree dog

She is impossible to please !!!

First clerk I've just had a terrible hour and a half.
Second clerk Why, what happened ?
First clerk Well I had a lady customer come in who wanted to buy a pair of shoes. And you know we've got a really good range.
Second clerk We certainly do. Did she buy a pair ?
First clerk No, but she didn't leave before getting me to bring her every single pair we had in the shop. And she complained about every single one.
Second clerk I'd say she was impossible to please.

I haggled him down to $25 !!!

Danielle I like your new anorak, it looks really expensive, where did you get it - in that upscale sports shop in the mall ?
Russell Well thanks, but no I didn't. I got it in the market.
Danielle How much did you pay for it ?
Russell Not as much as the man asked for. He wanted $45.
Danielle That would have been a bit steep, it's almost the shop price.
Russell I know, but I haggled him down to $25, so I reckon I've got a bit of a bargain.

Explanation :

If you haggle, you argue about something before reaching an agreement, especially about the cost of something that you are buying.

Example : Ella showed her the best places to go for a good buy, and taught her how to haggle with used furniture dealers ....

I've got it on thirty days' free trial !!!

Alistair Why are you talking to your computer. Is it lonely ?
David No, don't be silly, I'm trying out some new speech recognition software.
Alistair How does it work ?
David Well, I just speak what I want to say into the microphone and my words appear on the screen. It's magic !
Alistair It must be very expensive.
David It's not cheap but I haven't actually paid anything yet.
Alistair How come ?
David I've got it on thirty days' free trial. If I'm not satisfied with it, I can return it free of charge as long as I do so within 30 days.

Have you got them in my size ?

Shopper Excuse me, could you show me to the skirts section please ?
Clerk Certainly madam, please come this way..
Shopper Ah! these are just what I've been looking for. Have you got them in my size ? I'm a size 8.
Clerk Just a moment ..... ! I'm afraid not madam. We appear to be temporarily out of stock.
Shopper Oh, how disappointing ! When will you next have some in ?
Clerk We should be getting a delivery at the beginning of next week.

My feet are killing me !!!

Marie You look a bit tired. What have you been doing ?
Yvonne Shopping for some new outfits.
Marie Did you get what you want ?
Yvonne I did, but it took me all day.
Marie What do you want to do now ?
Yvonne I just want to sit down somewhere and relax. My feet are killing me !

Explanation :

If you say that something is killing you, you mean that it is causing you physical or emotional pain.

You've been ripped off !!!

Terry What do you think of my new suit ?
Michael Not bad. I like the wide lapels and the pant cuffs. It reminds me of one I saw in the department store the other day. Did you get it there ?
Terry No, I got it at that new outfitters on the main street.
Michael How much did it cost ?
Terry Three hundred and fifty dollars.
Michael What ? You could have got the one from the department store for $200. You've been ripped off !

Explanation :

If someone rips you off, they cheat you by charging you too much money for something or by selling you something that is faulty

Example : The Consumer federation claims banks are ripping you off by not passing along savings on interest rates ...

What a bargain !!!

Jenny Look what I've got.
Fay Wow, that's the snazziest looking handbag I've ever seen. Where did you get it ?
Jenny I got it in Paris on my last trip.
Fay I bet it cost a fortune ?
Jenny No it didn't, I got it for half price because the shop was having a clearance sale.
Fay What a bargain ! You'll have to take me with you next time.

Explanation :

Something that is a bargain is good value for money, usually because it has been sold at a lower price than normal.

Example : At this price the wine is a bargain ...

She's got a really useful right foot !!!

John My sister's really keen on soccer.
Eric Really, what team does she support.
John She doesn't support any in particular. When I say keen, I mean she's an enthusiastic player. She plays for a local women's team.
Eric Is she any good ?
John Well, she's scored ten goals so far this season. She's got a really useful right foot.
Eric Well if that's the case, you really must take me to see her play sometime.

My sister's hobby is dress making !!!

Marion You look slimmer than when I saw you last.
Hettie Yes, I must have lost six pounds over the last two months. my best dress is now too big for me.. I can't wear it any more.
Marion Don't say that, I think I can help you.
Hettie How do you mean ?
Marion Well, my sister's hobby is dress making and I'm sure she wouldn't mind taking it in so that it'll fit you again. I'll ask her.
Hettie That would be fantastic. I'm no good at sewing myself.

She's got a really green thumb !!!

Gordon What a beautiful garden your parents have !
Fiona I'm glad you like it. They certainly spend a lot of time on it.
Gordon And the houseplants are also very attractive.
Fiona They're my mother's specialty. Some of them are nearly twenty years old.
Gordon Good heavens, how does she do it ?
Fiona She's got a really green thumb; plants seem to respond to her.

Explanation :

If you say someone has green fingers, or green thumb, you mean that they are very good at gardening and their plants grow well.

Example : You don't need green thumb to fill your home with lush leaves.

I wish I could play the piano like you !!!

Andy I wish I could play the piano like you.
Dee I'm sure you could if you tried. You should take some lessons.
Andy I took some when I was younger but I was hopeless.
Dee Why was that ?
Andy I found that I was tone-deaf, which really made it impossible.
Dee Never mind, why don't you try learning the drums? Then being tone-deaf shouldn't matter.

Explanation :

If you wish something were true, you would like it to be true, even though you know that it is impossible or unlikely.

Example : I wish it weren't true.

I like the way you pan across the ruins !!!

Carrie Your vacation video is really interesting.
Donald Well, Mexico is a fascinating country.
Carrie What are we looking at now ?
Donald These are the remains of a Mayan city.
Carrie I like the way you pan across the ruins very slowly.
Donald That helps you to see what a really large area they cover.

Explanation :

If you pan a film or television camera or if it pans somewhere, it moves slowly across an area in a wide sweep.

Example : He panned over the crowd for a few minutes before swiveling back to the right.

The Real goalie made a fantastic save !!!

Larry Did you see the Barcelona-Real Madrid match on TV yesterday ?
Phillip Of course, what a game ! Three goals each.
Larry Who do you support ?
Phillip Real Madrid, because I'm a Beckham fan.
Larry Barcelona should have won it with that great shot on goal in the last minute.
Phillip Only they didn't because the Real goalie made a fantastic save.

She sight-reads really well !!!

Clare My elder sister is always in demand at family parties.
Angie Why, is she a good singer ?
Clare No, she plays the piano really well and she can play whatever music anyone puts in front of her.
Angie I can play the piano, but I couldn't do that. How does she do it ?
Clare She sight-reads really well.
Angie I wish I could do that, it's a great skill.

Explanation :

Someone who can sight-read can play or sing music from a printed sheet the first time they see it, without practising it beforehand.

Example : Symphony musicians cannot necessarily sight-read.

She enjoys doing still lifes !!!

Cindy My sister started a new hobby a few months ago.
Heather Really ? Tell me more.
Cindy She's been learning to paint watercolors.
Heather How interesting. What are her favorite subjects ?
Cindy She likes painting landscapes best, but she also enjoys doing still lifes.
Heather I envy her. I've tried to paint in the past, but I'm no good - I have no artistic talent.

Explanation :

still lifes ( plural ) - a type of painting or drawing of an arrangement of objects that do not move, such as flowers, fruit, bowls, etc

Example : We went to an exhibition of 17th century Dutch still lifes.

They seem to have a lot in common !!!

Theresa Mandy and Tom seem to be spending a lot of time together lately.
Yvonne Yes that's true. I've seen them at the swimming pool lately and at the cinema.
Theresa They go on regular bike rides together too.
Yvonne They seem to have a lot in common.
Theresa Yes, they clearly like the same things.
Yvonne I wonder if we'll be hearing wedding bells soon.

He's clearly over the moon about something !!!

Gordon Have you seen Johnny today?
Martin No, why ?
Gordon Well he's clearly over the moon about something.
Martin What about ?
Gordon He won't tell anybody, but I've never seen him looking so happy.
Martin He's a betting man, so perhaps he's won a lot of money on the horses.

Explanation :

If you say that you are over the moon, you mean that you are very pleased about something.

Example : She was over the moon about/with her new bike.

What do you fancy ?

Sian Let's eat out tonight. I don't feel like cooking.
Vincent Well why not ? What do you fancy ?
Sian I think Japanese would make a nice change.
Vincent Fine. How about that new place just off the market square ?
Sian Good idea. I'll go and freshen up first.
Vincent OK, in the meantime I'll phone to book a table.

Explanation :

If you fancy something, you want to have it or to do it

Example : Do you fancy going to see a movie sometime ?

He kept changing channels on the remote !!!

Sharon My mother got really annoyed with my father yesterday evening.
Heather Why, did he complain about her cooking ?
Sharon Oh no, she's a great cook. It was when they were watching television.
Heather Don't tell me he fell asleep in front of the television and started snoring.
Sharon No, he does that sometimes but this was because he kept changing channels on the remote.
Heather All men do that, it's one of their most annoying habits.

My luggage went astray !!!

Maggie I had a terrible time on my last trip to Europe.
Bernard Why, what happened ? Did you have an accident ?
Maggie No, my luggage went astray. When I arrived in Paris and went to collect my case from the baggage carousel, it never arrived.
Bernard What happened to it ? Had somebody collected it by mistake or stolen it ?
Maggie No, it had been sent on to London by mistake.
Bernard Did you get it back.
Maggie Yes I did, but it took two whole days. I was absolutely furious.

Explanation :

If something goes astray, it gets lost while it is being taken or sent somewhere.

Example : Many items of mail being sent to her have gone astray.

They've probably been held up by the traffic !!!

Tom You're not looking too cheerful.
Henry Well, I arranged with Bob and Chris to meet me here for a drink at seven o'clock. It's now a quarter to eight and neither of them has turned up.
Tom I wouldn't give up hope. They've probably been held up by the traffic. It's been very heavy for the past hour.
Henry Even so, they should have turned up by now.
Tom Well, I'd give them another quarter of an hour or so.
Henry OK, but after that I'm going home.

Explanation :

To hold somebody or something up means to delay somebody or something.

Example : Traffic was held up for several hours by the accident.

It really gets up my nose !!!

Teddy It's been a pretty tight game so far, don't you think ?
Martin Yes, neither side have looked like scoring a goal so far.
Teddy Except that one time when our striker was almost through but was fouled by the fullback. The referee didn't see it.
Martin Yes, it really gets up my nose when something like that happens.
Teddy Well, let's hope that the ref will be looking right way if that fullback tries playing dirty again.
Martin And then we'll get a penalty.

Explanation :

If you say that someone or something gets up your nose, you mean that they annoy you.

Example : He's just getting up my nose so much at the moment.

Stick at it !!!

Niall Don't you find these rowing machines hard work ?
Harry I certainly do, but they're supposed to be.
Niall How often do you come to the gym for a workout ?
Harry Three times a week at least if I can manage it.
Niall No wonder you look so fit and trim.
Harry Thanks. Stick at it and you can be the same.

Explanation :

If you stick at a task or activity, you continue doing it, even if it is difficult.

Example : He became more and more irritated by her inability to stick at anything.

Let's go for a spin !!!

Clyde I'm feeling energetic today. Let's go for a spin.
Al OK. I need some exercise.
Clyde Where shall we go ?
Al Let's go around the lake, over the hill and come back through the wood.
Clyde Fine, that's about 15 kilometers, enough for one day.
Al Don't forget your puncture outfit and crash helmet.

Explanation :

If you go for a spin, or take a car for a spin, you make a short journey in a car just to enjoy yourself

Go at steady pace !!!

James Where are you going on the weekend ?
Harry I'm going hiking with some classmate.
James Hiking ? Isn't that rather strenuous ?
Harry Not if you go at a steady pace and take the occasional break.
James Oh, that doesn't sound too bad.
Harry Why don't you join us ? You'll have a great time.

Explanation :

If you do something at a steady pace , you do it at a speed that is comfortable for you.

She just seems to have the knack !!!

Melanie I'm so envious of Lara's cooking.
Anne Me too, everything she does tastes perfect.
Melanie I tried some of her recipes myself, but they just don't seem to turn out right.
Anne You're not the only one, I tried to make her Black Forest cake the other day. It tasted all right but not half as good as Lara's.
Melanie How does she do it I wonder ?
Anne She just seems to have the knack.

Explanation :

A knack is a particularly clever or skilful way of doing something successfully, especially something which most people find difficult.

Example : He's got the knack of getting people to listen.

My battery must be low !!!

Girl "Hello " ?
AJ "Hi it's me what's up baby ? I'm sorry ! Listen ! I'm gonna be late tonight so don't stay up and wait for me OK ?"
Girl "Where are you ?"
AJ "Wait wait ! Say that again ?"
Girl "Hello ?"
AJ "You're coming in and out I think my battery must be low. Listen ! If you can hear me we're going to a place nearby, alright ? Gotta go " ( click )

Explanation :

That battery is low means you are running out of battery.

Work like a charm !!!

Salesman Lowest prices! Best quality! Hello, sir!
Buyer Oh, hi. I'm just looking. I have a computer already.
Salesman How long have you had it?
Buyer Years. Works like a charm.
Salesman Years? What a dinosaur! I can't believe you still use it.
Buyer It's fine for writing letters and ...

Explanation :

If you say that something worked like a charm, you mean that it was very effective or successful.

Example :

Economically, the policy worked like a charm.

He is a good catch !!!

Joe Guess who else is falling into the love trap.
Judy It better not be Bobbie. I don't want to lose another friend to the death of love.
Joe It's Marie. With the guy from New York..
Judy No wonder! I saw her wearing a promise ring.
Joe I encouraged her. I think he's a good catch.
Judy It better not be just 'cuz he looks like Tom Cruise. Marriage is more than a fling with a movie-star look-alike.

Explanation :

If you describe someone as a good catch, you mean that they have lots of good qualities and you think their partner or employer is very lucky to have found them.

Example :

I was so in love with him and all my friends said what a good catch he was.

Don't flatter yourself !!!

Jean What is that noise ?
Harry What noise?
Jean I hear a girl saying "Harry, honey. Please pick up the phone, you stud..."
Harry Oh! That's my new cell phone. It must be my latest squeeze, Jane.
Jean Jane ?
Harry Yeah. She's totally into me. She calls me all the time.
Jean Don't flatter yourself!

Explanation :

If someone says to you ' don't flatter yourself ', they mean that they disagree with your good opinion of yourself.

Example :

I flatter myself that this campaign will put an end to the war.

In the air !!!

Jenny Vanessa! Guess what. Leo proposed to me!
Vanessa Wow. Love is in the air. Did you accept?
Jenny Not yet. I have some the age factor. I'm really robbing the cradle here.
Vanessa So he's eight years younger...he's mature for his age.
Jenny I'm worried about the cultural differences, too.
Vanessa You guys have the same interests and similar personalities. AND you have the same dreams.

Explanation :

If something is in the air it is felt to be present, but it is not talked about

Example :

There was great excitement in the air ...

Up to something !!!

Jennifer Yeah, great. But who recorded these for you?
Billy My classmate, as a joke. It makes me sound like a womanizer.
Jennifer Well, then let me record one for you.
Billy OK. Cool. Be sexy. Here. Go!
Jennifer Hey, jerk! Answer the phone, you idiot!
Billy Hey! I should have known you were up to something.

Explanation :

If you say that someone is up to something, you mean that they are secretly doing smething that they should not be doing.

Example :

Why did you need a room unless you were up to something.

In a row !!!

Jane The new year will be here before you know it.
Mei This year really went by fast.
Jane It seems every year goes by faster.
Mei I especially enjoy the new year, though.
Jane Why ?
Mei We have three holidays in a row.

Explanation :

If something happens several times in a row, it happens that number of times without a break. If something happens several days in a row, it happens on each of those days.

Example :

They have won five championships in a row.

I'll tell you what !!!

Dave Let's go to the movies in Prickly tomorrow.
Kuno Ok, where should we meet. Do you know where Lot 10 is ? We went there together.
Dave No, I don't remember. Let's meet somewhere outside Prickly.
Kuno I'll tell you what -- name the place and I'll pick you up.

Explanation :

In spoken English, you use I'll tell you what or I tell you what to introduce suggestion or a new topic of conversation.

Example :

I tell you what, I'll bring the water in a separate glass.

Give it to me straight !!!

Boss As you know Steven, you are a highly-valued worker. However, the company has run into financial difficulty lately that are causing some unexpected repercussions.

Steven Like what ! Give it to me straight.

Boss I am afraid we have to lay you off.

Explanation :

If you give someone a straight answer , you speak honestly and frankly to them.

Example :

What a shifty arguer he is, refusing ever to give a straight answer to a straight question.

Don't get me wrong !!!

Marcie Don't get me wrong ! I think Calvin is a very nice person, but you have to admit he isn't very responsible.

Teddy I think you are right, he has got a lot of growing up to do.

Explanation :

You say 'Don't get me wrong' when you want to make sure that someone does not misunderstand what you are doing or sayng or why you are doing or saying it.

Example :

Dont get me wrong, it is interesting work .....

You can say that again !!!

Yin I think there is a sharp contrast between Americans and Chinese. For example, the Americans are very individualistic, while the Chinese are very group-oriented.

Yang You can say that again. Chinese are very concious of what other people think of them.

Explanation :

You use 'You can say that again' to express strong agreement with what someone has just said; an informal expression.

Example :

What a tedious job. -- You can say that again !!!

You are on the right track !!!

Greg I am trying to figure out who the murderer is in this story.
Curtis Who do you think it is !
Greg I think it's Mr. Johnson because he was in the house at the time of the murder.
Curtis No, but you are on the right track.

Explanation :

If you are on the right track , you are acting or progressing in a way that is likely to result in success.

Example :

Guests are returning in increasing numbers - a sure sign that we are on the right track ...

It's beyond me !!!

Anthony How long have you been in this country ?
Seung Two months.
Anthony Is it hard for you to study at an American college ?
Seung Yes, I find it very difficult. Especially when you can't follow the professor's lecture.
Anthony That's because you just arrived. Do you like biology ?
Seung No. It's beyond me.

Explanation :

If you say that something is beyond someone, you mean that they cannot deal with it.

Example :

Although he could give her sympathy, any practical help would almost certainly be beyond him ......

Whatever you say !!!

Kato How about having dinner together after work?
Mori Fine.
Kato Should we have Japanese or American food ?
Mori Whatever you say !
Kato There is a good steak house around the corner.
Mori That's a good idea.

Explanation :

You say whatever you say to indicate that you accept what someone has said, even though you do not really them or do not think it is a good idea.

Example :

We'll go in your car, Billy. --- ' Whatever you say '.

I am starving !!!

Yin I think we should get something to eat.
Linda Are you hungry ?
Yin Hungry ? I'm starving.
Linda There is an Italian restaurant near here.
Yin Is the food very hot ?
Linda It's kind of hot, but it's very tasty.

Explanation :

If you say that you are starving , you mean that you are very hungry.

Example :

Apart from anything else I was starving.

Rain Check !!!

Jean My brother and his family will be coming into town next week.
Joe Is he the one who writes articles for the English Post ?
Jean Right, why don't you come over next Sunday to meet him.
Joe I'd love to but I can't. Can you give me a rain check !!!
Jean Sure, they'll be here for a week. So just let me know when you can come.
Joe Ok! I will be very interested in seeing him.

Explanation :

If you say you will take a rain check on an offer or suggestion, you mean that you do not want to accept it straight away, but you might accept it at another time.

Example :

I was planning to ask you in for a brandy, but if you want to take a rain check, that's fine .......

Rain Check !!!

Jean My brother and his family will be coming into town next week.
Joe Is he the one who writes articles for the English Post ?
Jean Right, why don't you come over next Sunday to meet him.
Joe I'd love to but I can't. Can you give me a rain check !!!
Jean Sure, they'll be here for a week. So just let me know when you can come.
Joe Ok! I will be very interested in seeing him.

Explanation :

If you say you will take a rain check on an offer or suggestion, you mean that you do not want to accept it straight away, but you might accept it at another time.

Example :

I was planning to ask you in for a brandy, but if you want to take a rain check, that's fine .......

Brush up on !!!

Jeff Do you have a driver's license ?
Mike No. I am going to take the test in a couple of weeks .
Jeff Didn't you drive in your country ?
Mike Yes, but I have to brush up on my driving.
Jeff And. You have to study the traffic rules too !
Mike Yes, there is a lot of new things I must learn.

Explanation :

If you brush up something or brush up on it, you practise it or improve your knowledge of it.

Example :

Eleanor spent much of the summer brushing up on her driving.

I am broke !!!

Robert Are you going to Hawaii on your vacation ?
James Not this year.
Robert Why not ?
James For a good reason, I am broke.
Robert Oh! Come on.
James Seriously, I am flat broke.

Explanation :

If you are broke, you have no money.

If a company or person goes broke they lose money and are unable to continue in business or to pay their debts.

If you go for broke, you take the most extreme or risky of the possible courses of action in order to try and achieve success

Out of the question !!!

Robert I am going to look at new cars tomorrow.
James I wish I could have one.
Robert Why don't you come along ?
James I'd like to but I don't want to be tempted.
Robert I am sure you could get a good deal.
James No, buying a new car is out of the question for me right now.

Explanation :

If you say that something is out of the question, you are emphasing that it is completely impossible or unacceptable.

Example : -

For the homeless, private medical care is simply out of the question .......

Don't get me wrong !!!

Billy Bill is going to sing tonight.
Lucy Oh, no !
Billy Don't you like his singing ?
Lucy It's not that. Don't get me wrong !!!
Billy What's the problem then ?
Lucy He only knows one song.

Explanation :

If you say ' Don't get me wrong ' when you want to make sure that someone does not misunderstand what you are doing or saying, or why you are doing or saying it.

Example : -

Don't get me wrong, it's interesting work.

I'll keep my fingers crossed !!!

Peters Please have a seat.
Albert Thank you
Peters I'm Mr. Peters. The personnel manager. What can I do for you.
Albert I am looking for a position as a sales representative.
Peters We may have an opening next week. Please leave your resume, I will keep in touch with you.
Albert Thanks. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Explanation :

If you cross your fingers , you put one finger on top of another and hope for good luck. If you say that someone is keeping their fingers crossed,you mean they are hoping for good luck.

Example : -

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they turn up soon.

Does it ring a bell !!!

Shirley Guess who I met at the grocery store.
Leonard I can't imagine.
Shirley Do you remember Mr. Johnson from our old neighborhood.
Leonard That name rings a bell, but I can't place him.
Shirley He used to live in the building next to ours.
Leonard Oh yes, now I remember. He had dark hair and wore glasses.

Explanation :

If you say that something rings a bell , you mean that it reminds you of something else, but you cannot remember exactly what it is ......

Let's get to the point !!!

Janet Good afternoon Bob, isn't it a lovely day ?
Bob Yes, it is Janet !
Janet It is the kind of day when you want to go outside.
Bob Janet, let's get to the point. Do you want the afternoon off ?
Janet Yes, Bob.
Bob Alright. As soon as you finish typing. You can go.

Explanation :

When someone comes to the point or gets to the point, they start talking about the thing that is most important to them.

I tossed and turned all night !!!

Robb Are you ill ?
Seles Not really ! I am just tired.
Bobb Didn't you sleep well last night.
Seles No, I tossed and turned all night.
Robb I am sorry to hear that, I hope you sleep better tonight.
Seles Thank you. I'm sure I will.

Explanation :

If you toss and turn, you move restlessly in bed and cannot sleep properly, for example because you are ill or worried.

Example : -

You feel as if you've been tossing and turning all night, and wake up feeling worn out.

It's a piece of cake !!!

Han What kind of Chinese food would you like to have.
Joe I'd like to have spring rolls.
Han Fine. By the way, do you know how to use chopsticks ?
Joe It's a piece of cake.
Han How in the world did you learn to use them ?
Joe I was stationed in Taiwan for five years, you know.

Explanation :

If you think something is very easy to do, you can say it is a piece of cake. People often say this to stop someone feeling worried about doing something they have to do.

Not that I know of !!!

Mei Is Mrs. Johnson joining us for dinner ?
Susie Not that I know of.
Mei I was hoping she would come with us.
Susie Why ?
Mei I would like her to try some of our traditional Chinese foods.
Susie That's very kind of you.

Explanation :

You say ' Not that I know of ' when someone has asked you whether or not something is true and you think the answer is; ' no ' but you cannot be sure because you do not know all the facts.

It is on the tip of my tongue !!!

Mahoney Do you remember the restaurant we went to Friday.
Marcus Sure I do. It was the ' Silver Castle '.
Mahoney No, we've never been to the ' Silver Castle '.
Marcus Maybe it was the Gold Coin.
Mahoney No Gee. It is on the tip of my tongue.
Marcus Never mind. The food was terrible.

Explanation :

If something that you want to say is on the tip of your tongue, you think you know it and that you will be able to remember it very soon.

Example : -

A sarcastic remark was on the tip of her tongue.

Chances are slim !!!

Carol What are your chances of getting into Yale ?
Judy My chances are slim.
Carol I hear those Ivy League Colleges are tough to get into.
Judy I know. I'd have better chance at the state University.
Carol Sure. It's not a bad school either.
Judy I'd rather be a big fish in a small pond.

Explanation :

If you say that someone doesn't stand a chance of achieving something, you mean that they cannot possibly achieve it.

Example : -

Neither is seen as standing any chance of snatching the leadership from him.

It doesn't make any difference !!!

Mike Shall I pick you up at 5 or 6 ?
Joei It doesn't make any difference.
Mike O.K, I will pick you up at 5.
Joei No problem !
Mike Shall we play badminton or table tennis on Sunday ?
Joei It doesn't make any difference.

Explanation :

If something makes no difference, it does not have any effect on what you are doing.

Example : -

It is sad to see him go but it won't make any difference to the way we conduct our affairs.

It's better than nothing!!!

Jim Did you ask Mr. Davidson for a raise ?
Carmen Yes, I asked for 80 cents any hour more.
Jim Did you get it ?
Carmen No, I got 30 cents
Jim That's too bad.
Carmen Oh, it is alright. It is better than nothing.

Explanation :

If you say that something is better than nothing, you mean that it is not what is required, but that it is better to have that thing than to have nothing at all.

Example : -

After all, 15 minutes of exercise is better than nothing.

You can count on us !!!

Stacey Sue, can you drive Jane and I to the doctor on Monday ?
Sue I think so.
Stacey We need a ride very badly, are you sure you will be able to help out ?
Sue Sure. I will mark it on my calendar so I don't forget.
Stacey Thanks you are a good friend.
Sue You can always count on me when you need help.

Explanation :

If you count on someone or count upon them, you rely on them to support you or help you.

Example : -

I can always count on you to cheer me up .........

It is up to you !!!

John Would you like to go out to dinner or to a movie ?
Karen Either one, it is up to you .
John What would you prefer ?
Karen I really don't care, I just want to get out of the house.
John Well, then how about dinner and a movie ?
Karen That's a great idea !

Explanation :

If you say that it is up to someone to do something, you mean that it is their responsibility to do it.

Example : -

The choice was up to Paula.

I couldn't help it !!!

Daryl I am upset. Somebody told my boss I have a part-time job.
Smith And he doesn't like that ?
Daryl No, he doesn't. He thinks that I am too tired to work.
Smith I am sorry. I have to admit I told him.
Daryl You told him ? Why ?
Smith I couldn't help it. He asked me point-blank.

Explanation :

If you can't help the way you feel or behave, you cannot control it or stop it from happening. You can also say that you can't help yourself.

If you say something point-blank, you say it very directly or rudely, without explaining or apologizing.

Reducing and enlarging facility !!!

Walter I have to photocopy these two documents. I need a copy of this one smaller than the original, and of the other larger.
Dawn Well you'll need to use the reducing and enlarging facility on the photocopier.
Walter The copy of this one should be half the size of the original, and the other twice the size.
Dawn Lift the lid and put the first document on the glass face down. then press the button marked 200% and you'll get a copy twice the size of the original.
Walter OK. What about the other one ?
Dawn When you've copied the first one, put the other one face down on the glass, press the button marked 50% and you'll get a half-size copy.

That's really wasteful !!!

Nerys Look at all the waste paper in the waste bin next to the photocopier.
Rolf There is rather a lot but it's the same with all the photocopier.
Nerys What do they do with all that waste paper ?
Rolf As far as I know they just throw it out as trash.
Nerys That's really wasteful. There's a better way of dealing with it than that.
Rolf Well we should try to recycle all our waste paper. That would save the company a lot of money and help the environment.

Explanation :

Wasteful - Action that is wasteful uses too much of something valuable such as time, money, or energy.

Example : This kind of training is ineffective, and wasteful of scarce resources ........

It's very temperamental !!!

Billie Why has the photocopier stopped ?
Lesley Oh, it's probably because the paper has jammed. You'll have to open the door and look inside the machine to check.
Billie Oh yes, I can see where a sheet of paper has got stuck.
Lesley You need to follow the instructions printed inside the door to remove it and restart the machine.
Billie That wasn't too difficult. Well, I'll restart the machine and hope for the best.
Lesley You'll need a lot of hope for that machine. It's very temperamental and really needs replacing.

Explanation :

Temperamental - If you describe something such as a machine car as temperamental, you mean that it often does not work properly.

Example : I first started cruising in yachts with temperamental petrol engines ........

It doesn't collate !!!

Lucas I've got this 32-page report and I need to make 40 copies.
Elyst Well you can't do that on our photocopier.
Lucas Why not ? There's nothing wrong with it, is there ?
Elyst No, but it's a basic model and doesn't collate.
Lucas Where can I find a photocopier which does ?
Elyst Try the Project Department. They're always producing reports so I'm sure they must have a machine that does the job.

Explanation :

Collate - To collect and arrange the sheets of a report, book, etc., in the correct order

Example : The photocopier will collate the documents for you.

A3-sized copies !!!

Quentin This document is A3 size and I've got to make three A3-sized copies.
Vicky That's no problem on this photocopier as it's got an A3 paper tray.
Quentin I've put the document face down on the glass, what do I do next ?
Vicky Open the door and check that there's paper in the A3 paper tray.
Quentin Yes, it's almost full.
Vicky Close the door, select the A3 paper tray on the control panel and then press the green button to start copying

Put the document face down !!!

Ginny I want to make some A4 copies but I've never used a photocopier before. Could you please help me ?
Heather Of course. First of all lift the lid and put the document you want to copy face down on the glass.
Ginny OK. What do I do now ?
Heather Make sure that it's straight and within the A4 lines marked on the glass. Then lower the lid.
Ginny There, done that. Now what ?
Heather Enter the number of copies you want using these button and then press the big green button to start.
Ginny That's a breeze !

Explanation :

Face down - In a position so that the face is down

Double-sided printing !!!

Cary Have you seen the e-mail from the supplies department ?
Bud No, I haven't. What does it say ?
Cary It says that in future when photocopying we should use double-sided printing wherever possible.
Bud Well I suppose only using one side of the paper is wasteful.
Cary Doing this should cut out paper bill by 50 percent.
Bud Yes. And think of all the trees we'll save by using double-sided.

Explanation :

Double-sided printing - To print on both sides of a paper

You need to increase the contrast !!!

Roy My copies have started coming out a bit faint.
Sadie Let me have a look. Yes they should be a bit darker than that.
Roy How can I do that on this machine ?
Sadie You need to increase the contrast by pressing this button here. You've got a choice of five levels. Try the third one. You'll need to press the button three times.
Roy The copies look fine now, just what the doctor ordered. Thanks a lot.
Sadie Don't mention it.

Explanation :

A contrast is a great difference between two or more things which is clear when you compare them.

Example : Silk was used with wool for contrast.

The copies are faint !!!

Terry That's annoying. The copies are suddenly coming out very faint.
Yuri Let's have a look. Yes, you can hardly read the text.
Terry What should I do ?
Yuri Well you could try taking out the toner cartridge, giving it a good shake, and putting it back.
Terry It worked. The copies are much clearer. Thanks a lot.
Yuri No problem. That trick will work a couple of times. After that, the machine will need a new toner cartridge.

Explanation :

Faint - A faint sound, color, mark, feeling, or quality has very little strength or intensity.

Example : He could see faint lines in her face .....

Run out of !!!

Belinda Oh no ! It's always the same.
Henry What's the matter ?
Belinda The photocopier's run out of paper.
Henry Have you looked in the store cupboard for more ?
Belinda Yes, of course. But that's out of paper as well.
Henry That's really bad luck. If your job's really urgent, I would go to the copy bureau across the street.
Belinda Thanks. It is and I will.

Explanation :

If you run out of something, you have no more of it left

Example : We are running out of time ...........

Have a go at you !!!

Foreigner That man at the bar got really annoyed with me just now.
Friend Yes, I could see him having a go at you. What was the reason ?
Foreigner I wanted to get drinks for us and he said I had jumped the queue. But people weren't standing in line at the bar.
Friend That's true, but there actually was still a queue in the sense that the rule is " first come, first served " and he must have been at the bar before you.
Foreigner Where I come from, it's every man for himself.
Friend But not here I'm afraid, so it's best to follow the local rule if you want to avoid such unpleasantness.

Explanation :

Has a go at - If someone has a go at you, they criticize you, often in a way that you feel is unfair.

Example : Some people had a go at us for it, which made us more angry.

You must be starving !!!

Hanna You've been working on that file for almost five hours without a break. You must be starving.
Lenore Yes, I am a bit peckish, especially as I didn't have anything for breakfast.
Hanna Well the only place you can get food around here at this time of day is the " Dog and Duck " across the road.
Lenore What's the food like there ?
Hanna It's not bad. They don't do hot food but their ploughman's lunch is really tasty. The bread and cheese are always really fresh and they make their own pickle.
Lenore Sounds good. I'll shoot over straight away. Care to join me ?

He stood us all a round of drinks !!!

Nick You missed a treat last night.
Jonas Why, what happened ?
Nick Well, Benny came into our local, told us that he'd just played a round of golf and scored a hole in one at the 18th.
Jonas So what ? Everyone gets lucky now and again.
Nick Ah, but he stood us all a round of drinks.
Jonas Now that's what I call a real sportsman

Explanation :

Stand - If you stand someone a meal or a drink, you buy it for them.

Example : You can stand me a pint.

Is this just a one-off ?

Kenny You must come to my local tomorrow evening.
Brendon Why, what's on ?
Kenny It's darts night. Our pub's team is playing against the team from the " Lord Nelson " across the park. I'm in the team and we need all the support we can get.
Brendon Is this just a one-off ?
Kenny Oh no. We're in a league of 20 pub teams and there's a game every week.
Brendon Where does your team stand ?
Kenny We're second in the league and could go top if we beat the " Lord Nelson " tomorrow.

Explanation :

One-off - Something that happens or is made or done only once

Example : Will you be doing more talks in the future or was that just a one-off ?

Let's go to my local !!!

Jeff Well, we've got through a pile of work and it's past opening time. Let's go for a pint.
Doug Good idea, where shall we go ?
Jeff Let's go to my local, it's just around the corner.
Doug I think I must have passed it on the way here. Is it the " Rose and Crown " ?
Jeff That's it. It's a really old place with lots of atmosphere.
Doug Great stuff, lead on MacDuff.

Explanation :

Local - In British English, your local is a pub which is near where you live and where you often go for a drink.

Example : Black Horse is my local.

What's it for ?

Brenda What's that above the bar ? It looks like a long glass trumpet with a glass bulb at the end.
Jim It's a yard of ale, that's to say it's a bit less than a meter long.
Brenda What's it for ?
Jim It's for a traditional beer-drinking competition.
Brenda Who wins ?
Jim The person who can drink a pint of beer from it fastest without spilling a drop. It's very difficult. The record in this pub is 9 seconds.

You were really tipsy !!!

Myrtle Lulu's hen party last night was really wild, wasn't it ?
May Yes, look at the horrible bags under our eyes.
Myrtle I really had a bit too much to drink. No wonder I feel so rough.
May Yes, you were really tipsy by the end.
Myrtle I think I'd better keep off alcohol for a bit.
May Good idea, I think I'll do the same. Our systems need to recover.

Explanation :

Tipsy - If someone is tipsy, they are slightly drunk.

Example : I am feeling a bit tipsy

Draught or bottled ?

Laurie I've worked up a bit of a thirst after all that walking and this looks like a really nice pub. Shall we go in ?
Marge Why not ? We could do with a rest.
Laurie ( At the bar ) Now what can I get you ?
Marge I'd like a half of lager please.
Laurie Draught or bottled ?
Marge Bottled please. I prefer German beer and they don't seem to have any on draught.

Explanation :

Draught ( draft in American English ) - Beer that is on draught is kept in and served from a barrel rather than a bottle.

Example : They drink bitter on draught in the local bar.

Change hands !!!

Vernon This pub's just changed hands you know.
Perry Is that right ? Who's got it now ?
Vernon The publican wanted to retire so he sold it to one of the big breweries.
Perry ( Rings bell ). Last orders, please !
Vernon Oh no, the saddest words a man will ever hear. One more before we go ?
Perry Yes please, but be careful you don't get trampled in the rush.

Explanation :

Change hands - To go from one owner to another 2054

Example : That Italian restaurant is nowhere near as good since it changed hands.

Are you a regular ?

Stranger 1 Ah, great taste ! They certainly know how to keep beer here.
Stranger 2 Yes, the publican's very fussy about how it's stored and at what temperature.
Stranger 1 And the variety of beers seems to be much greater than in your average pub.
Stranger 2 That's true. He's very keen on beers from small, independent breweries and we've got quite a few around here.
Stranger 1 Are you a regular ?
Stranger 2 Oh yes, I've been coming here once or twice a week for years. Can't keep me away.

Explanation :

Regular - If you are a regular customer at a shop or a regular visitor to a place, you go there often.

Example : She has become a regular visitor to Houghton Hall.

He's down the pub !!!

Alf Where's Paul ? I've been looking for him everywhere.
Ted I don't know, haven't seen him all day.
Alf What's the time ?
Ted It's just gone 7.
Alf Well, what a silly question !
Ted What do you mean ?
Alf Well he's down the pub of course. He's there every night.

Explanation :

Down - If you are down at a place, you are at that place.

Example : People are down the pub, getting drunk ...........

Fancy another ?

Jock Have you enjoyed the evening ?
Tracy Oh yes, you've taken me to places I never knew existed.
Jock Well you're pretty new here and I've been working in this area for almost five years, so I know most of the good places by now.
Tracy And this is one of the nicest pubs I've been in.
Jock It is very attractive. Fancy another ?
Tracy I'd better not. It's time to go and I really need my beauty sleep as I've got to get up very early in the morning.

Explanation :

Fancy - If you fancy something, you want to have it or to do it.

Example : What do you fancy doing, anyway ?

He only drinks shorts !!!

Henry I was out on the town with Ollie last night.
Vince Where did you go ?
Henry Oh, lots of places, but we ended up in the " Queen's Head ".
Vince Have a good time ?
Henry Oh sure, but Ollie's a rather expensive drinking companion.
Vince Why's that ?
Henry He only drinks shorts and he can certainly put them away.

Explanation :

Short - A short is a small, strong alcoholic drink of a spirit such as whisky, gin, or vodka, rather than a weaker alcoholic drink like beer or wine that you can drink in larger quantities.

It's my round !!!

Dave Fantastic shot.
Greg Yes, he really did bend it like Beckham.
Dave This is a great pub for football, they've got such a big screen.
Greg Yes, it's almost like actually being at the match.
Dave Would you like another drink ?
Greg I certainly could, but stay put, it's my round.

Explanation :

It's my round - It's my turn to buy drinks.

They hold a referendum !!!

Clive I've been working in Switzerland for some time now and I find their political system very interesting.
Ben Isn't it very similar to ours ?
Clive Not really, there is much more direct democracy there.
Ben How does it work ?
Clive If there is an important question to be decided, at national or local level, they hold a referendum so that the people can decide for themselves.
Ben That's quite different from our representative system.

Explanation :

Referendum - If a country holds a referendum on a particular policy, they ask the people to vote on the policy and show whether or not they agree with it.

Example : Estonia said today it too plans to hold a referendum on independence.

Won by a landslide !!!

Fay You look pretty depressed, what's the matter ?
Craig I've just come from our party's headquarters. Everyone there feels the same.
Fay You must have lost the election then ?
Craig We did, and after all that hard work, canvassing for days on end.
Fay Is it really that bad ?
Craig It is. The other side won by a landslide. It's our worst defeat in ten years.

Explanation :

Landslide - A landslide is a victory in an election in which a person or political party gets far more votes or seats than their opponents.

Example : He won last month's presidential election by a landslide.

A real cliff-hanger !!!

Jerry This is one of the closest elections I can remember.
Natalie Yes, that's true whichever part of the country you look at.
Jerry In the west, the candidates have equal support in the polls.
Natalie And in the rest of the country there is very little to separate them.
Jerry This election is clearly going to be a real cliff-hanger.
Natalie Yes, we won't know the result until all the votes have been counted.

Explanation :

Cliff-hanger - A cliff-hanger is a situation that is very exciting or frightening because you are left for a long time not knowing what will happen next.

Example : Wednesday's election is likely to be a cliff-hanger.

First-past-the-post voting system !!!

Ronnie I think the result of that election was really unfair.
Quentin Why do you say that ?
Ronnie Well, there were three candidates and the total votes the two losers got were more than the winning candidate received.
Quentin But he did get more votes than either of them got individually.
Ronnie Maybe, but this first-past-the-post voting system is not genuinely democratic because someone can win without getting an absolute majority of the votes.
Quentin Well, a proportional representation system would solve that problem.

Explanation :

First-past-the-post - Using a voting system in which a person is elected by obtaining more votes than anyone else in the area that they want to represent, whether or not their political party obtains more votes than any other party in the whole of the country

According to the exit polls !!!

Luke I'm a bit more optimistic about the election than I was.
Matt I'm surprised, all the opinion polls are predicting that your party is going to lose.
Luke That may be true, but I think they may have got it wrong ?
Matt What makes you say that ?
Luke Well, according to the latest exit polls, our party is doing far better than expected.
Matt Perhaps you have been picking up a lot of last-minute support.

Explanation :

Exit poll - The organized questioning of people as they leave a polling station (= place at which people vote) about how they voted, to try to discover who will win the election

Cast their votes for !!!

Thomas Have you studied the election statistics ?
Digby Yes I have. Of the votes cast, 40 percent were cast for the White Party, 35 percent for the Blue Party and 25 per cent for the Black Party.
Thomas So, since more voters cast their votes for the White Party than either of the other two parties, it's a White victory.
Digby Under our first-past-the-post electoral system that's true.
Thomas How many voters actually voted ?
Digby Seventy percent of those eligible to vote actually voted, which is more than that at the last election.

Explanation :

Cast - When you cast your vote in an election, you vote.

Example : About ninety-five percent of those who cast their votes approve the new constitution.

I can't be bothered !!!

Lenore It's election day today, so don't forget to vote.
Abby I can't be bothered, what difference will it make ? The parties are all the same.
Lenore It took a long struggle to get everyone the right to vote. You should exercise your democratic right, otherwise one day you may find it's been taken away.
Abby Oh, well all right. What time does the polling station close tonight ?
Lenore At 10 pm
Abby I'll go as soon as I get home from work.

Explanation :

Can't be bothered - If you say that you can't be bothered to do something, you mean that you are not going to do it because you think it is unnecessary or because you are too lazy.

Example : I just can't be bothered to look after the house

Things are hotting up !!!

Tim Have you been following the election so far ?
Leila Yes and with only two weeks to go things are really hotting up.
Tim That's true and it's one of the dirtiest election campaigns I can remember.
Leila I have to agree with you. Both campaign teams have been spreading nasty rumors and even lies about the opposing candidate.
Tim Their television advertising has also been very negative, attacking the opponent's character and record.
Leila It's not really much of a recommendation for democracy.

Explanation :

Hot up - When something hots up, a lot of activity and excitement starts to happen.

Example : Campaigning is expected to start hotting up today.

That's one of my favorites !!!

Jeff Well, it's almost lunch time, what would you like to eat ?
Danny Oh, I'd like some really typical city food.
Jeff Well, for that we'll have to go to the east side of town.
Danny What sort of food can you get there ?
Jeff The sort of food the locals really like.
Danny Like what ?
Jeff Pie and mash, that's is one of my favorites too and I know one of the best places to get it.

They heckled him throughout his speech !!!

Jamie That was one of the rowdiest election meetings I've ever been to.
Alasdair I'm not surprised, I could hear the noise from some distance away. Why was it so rowdy ?
Jamie A section of the crowd was very hostile to the candidate and they heckled him throughout his speech.
Alasdair What sort of things were they shouting at him ?
Jamie They were attacking his support for the government's employment policies.
Alasdair They were probably dissatisfied or unemployed.

Explanation :

Heckle - If people in an audience heckle public speakers or performers, they interrupt them, for example by making rude remarks.

Example : They heckled him and interrupted his address with angry questions.

What's her platform ?

Merry Who are you going to vote for ?
Sandra I haven't decided yet. How about you ?
Merry I'm going to vote for Shirley Day.
Sandra What's her platform ?
Merry She is promising to introduce much more family-friendly policies if she is elected and that's the most important thing for me.
Sandra If that's the case, I might vote for her too.

Explanation :

Platform - The platform of a political party is what they say they will do if they are elected.

Example : The Socialist Party won a landslide victory on a nationalist platform.

Our party is ahead !!!

Theo How has the election been going so far ?
Gary Very well as far as our party is concerned.
Theo How can you be sure ?
Gary Well the results of the latest opinion polls are in this morning's newspapers.
Theo What do they say ?
Gary They show that our party is ahead in all of them by at least 7 percent, so we're pretty confident about the election result.

Explanation :

Ahead - If you are ahead in your work or achievements, you have made more progress than you expected to and are performing well.

Example : Children in small classes were 1.5 months ahead in reading and 2.5 months ahead in mathematics.

Face to face !!!

Vera My feet are killing me !
Dan Why ? What have you been doing all day ?
Vera I have been going from house to house canvassing voters to vote for our party at the next general election.
Dan Is that really necessary ?
Vera Oh yes ! Most voters want to discuss the election issues face to face with a party representative and to express their own views.
Dan Democracy in action !

Explanation :

Face to face - If you come face to face with someone, you meet them and can talk to them or look at them directly.

Example : It was the first face to face meeting between the two men.

It seems to have been heated !!!

Joseph We're having a really big battle inside our party at the moment.
Beth Yes, I've seen the newspaper headlines. It seems to have been heated.
Joseph It's always the same when we are trying to write the party's manifesto for the next general election.
Beth What were the arguments about ?
Joseph One of the main ones is about whether we are going to promise lower taxes in the manifesto if we win the election.
Beth That's always one of the most controversial topics.

What is he aiming for ?

Henry My brother has decided to go into politics.
Una Really ? Why is that ? He's such a successful businessman.
Henry Well, he's gone as far as he wants to go in business and is looking for a new challenge.
Una What is he aiming for ?
Henry The city hall. He's going to run for mayor at the next mayoral election.
Una Well with his reputation and money, he should succeed.

Pasties are very filling !!!

Harley I'd like something to eat to go with our beer. Fancy a pasty ?
Evan Never heard of that, what is it ?
Harley It's minced beef and potatoes baked in a pastry casing in a half-circle shape.
Evan Sounds good, I'll go for it.
Harley You won't regret it; pasties are very filling and very tasty.
Evan What's their origin ?
Harley They say that miners' wives used to make them as lunch for their husbands to eat in the mine.

Explanation :

Pasty - In Britain, a pasty is a small pie which consists of pastry folded around meat, vegetables, or cheese.

Time for elevenses !!!

Gemma I haven't started work so early in weeks.
Meryl Yes, it's only a quarter to ten and we've been at it for almost four hours.
Gemma Time for elevenses before we die of hunger and thirst.
Meryl Great idea. I'll pop out and get some doughnuts.
Gemma And I'll put the kettle on.
Meryl Oh yes, I'm just dying for a cup of tea.

Explanation :

Elevenses is a short break when you have a cup of tea or coffee, and sometimes biscuits, at around eleven o'clock in the morning.

Reducing and enlarging facility !!!

Walter I have to photocopy these two documents. I need a copy of this one smaller than the original, and of the other larger.
Dawn Well you'll need to use the reducing and enlarging facility on the photocopier.
Walter The copy of this one should be half the size of the original, and the other twice the size.
Dawn Lift the lid and put the first document on the glass face down. then press the button marked 200% and you'll get a copy twice the size of the original.
Walter OK. What about the other one ?
Dawn When you've copied the first one, put the other one face down on the glass, press the button marked 50% and you'll get a half-size copy.

That's really wasteful !!!

Nerys Look at all the waste paper in the waste bin next to the photocopier.
Rolf There is rather a lot but it's the same with all the photocopier.
Nerys What do they do with all that waste paper ?
Rolf As far as I know they just throw it out as trash.
Nerys That's really wasteful. There's a better way of dealing with it than that.
Rolf Well we should try to recycle all our waste paper. That would save the company a lot of money and help the environment.

Explanation :

Wasteful - Action that is wasteful uses too much of something valuable such as time, money, or energy.

Example : This kind of training is ineffective, and wasteful of scarce resources ........

It's very temperamental !!!

Billie Why has the photocopier stopped ?
Lesley Oh, it's probably because the paper has jammed. You'll have to open the door and look inside the machine to check.
Billie Oh yes, I can see where a sheet of paper has got stuck.
Lesley You need to follow the instructions printed inside the door to remove it and restart the machine.
Billie That wasn't too difficult. Well, I'll restart the machine and hope for the best.
Lesley You'll need a lot of hope for that machine. It's very temperamental and really needs replacing.

Explanation :

Temperamental - If you describe something such as a machine car as temperamental, you mean that it often does not work properly.

Example : I first started cruising in yachts with temperamental petrol engines ........

It doesn't collate !!!

Lucas I've got this 32-page report and I need to make 40 copies.
Elyst Well you can't do that on our photocopier.
Lucas Why not ? There's nothing wrong with it, is there ?
Elyst No, but it's a basic model and doesn't collate.
Lucas Where can I find a photocopier which does ?
Elyst Try the Project Department. They're always producing reports so I'm sure they must have a machine that does the job.

Explanation :

Collate - To collect and arrange the sheets of a report, book, etc., in the correct order

Example : The photocopier will collate the documents for you.

A3-sized copies !!!

Quentin This document is A3 size and I've got to make three A3-sized copies.
Vicky That's no problem on this photocopier as it's got an A3 paper tray.
Quentin I've put the document face down on the glass, what do I do next ?
Vicky Open the door and check that there's paper in the A3 paper tray.
Quentin Yes, it's almost full.
Vicky Close the door, select the A3 paper tray on the control panel and then press the green button to start copying

Put the document face down !!!

Ginny I want to make some A4 copies but I've never used a photocopier before. Could you please help me ?
Heather Of course. First of all lift the lid and put the document you want to copy face down on the glass.
Ginny OK. What do I do now ?
Heather Make sure that it's straight and within the A4 lines marked on the glass. Then lower the lid.
Ginny There, done that. Now what ?
Heather Enter the number of copies you want using these button and then press the big green button to start.
Ginny That's a breeze !

Explanation :

Face down - In a position so that the face is down

Double-sided printing !!!

Cary Have you seen the e-mail from the supplies department ?
Bud No, I haven't. What does it say ?
Cary It says that in future when photocopying we should use double-sided printing wherever possible.
Bud Well I suppose only using one side of the paper is wasteful.
Cary Doing this should cut out paper bill by 50 percent.
Bud Yes. And think of all the trees we'll save by using double-sided.

Explanation :

Double-sided printing - To print on both sides of a paper

You need to increase the contrast !!!

Roy My copies have started coming out a bit faint.
Sadie Let me have a look. Yes they should be a bit darker than that.
Roy How can I do that on this machine ?
Sadie You need to increase the contrast by pressing this button here. You've got a choice of five levels. Try the third one. You'll need to press the button three times.
Roy The copies look fine now, just what the doctor ordered. Thanks a lot.
Sadie Don't mention it.

Explanation :

A contrast is a great difference between two or more things which is clear when you compare them.

Example : Silk was used with wool for contrast.

The copies are faint !!!

Terry That's annoying. The copies are suddenly coming out very faint.
Yuri Let's have a look. Yes, you can hardly read the text.
Terry What should I do ?
Yuri Well you could try taking out the toner cartridge, giving it a good shake, and putting it back.
Terry It worked. The copies are much clearer. Thanks a lot.
Yuri No problem. That trick will work a couple of times. After that, the machine will need a new toner cartridge.

Explanation :

Faint - A faint sound, color, mark, feeling, or quality has very little strength or intensity.

Example : He could see faint lines in her face .....

Run out of !!!

Belinda Oh no ! It's always the same.
Henry What's the matter ?
Belinda The photocopier's run out of paper.
Henry Have you looked in the store cupboard for more ?
Belinda Yes, of course. But that's out of paper as well.
Henry That's really bad luck. If your job's really urgent, I would go to the copy bureau across the street.
Belinda Thanks. It is and I will.

Explanation :

If you run out of something, you have no more of it left

Example : We are running out of time ...........

Have a go at you !!!

Foreigner That man at the bar got really annoyed with me just now.
Friend Yes, I could see him having a go at you. What was the reason ?
Foreigner I wanted to get drinks for us and he said I had jumped the queue. But people weren't standing in line at the bar.
Friend That's true, but there actually was still a queue in the sense that the rule is " first come, first served " and he must have been at the bar before you.
Foreigner Where I come from, it's every man for himself.
Friend But not here I'm afraid, so it's best to follow the local rule if you want to avoid such unpleasantness.

Explanation :

Has a go at - If someone has a go at you, they criticize you, often in a way that you feel is unfair.

Example : Some people had a go at us for it, which made us more angry.

You must be starving !!!

Hanna You've been working on that file for almost five hours without a break. You must be starving.
Lenore Yes, I am a bit peckish, especially as I didn't have anything for breakfast.
Hanna Well the only place you can get food around here at this time of day is the " Dog and Duck " across the road.
Lenore What's the food like there ?
Hanna It's not bad. They don't do hot food but their ploughman's lunch is really tasty. The bread and cheese are always really fresh and they make their own pickle.
Lenore Sounds good. I'll shoot over straight away. Care to join me ?

He stood us all a round of drinks !!!

Nick You missed a treat last night.
Jonas Why, what happened ?
Nick Well, Benny came into our local, told us that he'd just played a round of golf and scored a hole in one at the 18th.
Jonas So what ? Everyone gets lucky now and again.
Nick Ah, but he stood us all a round of drinks.
Jonas Now that's what I call a real sportsman

Explanation :

Stand - If you stand someone a meal or a drink, you buy it for them.

Example : You can stand me a pint.

Is this just a one-off ?

Kenny You must come to my local tomorrow evening.
Brendon Why, what's on ?
Kenny It's darts night. Our pub's team is playing against the team from the " Lord Nelson " across the park. I'm in the team and we need all the support we can get.
Brendon Is this just a one-off ?
Kenny Oh no. We're in a league of 20 pub teams and there's a game every week.
Brendon Where does your team stand ?
Kenny We're second in the league and could go top if we beat the " Lord Nelson " tomorrow.

Explanation :

One-off - Something that happens or is made or done only once

Example : Will you be doing more talks in the future or was that just a one-off ?

Let's go to my local !!!

Jeff Well, we've got through a pile of work and it's past opening time. Let's go for a pint.
Doug Good idea, where shall we go ?
Jeff Let's go to my local, it's just around the corner.
Doug I think I must have passed it on the way here. Is it the " Rose and Crown " ?
Jeff That's it. It's a really old place with lots of atmosphere.
Doug Great stuff, lead on MacDuff.

Explanation :

Local - In British English, your local is a pub which is near where you live and where you often go for a drink.

Example : Black Horse is my local.

What's it for ?

Brenda What's that above the bar ? It looks like a long glass trumpet with a glass bulb at the end.
Jim It's a yard of ale, that's to say it's a bit less than a meter long.
Brenda What's it for ?
Jim It's for a traditional beer-drinking competition.
Brenda Who wins ?
Jim The person who can drink a pint of beer from it fastest without spilling a drop. It's very difficult. The record in this pub is 9 seconds.

You were really tipsy !!!

Myrtle Lulu's hen party last night was really wild, wasn't it ?
May Yes, look at the horrible bags under our eyes.
Myrtle I really had a bit too much to drink. No wonder I feel so rough.
May Yes, you were really tipsy by the end.
Myrtle I think I'd better keep off alcohol for a bit.
May Good idea, I think I'll do the same. Our systems need to recover.

Explanation :

Tipsy - If someone is tipsy, they are slightly drunk.

Example : I am feeling a bit tipsy

Draught or bottled ?

Laurie I've worked up a bit of a thirst after all that walking and this looks like a really nice pub. Shall we go in ?
Marge Why not ? We could do with a rest.
Laurie ( At the bar ) Now what can I get you ?
Marge I'd like a half of lager please.
Laurie Draught or bottled ?
Marge Bottled please. I prefer German beer and they don't seem to have any on draught.

Explanation :

Draught ( draft in American English ) - Beer that is on draught is kept in and served from a barrel rather than a bottle.

Example : They drink bitter on draught in the local bar.

Change hands !!!

Vernon This pub's just changed hands you know.
Perry Is that right ? Who's got it now ?
Vernon The publican wanted to retire so he sold it to one of the big breweries.
Perry ( Rings bell ). Last orders, please !
Vernon Oh no, the saddest words a man will ever hear. One more before we go ?
Perry Yes please, but be careful you don't get trampled in the rush.

Explanation :

Change hands - To go from one owner to another 2054

Example : That Italian restaurant is nowhere near as good since it changed hands.

Are you a regular ?

Stranger 1 Ah, great taste ! They certainly know how to keep beer here.
Stranger 2 Yes, the publican's very fussy about how it's stored and at what temperature.
Stranger 1 And the variety of beers seems to be much greater than in your average pub.
Stranger 2 That's true. He's very keen on beers from small, independent breweries and we've got quite a few around here.
Stranger 1 Are you a regular ?
Stranger 2 Oh yes, I've been coming here once or twice a week for years. Can't keep me away.

Explanation :

Regular - If you are a regular customer at a shop or a regular visitor to a place, you go there often.

Example : She has become a regular visitor to Houghton Hall.

He's down the pub !!!

Alf Where's Paul ? I've been looking for him everywhere.
Ted I don't know, haven't seen him all day.
Alf What's the time ?
Ted It's just gone 7.
Alf Well, what a silly question !
Ted What do you mean ?
Alf Well he's down the pub of course. He's there every night.

Explanation :

Down - If you are down at a place, you are at that place.

Example : People are down the pub, getting drunk ...........

Fancy another ?

Jock Have you enjoyed the evening ?
Tracy Oh yes, you've taken me to places I never knew existed.
Jock Well you're pretty new here and I've been working in this area for almost five years, so I know most of the good places by now.
Tracy And this is one of the nicest pubs I've been in.
Jock It is very attractive. Fancy another ?
Tracy I'd better not. It's time to go and I really need my beauty sleep as I've got to get up very early in the morning.

Explanation :

Fancy - If you fancy something, you want to have it or to do it.

Example : What do you fancy doing, anyway ?

He only drinks shorts !!!

Henry I was out on the town with Ollie last night.
Vince Where did you go ?
Henry Oh, lots of places, but we ended up in the " Queen's Head ".
Vince Have a good time ?
Henry Oh sure, but Ollie's a rather expensive drinking companion.
Vince Why's that ?
Henry He only drinks shorts and he can certainly put them away.

Explanation :

Short - A short is a small, strong alcoholic drink of a spirit such as whisky, gin, or vodka, rather than a weaker alcoholic drink like beer or wine that you can drink in larger quantities.

It's my round !!!

Dave Fantastic shot.
Greg Yes, he really did bend it like Beckham.
Dave This is a great pub for football, they've got such a big screen.
Greg Yes, it's almost like actually being at the match.
Dave Would you like another drink ?
Greg I certainly could, but stay put, it's my round.

Explanation :

It's my round - It's my turn to buy drinks.

They hold a referendum !!!

Clive I've been working in Switzerland for some time now and I find their political system very interesting.
Ben Isn't it very similar to ours ?
Clive Not really, there is much more direct democracy there.
Ben How does it work ?
Clive If there is an important question to be decided, at national or local level, they hold a referendum so that the people can decide for themselves.
Ben That's quite different from our representative system.

Explanation :

Referendum - If a country holds a referendum on a particular policy, they ask the people to vote on the policy and show whether or not they agree with it.

Example : Estonia said today it too plans to hold a referendum on independence.

Won by a landslide !!!

Fay You look pretty depressed, what's the matter ?
Craig I've just come from our party's headquarters. Everyone there feels the same.
Fay You must have lost the election then ?
Craig We did, and after all that hard work, canvassing for days on end.
Fay Is it really that bad ?
Craig It is. The other side won by a landslide. It's our worst defeat in ten years.

Explanation :

Landslide - A landslide is a victory in an election in which a person or political party gets far more votes or seats than their opponents.

Example : He won last month's presidential election by a landslide.

A real cliff-hanger !!!

Jerry This is one of the closest elections I can remember.
Natalie Yes, that's true whichever part of the country you look at.
Jerry In the west, the candidates have equal support in the polls.
Natalie And in the rest of the country there is very little to separate them.
Jerry This election is clearly going to be a real cliff-hanger.
Natalie Yes, we won't know the result until all the votes have been counted.

Explanation :

Cliff-hanger - A cliff-hanger is a situation that is very exciting or frightening because you are left for a long time not knowing what will happen next.

Example : Wednesday's election is likely to be a cliff-hanger.

First-past-the-post voting system !!!

Ronnie I think the result of that election was really unfair.
Quentin Why do you say that ?
Ronnie Well, there were three candidates and the total votes the two losers got were more than the winning candidate received.
Quentin But he did get more votes than either of them got individually.
Ronnie Maybe, but this first-past-the-post voting system is not genuinely democratic because someone can win without getting an absolute majority of the votes.
Quentin Well, a proportional representation system would solve that problem.

Explanation :

First-past-the-post - Using a voting system in which a person is elected by obtaining more votes than anyone else in the area that they want to represent, whether or not their political party obtains more votes than any other party in the whole of the country

According to the exit polls !!!

Luke I'm a bit more optimistic about the election than I was.
Matt I'm surprised, all the opinion polls are predicting that your party is going to lose.
Luke That may be true, but I think they may have got it wrong ?
Matt What makes you say that ?
Luke Well, according to the latest exit polls, our party is doing far better than expected.
Matt Perhaps you have been picking up a lot of last-minute support.

Explanation :

Exit poll - The organized questioning of people as they leave a polling station (= place at which people vote) about how they voted, to try to discover who will win the election

Cast their votes for !!!

Thomas Have you studied the election statistics ?
Digby Yes I have. Of the votes cast, 40 percent were cast for the White Party, 35 percent for the Blue Party and 25 per cent for the Black Party.
Thomas So, since more voters cast their votes for the White Party than either of the other two parties, it's a White victory.
Digby Under our first-past-the-post electoral system that's true.
Thomas How many voters actually voted ?
Digby Seventy percent of those eligible to vote actually voted, which is more than that at the last election.

Explanation :

Cast - When you cast your vote in an election, you vote.

Example : About ninety-five percent of those who cast their votes approve the new constitution.

I can't be bothered !!!

Lenore It's election day today, so don't forget to vote.
Abby I can't be bothered, what difference will it make ? The parties are all the same.
Lenore It took a long struggle to get everyone the right to vote. You should exercise your democratic right, otherwise one day you may find it's been taken away.
Abby Oh, well all right. What time does the polling station close tonight ?
Lenore At 10 pm
Abby I'll go as soon as I get home from work.

Explanation :

Can't be bothered - If you say that you can't be bothered to do something, you mean that you are not going to do it because you think it is unnecessary or because you are too lazy.

Example : I just can't be bothered to look after the house

Things are hotting up !!!

Tim Have you been following the election so far ?
Leila Yes and with only two weeks to go things are really hotting up.
Tim That's true and it's one of the dirtiest election campaigns I can remember.
Leila I have to agree with you. Both campaign teams have been spreading nasty rumors and even lies about the opposing candidate.
Tim Their television advertising has also been very negative, attacking the opponent's character and record.
Leila It's not really much of a recommendation for democracy.

Explanation :

Hot up - When something hots up, a lot of activity and excitement starts to happen.

Example : Campaigning is expected to start hotting up today.

That's one of my favorites !!!

Jeff Well, it's almost lunch time, what would you like to eat ?
Danny Oh, I'd like some really typical city food.
Jeff Well, for that we'll have to go to the east side of town.
Danny What sort of food can you get there ?
Jeff The sort of food the locals really like.
Danny Like what ?
Jeff Pie and mash, that's is one of my favorites too and I know one of the best places to get it.

They heckled him throughout his speech !!!

Jamie That was one of the rowdiest election meetings I've ever been to.
Alasdair I'm not surprised, I could hear the noise from some distance away. Why was it so rowdy ?
Jamie A section of the crowd was very hostile to the candidate and they heckled him throughout his speech.
Alasdair What sort of things were they shouting at him ?
Jamie They were attacking his support for the government's employment policies.
Alasdair They were probably dissatisfied or unemployed.

Explanation :

Heckle - If people in an audience heckle public speakers or performers, they interrupt them, for example by making rude remarks.

Example : They heckled him and interrupted his address with angry questions.

What's her platform ?

Merry Who are you going to vote for ?
Sandra I haven't decided yet. How about you ?
Merry I'm going to vote for Shirley Day.
Sandra What's her platform ?
Merry She is promising to introduce much more family-friendly policies if she is elected and that's the most important thing for me.
Sandra If that's the case, I might vote for her too.

Explanation :

Platform - The platform of a political party is what they say they will do if they are elected.

Example : The Socialist Party won a landslide victory on a nationalist platform.

Our party is ahead !!!

Theo How has the election been going so far ?
Gary Very well as far as our party is concerned.
Theo How can you be sure ?
Gary Well the results of the latest opinion polls are in this morning's newspapers.
Theo What do they say ?
Gary They show that our party is ahead in all of them by at least 7 percent, so we're pretty confident about the election result.

Explanation :

Ahead - If you are ahead in your work or achievements, you have made more progress than you expected to and are performing well.

Example : Children in small classes were 1.5 months ahead in reading and 2.5 months ahead in mathematics.

Face to face !!!

Vera My feet are killing me !
Dan Why ? What have you been doing all day ?
Vera I have been going from house to house canvassing voters to vote for our party at the next general election.
Dan Is that really necessary ?
Vera Oh yes ! Most voters want to discuss the election issues face to face with a party representative and to express their own views.
Dan Democracy in action !

Explanation :

Face to face - If you come face to face with someone, you meet them and can talk to them or look at them directly.

Example : It was the first face to face meeting between the two men.

It seems to have been heated !!!

Joseph We're having a really big battle inside our party at the moment.
Beth Yes, I've seen the newspaper headlines. It seems to have been heated.
Joseph It's always the same when we are trying to write the party's manifesto for the next general election.
Beth What were the arguments about ?
Joseph One of the main ones is about whether we are going to promise lower taxes in the manifesto if we win the election.
Beth That's always one of the most controversial topics.

What is he aiming for ?

Henry My brother has decided to go into politics.
Una Really ? Why is that ? He's such a successful businessman.
Henry Well, he's gone as far as he wants to go in business and is looking for a new challenge.
Una What is he aiming for ?
Henry The city hall. He's going to run for mayor at the next mayoral election.
Una Well with his reputation and money, he should succeed.

Pasties are very filling !!!

Harley I'd like something to eat to go with our beer. Fancy a pasty ?
Evan Never heard of that, what is it ?
Harley It's minced beef and potatoes baked in a pastry casing in a half-circle shape.
Evan Sounds good, I'll go for it.
Harley You won't regret it; pasties are very filling and very tasty.
Evan What's their origin ?
Harley They say that miners' wives used to make them as lunch for their husbands to eat in the mine.

Explanation :

Pasty - In Britain, a pasty is a small pie which consists of pastry folded around meat, vegetables, or cheese.

Time for elevenses !!!

Gemma I haven't started work so early in weeks.
Meryl Yes, it's only a quarter to ten and we've been at it for almost four hours.
Gemma Time for elevenses before we die of hunger and thirst.
Meryl Great idea. I'll pop out and get some doughnuts.
Gemma And I'll put the kettle on.
Meryl Oh yes, I'm just dying for a cup of tea.

Explanation :

Elevenses is a short break when you have a cup of tea or coffee, and sometimes biscuits, at around eleven o'clock in the morning.

A light supper wouldn't do us any harm !!!

Robbie It's some time since we've eaten. I'm quite hungry, what about you ?
Gayle I'm a bit peckish too, but it's quite late and we don't want anything too heavy before we go to bed.
Robbie What do you suggest ?
Gayle Well, a little light supper wouldn't do us any harm !
Robbie Such as ?
Gayle I could make a cheese and potato salad.
Robbie That'll do nicely.

We'll be able to dine alfresco !!!

Olive Where shall we eat after the show ?
Sean What about that restaurant down by the river ?
Olive Do you mean the one with peacocks running around the garden ?
Sean That's the one. It's very traditional and I just love the atmosphere.
Olive And it's such a warm and pleasant evening that we'll be able to dine alfresco on the riverside terrace.
Sean Yes, that would be lovely. And with the sky so clear we'll be dining by moonlight. How romantic !

Explanation :

Alfresco - An alfresco activity, especially a meal, is one that takes place in the open air.

Take me back !!!

Jilly This takes me back, I haven't been to the seaside since I was a child.
Nicola I haven't been for ages either.
Jilly Tell you what, let's go on the pier and get some cotton candy.
Nicola But that's for kids and it's pure sugar; it'll ruin your figure.
Jilly I don't care, it was one of my favorite things to have when we came to the seaside.
Nicola Well, if you're going to relive your childhood, I'm going to have to do the same.

Explanation :

Take sb back - If you say that something takes you back, you mean that it reminds you of a period of your past life and makes you think about it again.

Example : I enjoyed experimenting with colors - it took me back to being five years old.

Stock up on that !!!

Granville I've almost finished the preparations for our expedition.
Hector Where are you planning to go ?
Granville We're going to spend two weeks in northern Norway.
Hector That's pretty tough country. You'll need a lot of energy.
Granville That's why we're taking lots of Kendal mint cake.
Hector I'm not surprised. A lot of expeditions stock up on that before they go.

Explanation :

Stock up - To buy a large quantity of something

Example : During the emergency, people stocked up on essential items like candles, medicines and tins of food.

Go in for a pie and a pint !!!

Leslie Punting's thirsty work and it's almost one o'clock.
Alastair Talk about thirsty, I'm pretty hungry as well.
Leslie Do you see what I see ?
Alastair You mean that pub just on the next bend in the river ?
Leslie Right first time. Are you thinking what I'm thinking ?
Alastair Yes, let's tie up there and go in for a pie and a pint.

Let the teapot stand !!!

Frank Teach me how to make a pot of tea.
Brian Well, first of all you need a china teapot. Tea doesn't taste so good from a metal one.
Frank What next ?
Brian Rinse out the teapot with very hot water to make it hot.
Frank Then boil the kettle ?
Brian That's right. Then put two or three teaspoons of tea into the teapot, take the kettle to the pot and pour the boiling water over the tea.
Frank Can you drink it straight away ?
Brian No, you have to let the teapot stand for a few minutes and then the tea will be ready to drink.

I love your tea cozy !!!

Corey May I pour you another cup of tea ?
Stella Thank you, that's very kind. I must say I love your tea cozy. The design is very attractive.
Corey I'm glad you like it. It's one of many my mother made.
Stella Well, she was clearly very skilled with the needle.
Corey Yes, she was; needlework was her favorite hobby.

Explanation :

Cozy - A cozy is a soft cover which you put over a teapot or a boiled egg to keep it warm.

What beautiful china !!!

Laura Thank you for inviting me to tea, it's really good of you.
Melanie Not at all, we're delighted to have you. May I pour you a cup of tea ?
Laura Oh, yes, thank you very much. What beautiful china !
Melanie I'm glad you like it. This is part of tea service which my grandmother left me. I was her only granddaughter.
Laura It's all so artistically decorated.
Melanie It is very fine work and genuine Chinese porcelain.
Laura No doubt that's why your tea tastes so good.
Melanie Thank you. They do say that tea always tastes better from real porcelain.

Explanation :

China - China is a very thin clay from which cups, sauces, plates, and ornaments are made.

Example : Judy collects blue and white china.

What's clotted cream ?

Marie Now we're in the countryside, there's one thing we just mustn't miss.
Sean What's that, drinking the local cider ?
Marie No, it's having a real cream tea.
Sean What's so special about that ?
Marie Well, it's having real clotted cream on your scones with home-made strawberry jam to go with your tea.
Sean What's clotted cream ?
Marie It's thickest and most delicious cream there is.

Explanation : -

Clotted cream - A thick cream made primarily in England by heating milk until a layer of cream forms on its surface that is then cooled and skimmed off.

Just what the doctor ordered !!!

Josie I'm dying for a cup of tea and I'm also a bit peckish.
Alan What about that place over there. " Ye Olde Tea Shoppe " ?
Josie Just what the doctor ordered. It's almost 4 o'clock, let's go in and have afternoon tea.
Alan ( To waitress ) A pot of tea for two please.
Josie And I'd like some salmon sandwiches and a cream cake
Alan Watch your figure there. I think I'll just have some toast with strawberry jam.

Explanation :

Just what the doctor ordered - Exactly what is wanted or needed.

Example : Ooh thank you, a nice cup of tea. Just what the doctor ordered.

Time for high tea !!!

Anne It's 4 o'clock, time for high tea.
Elisabeth So early ? Six o'clock or thereabouts is high tea time.
Anne What ? Tea, sandwiches and cakes at 6 o'clock ? That's a surely far too late.
Elisabeth No, no. I think you're mixing up high tea and afternoon tea.
Anne Aren't they the same ?
Elisabeth No, not at all. Afternoon tea means tea, perhaps sandwiches and definitely cakes around 4.
Anne What's high tea, then ?
Elisabeth That's a proper meal, often with meat or fish, but also of course with tea to drink.

Explanation : -

High tea - ( British ) A fairly substantial meal that includes tea and is served in the late afternoon or early evening.

It showed documentaries !!!

Giles Have you seen the movie Fahrenheit 9/11 ?
Tony No, what is it, a science fiction adventure ?
Giles No it's a documentary about American politics after the World Trade Center tragedy in September 2001.
Tony Did you see it on television ?
Giles No, at our local movie theater. It's been on all this week.
Tony I didn't know it showed documentaries.
Giles It doesn't normally, but there has been huge demand to see this one.

Explanation :

Documentary - A documentary is a television or radio program, or a film , which shows real events or provides factual information about a particular subject

Example : ...... a TV documentary on homelessness.

Some love interest !!!

Sharon I didn't really enjoy that movie at all.
Gareth Why not ? I thought it was really exciting with lots of action.
Sharon Typical man, that's just what you would like.
Gareth Well what would you have wanted ?
Sharon Some love interest, not just car chases and fights.
Gareth Typical female, you're only interested in romance.

Explanation :

Love interest - Details about love and romance

Example : Fay Wray was the love interest in the 1933 version of King Kong.

The score was fantastic !!!

Zara I haven't enjoyed a movie so much in years.
Abigail Yes, it really was something special.
Zara It had a great story and the acting was absolutely fantastic.
Abigail The score was fantastic too. It really added to the action.
Zara Yes it was really good music and it had such a haunting theme.
Abigail If they bring it out on CD, I'll be the first to buy it.

Explanation :

Score - The music written for a film, play etc

Example : The dance is accompanied by an original score by Henry Torgue.

A movie crew was shooting on location !!!

Lennie You'll never guess what was going on in our town last week.
Freda Go on, surprise me.
Lennie A movie crew was shooting on location in the town square.
Freda Really ? Why did they choose your town ?
Lennie Because the square's full of old buildings which were a perfect background for the kind of historical movie they were making.
Freda I'd love to have been there. I've never seen a movie crew in action before.

Explanation :

On location - A place away from a studio where all or part of a film or a television show is recorded

Example : The documentary was made on location in the Gobi desert.

I had to rely on the subtitles !!!

Carl I've just seen the latest movie from China.
Vera Good ?
Carl Oh yes. It was about a family who lived in the late Qing dynasty.
Vera I know you're learning Chinese. Did you understand everything ?
Carl No, not really. They spoke too fast for me to catch much, so I had to rely on the subtitles.
Vera Yes, they're always very helpful when you're watching a foreign-language movie.

Explanation :

Subtitles - Subtitles are the printed translation that you can read at the bottom of the screen when you are watching a foreign film.

Example : The dialogue is in Spanish, with English subtitles.

Violence is good box office !!!

Marie That was a really violent movie.
Jean It certainly was. There seemed to be one killing about every ten minutes.
Marie I know. I began to get a bit sick of it long before the end.
Jean Why are so many movies so full of violence ?
Marie It's because violence is good box office I suppose.
Jean You must be right. Well the next movie I go to see will be romantic comedy.

Explanation :

1) Box office - The box office in a theater, cinema, or concert hall is the place where the tickets are sold.

2) Box office - When people talk about the box office, they are referring to the degree of success of a film or play in terms of the number of people who go to watch it or the amount of money it makes.

Example : The film was a huge box office success.

Looking back on his life in flashback !!!

Graham I've just seen a really interesting foreign movie.
Eliza Really ? Where was it made ?
Graham In Iran. I didn't even know it had a movie industry.
Eliza Neither did I. What was it about ?
Graham It was about an old man on his deathbed looking back on his life in flashback.
Eliza Sounds a bit depressing.
Graham Not at all, he had had a very exciting life.

Explanation :

Flashback - In a film, novel, or play, a flashback to the past is a scene that returns to events in the past.

Example : There is even a flashback to the murder itself.

There'll be just a few trailers !!!

Walt Thank goodness the ads are over. They go on for far too long.
Ingo Yes, there'll be just a few trailers and then the movie will start.
Walt I don't mind trailers, at least they're not trying to sell you anything.
Ingo Of course, they are, they're trying to sell you the latest movies.
Walt Well, I suppose so, but they're a lot more exciting than the ads.
Ingo If you ask me, they're sometimes a lot more exciting than the movies themselves.

Explanation :

A trailer for a film or television program is a set of short extracts which are shown to advertise it.

Example : .... a misleadingly violent trailer for the film.

Where are you off to !!!

Augus Where are you off to in such a hurry ?
Martin I'm just off to the movie theater to see the latest Nicole Kidman movie.
Augus I've seen it, it's really good. Have you got a ticket ?
Martin No, I'll buy one at the box office.
Augus You could have saved yourself a lot of time by buying it on the internet.
Martin I didn't know you could do that. You must show me how to do it.

Explanation :

Off - away from a place or position, especially the present place or position

I got them through my friend !!!

Melanie You're looking very pleased with yourself ? How come ?
Jim Look what I've got - two tickets for the premiere of the latest Tom Cruise movie and the reception afterwards.
Melanie Wow! How did you get them ?
Jim I got them through my friend. His brother's in the movie distribution business.
Melanie Are they good seats ?
Jim I'll say. They're in the front row of the balcony, right in the middle.

Explanation :

If you do something through someone else, they take the necessary action for you.

I've still got a long way to go !!!

Shawn Did you enjoy our round of golf ?
Jack I certainly did. It's the first time I've managed to break 75 for the course.
Shawn That's true, so well done ! It shows how much you've improved.
Jack Perhaps, but I've still got a long way to go before I can be really satisfied with my game.
Shawn What aspect of your game do you think needs improving most ?
Jack Oh, without doubt my short game. I seem to drive reasonably well but I tend to drop shots around the green.

The camera zoomed in on the girl's face !!!

Rosalind I've just seen an absolutely wonderful movie, so romantic.
Fiona What was it about ?
Rosalind It was a very sad love story.
Fiona How did it end ?
Rosalind The camera zoomed in on the girl's face as her lover was being forced to leave her, probably forever. Tears were just beginning to roll down her cheeks.
Fiona Too gloomy for me I'm afraid. I like comedies.

Explanation :

If a camera zooms in on something that is being filmed or photographed, it gives a close-up picture of if.

Example : ..... a tracking system which can follow a burglar round a building and zoom in on his face ......

They were all dubbed into German !!!

Simon I've just come back from a great week in Germany staying with my friend, but there was one thing I didn't like much.
Martin Don't tell me it was the beer ?
Simon No, of course not; that was great. It was when they showed English-language movies on TV. They were all dubbed into German, which rather spoiled them for me.
Martin Your German's very good, so what was the problem ?
Simon It just seemed a bit unnatural to see Tom Hanks in an American scene with German coming out of his mouth.
Martin But that's done for the Germans' benefit, not yours.

Explanation :

If a film or soundtrack is dubbed, a different sound track is added with actors speaking a translation of the dialogue.

Example : It was dubbed into Spanish for Mexican audiences.

She sounds really star-struck !!!

Jack My teenage sister really gets on my nerves at times.
Bill Why's that ? Does she spend hours making up in the bathroom ?
Jack No, it's not that, she just keeps going on and on about how wonderful Leonardo Di Caprio is.
Bill Well, a lot of girls really go for him.
Jack But she's got dozens of his picture all over her bedroom wall and she watches his movies over and over again on her DVD player.
Bill She sounds really star-struck.
Jack That's putting it mildly.

I want to see the credits !!!

Vivienne Come on, let's go, the movie's over.
Zelda No, wait, I want to see the credits right through to the end.
Vivenne Why, they list everybody including the studio cleaner. It'll take forever.
Zelda My sister's in the movie business and she worked on this movie.
Vivenne Really, what does she do ?
Zelda She's a make-up artist. Look, there she is, that's her name just coming up now. My mother will be so pleased when I tell her.

Explanation :

The list of people who helped to make a film, a record, or a television program is called the credits.

Example : The star Marlon Brando wants his name removed from the credits.

For a time we thought ... !!!

Jules Has everything been dealt with now ?
Marcel Yes, the casualties have all been taken to hospital, the electricity supply has been restored and traffic is now flowing normally.
Jules What a difference from the chaos and confusion of two hours ago.
Marcel Yes, for a time we thought we might have to call for reinforcements, but thank goodness in the end we didn't' have to.
Jules Well it just remains for me to express our admiration for the exemplary way in which you dealt with a difficult and dangerous situation.
Marcel I was just doing my job and I'm very glad that there were no fatalities.

Explanation :

For a time = for a short period

A good cause !!!

Becky How many kilometers did you run ?
Joe I ran the full course, which is just over 40 kilometers.
Becky And how much money did you raise for our charity ?
Joe Almost $2,500. People were very encouraging and generous.
Becky Well, we'd all like to congratulate you on your achievement.
Joe I'm just glad to be able to contribute to a good cause.

Explanation :

If you say that something is in a good cause, or for a good cause, you mean that it is worth doing or contributing to because it will help other people for example by raising money for charity.

Example : The Raleigh International Bike Ride is open to anyone who wants to raise money for a good cause.

You're the tops !!!

Veronica I'm so fed up with being stuck in the house all day.
Raquel Well you can't expect to be up and about so soon after breaking your leg.
Veronica I suppose not, but it is very frustrating. I can't wait to get the plaster off.
Raquel I know, I know, but I've brought something to cheer you up.
Veronica What is it ? Don't keep me in suspense.
Raquel It's a bottle of the very latest French perfume.
Veronica Oh, how thoughtful of you. Raquel, you're the tops.

Explanation :

The tops = the best

Example : You are the tops, Linda !

You're head and shoulders above the others !!!

Walter That's the fifth race in a row that you've won. You're by far our best driver.
Ryan Well, I think my results are a bit flattering because I've had quite a lot of luck and our car is always so reliable.
Walter Nonsense, you're head and shoulders above the others in your division.
Ryan Do you really think so ?
Walter Absolutely. So much so that we are thinking of entering you in the next division for the new season.
Ryan That means a more powerful car and longer races. It'll be a lot tougher.

Explanation :

If you say that someone or something stands head and shoulders above other people or things you mean that they are a lot better than them.

Example : I am very impressed by your magazine. It is head and shoulders above any other.

Your work is absolutely first-class !!!

Greg Do come in and sit down. How are you ?
Heather I'm fine, thanks. Have you had a chance to look at my proposal ?
Greg Yes, I have, that's what I mainly want to talk about.
Heather I wasn't sure whether it was exactly the kind of thing you wanted.
Greg Oh, have no worries. It's precisely what we need and your work is absolutely first-class.
Heather Well, I must say that's a great relief.

Explanation :

If you describe something or someone as first-class, you mean that they are excellent and of the highest quality.

Example : The food was first-class.

You don't look a day over forty !!!

Jean So you're Mary's friend. I'm very pleased to meet you.
Marion It's a pleasure to meet you too. Mary has told me that you also working in marketing.
Jean Yes, but as you know, she is in shoes, while I'm in cosmetics.
Marion Were you at school together with her ?
Jean No, no, I'm ten years older. We met much later.
Marion What ! I can't believe it. You don't look a day over forty.

The dish is too hot !!!

Rita I'd like to order the special please.
Waiter I'm sorry you can't do that. The dish is too hot.
Rita Please don't tell me what I can or cannot eat. I love spicy food. I can eat it so bring me the special no matter how hot it is.
Waiter It's not spicy, I meant it's a hot item tonight and we've sold out. The special is unavailable
Rita Ah, sorry.

I can't praise the quality of your advice too highly !!!

John Did you get the result you were hoping for ?
Vera Yes we did, and largely thanks to you.
John What do you mean ?
Vera Well, it was largely your guidance that made it possible.
John Well, I'm sure that wasn't the most important thing.
Vera Yes, it was, and I can't praise the quality of your advice too highly.

You have such good taste !!!

Tracy So this is your new apartment.
Charlene Yes, I moved in a month ago.
Tracy Well, I have to say it looks fantastic. Did you decorate and furnish it yourself.
Charlene Yes, I did. It took me quite a lot of time.
Tracy Well, I must say you have such good taste in interior decor. It could have been done by a professional designer.
Charlene Oh ! I don't think so, but I'm glad you think it's nice.

Explanation :

Taste - A person's ability to judge and appreciate what is good and suitable, especially in art, beauty, style and manners.

Example : Barbara has good taste in clothes.

You could do just as well !!!

Jack Those watercolors are really beautiful.
Caroline I'm glad you like them. I painted them last year.
Jack You painted them yourself ? I can't believe it, they're so good.
Caroline They're not that good, but I'm glad you like them.
Jack You're so talented, I wish I had your skill.
Caroline You should try your hand yourself, I'm sure you could do just as well if not better.

You've excelled yourself !!!

Al That was an absolutely delicious meal.
Isabel I'm glad you enjoyed it. It's a recipe I haven't tried before.
Al Your cooking is always superb but this time you've excelled yourself.
Isabel Sounds like you want to get something out of me.
Al Don't be suspicious, I really meant it.
Isabel Well, they always say that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach.

Explanation :

If one excels himself, he does better than what he is regularly doing.

Example : You have excelled yourself with this feat of courage.

Capital gains

Minimize the capital gains tax !!!

Kathleen Have you finished my accounts yet ? I sent you all the paperwork three weeks ago.
Damien Well, almost but I've still got some work to do on your investments and your real estate.
Kathleen What's the problem ?
Damien There's no problem, but you sold some shares during the financial year at quite a profit and you also made a lot of money on the apartment you sold. Those were capital gains.
Kathleen So what you are trying to do ?
Damien Well I'm working on how I can minimize the capital gains tax you're going to have to pay on the money you made from the sale of those assets.

Explanation :

Capital gains are the profits that you make when you buy something and then sell it again at a higher price.

Example : Gains from the sale of privately-owned cars and household goods are exempt from capital gains tax.

Cut to the bone !!!

Coral Morale is a bit low in our company at the moment, especially in the HR department where I work.
Shelby I'm not surprised, business hasn't been good at all lately.
Coral It certainly hasn't and it's forecast to get worse.
Shelby What effect will that have on your plans for the next financial year ?
Coral Well, all departments are being told to economize, and the HR department's training budget is being cut to the bone.
Shelby That's surely a bit short-sighted. I would have thought that upgrading the skills of its staff should be a high priority for any company.

Explanation :

If something such as costs are cut to the bone, they are reduced to an absolute minimum.

Example : Profit margins have been slashed to the bone in an attempt to keep turnover moving.

Splashing his money around !!!

Scot That's the third round of drinks that Melvyn has bought in the club this evening.
Kyle He was doing the same the day before yesterday.
Scot He's not normally so generous. What's going on ?
Kyle He's not, but he's trying to get elected to the club committee. The elections are next week at the AGM.
Scot So that's why he's splashing his money around. I'd call that attempted bribery.
Kyle I wouldn't worry. He's not that popular and it'll take more than a few drinks to buy members' votes.

They're mortgaged up to the hilt !!!

Sandy I'm a bit worried about our son and his wife.
Desmond Is their marriage going rocky ?
Sandy No, not at all. But they've just bought a large apartment nearer the city center and it cost them an absolute fortune. They've both got to be working to afford the mortgage payments.
Desmond So they're mortgaged up to the hilt.
Sandy Too true and what I'm worried about is what would happen if either of them lost their jobs.
Desmond Yes, if that happened, they would really struggle to keep up the monthly payments on their mortgage.

Explanation :

' To the hilt ' and ' up to the hilt ' mean to the maximum extent possible or as fully as possible

Example : She was in this right up to the hilt.

Like there is no tomorrow !!!

Libby What's in that bag ? Whatever it is, I bet it was expensive.
Penny It's a new cocktail dress, absolutely irresistible.
Libby That's the second dress you've bought this month and you've already bought three pairs of new shoes.
Penny A girl needs to look her best at all times.
Libby But you've been spending like there's no tomorrow.
Penny Do you want me to go round looking like a tramp ?

Explanation :

If someone does something like there is/was no tomorrow, they do it very fast, in large amounts and without thinking carefully

Example : After his win on the football pools, he began spending money like there was no tomorrow.

Pay through the nose !!!

Teddy Did you have a good time in Thailand ?
Martin We did. We traveled all over the country and saw some fantastic sights.
Teddy What was the accommodation like ?
Martin Very good everywhere we went. And the people were very friendly.
Teddy Sounds perfect.
Martin It was, almost. But I had to make a couple of international phone calls from one of the hotels and I really had to pay through the nose for those.

Explanation :

If you say that you paid through the nose for something, you are emphasizing that you had to pay what you consider too high a price for it.

Example : We don't like paying through the nose for our wine when eating out.

Shell out a lot more money for extras !!!

Billie Did you enjoy your theme park visit ?
Vaughan On the whole yes; there was certainly a lot to see and we had a very full day.
Billie You don't sound totally enthusiastic.
Vaughan Well that's because the entrance fee was quite high, but once inside we had to shell out a lot more money for extras which I think ought to have been included in the ticket price.
Billie What sort of extras ?
Vaughan Well, for example, traveling between the different attractions on the electric bus. We had to pay for each separate journey.

Explanation :

If you shell out for something, you spend a lot of money on it.

Example : Do you expect me to shell out to gratify your vanity ?

She blows all her money !!!

Terri Hettie was complaining to me yesterday that there's always so much month left at the end of the money.
Marlene She's always moaning like that. She just can't manage her money.
Terri But she's always dressed like a film-star.
Marlene Well, that's just it. She blows all her money on clothes and shoes and wonders why she's always so short of cash at the end of the month.
Terri I suppose she is rather extravagant.
Marlene She certainly is. She needs to learn how to budget.

Explanation :

If you blow a large amount of money, you spend it quickly on luxuries.

Example : Before you blow it all on a luxury cruise, give a little thought to the future ...

Made an absolute mint !!!

Vera Have you seen Henry lately ?
Sally Yes, I saw him only yesterday driving around in a brand-new, top-of-the range Mercedes.
Vera My sister's in real estate and she told me that he had also just bought a luxury penthouse apartment.
Sally Where does he get the money from for all that ?
Vera Haven't you heard ? He's made an absolute mint from property deals.
Sally He really is a shrewd operator.

Explanation :

If you say that someone makes a mint, you mean that they make a very large amount of money.

Example : He made a mint in the computer industry.

Throwing good money after bad !!!

Rudy We're having such problems with our database software.
Diane Does it crash a lot ?
Rudy It does but it also seems to be full of bugs, which gives us inaccurate results at times.
Diane That's bad. What are you going to do about it ?
Rudy Well we're thinking of getting a software consultant in to get the bugs out of the system.
Diane That could be throwing good money after bad. Why don't you buy newer and more reliable software ?

Explanation :

If you say that someone is throwing money after bad, you are critical of them for trying to improve a bad situation by spending more money on it, instead of doing more thoughtful of practical things to improve it.

Example : Do you know that he has gambled away the $5,000 you lent him last time ? If you lend him any more money, you are throwing good money after bad.

He really played hardball !!!

Kevin Did you sign the star mid-fielder from Brazil ?
Alex We did, but it took hours of really tough negotiation.
Kevin Was he making really big demands ?
Alex It wasn't him, it was his agent. He really played hardball.
Kevin So he was after the maximum he could get for the star and himself.
Alex Absolutely and he threatened to pull out of negotiations if he didn't get what he wanted.

Explanation :

Play hardball - Be firm and determined in order to get what you want

Example : He's a nice guy, but he can play hardball when he needs to.

It would have been basically a zero-sum game !!!

Jules Did you get what you wanted ?
Garfield No, we pulled out of the negotiation after a very short time.
Jules I'm surprised. The prospects for agreement seemed very good at the start.
Garfield They did, but it didn't take long before things looked very different.
Jules Why was that ?
Garfield Well what they were proposing would have left us with almost nothing and they thought our proposal would mean the same for them. So it would have been basically a zero-sum game.

Explanation :

If you refer to a situation as zero-sum game, you mean that if one person gains an advantage from it, someone else involved must suffer an equivalent disadvantage.

Example : Mahjong is a zero-sum game : others have to lose money for you to win money.

Health insurance is the sticking point !!!

Wensley Haven't you completed negotiations yet ? You're into the second day already.
Marnie I know. I thought they would be over by now, but we've run into a problem.
Wensley Is it price ?
Marnie No, they want health insurance included in the deal and that's something our managing director is very much against.
Wensley So health insurance is the sticking point. How are you going to get round it ?
Marnie We're working on that right now.

Explanation :

A sticking point in a discussion is a point on which it is not possible to reach an agreement

Example : The sticking point in the negotiations proved to be the money question.

A sense of what their bottom line is !!!

Jean So how are we going to conduct this negotiation ?
Angus Well, obviously we're not going to put our cards on the table straight away.
Jean No, that would be naive. We've got to get a feel for what their negotiating limits are.
Angus That's right. We really need to get a sense of what their bottom line is.
Jean Then we'll know how far we can push them.
Angus Yes, but remember they will be doing the same in relation to us.

Explanation :

The bottom line in a business deal is the least a person is willing to accept.

Example : She says $95,000 is her bottom line.

Haggle over every penny of the deal !!!

Virginia Did you get that fashion order from Fashion International ?
Alice Yes, but it was really hard work.
Virginia I'm not surprised. They're known to be a tough bunch to do business with.
Alice They certainly are. Their buyer haggled over every penny of the deal.
Virginia That's why the company's so profitable.
Alice Too right. Still their order will give us work for the next three months.

Explanation :

If you haggle, you argue about something before reaching an agreement, especially about the cost of something that you are buying.

Example : Of course, he'll still haggle over the price.

We've got a win-win situation !!!

Jason We'll give you the order if you can guarantee delivery in three weeks.
Keith If you confirm the order today, we'll deliver in two weeks. We'll have to because we have an urgent order that we must start working on in two weeks' time.
Jason If you can deliver in two weeks, that would give us a big advantage over our competitors.
Keith We definitely can, our workers are very experienced and we have the latest equipment.
Jason Looks like we've got a win-win situation here. You've got our order.
Keith That's great. We'll start on it straight away.

Explanation :

A win-win situation is one in which an agreement is reached that is beneficial to both sides.

Give me 10% off !!!

Vernon So you want to book ten people in for three nights, 1st to 3rd December ?
Elizabeth That's right, what would your rate be for a group of that size ?
Vernon Eighty dollars per person per night.
Elizabeth That's only 5% less than your individual rate. Give me 10% off and I'll confirm the booking.
Vernon A 5% reduction for groups is company policy. I can't offer any more than that.
Elizabeth So that's your final offer ?
Vernon Yes.
Elizabeth Let me think about it.

Explanation :

10% off - 10% less than the original price

Example : There's 10% off this week on all winter coats.

There was no give and take at all !!!

Paul That was a really hard negotiation.
Kate I can see; you look really exhausted. What was the problem ?
Paul They were very inflexible and just stuck to their original position.
Kate So there was no give-and-take at all.
Paul No, none at all, because they knew they were in a very strong position.
Kate No wonder you had such a hard time.

Explanation :

If you say that something requires give and take, you mean that people must compromise for it to be successful.

Example : If the dispute is to be resolved there must be some give and take.

They used pressure tactics !!!

Gordon You don't look too pleased. What happened ?
Chris They gave us a really tough time and forced us to agree to sell at the lowest possible price.
Gordon Couldn't you have done better than that if you'd tried harder ?
Chris Not really, they used pressure tactics.
Gordon What do you mean ?
Chris They said that if we didn't agree to their terms they would take all their existing business with us away. So we really had no choice.

Explanation :

Tactics are the methods that you choose to use in order to achieve what you want in a particular situation.

Example : He pressed on in the hope that a few others would join him. The tactic paid off.

They beat us down as far as they could !!!

Guy Which company were you selling to ?
Harry Compexon, it's a number one in automotive components.
Guy Did you get a good deal ?
Harry Not really. They beat us down as far as they could.
Guy That's tough. Where do you go from here ?
Harry We'll have to reduce our costs a lot to make any real profit on the deal.

Explanation :

If you beat down a person who is selling you something, you force them to accept a lower price for it than they wanted to get.

Example : Beat down the seller to the price that suits you.

The going rate for my job !!!

Manager So what makes you think you're worth a raise in salary ?
James Well, first of all I've been responsible for a ten per cent increase in sales since I joined the company.
Manager That may be true, but the market in general has been expanding in that period.
James I've also improved my department's efficiency and cut its costs by seven per cent.
Manager OK, OK, what are you looking for ?
James I want an annual salary that at least matches the going rate for my job, which is currently $80,000. That means a raise of $ 7,500.

Explanation :

The going rate or the going salary is the usual amount of money that you expect to pay or receive for something.

Example : That's about half the going price on world oil markets.

We'll meet you halfway !!!

Mr. Armstrong We can offer you ten thousand pieces for immediate delivery at $500 per thousand.
Mr. Hawkins Four hundred fifty dollars would be a fairer price. We could get them from Vortex for that price.
Mr. Armstrong But you know as well as I do that the Vortex company is in no position to offer immediate delivery.
Mr. Hawkins Five hundred dollars is considerably more than the market rate and we're not going to pay more than that.
Mr. Armstrong OK, we'll meet you halfway : $475
Mr. Hawkins We can live with that. You've got a deal.

Explanation :

If you meet someone halfway, you accept some of the points they are making so that you can come to an agreement with them.

Example : The Democrats are willing to meet the president halfway.

You drive a hard bargain !!!

Mr. Klein This price leaves us with a very small margin.
Ms. Johnson It's the best price that I can offer.
Mr. Klein What about another two per cent. It's not much to ask.
Ms. Johnson No, as I said, that's our best price.
Mr. Klein You drive a hard bargain.
Ms. Johnson Not hard, just fair.

Explanation :

If people drive a hard bargain, they argue with determination in order to achieve a deal which is favorable to themselves.

Example : Ukraine was always gong to drive a hard bargain before signing the treaty.

Put your cards on the table !!!

Gavin We've put forward a number of possible options for an agreement. Now we need you to make a decision.
Jake None of them seem to us completely satisfactory. We'd like to explore other possibilities.
Gavin Look, there's no point in dragging this negotiation out, and we need a decision by the end of the day.
Jake We would like to consider all possible options.
Gavin We've considered all the realistic ones. It's time to put your cards on the table and make your position clear.
Jake At this point I think our side had better take some time out so that we can discuss among ourselves.

Explanation :

If you put or lay your cards on the table, you deal with a situation by speaking openly about your feelings, ideas, or plans.

Example : Put your cards on the table and be very clear about your complaints.

He was headhunted !!!

Griff Barry's just got the most fantastic job.
Tarquin Lucky devil ! Tell me more.
Griff He's got the finance director's job with the country's biggest shipping corporation.
Tarquin How did he get that ? I haven't seen any finance directors' jobs advertised lately and I check the appointments pages regularly.
Griff He was headhunted through one of the top recruitment consultancies.
Tarquin He must have got an outstanding reputation to get his job that way.

Explanation :

Headhunted - If someone who works for a particular company is headhunted, they leave that company because another company has approached them and offered them another job with better pay and higher status.

Example : He was headhunted by Barkers last October to build an advertising team .........

Think on his feet !!!

Chairman I thought every candidate on the shortlist was very impressive.
Panel member 1 Agreed. We would appoint any one of them.
Panel member 2 Indeed but I thought the last we interviewed had one outstanding quality.
Chairman What is it that particularly struck you about him ?
Panel member 2 The ability to think on his feet. He dealt with the most difficult and unexpected questions we threw at him very coolly and intelligently.
Chairman That's certainly true and it's not a very common quality.

Explanation :

Think on your feet - To make a quick decision or give an answer quickly

Example : I'd never heard about the firm before, so I had to think on my feet.

I've had to do a case interview !!!

Wayne That's the first job interview I've had where I've had to do a case interview.
Derek What did it involve ?
Wayne Well the interviewing panel described a business problem their company had, asked me to analyze it and suggest how I would go about solving it.
Derek That must have been really tough.
Wayne It certainly was, but happily I've got a business studies degree and that included case studies.
Derek So at least you had some sort of preparation for the ordeal.

Explanation :

Case interview - An interview that requires the interviewee to give detailed information about how to solve a business problem.

We had to do an in-tray exercise !!!

Irene How did your job interview go ?
Simon It was actually pretty tough because it wasn't just an interview, we had to do an in-tray exercise as well.
Irene Is that where they give you an in-tray full of documents like memos, letters, requests and ask you to prioritize and deal with them in a fixed time ?
Simon Yes, that's it. We only had 30 minutes to sort it all out and decide on what to do and in what order.
Irene Did you manage to deal with everything ?
Simon Not quite. I still had a few things left when the time ran out.

Explanation :

An in tray is a shallow basket used in offices to put letters and documents in when they arrive or when they are waiting to be dealt with.

The last candidate seemed outstanding to me !!!

Chairman Well we have interviewed everyone on the shortlist. What did you think of them ?
Panel member 1 I thought they were variable. The second and fourth were very strong candidates, the third was average and the first relatively weak.
Chairman That was also my impression. To be fair to the first, he had rather less experience than the others.
Panel member 2 The last candidate seemed outstanding to me. She answered all our questions very confidently, and was very well qualified.
Chairman On the other hand the second candidate was also well qualified and had rather more experience.
Panel member 1 It's going to be very difficult to decide which of them is going to get the job.

Explanation :

If you describe someone or something as outstanding, you think that they are very remarkable and impressive.

Example : He is outstanding at tennis and golf.

I made a good impression !!!

Rory You look relieved, what have you been doing ?
Barnaby I've just been interviewed for a reporter's job on the evening paper.
Rory How did it go ? Did they go through your resume in detail ?
Barnaby Yes they did, especially where I'd worked for their main competitor.
Rory What's your overall feeling about how it went ?
Barnaby Well I think I made a good impression. But I'll only know for sure when they write to me to give me their decision.

Explanation :

If someone or something makes an impression, they have a strong effect on people or a situation.

Example : He has told me his plans and he's made a good impression on me ...

Who's in the line-up !!!

Magda What are you reading ? Looks like a letter.
Quentin It is, it's a letter informing me that I've been shortlisted for a senior marketing manager's job with the airline.
Magda That's great ! Why are you looking so worried ?
Quentin It lists the interviewing panel. It's a bit scary.
Magda Who's in the line-up ?
Quentin The president, the managing director, the HR director and the head of marketing. That's pretty high-powered panel.

Explanation :

A line-up is a group of people or a series of things that are assembled to take part in a particular activity or event.

Example : The program is back for a new series with a great line-up of musicians and comedy acts.

Who's in the line-up !!!

Magda What are you reading ? Looks like a letter.
Quentin It is, it's a letter informing me that I've been shortlisted for a senior marketing manager's job with the airline.
Magda That's great ! Why are you looking so worried ?
Quentin It lists the interviewing panel. It's a bit scary.
Magda Who's in the line-up ?
Quentin The president, the managing director, the HR director and the head of marketing. That's pretty high-powered panel.

Explanation :

A line-up is a group of people or a series of things that are assembled to take part in a particular activity or event.

Example : The program is back for a new series with a great line-up of musicians and comedy acts.

Make the shortlist !!!

Eva Victoria's done ever so well, hasn't she ?
Loretta Yes, to make the shortlist for a manager's job in our biggest bank is a real achievement.
Eva When's the interview ?
Loretta Next week. She told me that it's not just an interview, but a whole day with tests and exercises as well.
Eva Sounds really tough. Rather her than me.
Loretta Yes, but she's very capable and pretty resilient, so I think she'll do well.

Explanation :

If someone is on a shortlist, for example for a job or a prize, they are one of a small group of people who have been chosen from a larger group. The successful person is then chosen from the small group.

Example : If you've been asked for an interview you are probably on a shortlist of no more than six.

Capital gains

Minimize the capital gains tax !!!

Kathleen Have you finished my accounts yet ? I sent you all the paperwork three weeks ago.
Damien Well, almost but I've still got some work to do on your investments and your real estate.
Kathleen What's the problem ?
Damien There's no problem, but you sold some shares during the financial year at quite a profit and you also made a lot of money on the apartment you sold. Those were capital gains.
Kathleen So what you are trying to do ?
Damien Well I'm working on how I can minimize the capital gains tax you're going to have to pay on the money you made from the sale of those assets.

Explanation :

Capital gains are the profits that you make when you buy something and then sell it again at a higher price.

Example : Gains from the sale of privately-owned cars and household goods are exempt from capital gains tax.

Cut to the bone !!!

Coral Morale is a bit low in our company at the moment, especially in the HR department where I work.
Shelby I'm not surprised, business hasn't been good at all lately.
Coral It certainly hasn't and it's forecast to get worse.
Shelby What effect will that have on your plans for the next financial year ?
Coral Well, all departments are being told to economize, and the HR department's training budget is being cut to the bone.
Shelby That's surely a bit short-sighted. I would have thought that upgrading the skills of its staff should be a high priority for any company.

Explanation :

If something such as costs are cut to the bone, they are reduced to an absolute minimum.

Example : Profit margins have been slashed to the bone in an attempt to keep turnover moving.

Splashing his money around !!!

Scot That's the third round of drinks that Melvyn has bought in the club this evening.
Kyle He was doing the same the day before yesterday.
Scot He's not normally so generous. What's going on ?
Kyle He's not, but he's trying to get elected to the club committee. The elections are next week at the AGM.
Scot So that's why he's splashing his money around. I'd call that attempted bribery.
Kyle I wouldn't worry. He's not that popular and it'll take more than a few drinks to buy members' votes.

They're mortgaged up to the hilt !!!

Sandy I'm a bit worried about our son and his wife.
Desmond Is their marriage going rocky ?
Sandy No, not at all. But they've just bought a large apartment nearer the city center and it cost them an absolute fortune. They've both got to be working to afford the mortgage payments.
Desmond So they're mortgaged up to the hilt.
Sandy Too true and what I'm worried about is what would happen if either of them lost their jobs.
Desmond Yes, if that happened, they would really struggle to keep up the monthly payments on their mortgage.

Explanation :

' To the hilt ' and ' up to the hilt ' mean to the maximum extent possible or as fully as possible

Example : She was in this right up to the hilt.

Like there is no tomorrow !!!

Libby What's in that bag ? Whatever it is, I bet it was expensive.
Penny It's a new cocktail dress, absolutely irresistible.
Libby That's the second dress you've bought this month and you've already bought three pairs of new shoes.
Penny A girl needs to look her best at all times.
Libby But you've been spending like there's no tomorrow.
Penny Do you want me to go round looking like a tramp ?

Explanation :

If someone does something like there is/was no tomorrow, they do it very fast, in large amounts and without thinking carefully

Example : After his win on the football pools, he began spending money like there was no tomorrow.

Pay through the nose !!!

Teddy Did you have a good time in Thailand ?
Martin We did. We traveled all over the country and saw some fantastic sights.
Teddy What was the accommodation like ?
Martin Very good everywhere we went. And the people were very friendly.
Teddy Sounds perfect.
Martin It was, almost. But I had to make a couple of international phone calls from one of the hotels and I really had to pay through the nose for those.

Explanation :

If you say that you paid through the nose for something, you are emphasizing that you had to pay what you consider too high a price for it.

Example : We don't like paying through the nose for our wine when eating out.

Shell out a lot more money for extras !!!

Billie Did you enjoy your theme park visit ?
Vaughan On the whole yes; there was certainly a lot to see and we had a very full day.
Billie You don't sound totally enthusiastic.
Vaughan Well that's because the entrance fee was quite high, but once inside we had to shell out a lot more money for extras which I think ought to have been included in the ticket price.
Billie What sort of extras ?
Vaughan Well, for example, traveling between the different attractions on the electric bus. We had to pay for each separate journey.

Explanation :

If you shell out for something, you spend a lot of money on it.

Example : Do you expect me to shell out to gratify your vanity ?

She blows all her money !!!

Terri Hettie was complaining to me yesterday that there's always so much month left at the end of the money.
Marlene She's always moaning like that. She just can't manage her money.
Terri But she's always dressed like a film-star.
Marlene Well, that's just it. She blows all her money on clothes and shoes and wonders why she's always so short of cash at the end of the month.
Terri I suppose she is rather extravagant.
Marlene She certainly is. She needs to learn how to budget.

Explanation :

If you blow a large amount of money, you spend it quickly on luxuries.

Example : Before you blow it all on a luxury cruise, give a little thought to the future ...

Made an absolute mint !!!

Vera Have you seen Henry lately ?
Sally Yes, I saw him only yesterday driving around in a brand-new, top-of-the range Mercedes.
Vera My sister's in real estate and she told me that he had also just bought a luxury penthouse apartment.
Sally Where does he get the money from for all that ?
Vera Haven't you heard ? He's made an absolute mint from property deals.
Sally He really is a shrewd operator.

Explanation :

If you say that someone makes a mint, you mean that they make a very large amount of money.

Example : He made a mint in the computer industry.

Throwing good money after bad !!!

Rudy We're having such problems with our database software.
Diane Does it crash a lot ?
Rudy It does but it also seems to be full of bugs, which gives us inaccurate results at times.
Diane That's bad. What are you going to do about it ?
Rudy Well we're thinking of getting a software consultant in to get the bugs out of the system.
Diane That could be throwing good money after bad. Why don't you buy newer and more reliable software ?

Explanation :

If you say that someone is throwing money after bad, you are critical of them for trying to improve a bad situation by spending more money on it, instead of doing more thoughtful of practical things to improve it.

Example : Do you know that he has gambled away the $5,000 you lent him last time ? If you lend him any more money, you are throwing good money after bad.

He really played hardball !!!

Kevin Did you sign the star mid-fielder from Brazil ?
Alex We did, but it took hours of really tough negotiation.
Kevin Was he making really big demands ?
Alex It wasn't him, it was his agent. He really played hardball.
Kevin So he was after the maximum he could get for the star and himself.
Alex Absolutely and he threatened to pull out of negotiations if he didn't get what he wanted.

Explanation :

Play hardball - Be firm and determined in order to get what you want

Example : He's a nice guy, but he can play hardball when he needs to.

It would have been basically a zero-sum game !!!

Jules Did you get what you wanted ?
Garfield No, we pulled out of the negotiation after a very short time.
Jules I'm surprised. The prospects for agreement seemed very good at the start.
Garfield They did, but it didn't take long before things looked very different.
Jules Why was that ?
Garfield Well what they were proposing would have left us with almost nothing and they thought our proposal would mean the same for them. So it would have been basically a zero-sum game.

Explanation :

If you refer to a situation as zero-sum game, you mean that if one person gains an advantage from it, someone else involved must suffer an equivalent disadvantage.

Example : Mahjong is a zero-sum game : others have to lose money for you to win money.

Health insurance is the sticking point !!!

Wensley Haven't you completed negotiations yet ? You're into the second day already.
Marnie I know. I thought they would be over by now, but we've run into a problem.
Wensley Is it price ?
Marnie No, they want health insurance included in the deal and that's something our managing director is very much against.
Wensley So health insurance is the sticking point. How are you going to get round it ?
Marnie We're working on that right now.

Explanation :

A sticking point in a discussion is a point on which it is not possible to reach an agreement

Example : The sticking point in the negotiations proved to be the money question.

A sense of what their bottom line is !!!

Jean So how are we going to conduct this negotiation ?
Angus Well, obviously we're not going to put our cards on the table straight away.
Jean No, that would be naive. We've got to get a feel for what their negotiating limits are.
Angus That's right. We really need to get a sense of what their bottom line is.
Jean Then we'll know how far we can push them.
Angus Yes, but remember they will be doing the same in relation to us.

Explanation :

The bottom line in a business deal is the least a person is willing to accept.

Example : She says $95,000 is her bottom line.

Haggle over every penny of the deal !!!

Virginia Did you get that fashion order from Fashion International ?
Alice Yes, but it was really hard work.
Virginia I'm not surprised. They're known to be a tough bunch to do business with.
Alice They certainly are. Their buyer haggled over every penny of the deal.
Virginia That's why the company's so profitable.
Alice Too right. Still their order will give us work for the next three months.

Explanation :

If you haggle, you argue about something before reaching an agreement, especially about the cost of something that you are buying.

Example : Of course, he'll still haggle over the price.

We've got a win-win situation !!!

Jason We'll give you the order if you can guarantee delivery in three weeks.
Keith If you confirm the order today, we'll deliver in two weeks. We'll have to because we have an urgent order that we must start working on in two weeks' time.
Jason If you can deliver in two weeks, that would give us a big advantage over our competitors.
Keith We definitely can, our workers are very experienced and we have the latest equipment.
Jason Looks like we've got a win-win situation here. You've got our order.
Keith That's great. We'll start on it straight away.

Explanation :

A win-win situation is one in which an agreement is reached that is beneficial to both sides.

Give me 10% off !!!

Vernon So you want to book ten people in for three nights, 1st to 3rd December ?
Elizabeth That's right, what would your rate be for a group of that size ?
Vernon Eighty dollars per person per night.
Elizabeth That's only 5% less than your individual rate. Give me 10% off and I'll confirm the booking.
Vernon A 5% reduction for groups is company policy. I can't offer any more than that.
Elizabeth So that's your final offer ?
Vernon Yes.
Elizabeth Let me think about it.

Explanation :

10% off - 10% less than the original price

Example : There's 10% off this week on all winter coats.

There was no give and take at all !!!

Paul That was a really hard negotiation.
Kate I can see; you look really exhausted. What was the problem ?
Paul They were very inflexible and just stuck to their original position.
Kate So there was no give-and-take at all.
Paul No, none at all, because they knew they were in a very strong position.
Kate No wonder you had such a hard time.

Explanation :

If you say that something requires give and take, you mean that people must compromise for it to be successful.

Example : If the dispute is to be resolved there must be some give and take.

They used pressure tactics !!!

Gordon You don't look too pleased. What happened ?
Chris They gave us a really tough time and forced us to agree to sell at the lowest possible price.
Gordon Couldn't you have done better than that if you'd tried harder ?
Chris Not really, they used pressure tactics.
Gordon What do you mean ?
Chris They said that if we didn't agree to their terms they would take all their existing business with us away. So we really had no choice.

Explanation :

Tactics are the methods that you choose to use in order to achieve what you want in a particular situation.

Example : He pressed on in the hope that a few others would join him. The tactic paid off.

They beat us down as far as they could !!!

Guy Which company were you selling to ?
Harry Compexon, it's a number one in automotive components.
Guy Did you get a good deal ?
Harry Not really. They beat us down as far as they could.
Guy That's tough. Where do you go from here ?
Harry We'll have to reduce our costs a lot to make any real profit on the deal.

Explanation :

If you beat down a person who is selling you something, you force them to accept a lower price for it than they wanted to get.

Example : Beat down the seller to the price that suits you.

The going rate for my job !!!

Manager So what makes you think you're worth a raise in salary ?
James Well, first of all I've been responsible for a ten per cent increase in sales since I joined the company.
Manager That may be true, but the market in general has been expanding in that period.
James I've also improved my department's efficiency and cut its costs by seven per cent.
Manager OK, OK, what are you looking for ?
James I want an annual salary that at least matches the going rate for my job, which is currently $80,000. That means a raise of $ 7,500.

Explanation :

The going rate or the going salary is the usual amount of money that you expect to pay or receive for something.

Example : That's about half the going price on world oil markets.

We'll meet you halfway !!!

Mr. Armstrong We can offer you ten thousand pieces for immediate delivery at $500 per thousand.
Mr. Hawkins Four hundred fifty dollars would be a fairer price. We could get them from Vortex for that price.
Mr. Armstrong But you know as well as I do that the Vortex company is in no position to offer immediate delivery.
Mr. Hawkins Five hundred dollars is considerably more than the market rate and we're not going to pay more than that.
Mr. Armstrong OK, we'll meet you halfway : $475
Mr. Hawkins We can live with that. You've got a deal.

Explanation :

If you meet someone halfway, you accept some of the points they are making so that you can come to an agreement with them.

Example : The Democrats are willing to meet the president halfway.

You drive a hard bargain !!!

Mr. Klein This price leaves us with a very small margin.
Ms. Johnson It's the best price that I can offer.
Mr. Klein What about another two per cent. It's not much to ask.
Ms. Johnson No, as I said, that's our best price.
Mr. Klein You drive a hard bargain.
Ms. Johnson Not hard, just fair.

Explanation :

If people drive a hard bargain, they argue with determination in order to achieve a deal which is favorable to themselves.

Example : Ukraine was always gong to drive a hard bargain before signing the treaty.

Put your cards on the table !!!

Gavin We've put forward a number of possible options for an agreement. Now we need you to make a decision.
Jake None of them seem to us completely satisfactory. We'd like to explore other possibilities.
Gavin Look, there's no point in dragging this negotiation out, and we need a decision by the end of the day.
Jake We would like to consider all possible options.
Gavin We've considered all the realistic ones. It's time to put your cards on the table and make your position clear.
Jake At this point I think our side had better take some time out so that we can discuss among ourselves.

Explanation :

If you put or lay your cards on the table, you deal with a situation by speaking openly about your feelings, ideas, or plans.

Example : Put your cards on the table and be very clear about your complaints.

He was headhunted !!!

Griff Barry's just got the most fantastic job.
Tarquin Lucky devil ! Tell me more.
Griff He's got the finance director's job with the country's biggest shipping corporation.
Tarquin How did he get that ? I haven't seen any finance directors' jobs advertised lately and I check the appointments pages regularly.
Griff He was headhunted through one of the top recruitment consultancies.
Tarquin He must have got an outstanding reputation to get his job that way.

Explanation :

Headhunted - If someone who works for a particular company is headhunted, they leave that company because another company has approached them and offered them another job with better pay and higher status.

Example : He was headhunted by Barkers last October to build an advertising team .........

Think on his feet !!!

Chairman I thought every candidate on the shortlist was very impressive.
Panel member 1 Agreed. We would appoint any one of them.
Panel member 2 Indeed but I thought the last we interviewed had one outstanding quality.
Chairman What is it that particularly struck you about him ?
Panel member 2 The ability to think on his feet. He dealt with the most difficult and unexpected questions we threw at him very coolly and intelligently.
Chairman That's certainly true and it's not a very common quality.

Explanation :

Think on your feet - To make a quick decision or give an answer quickly

Example : I'd never heard about the firm before, so I had to think on my feet.

I've had to do a case interview !!!

Wayne That's the first job interview I've had where I've had to do a case interview.
Derek What did it involve ?
Wayne Well the interviewing panel described a business problem their company had, asked me to analyze it and suggest how I would go about solving it.
Derek That must have been really tough.
Wayne It certainly was, but happily I've got a business studies degree and that included case studies.
Derek So at least you had some sort of preparation for the ordeal.

Explanation :

Case interview - An interview that requires the interviewee to give detailed information about how to solve a business problem.

We had to do an in-tray exercise !!!

Irene How did your job interview go ?
Simon It was actually pretty tough because it wasn't just an interview, we had to do an in-tray exercise as well.
Irene Is that where they give you an in-tray full of documents like memos, letters, requests and ask you to prioritize and deal with them in a fixed time ?
Simon Yes, that's it. We only had 30 minutes to sort it all out and decide on what to do and in what order.
Irene Did you manage to deal with everything ?
Simon Not quite. I still had a few things left when the time ran out.

Explanation :

An in tray is a shallow basket used in offices to put letters and documents in when they arrive or when they are waiting to be dealt with.

The last candidate seemed outstanding to me !!!

Chairman Well we have interviewed everyone on the shortlist. What did you think of them ?
Panel member 1 I thought they were variable. The second and fourth were very strong candidates, the third was average and the first relatively weak.
Chairman That was also my impression. To be fair to the first, he had rather less experience than the others.
Panel member 2 The last candidate seemed outstanding to me. She answered all our questions very confidently, and was very well qualified.
Chairman On the other hand the second candidate was also well qualified and had rather more experience.
Panel member 1 It's going to be very difficult to decide which of them is going to get the job.

Explanation :

If you describe someone or something as outstanding, you think that they are very remarkable and impressive.

Example : He is outstanding at tennis and golf.

I made a good impression !!!

Rory You look relieved, what have you been doing ?
Barnaby I've just been interviewed for a reporter's job on the evening paper.
Rory How did it go ? Did they go through your resume in detail ?
Barnaby Yes they did, especially where I'd worked for their main competitor.
Rory What's your overall feeling about how it went ?
Barnaby Well I think I made a good impression. But I'll only know for sure when they write to me to give me their decision.

Explanation :

If someone or something makes an impression, they have a strong effect on people or a situation.

Example : He has told me his plans and he's made a good impression on me ...

Who's in the line-up !!!

Magda What are you reading ? Looks like a letter.
Quentin It is, it's a letter informing me that I've been shortlisted for a senior marketing manager's job with the airline.
Magda That's great ! Why are you looking so worried ?
Quentin It lists the interviewing panel. It's a bit scary.
Magda Who's in the line-up ?
Quentin The president, the managing director, the HR director and the head of marketing. That's pretty high-powered panel.

Explanation :

A line-up is a group of people or a series of things that are assembled to take part in a particular activity or event.

Example : The program is back for a new series with a great line-up of musicians and comedy acts.

Who's in the line-up !!!

Magda What are you reading ? Looks like a letter.
Quentin It is, it's a letter informing me that I've been shortlisted for a senior marketing manager's job with the airline.
Magda That's great ! Why are you looking so worried ?
Quentin It lists the interviewing panel. It's a bit scary.
Magda Who's in the line-up ?
Quentin The president, the managing director, the HR director and the head of marketing. That's pretty high-powered panel.

Explanation :

A line-up is a group of people or a series of things that are assembled to take part in a particular activity or event.

Example : The program is back for a new series with a great line-up of musicians and comedy acts.

Make the shortlist !!!

Eva Victoria's done ever so well, hasn't she ?
Loretta Yes, to make the shortlist for a manager's job in our biggest bank is a real achievement.
Eva When's the interview ?
Loretta Next week. She told me that it's not just an interview, but a whole day with tests and exercises as well.
Eva Sounds really tough. Rather her than me.
Loretta Yes, but she's very capable and pretty resilient, so I think she'll do well.

Explanation :

If someone is on a shortlist, for example for a job or a prize, they are one of a small group of people who have been chosen from a larger group. The successful person is then chosen from the small group.

Example : If you've been asked for an interview you are probably on a shortlist of no more than six.

I'm still working on my career portfolio !!!

Greta How is your job hunting going ?
Orlando I haven't really started yet because I'm still working on my career portfolio.
Greta Is that the same as a resume or c.v. ?
Orlando It's similar but it's more detailed. It will give potential employers a complete picture of my qualifications, experience and capabilities.
Greta That will be quite a folder.
Orlando Not only a folder. I'm planning to upload it to my website.
Greta Wow ! That sounds really impressive.

Explanation :

A portfolio is a set of pictures by someone, or photographs of examples of their work, which they use when entering competition or applying for work.

Meet the criteria !!!

Valeri Look at the job ad. What do you think ?
Darrel Let's see : HR manager; at least ten years' experience preferably in at least two different industries; experience of change management; ability to deal with the unexpected.
Valeri They're asking for quite a lot.
Darrel Well, maybe, but I know your resume and you definitely meet the criteria for the job.
Valeri So you think I should apply ?
Darrel Of course, Have a go. You'll be a strong candidate.

Explanation :

Meet the criteria - Meet the standard

I'm a job hopper !!!

Lana Please wish me luck for tomorrow, Roy.
Roy Oh, why's that ? Are you getting married ?
Lana Very funny. No, I've got an interview for an HR manager's job with a television company.
Roy Well done ! I'm sure you'll get the job.
Lana I'm not so sure. I'm a bit worried about how they'll see my resume.
Roy What's the problem ?
Lana Well, I've moved companies quite a bit over the past few years and I'm afraid they might think I'm a job hopper.

Explanation :

Job hopper - Someone who keeps changing jobs.

Fill the gaps !!!

Adrienne Would you mind looking over my resume, I'm thinking of applying for a job near my boyfriend.
Tessa Not at all, let's have a look.
Adrienne What do you think ?
Tessa Well, overall I think it's very impressive. But there are one or two gaps of several months in your resume where you don't list what you were doing.
Adrienne Does that matter ? I was traveling actually.
Tessa Well it might make a potential employer suspicious and they ask a lot of questions about it in a job interview. So I think it's best to fill the gaps and list what you were doing.

Explanation :

Gap - If there is something missing from a situation that prevents it being complete or satisfactory, you can say that there is a gap.

Example : China can't fill the economic gap left by the cut in Soviet support ...

Tailor your resume to fit the job !!!

Danny I'm thinking of applying for a marketing manager's job.
Victor Well you've got plenty of experience, so you should have a good chance.
Danny I'm going to work on my resume tonight after work.
Victor I'd wait until you get the job description if I were you.
Danny Why do you say that ?
Victor Well then you'll be able to tailor your resume to fit the job.

Explanation :

If you tailor something such as a plan or system to someone's needs, you make it suitable for a particular person or purpose by changing the details of it.

Example : ... scripts tailored to American comedy audiences.

I've just put in an application !!!

Eddie I'm really fed up with my present job.
Samantha Really ? What's the matter with it ?
Eddie It's so boring, the pay's miserable and there's no appreciation.
Samantha I'm sorry to hear that. What are you going to do about it.
Eddie I've already done something. I've just put in an application for a better paid and higher status job in the company where my brother works.
Samantha Well I hope you get an interview. I'm sure you will.

Explanation :

If you put in a request ( application ) or put in for something, you make a formal request or application.

Example : I decided to put in for a job as deputy secretary.

It must have finally given up the ghost !!!

Harley This fax machine's suddenly started making a strange noise in the middle of my fax job.
Julia Look, the screen has gone blank too.
Harley Oh no ! It's stopped dead and this is a really urgent job.
Julia It's quite an old machine. I think it must have finally given up the ghost.
Harley Just my luck ! What am I going to do now ?
Julia There's another fax on the next floor down. Why don't you try that one.

Explanation :

If someone gives up the ghost, they stop trying to do something because they no longer believe they can do it successfully ...

Example : Economics required George Bush to give up the ghost on what was a campaign pledge.

From telephone to fax mode !!!

Susie I need to send this fax to my brother but I'll have to telephone him first.
Leo Why do you have to do that ?
Susie He's only got an old-fashioned fax machine and one telephone line so I've got to ask him to switch his machine from telephone to fax mode before I start.
Leo He must have a pretty ancient machine.
Susie It's not that old and it still does the job.
Leo But it's very inconvenient. You should persuade him to buy a more modern machine with automatic switching.

Space is at a premium !!!

Zara I'm going to start working from home in a few weeks. I've already got a computer. What other equipment do you think I'll need ?
Otis Well apart from a telephone of course, you'll need a fax, a printer and a way of copying documents.
Zara My home office is quite small. Will they take up much room on my desk ?
Otis They will take up a certain amount of room. But if space is at a premium, you could get one of the all-in-one machines.
Zara What advantage do they have ?
Otis You get a telephone, fax machine, document scanner and printer all combined into one fairly compact unit.
Zara That sounds just what I need.

Explanation :

If something is at a premium, it is wanted or needed, but is difficult to get or achieve. ( scarce )

Example : If space is at a premium, choose adaptable furniture that won't fill the room.

It's got all the bells and whistles !!!

Ivor This new fax machine is really great, the best we've ever had.
Mat What's so great about it ?
Ivor Well it's got all the bells and whistles you could possibly want.
Mat Such as ?
Ivor A 500-page out-of-paper memory, 100 speed dial numbers, 3 seconds per page transmission time and fast laser printing, to name just a few.
Mat It sounds as if it does everything except make the tea.

Explanation :

Bells and whistles - Unusual or unique features of a financial instrument designed to appeal to a specific issuer or investor. Often refer to the features of an offering that seem to be added solely to attract attention.

The transmission time is quite slow !!!

Theo I need to fax a 15-page document. Do you mind if I use your machine ?
Lara No, not at all. It's over there in the corner. Please help yourself.
Theo Here we go. The first page is just starting to go through.
Lara One thing I have to tell you, you'll need a little bit of patience.
Theo Why's that ?
Lara Well the transmission time is quite slow, about 10 seconds a page.

Explanation :

The transmission of something is the passing or sending of it to a different person or place.

Example : ..... the fax machine and other forms of electronic data transmission.

It prints at 600 dpi resolution !!!

Romola Is that your new fax machine, it looks really cool.
Betty Yes, we've only had it a few days.
Romola Gosh, the quality of that fax just coming through is as good as from a laser printer.
Betty That's not surprising as the fax actually has built-in laser printer.
Romola The print resolution is far better than we get from our ink-jet fax. Everything is so sharp and clear.
Betty Yes, it prints at 600 dpi resolution, which gives really good quality.
Romola What does dpi mean ?
Betty Dots per inch. That's how you measure print resolution.

Explanation :

The resolution of an image is how clear the image is; technical use in science.

Example : Now this machine gives us such high resolution that we can see very small specks of calcium.

I get fed up !!!

Bunny I get fed up with having to change the rolls on our fax machine.
Elvira What ? You're not still using a fax that uses special paper ?
Bunny Yes, my boss is very tight-fisted and won't change it until it breaks down.
Elvira That's a shame. The modern plain paper fax machines are a lot easier to use. You don't have the bother of changing rolls.
Bunny I know, but, as I said, the boss is too mean to change ours.
Elvira Try telling him that the new machines are a lot cheaper to run.

Explanation :

If you are fed up, you are unhappy, bored, or tired of something, especially something that you have been experiencing for a long time.

Example : I am fed up with reading how women should dress to please men ...........

I've got a spare one !!!

Bertie Do you mind if I use your fax to make a quick copy ?
Louise Not at all. Help yourself.
Bertie I've put the document in and pressed the button, but nothing's happening.
Louise Let me have a look. Ah, that winking red light means the ink cartridge is empty.
Bertie Oh, what a shame !
Louise No, don't worry. It doesn't take a second to replace the ink cartridge and I've got a spare one here.

Explanation :

Spare - An extra thing which is not being used and which can be used instead of a part which is broken, lost, etc.

I'll go for the entry-level model !!!

Carl I'm thinking of buying a fax machine.
Denis That's a good idea. They are still quite useful, even though people increasingly send documents via computer these days.
Carl I have been having a look around and there seem to be so many different models on the market.
Denis So what kind are you going to buy ?
Carl Well I think I'll go for an entry-level model because our requirements are fairly basic.
Denis Good idea. You don't have to buy anything really sophisticated, if that's the case.

Explanation :

Entry-level - Describes a device that is basic and less expensive or technical than other types and therefore suitable for someone who has not used or bought one before

Example : an entry-level model/machine/PC

It has the smallest footprint !!!

Winnie I'm looking for a really compact fax machine.
Salesperson Well we have plenty to choose from, just have a look around.
Winnie That one in gray and silver looks very attractive and it's quite small.
Salesperson Yes, it has the smallest footprint of any of the machines which we stock.
Winnie So it's not going to take up too much room on the shelf.
Salesperson No, it's certainly the best choice if your space is limited.

Explanation :

Footprint - An item's footprint is the surface area it occupies.

Turn tail !!!

Penny I feel so sorry for Helen. She must be devastated.
Caroline Yes, to be standing at the altar waiting to be married to a bridegroom who never shows up.
Penny Who would have thought he would turn tail at the very last minute.
Caroline How could anyone be so heartless ?
Penny It just shows how yellow some men are.
Caroline I never liked him anyway. I just hope she has better luck next time.

Explanation :

Turn tail - To turn around and run away, usually because you are frightened

I left it too late !!!

Lily How are your shares doing this year ?
Kevin Not as well as I expected. Over half of them are down.
Lily What were you hoping for ?
Kevin Well I hit the bull's-eye with hotel shares last year. They went up a lot and I was expecting them to do even better this year.
Lily Hotel shares are well down this year. You should have sold them before they dropped so far.
Kevin I know, but I left it too late. Now nobody wants them. Just my luck.

Explanation :

If you leave something too late, you delay doing it so that when you eventually do it, it is useless or ineffective.

Example : I hope I haven't left it too late.

I'd take that with a pinch of salt !!!

Lennie I've just been talking to John James.
Peter That's interesting. What did he say ?
Lennie He told me how well his company was doing.
Peter Really ? I'm surprised. From what I've heard things aren't going well for him.
Lennie Well he told me that he expects his order book will soon be full.
Peter I'd take that with a pinch of salt if I were you. He's known for being over-optimistic.

Explanation :

If you take something with a pinch of salt, you do not believe that it is completely accurate or true.

Example : You have to take these findings with a pinch of salt because respondents tend to give the answers they feel they should.

What made you smell a rat !!!

Linda I was almost fooled by a telephone call I had yesterday.
Becky Not one of those telling you that you had won a wonderful prize.
Linda Yes, a week's vacation for two. It sounded great.
Becky What made you smell a rat ?
Linda When they told me I had to ring a special telephone number to claim the prize. Then I was sure it was a scam.
Becky Yes, those calls are charged at unbelievably high rates.

Explanation :

If you smell a rat, you begin to suspect or realize that something is wrong in a particular situation

Example : If I don't send a picture, he will smell a rat .......

That really makes my blood boil !!!

Georgina That's the last time we give a party. It'll take ages to clean up this mess and get back to normal.
Greg Yes, look at these wine stains on the carpet and the scratch marks on the table.
Georgine I know, they'll be almost impossible to get rid of completely.
Greg Oh no! Look here, people have been stubbing their cigarettes out on the sofa.
Georgina I can't believe it ! That really makes my blood boil.
Caroline This is going to cost us a fortune.

Explanation :

If you say that something makes your blood boil you are emphasizing that it makes you very angry.

Example : It makes my blood boil to think two thugs decided to pick on an innocent young girl.

Putting the cart before the horse !!!

Hank I've just found a great location to open a new shop and I've already been in touch with the owner of the property. He's keen to sell.
Sonja Have you researched the market for out kind of products in that district ?
Hank No, not yet. This is an opportunity that's too good to miss.
Sonja Don't you think this is putting the cart before the horse ?
Hank What do you mean ?
Sonja Well surely we ought to check first whether the people who live around there will want to buy what we have to sell, before we decide to open a new shop there.

Explanation :

If you say that someone is putting the cart before the horse, you mean that they are doing things in the wrong order

Example : This puts the cart before the horse; elections should follow, not precede, agreement on a constitution.

Take the bull by the horns !!!

Maxine You don't look too cheerful, what's the matter ?
Jeanie I've just moved in with a new roommate and she smokes quite a lot.
Maxine Oh dear, that's not very healthy for either of you. You should have a word with her about it.
Jeanie I know, but I don't want to offend her, she's very nice otherwise.
Maxine Look, it's so important that you'll just have to take the bull by the horns and suggest that she smoke outside.
Jeanie Well, I'll think about it.

Explanation :

If you take the bull by the horns, you do something that you feel you ought to do even though it is difficult, dangerous, or unpleasant.

She needed a shoulder to cry on !!!

Oliver Why are you so late ? Problems with your make-up ?
Dodie Don't be sarcastic. It was my girlfriend Susie.
Oliver What's her problem this time ?
Dodie She's just broken up with her boyfriend so she needed a shoulder to cry on.
Oliver She never seems to be able to hang on to anyone for very long.
Dodie It's not her fault, she just seems to have bad luck with men.

Explanation :

If someone offers you a shoulder to cry on or is a shoulder to cry on, they listen sympathetically to all your troubles.

Example : Roland sometimes saw me as a shoulder to cry on.

She's got a bee in her bonnet !!!

Veronica My mum's making life difficult for my dad at the moment.
Julie Why, what's she doing ?
Veronica She's got a bee in her bonnet about healthy eating after reading a diet book and she's trying to make him eat a more healthy diet.
Julie What's wrong with that ?
Veronica Well, a lot of the stuff he likes, she won't let him eat because she says it's bad for him.
Julie He's going to have to do as he's told. Your mother's a determined character.

Explanation :

A bee in one's bonnet - If you have a bee in your bonnet about something, you keep mentioning it or thinking about it.

Example : He's got a bee in his bonnet about factory farming.

Looks like the cat that swallowed the canary !!!

Mollie I've just seen Winnie. She gets all the luck.
Anne Why, what's happened ?
Mollie She's just got a fantastic job as a top fashion buyer.
Anne Well that was always her dream. She must be very pleased.
Mollie More than that; she looks like the cat that swallowed the canary.
Anne You can't blame her, she's done very well for herself.

Explanation :

Looks like the cat that swallowed the canary - to look smug or smugly guilty

He's got his head screwed on !!!

Samantha This stock market crash is really bad.
Jamie Too true, a lot of people have lost a lot of money as a result, including me.
Samantha Bad luck. But I do know one notable exception : my friend Rodney.
Jamie How did he escape.
Samantha He sold off almost all of his shares just before the crash and made a pile of money.
Jamie He's got his head screwed on, unlike me.

Explanation :

He's got his head screwed on - He is smart. ( Opposite : He has a screw loose = stupid )

I have other fish to fry !!!

Harry Why don't you come to the soccer match on Saturday ? It's a really important game and a lot of us are going. We'll have a really good time.
Felix I wish I could, but I've got other fish to fry.
Harry Like what ?
Felix Well I'm playing golf with one of our most important clients.
Harry Business before pleasure !
Felix I'm afraid so. But a lot of future business depends on it.

Explanation :

Other fish to fry - Other things to do

Chewing the fat !!!

Hettie I don't really like that suggestion. There must be better ways of doing it.
Vera That's the umpteenth suggestion I've made which you've turned down.
Hettie Well I'm just concerned that we get it right.
Vera So am I, but we can't keep chewing the fat over this indefinitely. We've got to come to a decision.
Hettie Tell you what, let's ask Jane to choose and settle the matter for us.
Vera OK, if that's what it takes to get it decided.

Explanation :

Chew the fat - If people chew the fat, they talk or gossip.

Example : We'd been lounging around, chewing the fat for a couple of hours.

Barking up the wrong tree !!!

Jean We've been having quite a lot of customer complaints lately ?
Gwyn Yes, David has just been telling me about them.
Jean I think they're caused by faults in our telephone system. We're checking it right now.
Gwyn You're barking up the wrong tree there I think.
Jean Why do you say that ?
Gwyn I don't think there's anything wrong with the telephone system. The problem is the company's procedures for dealing with customers.

Explanation :

If you say that someone is barking up the wrong tree, you mean that they are following the wrong course of action because their beliefs and ideas about something are incorrect.

Example : Scientists in Switzerland realized that most other researchers had been barking up the wrong tree.

Getting more economical !!!

Madge I've just checked the page counter on our photocopier and it's done 5,000 copies since we bought it.
Larry That's a lot better than the previous machine. We had to replace the toner cartridge on that one after only 3,000 copies.
Madge Yes, the toner life on this model is a lot longer. We apparently won't need to replace the cartridge until it has done at least 6,000 copies.
Larry I've heard that the latest models can do as many as 8,000 copies before the toner cartridge needs replacing.
Madge Yes, these machines are getting more economical all the time.
Larry Yes, technology marches on.

Explanation :

Economical - Something that is economical does not require a lot of money to operate.

Example : A car that only uses a small amount of petrol is economical.

Get the hang of it !!!

Tony I've just been using our department's new photocopier. It took me quite a time to get the hang of it.
Georgina Mary's just been telling me about it. Apparently it's a very versatile machine which can do lots of things.
Tony That's just it. There are lots of menus available on the control panel and they each have lots of options. It can be quite confusing.
Georgina I suppose that's the price you pay for its versatility.
Tony I know but you really need a training course to get to grips with it.
Georgina Perhaps that's something we ought to suggest to the boss.

Explanation :

Get the hang of - If you get the hang of something such as a skill or activity, you begin to understand or realize how to do it.

Example : It's a bit tricky at first till you get the hang of it.

Put a lot of thought into !!!

Edgar This is our new photocopier. What do you think of it ?
Cathy It looks very compact and stylish but how easy is it to use ?
Edgar It's a lot easier than previous models. The designers have put a lot of thought into making it easier to use.
Cathy What's the main thing they have done ?
Edgar They've made the control panel very clear and intuitive, so that you won't waste a lot of time working out how to operate it.
Cathy The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Let me have a try.

Explanation :

Thought - Thought is the activity of thinking, especially deeply, logically, or with concentration.

Example : He had given some thought to what she had told him.

Have your work cut out !!!

Fay I've got 40 copies of this draft report to make by lunchtime.
Ingrid It's huge. It must be at least 100 pages. You'll have your work cut out.
Fay When the committee has made all the changes it considers necessary. I'll have to print out another 40 copies of the final version.
Ingrid If it's only the draft report this time, why don't you copy it using the toner-saving mode ?
Fay What's the advantage of that ?
Ingrid The photocopier will use a lot less toner and the job will be done quicker.
Fay Will the text still be legible ?
Ingrid Of course. I use toner-saving mode all the time without any problems.

Explanation :

Have your work cut out - If you say that you will have your work cut out to do something, you mean that it will be a very difficult task.

Example : The new administration has its work cut out for it. Creating jobs in this kind of environment is not going to be easy .....

A multifunctional photocopier !!!

Aaron Our photocopier has just about reached the end of its useful life.
Yasmin I know, the boss has already decided to replace it.
Aaron Do you know what he's going to replace it with ?
Yasmin Yes, he said he's going to go for a multifunctional photocopier.
Aaron I've never heard of those. What do they do ?
Yasmin They both photocopy and print so you get a photocopier and printer together for not much more than the price of one machine.

On the blink !!!

Marvin Just what I need ! I've got a really urgent copying job and the photocopier's on the blink.
Cherie What's the matter with it ?
Marvin I'm not sure, but when this light is blinking, it means the machine is out of order.
Cherie Don't worry, I'll call the Service Department. They can normally get a technician here in under half and hour.
Marvin Thanks a lot. This sort of things always seems to happen when I've got an urgent job to do.
Cherie I know. It can be really frustrating at times.

Explanation :

On the blink - If the machine goes on the blink, it stops working properly.

Example : ....... an old TV that's on the blink.

Capital gains

Minimize the capital gains tax !!!

Kathleen Have you finished my accounts yet ? I sent you all the paperwork three weeks ago.
Damien Well, almost but I've still got some work to do on your investments and your real estate.
Kathleen What's the problem ?
Damien There's no problem, but you sold some shares during the financial year at quite a profit and you also made a lot of money on the apartment you sold. Those were capital gains.
Kathleen So what you are trying to do ?
Damien Well I'm working on how I can minimize the capital gains tax you're going to have to pay on the money you made from the sale of those assets.

Explanation :

Capital gains are the profits that you make when you buy something and then sell it again at a higher price.

Example : Gains from the sale of privately-owned cars and household goods are exempt from capital gains tax.

Cut to the bone !!!

Coral Morale is a bit low in our company at the moment, especially in the HR department where I work.
Shelby I'm not surprised, business hasn't been good at all lately.
Coral It certainly hasn't and it's forecast to get worse.
Shelby What effect will that have on your plans for the next financial year ?
Coral Well, all departments are being told to economize, and the HR department's training budget is being cut to the bone.
Shelby That's surely a bit short-sighted. I would have thought that upgrading the skills of its staff should be a high priority for any company.

Explanation :

If something such as costs are cut to the bone, they are reduced to an absolute minimum.

Example : Profit margins have been slashed to the bone in an attempt to keep turnover moving.

Splashing his money around !!!

Scot That's the third round of drinks that Melvyn has bought in the club this evening.
Kyle He was doing the same the day before yesterday.
Scot He's not normally so generous. What's going on ?
Kyle He's not, but he's trying to get elected to the club committee. The elections are next week at the AGM.
Scot So that's why he's splashing his money around. I'd call that attempted bribery.
Kyle I wouldn't worry. He's not that popular and it'll take more than a few drinks to buy members' votes.

They're mortgaged up to the hilt !!!

Sandy I'm a bit worried about our son and his wife.
Desmond Is their marriage going rocky ?
Sandy No, not at all. But they've just bought a large apartment nearer the city center and it cost them an absolute fortune. They've both got to be working to afford the mortgage payments.
Desmond So they're mortgaged up to the hilt.
Sandy Too true and what I'm worried about is what would happen if either of them lost their jobs.
Desmond Yes, if that happened, they would really struggle to keep up the monthly payments on their mortgage.

Explanation :

' To the hilt ' and ' up to the hilt ' mean to the maximum extent possible or as fully as possible

Example : She was in this right up to the hilt.

Like there is no tomorrow !!!

Libby What's in that bag ? Whatever it is, I bet it was expensive.
Penny It's a new cocktail dress, absolutely irresistible.
Libby That's the second dress you've bought this month and you've already bought three pairs of new shoes.
Penny A girl needs to look her best at all times.
Libby But you've been spending like there's no tomorrow.
Penny Do you want me to go round looking like a tramp ?

Explanation :

If someone does something like there is/was no tomorrow, they do it very fast, in large amounts and without thinking carefully

Example : After his win on the football pools, he began spending money like there was no tomorrow.

Pay through the nose !!!

Teddy Did you have a good time in Thailand ?
Martin We did. We traveled all over the country and saw some fantastic sights.
Teddy What was the accommodation like ?
Martin Very good everywhere we went. And the people were very friendly.
Teddy Sounds perfect.
Martin It was, almost. But I had to make a couple of international phone calls from one of the hotels and I really had to pay through the nose for those.

Explanation :

If you say that you paid through the nose for something, you are emphasizing that you had to pay what you consider too high a price for it.

Example : We don't like paying through the nose for our wine when eating out.

Shell out a lot more money for extras !!!

Billie Did you enjoy your theme park visit ?
Vaughan On the whole yes; there was certainly a lot to see and we had a very full day.
Billie You don't sound totally enthusiastic.
Vaughan Well that's because the entrance fee was quite high, but once inside we had to shell out a lot more money for extras which I think ought to have been included in the ticket price.
Billie What sort of extras ?
Vaughan Well, for example, traveling between the different attractions on the electric bus. We had to pay for each separate journey.

Explanation :

If you shell out for something, you spend a lot of money on it.

Example : Do you expect me to shell out to gratify your vanity ?

She blows all her money !!!

Terri Hettie was complaining to me yesterday that there's always so much month left at the end of the money.
Marlene She's always moaning like that. She just can't manage her money.
Terri But she's always dressed like a film-star.
Marlene Well, that's just it. She blows all her money on clothes and shoes and wonders why she's always so short of cash at the end of the month.
Terri I suppose she is rather extravagant.
Marlene She certainly is. She needs to learn how to budget.

Explanation :

If you blow a large amount of money, you spend it quickly on luxuries.

Example : Before you blow it all on a luxury cruise, give a little thought to the future ...

Made an absolute mint !!!

Vera Have you seen Henry lately ?
Sally Yes, I saw him only yesterday driving around in a brand-new, top-of-the range Mercedes.
Vera My sister's in real estate and she told me that he had also just bought a luxury penthouse apartment.
Sally Where does he get the money from for all that ?
Vera Haven't you heard ? He's made an absolute mint from property deals.
Sally He really is a shrewd operator.

Explanation :

If you say that someone makes a mint, you mean that they make a very large amount of money.

Example : He made a mint in the computer industry.

Throwing good money after bad !!!

Rudy We're having such problems with our database software.
Diane Does it crash a lot ?
Rudy It does but it also seems to be full of bugs, which gives us inaccurate results at times.
Diane That's bad. What are you going to do about it ?
Rudy Well we're thinking of getting a software consultant in to get the bugs out of the system.
Diane That could be throwing good money after bad. Why don't you buy newer and more reliable software ?

Explanation :

If you say that someone is throwing money after bad, you are critical of them for trying to improve a bad situation by spending more money on it, instead of doing more thoughtful of practical things to improve it.

Example : Do you know that he has gambled away the $5,000 you lent him last time ? If you lend him any more money, you are throwing good money after bad.

He really played hardball !!!

Kevin Did you sign the star mid-fielder from Brazil ?
Alex We did, but it took hours of really tough negotiation.
Kevin Was he making really big demands ?
Alex It wasn't him, it was his agent. He really played hardball.
Kevin So he was after the maximum he could get for the star and himself.
Alex Absolutely and he threatened to pull out of negotiations if he didn't get what he wanted.

Explanation :

Play hardball - Be firm and determined in order to get what you want

Example : He's a nice guy, but he can play hardball when he needs to.

It would have been basically a zero-sum game !!!

Jules Did you get what you wanted ?
Garfield No, we pulled out of the negotiation after a very short time.
Jules I'm surprised. The prospects for agreement seemed very good at the start.
Garfield They did, but it didn't take long before things looked very different.
Jules Why was that ?
Garfield Well what they were proposing would have left us with almost nothing and they thought our proposal would mean the same for them. So it would have been basically a zero-sum game.

Explanation :

If you refer to a situation as zero-sum game, you mean that if one person gains an advantage from it, someone else involved must suffer an equivalent disadvantage.

Example : Mahjong is a zero-sum game : others have to lose money for you to win money.

Health insurance is the sticking point !!!

Wensley Haven't you completed negotiations yet ? You're into the second day already.
Marnie I know. I thought they would be over by now, but we've run into a problem.
Wensley Is it price ?
Marnie No, they want health insurance included in the deal and that's something our managing director is very much against.
Wensley So health insurance is the sticking point. How are you going to get round it ?
Marnie We're working on that right now.

Explanation :

A sticking point in a discussion is a point on which it is not possible to reach an agreement

Example : The sticking point in the negotiations proved to be the money question.

A sense of what their bottom line is !!!

Jean So how are we going to conduct this negotiation ?
Angus Well, obviously we're not going to put our cards on the table straight away.
Jean No, that would be naive. We've got to get a feel for what their negotiating limits are.
Angus That's right. We really need to get a sense of what their bottom line is.
Jean Then we'll know how far we can push them.
Angus Yes, but remember they will be doing the same in relation to us.

Explanation :

The bottom line in a business deal is the least a person is willing to accept.

Example : She says $95,000 is her bottom line.

Haggle over every penny of the deal !!!

Virginia Did you get that fashion order from Fashion International ?
Alice Yes, but it was really hard work.
Virginia I'm not surprised. They're known to be a tough bunch to do business with.
Alice They certainly are. Their buyer haggled over every penny of the deal.
Virginia That's why the company's so profitable.
Alice Too right. Still their order will give us work for the next three months.

Explanation :

If you haggle, you argue about something before reaching an agreement, especially about the cost of something that you are buying.

Example : Of course, he'll still haggle over the price.

We've got a win-win situation !!!

Jason We'll give you the order if you can guarantee delivery in three weeks.
Keith If you confirm the order today, we'll deliver in two weeks. We'll have to because we have an urgent order that we must start working on in two weeks' time.
Jason If you can deliver in two weeks, that would give us a big advantage over our competitors.
Keith We definitely can, our workers are very experienced and we have the latest equipment.
Jason Looks like we've got a win-win situation here. You've got our order.
Keith That's great. We'll start on it straight away.

Explanation :

A win-win situation is one in which an agreement is reached that is beneficial to both sides.

Give me 10% off !!!

Vernon So you want to book ten people in for three nights, 1st to 3rd December ?
Elizabeth That's right, what would your rate be for a group of that size ?
Vernon Eighty dollars per person per night.
Elizabeth That's only 5% less than your individual rate. Give me 10% off and I'll confirm the booking.
Vernon A 5% reduction for groups is company policy. I can't offer any more than that.
Elizabeth So that's your final offer ?
Vernon Yes.
Elizabeth Let me think about it.

Explanation :

10% off - 10% less than the original price

Example : There's 10% off this week on all winter coats.

There was no give and take at all !!!

Paul That was a really hard negotiation.
Kate I can see; you look really exhausted. What was the problem ?
Paul They were very inflexible and just stuck to their original position.
Kate So there was no give-and-take at all.
Paul No, none at all, because they knew they were in a very strong position.
Kate No wonder you had such a hard time.

Explanation :

If you say that something requires give and take, you mean that people must compromise for it to be successful.

Example : If the dispute is to be resolved there must be some give and take.

They used pressure tactics !!!

Gordon You don't look too pleased. What happened ?
Chris They gave us a really tough time and forced us to agree to sell at the lowest possible price.
Gordon Couldn't you have done better than that if you'd tried harder ?
Chris Not really, they used pressure tactics.
Gordon What do you mean ?
Chris They said that if we didn't agree to their terms they would take all their existing business with us away. So we really had no choice.

Explanation :

Tactics are the methods that you choose to use in order to achieve what you want in a particular situation.

Example : He pressed on in the hope that a few others would join him. The tactic paid off.

They beat us down as far as they could !!!

Guy Which company were you selling to ?
Harry Compexon, it's a number one in automotive components.
Guy Did you get a good deal ?
Harry Not really. They beat us down as far as they could.
Guy That's tough. Where do you go from here ?
Harry We'll have to reduce our costs a lot to make any real profit on the deal.

Explanation :

If you beat down a person who is selling you something, you force them to accept a lower price for it than they wanted to get.

Example : Beat down the seller to the price that suits you.

The going rate for my job !!!

Manager So what makes you think you're worth a raise in salary ?
James Well, first of all I've been responsible for a ten per cent increase in sales since I joined the company.
Manager That may be true, but the market in general has been expanding in that period.
James I've also improved my department's efficiency and cut its costs by seven per cent.
Manager OK, OK, what are you looking for ?
James I want an annual salary that at least matches the going rate for my job, which is currently $80,000. That means a raise of $ 7,500.

Explanation :

The going rate or the going salary is the usual amount of money that you expect to pay or receive for something.

Example : That's about half the going price on world oil markets.

We'll meet you halfway !!!

Mr. Armstrong We can offer you ten thousand pieces for immediate delivery at $500 per thousand.
Mr. Hawkins Four hundred fifty dollars would be a fairer price. We could get them from Vortex for that price.
Mr. Armstrong But you know as well as I do that the Vortex company is in no position to offer immediate delivery.
Mr. Hawkins Five hundred dollars is considerably more than the market rate and we're not going to pay more than that.
Mr. Armstrong OK, we'll meet you halfway : $475
Mr. Hawkins We can live with that. You've got a deal.

Explanation :

If you meet someone halfway, you accept some of the points they are making so that you can come to an agreement with them.

Example : The Democrats are willing to meet the president halfway.

You drive a hard bargain !!!

Mr. Klein This price leaves us with a very small margin.
Ms. Johnson It's the best price that I can offer.
Mr. Klein What about another two per cent. It's not much to ask.
Ms. Johnson No, as I said, that's our best price.
Mr. Klein You drive a hard bargain.
Ms. Johnson Not hard, just fair.

Explanation :

If people drive a hard bargain, they argue with determination in order to achieve a deal which is favorable to themselves.

Example : Ukraine was always gong to drive a hard bargain before signing the treaty.

Put your cards on the table !!!

Gavin We've put forward a number of possible options for an agreement. Now we need you to make a decision.
Jake None of them seem to us completely satisfactory. We'd like to explore other possibilities.
Gavin Look, there's no point in dragging this negotiation out, and we need a decision by the end of the day.
Jake We would like to consider all possible options.
Gavin We've considered all the realistic ones. It's time to put your cards on the table and make your position clear.
Jake At this point I think our side had better take some time out so that we can discuss among ourselves.

Explanation :

If you put or lay your cards on the table, you deal with a situation by speaking openly about your feelings, ideas, or plans.

Example : Put your cards on the table and be very clear about your complaints.

He was headhunted !!!

Griff Barry's just got the most fantastic job.
Tarquin Lucky devil ! Tell me more.
Griff He's got the finance director's job with the country's biggest shipping corporation.
Tarquin How did he get that ? I haven't seen any finance directors' jobs advertised lately and I check the appointments pages regularly.
Griff He was headhunted through one of the top recruitment consultancies.
Tarquin He must have got an outstanding reputation to get his job that way.

Explanation :

Headhunted - If someone who works for a particular company is headhunted, they leave that company because another company has approached them and offered them another job with better pay and higher status.

Example : He was headhunted by Barkers last October to build an advertising team .........

Think on his feet !!!

Chairman I thought every candidate on the shortlist was very impressive.
Panel member 1 Agreed. We would appoint any one of them.
Panel member 2 Indeed but I thought the last we interviewed had one outstanding quality.
Chairman What is it that particularly struck you about him ?
Panel member 2 The ability to think on his feet. He dealt with the most difficult and unexpected questions we threw at him very coolly and intelligently.
Chairman That's certainly true and it's not a very common quality.

Explanation :

Think on your feet - To make a quick decision or give an answer quickly

Example : I'd never heard about the firm before, so I had to think on my feet.

I've had to do a case interview !!!

Wayne That's the first job interview I've had where I've had to do a case interview.
Derek What did it involve ?
Wayne Well the interviewing panel described a business problem their company had, asked me to analyze it and suggest how I would go about solving it.
Derek That must have been really tough.
Wayne It certainly was, but happily I've got a business studies degree and that included case studies.
Derek So at least you had some sort of preparation for the ordeal.

Explanation :

Case interview - An interview that requires the interviewee to give detailed information about how to solve a business problem.

We had to do an in-tray exercise !!!

Irene How did your job interview go ?
Simon It was actually pretty tough because it wasn't just an interview, we had to do an in-tray exercise as well.
Irene Is that where they give you an in-tray full of documents like memos, letters, requests and ask you to prioritize and deal with them in a fixed time ?
Simon Yes, that's it. We only had 30 minutes to sort it all out and decide on what to do and in what order.
Irene Did you manage to deal with everything ?
Simon Not quite. I still had a few things left when the time ran out.

Explanation :

An in tray is a shallow basket used in offices to put letters and documents in when they arrive or when they are waiting to be dealt with.

The last candidate seemed outstanding to me !!!

Chairman Well we have interviewed everyone on the shortlist. What did you think of them ?
Panel member 1 I thought they were variable. The second and fourth were very strong candidates, the third was average and the first relatively weak.
Chairman That was also my impression. To be fair to the first, he had rather less experience than the others.
Panel member 2 The last candidate seemed outstanding to me. She answered all our questions very confidently, and was very well qualified.
Chairman On the other hand the second candidate was also well qualified and had rather more experience.
Panel member 1 It's going to be very difficult to decide which of them is going to get the job.

Explanation :

If you describe someone or something as outstanding, you think that they are very remarkable and impressive.

Example : He is outstanding at tennis and golf.

I made a good impression !!!

Rory You look relieved, what have you been doing ?
Barnaby I've just been interviewed for a reporter's job on the evening paper.
Rory How did it go ? Did they go through your resume in detail ?
Barnaby Yes they did, especially where I'd worked for their main competitor.
Rory What's your overall feeling about how it went ?
Barnaby Well I think I made a good impression. But I'll only know for sure when they write to me to give me their decision.

Explanation :

If someone or something makes an impression, they have a strong effect on people or a situation.

Example : He has told me his plans and he's made a good impression on me ...

Who's in the line-up !!!

Magda What are you reading ? Looks like a letter.
Quentin It is, it's a letter informing me that I've been shortlisted for a senior marketing manager's job with the airline.
Magda That's great ! Why are you looking so worried ?
Quentin It lists the interviewing panel. It's a bit scary.
Magda Who's in the line-up ?
Quentin The president, the managing director, the HR director and the head of marketing. That's pretty high-powered panel.

Explanation :

A line-up is a group of people or a series of things that are assembled to take part in a particular activity or event.

Example : The program is back for a new series with a great line-up of musicians and comedy acts.

Who's in the line-up !!!

Magda What are you reading ? Looks like a letter.
Quentin It is, it's a letter informing me that I've been shortlisted for a senior marketing manager's job with the airline.
Magda That's great ! Why are you looking so worried ?
Quentin It lists the interviewing panel. It's a bit scary.
Magda Who's in the line-up ?
Quentin The president, the managing director, the HR director and the head of marketing. That's pretty high-powered panel.

Explanation :

A line-up is a group of people or a series of things that are assembled to take part in a particular activity or event.

Example : The program is back for a new series with a great line-up of musicians and comedy acts.

Make the shortlist !!!

Eva Victoria's done ever so well, hasn't she ?
Loretta Yes, to make the shortlist for a manager's job in our biggest bank is a real achievement.
Eva When's the interview ?
Loretta Next week. She told me that it's not just an interview, but a whole day with tests and exercises as well.
Eva Sounds really tough. Rather her than me.
Loretta Yes, but she's very capable and pretty resilient, so I think she'll do well.

Explanation :

If someone is on a shortlist, for example for a job or a prize, they are one of a small group of people who have been chosen from a larger group. The successful person is then chosen from the small group.

Example : If you've been asked for an interview you are probably on a shortlist of no more than six.

I'm still working on my career portfolio !!!

Greta How is your job hunting going ?
Orlando I haven't really started yet because I'm still working on my career portfolio.
Greta Is that the same as a resume or c.v. ?
Orlando It's similar but it's more detailed. It will give potential employers a complete picture of my qualifications, experience and capabilities.
Greta That will be quite a folder.
Orlando Not only a folder. I'm planning to upload it to my website.
Greta Wow ! That sounds really impressive.

Explanation :

A portfolio is a set of pictures by someone, or photographs of examples of their work, which they use when entering competition or applying for work.

Meet the criteria !!!

Valeri Look at the job ad. What do you think ?
Darrel Let's see : HR manager; at least ten years' experience preferably in at least two different industries; experience of change management; ability to deal with the unexpected.
Valeri They're asking for quite a lot.
Darrel Well, maybe, but I know your resume and you definitely meet the criteria for the job.
Valeri So you think I should apply ?
Darrel Of course, Have a go. You'll be a strong candidate.

Explanation :

Meet the criteria - Meet the standard

I'm a job hopper !!!

Lana Please wish me luck for tomorrow, Roy.
Roy Oh, why's that ? Are you getting married ?
Lana Very funny. No, I've got an interview for an HR manager's job with a television company.
Roy Well done ! I'm sure you'll get the job.
Lana I'm not so sure. I'm a bit worried about how they'll see my resume.
Roy What's the problem ?
Lana Well, I've moved companies quite a bit over the past few years and I'm afraid they might think I'm a job hopper.

Explanation :

Job hopper - Someone who keeps changing jobs.

Fill the gaps !!!

Adrienne Would you mind looking over my resume, I'm thinking of applying for a job near my boyfriend.
Tessa Not at all, let's have a look.
Adrienne What do you think ?
Tessa Well, overall I think it's very impressive. But there are one or two gaps of several months in your resume where you don't list what you were doing.
Adrienne Does that matter ? I was traveling actually.
Tessa Well it might make a potential employer suspicious and they ask a lot of questions about it in a job interview. So I think it's best to fill the gaps and list what you were doing.

Explanation :

Gap - If there is something missing from a situation that prevents it being complete or satisfactory, you can say that there is a gap.

Example : China can't fill the economic gap left by the cut in Soviet support ...

Tailor your resume to fit the job !!!

Danny I'm thinking of applying for a marketing manager's job.
Victor Well you've got plenty of experience, so you should have a good chance.
Danny I'm going to work on my resume tonight after work.
Victor I'd wait until you get the job description if I were you.
Danny Why do you say that ?
Victor Well then you'll be able to tailor your resume to fit the job.

Explanation :

If you tailor something such as a plan or system to someone's needs, you make it suitable for a particular person or purpose by changing the details of it.

Example : ... scripts tailored to American comedy audiences.

I've just put in an application !!!

Eddie I'm really fed up with my present job.
Samantha Really ? What's the matter with it ?
Eddie It's so boring, the pay's miserable and there's no appreciation.
Samantha I'm sorry to hear that. What are you going to do about it.
Eddie I've already done something. I've just put in an application for a better paid and higher status job in the company where my brother works.
Samantha Well I hope you get an interview. I'm sure you will.

Explanation :

If you put in a request ( application ) or put in for something, you make a formal request or application.

Example : I decided to put in for a job as deputy secretary.

It must have finally given up the ghost !!!

Harley This fax machine's suddenly started making a strange noise in the middle of my fax job.
Julia Look, the screen has gone blank too.
Harley Oh no ! It's stopped dead and this is a really urgent job.
Julia It's quite an old machine. I think it must have finally given up the ghost.
Harley Just my luck ! What am I going to do now ?
Julia There's another fax on the next floor down. Why don't you try that one.

Explanation :

If someone gives up the ghost, they stop trying to do something because they no longer believe they can do it successfully ...

Example : Economics required George Bush to give up the ghost on what was a campaign pledge.

From telephone to fax mode !!!

Susie I need to send this fax to my brother but I'll have to telephone him first.
Leo Why do you have to do that ?
Susie He's only got an old-fashioned fax machine and one telephone line so I've got to ask him to switch his machine from telephone to fax mode before I start.
Leo He must have a pretty ancient machine.
Susie It's not that old and it still does the job.
Leo But it's very inconvenient. You should persuade him to buy a more modern machine with automatic switching.

Space is at a premium !!!

Zara I'm going to start working from home in a few weeks. I've already got a computer. What other equipment do you think I'll need ?
Otis Well apart from a telephone of course, you'll need a fax, a printer and a way of copying documents.
Zara My home office is quite small. Will they take up much room on my desk ?
Otis They will take up a certain amount of room. But if space is at a premium, you could get one of the all-in-one machines.
Zara What advantage do they have ?
Otis You get a telephone, fax machine, document scanner and printer all combined into one fairly compact unit.
Zara That sounds just what I need.

Explanation :

If something is at a premium, it is wanted or needed, but is difficult to get or achieve. ( scarce )

Example : If space is at a premium, choose adaptable furniture that won't fill the room.

It's got all the bells and whistles !!!

Ivor This new fax machine is really great, the best we've ever had.
Mat What's so great about it ?
Ivor Well it's got all the bells and whistles you could possibly want.
Mat Such as ?
Ivor A 500-page out-of-paper memory, 100 speed dial numbers, 3 seconds per page transmission time and fast laser printing, to name just a few.
Mat It sounds as if it does everything except make the tea.

Explanation :

Bells and whistles - Unusual or unique features of a financial instrument designed to appeal to a specific issuer or investor. Often refer to the features of an offering that seem to be added solely to attract attention.

The transmission time is quite slow !!!

Theo I need to fax a 15-page document. Do you mind if I use your machine ?
Lara No, not at all. It's over there in the corner. Please help yourself.
Theo Here we go. The first page is just starting to go through.
Lara One thing I have to tell you, you'll need a little bit of patience.
Theo Why's that ?
Lara Well the transmission time is quite slow, about 10 seconds a page.

Explanation :

The transmission of something is the passing or sending of it to a different person or place.

Example : ..... the fax machine and other forms of electronic data transmission.

It prints at 600 dpi resolution !!!

Romola Is that your new fax machine, it looks really cool.
Betty Yes, we've only had it a few days.
Romola Gosh, the quality of that fax just coming through is as good as from a laser printer.
Betty That's not surprising as the fax actually has built-in laser printer.
Romola The print resolution is far better than we get from our ink-jet fax. Everything is so sharp and clear.
Betty Yes, it prints at 600 dpi resolution, which gives really good quality.
Romola What does dpi mean ?
Betty Dots per inch. That's how you measure print resolution.

Explanation :

The resolution of an image is how clear the image is; technical use in science.

Example : Now this machine gives us such high resolution that we can see very small specks of calcium.

I get fed up !!!

Bunny I get fed up with having to change the rolls on our fax machine.
Elvira What ? You're not still using a fax that uses special paper ?
Bunny Yes, my boss is very tight-fisted and won't change it until it breaks down.
Elvira That's a shame. The modern plain paper fax machines are a lot easier to use. You don't have the bother of changing rolls.
Bunny I know, but, as I said, the boss is too mean to change ours.
Elvira Try telling him that the new machines are a lot cheaper to run.

Explanation :

If you are fed up, you are unhappy, bored, or tired of something, especially something that you have been experiencing for a long time.

Example : I am fed up with reading how women should dress to please men ...........

I've got a spare one !!!

Bertie Do you mind if I use your fax to make a quick copy ?
Louise Not at all. Help yourself.
Bertie I've put the document in and pressed the button, but nothing's happening.
Louise Let me have a look. Ah, that winking red light means the ink cartridge is empty.
Bertie Oh, what a shame !
Louise No, don't worry. It doesn't take a second to replace the ink cartridge and I've got a spare one here.

Explanation :

Spare - An extra thing which is not being used and which can be used instead of a part which is broken, lost, etc.

I'll go for the entry-level model !!!

Carl I'm thinking of buying a fax machine.
Denis That's a good idea. They are still quite useful, even though people increasingly send documents via computer these days.
Carl I have been having a look around and there seem to be so many different models on the market.
Denis So what kind are you going to buy ?
Carl Well I think I'll go for an entry-level model because our requirements are fairly basic.
Denis Good idea. You don't have to buy anything really sophisticated, if that's the case.

Explanation :

Entry-level - Describes a device that is basic and less expensive or technical than other types and therefore suitable for someone who has not used or bought one before

Example : an entry-level model/machine/PC

It has the smallest footprint !!!

Winnie I'm looking for a really compact fax machine.
Salesperson Well we have plenty to choose from, just have a look around.
Winnie That one in gray and silver looks very attractive and it's quite small.
Salesperson Yes, it has the smallest footprint of any of the machines which we stock.
Winnie So it's not going to take up too much room on the shelf.
Salesperson No, it's certainly the best choice if your space is limited.

Explanation :

Footprint - An item's footprint is the surface area it occupies.

Turn tail !!!

Penny I feel so sorry for Helen. She must be devastated.
Caroline Yes, to be standing at the altar waiting to be married to a bridegroom who never shows up.
Penny Who would have thought he would turn tail at the very last minute.
Caroline How could anyone be so heartless ?
Penny It just shows how yellow some men are.
Caroline I never liked him anyway. I just hope she has better luck next time.

Explanation :

Turn tail - To turn around and run away, usually because you are frightened

I left it too late !!!

Lily How are your shares doing this year ?
Kevin Not as well as I expected. Over half of them are down.
Lily What were you hoping for ?
Kevin Well I hit the bull's-eye with hotel shares last year. They went up a lot and I was expecting them to do even better this year.
Lily Hotel shares are well down this year. You should have sold them before they dropped so far.
Kevin I know, but I left it too late. Now nobody wants them. Just my luck.

Explanation :

If you leave something too late, you delay doing it so that when you eventually do it, it is useless or ineffective.

Example : I hope I haven't left it too late.

I'd take that with a pinch of salt !!!

Lennie I've just been talking to John James.
Peter That's interesting. What did he say ?
Lennie He told me how well his company was doing.
Peter Really ? I'm surprised. From what I've heard things aren't going well for him.
Lennie Well he told me that he expects his order book will soon be full.
Peter I'd take that with a pinch of salt if I were you. He's known for being over-optimistic.

Explanation :

If you take something with a pinch of salt, you do not believe that it is completely accurate or true.

Example : You have to take these findings with a pinch of salt because respondents tend to give the answers they feel they should.

What made you smell a rat !!!

Linda I was almost fooled by a telephone call I had yesterday.
Becky Not one of those telling you that you had won a wonderful prize.
Linda Yes, a week's vacation for two. It sounded great.
Becky What made you smell a rat ?
Linda When they told me I had to ring a special telephone number to claim the prize. Then I was sure it was a scam.
Becky Yes, those calls are charged at unbelievably high rates.

Explanation :

If you smell a rat, you begin to suspect or realize that something is wrong in a particular situation

Example : If I don't send a picture, he will smell a rat .......

That really makes my blood boil !!!

Georgina That's the last time we give a party. It'll take ages to clean up this mess and get back to normal.
Greg Yes, look at these wine stains on the carpet and the scratch marks on the table.
Georgine I know, they'll be almost impossible to get rid of completely.
Greg Oh no! Look here, people have been stubbing their cigarettes out on the sofa.
Georgina I can't believe it ! That really makes my blood boil.
Caroline This is going to cost us a fortune.

Explanation :

If you say that something makes your blood boil you are emphasizing that it makes you very angry.

Example : It makes my blood boil to think two thugs decided to pick on an innocent young girl.

Putting the cart before the horse !!!

Hank I've just found a great location to open a new shop and I've already been in touch with the owner of the property. He's keen to sell.
Sonja Have you researched the market for out kind of products in that district ?
Hank No, not yet. This is an opportunity that's too good to miss.
Sonja Don't you think this is putting the cart before the horse ?
Hank What do you mean ?
Sonja Well surely we ought to check first whether the people who live around there will want to buy what we have to sell, before we decide to open a new shop there.

Explanation :

If you say that someone is putting the cart before the horse, you mean that they are doing things in the wrong order

Example : This puts the cart before the horse; elections should follow, not precede, agreement on a constitution.

Take the bull by the horns !!!

Maxine You don't look too cheerful, what's the matter ?
Jeanie I've just moved in with a new roommate and she smokes quite a lot.
Maxine Oh dear, that's not very healthy for either of you. You should have a word with her about it.
Jeanie I know, but I don't want to offend her, she's very nice otherwise.
Maxine Look, it's so important that you'll just have to take the bull by the horns and suggest that she smoke outside.
Jeanie Well, I'll think about it.

Explanation :

If you take the bull by the horns, you do something that you feel you ought to do even though it is difficult, dangerous, or unpleasant.

She needed a shoulder to cry on !!!

Oliver Why are you so late ? Problems with your make-up ?
Dodie Don't be sarcastic. It was my girlfriend Susie.
Oliver What's her problem this time ?
Dodie She's just broken up with her boyfriend so she needed a shoulder to cry on.
Oliver She never seems to be able to hang on to anyone for very long.
Dodie It's not her fault, she just seems to have bad luck with men.

Explanation :

If someone offers you a shoulder to cry on or is a shoulder to cry on, they listen sympathetically to all your troubles.

Example : Roland sometimes saw me as a shoulder to cry on.

She's got a bee in her bonnet !!!

Veronica My mum's making life difficult for my dad at the moment.
Julie Why, what's she doing ?
Veronica She's got a bee in her bonnet about healthy eating after reading a diet book and she's trying to make him eat a more healthy diet.
Julie What's wrong with that ?
Veronica Well, a lot of the stuff he likes, she won't let him eat because she says it's bad for him.
Julie He's going to have to do as he's told. Your mother's a determined character.

Explanation :

A bee in one's bonnet - If you have a bee in your bonnet about something, you keep mentioning it or thinking about it.

Example : He's got a bee in his bonnet about factory farming.

Looks like the cat that swallowed the canary !!!

Mollie I've just seen Winnie. She gets all the luck.
Anne Why, what's happened ?
Mollie She's just got a fantastic job as a top fashion buyer.
Anne Well that was always her dream. She must be very pleased.
Mollie More than that; she looks like the cat that swallowed the canary.
Anne You can't blame her, she's done very well for herself.

Explanation :

Looks like the cat that swallowed the canary - to look smug or smugly guilty

He's got his head screwed on !!!

Samantha This stock market crash is really bad.
Jamie Too true, a lot of people have lost a lot of money as a result, including me.
Samantha Bad luck. But I do know one notable exception : my friend Rodney.
Jamie How did he escape.
Samantha He sold off almost all of his shares just before the crash and made a pile of money.
Jamie He's got his head screwed on, unlike me.

Explanation :

He's got his head screwed on - He is smart. ( Opposite : He has a screw loose = stupid )

I have other fish to fry !!!

Harry Why don't you come to the soccer match on Saturday ? It's a really important game and a lot of us are going. We'll have a really good time.
Felix I wish I could, but I've got other fish to fry.
Harry Like what ?
Felix Well I'm playing golf with one of our most important clients.
Harry Business before pleasure !
Felix I'm afraid so. But a lot of future business depends on it.

Explanation :

Other fish to fry - Other things to do

Chewing the fat !!!

Hettie I don't really like that suggestion. There must be better ways of doing it.
Vera That's the umpteenth suggestion I've made which you've turned down.
Hettie Well I'm just concerned that we get it right.
Vera So am I, but we can't keep chewing the fat over this indefinitely. We've got to come to a decision.
Hettie Tell you what, let's ask Jane to choose and settle the matter for us.
Vera OK, if that's what it takes to get it decided.

Explanation :

Chew the fat - If people chew the fat, they talk or gossip.

Example : We'd been lounging around, chewing the fat for a couple of hours.

Barking up the wrong tree !!!

Jean We've been having quite a lot of customer complaints lately ?
Gwyn Yes, David has just been telling me about them.
Jean I think they're caused by faults in our telephone system. We're checking it right now.
Gwyn You're barking up the wrong tree there I think.
Jean Why do you say that ?
Gwyn I don't think there's anything wrong with the telephone system. The problem is the company's procedures for dealing with customers.

Explanation :

If you say that someone is barking up the wrong tree, you mean that they are following the wrong course of action because their beliefs and ideas about something are incorrect.

Example : Scientists in Switzerland realized that most other researchers had been barking up the wrong tree.

Getting more economical !!!

Madge I've just checked the page counter on our photocopier and it's done 5,000 copies since we bought it.
Larry That's a lot better than the previous machine. We had to replace the toner cartridge on that one after only 3,000 copies.
Madge Yes, the toner life on this model is a lot longer. We apparently won't need to replace the cartridge until it has done at least 6,000 copies.
Larry I've heard that the latest models can do as many as 8,000 copies before the toner cartridge needs replacing.
Madge Yes, these machines are getting more economical all the time.
Larry Yes, technology marches on.

Explanation :

Economical - Something that is economical does not require a lot of money to operate.

Example : A car that only uses a small amount of petrol is economical.

Get the hang of it !!!

Tony I've just been using our department's new photocopier. It took me quite a time to get the hang of it.
Georgina Mary's just been telling me about it. Apparently it's a very versatile machine which can do lots of things.
Tony That's just it. There are lots of menus available on the control panel and they each have lots of options. It can be quite confusing.
Georgina I suppose that's the price you pay for its versatility.
Tony I know but you really need a training course to get to grips with it.
Georgina Perhaps that's something we ought to suggest to the boss.

Explanation :

Get the hang of - If you get the hang of something such as a skill or activity, you begin to understand or realize how to do it.

Example : It's a bit tricky at first till you get the hang of it.

Put a lot of thought into !!!

Edgar This is our new photocopier. What do you think of it ?
Cathy It looks very compact and stylish but how easy is it to use ?
Edgar It's a lot easier than previous models. The designers have put a lot of thought into making it easier to use.
Cathy What's the main thing they have done ?
Edgar They've made the control panel very clear and intuitive, so that you won't waste a lot of time working out how to operate it.
Cathy The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Let me have a try.

Explanation :

Thought - Thought is the activity of thinking, especially deeply, logically, or with concentration.

Example : He had given some thought to what she had told him.

Have your work cut out !!!

Fay I've got 40 copies of this draft report to make by lunchtime.
Ingrid It's huge. It must be at least 100 pages. You'll have your work cut out.
Fay When the committee has made all the changes it considers necessary. I'll have to print out another 40 copies of the final version.
Ingrid If it's only the draft report this time, why don't you copy it using the toner-saving mode ?
Fay What's the advantage of that ?
Ingrid The photocopier will use a lot less toner and the job will be done quicker.
Fay Will the text still be legible ?
Ingrid Of course. I use toner-saving mode all the time without any problems.

Explanation :

Have your work cut out - If you say that you will have your work cut out to do something, you mean that it will be a very difficult task.

Example : The new administration has its work cut out for it. Creating jobs in this kind of environment is not going to be easy .....

A multifunctional photocopier !!!

Aaron Our photocopier has just about reached the end of its useful life.
Yasmin I know, the boss has already decided to replace it.
Aaron Do you know what he's going to replace it with ?
Yasmin Yes, he said he's going to go for a multifunctional photocopier.
Aaron I've never heard of those. What do they do ?
Yasmin They both photocopy and print so you get a photocopier and printer together for not much more than the price of one machine.

On the blink !!!

Marvin Just what I need ! I've got a really urgent copying job and the photocopier's on the blink.
Cherie What's the matter with it ?
Marvin I'm not sure, but when this light is blinking, it means the machine is out of order.
Cherie Don't worry, I'll call the Service Department. They can normally get a technician here in under half and hour.
Marvin Thanks a lot. This sort of things always seems to happen when I've got an urgent job to do.
Cherie I know. It can be really frustrating at times.

Explanation :

On the blink - If the machine goes on the blink, it stops working properly.

Example : ....... an old TV that's on the blink.

Made mincemeat of !!!

Babs Well that was one of the more lively committee meeting I've attended.
Eamonn Yes, the discussion became quite heated at times.
Babs I felt a bit sorry for David when he challenged the chairman about the accounts.
Eamonn I did too. The chairman really made mincemeat of him.
Babs That was because David hadn't got all his facts right.
Eamonn That's right. I think he'll prepare a bit more thoroughly next time he thinks about doing something like that.

Explanation :

Make mincemeat of sb - To defeat someone very easily in an argument, competition or fight

Example : The Brazil National Team made mincemeat of the Hong Kong Team on 9 February 2005, when they won with a score of 7 to1

*Went up the wall !!!

Sidney Gordon's really in trouble with his father.
Jerome Yes, his sister told me. Still it's his own fault.
Sidney Yes, fancy borrowing his father's car without permission.
Jerome And then crashing it into the garage door.
Sidney No wonder his father went up the wall.
Jerome It's understandable; the repairs are going to cost him a fortune.

Explanation :

Drive sb up the wall - To make someone extremely angry

Example : When his son fails an examination, he runs up the wall.

*The mayor's wife turned her back on her !!!

Hayley You should have seen what happened at the mayor's New Year reception yesterday evening.
Julia I had to miss it. Tell me what happened.
Hayley Well, Laura Dixon approached the mayor's wife to tell her about the new fashion boutique she's just opened in the main street, but the mayor's wife turned her back on her.
Julia Well that wasn't a very friendly thing to do. But I think I know why.
Hayley Really ? Well go on, tell me.
Julia Somebody told me that the mayor's wife had been thinking about opening a similar boutique. She was probably jealous that Laura had done it before she did.

Explanation :

Turn one's back on - Deny, reject; also abandon, forsake.

Example : I can't turn my back on my own daughter, no matter what she's done.

*That's what really gets up my nose !!!

Zack I hate these automated telephone systems.
Magnus You're not the only one. I can't stand them either.
Zack You're listening to one recorded voice after another telling you to press the key on your telephone for the option you want. Sometimes you have to do that four or five times.
Magnus I know, and more often than not, when you finally get to the department you want, you're told that all their customer assistants are busy and that you should ring back later.
Zack That's right, you spend all that time pressing buttons to get the right option but you still can't get to a real person who will sort out your problem.
Magnus Yes, that's what really gets up my nose.

Explanation :

If you say that someone or something gets up your nose, you mean that they annoy you.

Example : He's just getting up my nose so much at the moment.

*You really are an eager beaver !!!

Gerard Could you take the documents to the copy bureau and get two sets please ?
Fiona I've already done that. They're on your desk.
Gerard Oh well done. In that case, I'd like you to book the flights and hotel for my San Francisco trip next week.
Fiona I did that yesterday. I also got you a great deal on a hire car while you're there. I'm now working on the preparations for your meetings when you get back.
Gerard That's fantastic. You really are an eager beaver.
Fiona Just doing my job.

Explanation :

Eager beaver - An exceptionally zealous person, one who habitually takes on more tasks or works harder than others

Example : Our new colleague is a real eager beaver, and seems to work with boundless energy.

*Cut me dead !!!

Melanie Well I just couldn't believe it.
Imogen You don't look best pleased. What happened ?
Melanie I bumped into Dana in the street just now and started to talk to her but she just cut me dead.
Imogen Well, she can be moody at the best of times.
Melanie That's true but I've still been trying hard to think if there's anything I've said or done recently to make her behave like that.
Imogen I wouldn't worry if I were you. She'll be in a better mood tomorrow. I'm sure.

Explanation :

Cut someone dead - Pretend not to see or recognize someone

Example : After I declined to lend him any more money, he cut me dead every time he saw me.

*International roaming cell phone !!!

Susan Always make sure you've got an international roaming cell phone with you when you go on vacation.
Mark Why, I don't always take my cell phone with me on vacation.
Susan Well, I've just been reading how useful cell phones have been for rescuing tourists in Sri Lanka.
Mark How was that ?
Susan Well many were stranded by the tsunami in the remote area of the country where they had been hiking. They couldn't get out, but the authorities were able to locate them when they made calls on their phones.
Mark That's really useful to know. I'll certainly take your advice in future.

Explanation :

International roaming cell phone - A cell phone that be used on all GSM frequencies in the US, Europe and Asia.

*Blow the whole of my New Year bonus !!!

Jodie Why are you looking so pleased with yourself ?
Gloria Well, Chinese New Year's coming up and we've been paid a really good bonus.
Jodie Lucky you. We're getting hardly anything.
Gloria Well our company has done very well over the past year and the boss is quite generous.
Jodie So what are you going to do with the money ? Save it ?
Gloria Oh no, I'm going to blow the whole of my New Year bonus this year on a luxury cruise.

Explanation :

Blow - To spend money freely and rashly

*We have a family get-together !!!

Thea We've had a Chinese friend staying with us over Christmas and she said that it was like Chinese New Year in some ways.
Perry That's interesting. What did she mean by that ?
Thea Well, she said just as we have a family get-together at Christmas they do the same in China at New Year.
Perry Do they eat special food ?
Thea Of course. On New Year's day, for example, they eat a special vegetarian dish with several different ingredients. They'll also eat a whole fish.
Perry What's the point of all that ?
Thea Well it's all to do with bringing wealth and prosperity to the family in the coming year. The names of all the foods sound the same as words connected with money and good fortune.

Explanation :

Get-together - an informal meeting or social gathering, often arranged for a particular purpose

*They're all heading for home !!!

Francis Chinese New Year, or the Spring Festival, in China is absolutely amazing. I've just been reading news reports about it on the internet.
Lesley Do they have lots of celebrations ?
Francis They do, but it's not that so much, it's the way that millions of people are on the move all over the country.
Lesley What do you mean by " on the move " ?
Francis Well they're all heading for home to spend the festival with their family and friends.
Lesley Mainly by train I suppose.
Francis Yes, that's right. The authorities have to put on thousands of extra trains to cope with the huge numbers. It's a colossal task.

Explanation :

Head for - Proceed or go in a certain direction

*Dotting the eyes of the dragon !!!

Kelly We've just had one of the best Chinese New Year celebrations in our town, don't you think ?
Martin Yes, we've had more events than ever before.
Kelly The dragon dance in the town square was really spectacular.
Martin It was. I got a really good shot of the mayor kicking off proceedings by dotting the eyes of the dragon.
Kelly And there were so many different parades and performers. Did you see the jugglers ?
Martin Yes I did. They were great. And the firecrackers were really loud. I nearly jumped out of my skin when they were first let off.

Explanation :

Dotting the eyes of the dragon - When a master painter does a painting, the last thing he paints are the two pupils of the dragon's eyes. The final dot makes it finished, makes it fly. Until then it's a static thing. ( legend )

*It'll be the biggest blowout of the year !!!

Nicole Are you doing anything special for Chinese New Year this year ?
Jamie Oh yes. We've got a few Chinese colleagues in our department and they're organizing dinner in Chinatown for us.
Nicole I hope you've booked. All the restaurants will be absolutely packed out.
Jamie No worries. They booked a private room months ago.
Nicole That's good planning. So what kind of dinner will you be having ?
Jamie Well, they're from different parts of China so they've told us that we'll be having some local dishes that are special to each of them and a lot of other things as well.
Nicole Sounds great. I bet you won't be able to move after all that.
Jamie I don't know about move, but we'll certainly have to sing karaoke. All in all it'll be the biggest blowout of the year.

Explanation :

Blowout - A large party or other social affair

Example : On a cold winter night, is there anything better than a good sleep after a nice blowout ?

*Usher in the Year of the Rooster !!!

Henrietta It's amazing how many places around the world celebrate Chinese New Year.
Wesley Yes, there seem to be celebrations on most continents.
Henrietta I know it's a pretty big thing in New York for example.
Wesley I'm not surprised. What will they be doing to usher in the year of the Rooster there ?
Henrietta Well for a start, they'll be letting off firecrackers in Chinatown and staging all sorts of performances including lion and dragon dances.
Wesley Sounds fun. Anything else ?
Henrietta Yes, lots. For example, there'll be a huge New Year flower market. People will be able to buy all their lucky New Year flowers and plants there. It'll be quite a show.

Explanation :

Usher in - To be at the start of a new period, or to cause important changes to start happening.

Example : Ronald Reagan's assumption of the presidency ushered in a period of economic prosperity.

*It's a movable feast !!!

Jonah What's the animal for Chinese New Year this year ?
Waldo The rooster. It's the Year of the Rooster.
Jonah When is the actual date of New Year's day ?
Waldo It's on 9th February this year.
Jonah That's rather later than last year, isn't it ?
Waldo It is. It moves around a bit because it's a movable feast, just like Easter.
Jonah Anyway, Gong Xi Fa Cai, or Kung Hei Fat Choy as the Cantonese say.
Waldo What does that mean ?
Jonah It means " Congratulations ", I hope you make a fortune.

Explanation :

Movable feast - A religious holiday that is not on the same day every year

Example : Easter is a movable feast.

*I'll just have to hope for the best !!!

Zelda Where are you going on vacation this year ?
Tiffany Well, we were thinking about going on a Caribbean cruise. It's a beautiful part of the world.
Zelda It certainly is. I went on one last year. But the weather can sometimes be really bad.
Tiffany I know. I've been reading weather reports for the Caribbean on the internet. They seem to have lots of hurricanes.
Zelda They certainly so. When we went on a cruise, we called at Jamaica and the Cayman islands and both had been battered by tropical storms two weeks before. You could still see a lot of damage.
Tiffany Well, if I decide to go. I'll just have to hope for the best.

*People were still asleep in bed !!!

Finley I've been reading a report on the very bad earthquake in Iran in 2003.
Walter Is that the one that destroyed a city called Bam ?
Finley Yes, that's the one. It killed around 40,000 people.
Walter My God, what a disaster !
Finley The earthquake struck very early in the morning.
Walter So I suppose most people were still asleep in bed.
Finley Yes, so many just didn't know what hit them.

*Faults are like cracks all over a teapot !!!

Bill It's amazing to think that the land we're standing on is actually part of a huge plate floating on incredibly hot liquid rock deep inside the earth.
Francis Yes, and the earth's crust is actually made up of lots of these tectonic plates, which are moving against one another all the time.
Bill That's why we have earthquakes.
Francis That's true. And the places where these plates come up against one another are called faults in the earth's crust. Faults are like cracks all over a teapot, except that they're moving all the time.
Bill So the surface of our earth is actually quite unstable.
Francis Well I think the tsunami disaster showed that very clearly.

Explanation :

Fault - A crack in the Earth's surface where the rock has divided into two parts which move against each other

Example : Surveyors say the fault line is capable of generating a major earthquake once in a hundred years.

*Run into millions upon millions of dollars !!!

Sabina Isn't it amazing how much ordinary people around the world have been contributing to help the victims of the tsunami disaster ?
Glyn It really is. I don't know what the current total is but it must run into millions upon millions of dollars.
Sabina In fact, I can't ever remember a time when so many people gave so much.
Glyn That's partly because they could see from the TV reports how huge the scale of the disaster was and how much human misery it had caused.
Sabina Even so, I doubt whether any of us will ever appreciate the full extent of the disaster.
Glyn Well, you may be right. Disaster on such a scale is almost impossible to grasp.

Explanation :

Run into sth - To reach a particular cost or amount, as a total

Example : The repairs will probably run into thousands of pounds.

*Short-term and long-term repercussions !!!

Tabitha What do you think will be the main repercussions of this disaster ?
Guy Well, there are both short-term and long-term repercussions.
Tabitha What about the short-term ones ?
Guy For example, the damage to communications makes it very difficult to organize and co-ordinate the relief effort.
Tabitha And the long-term effects ?
Guy The economic ones will be very serious. It may take years for the economy to recover fully from the damage. The fishing industry has been particularly badly hit.

Explanation :

Repercussion - A remote or indirect consequence of some action

Example : President Kennedy's assassination had far-reaching repercussions.

*He was helping to evacuate survivors !!!

Horace My brother's helping with the relief effort after the tsunami disaster.
Robin Is that the one who's a helicopter pilot in the air force ?
Horace Yes, that's right. He got his wings last year.
Robin He must be ferrying food and water to survivors.
Horace He is now, but at first he was helping to evacuate survivors stranded in coastal areas because all road and rail communications had been destroyed.
Robin That must have been quite a job.

Explanation :

Evacuate - To move people from a dangerous place to somewhere safe

Example : The police evacuated the village shortly before the explosion.

*I hope so !!!

A Ms Copperfield told me that your business has been badly affected by the stormy weather this month.
B Yes, sales of our major products have dropped by 30%.
A Don't worry. Things will improve after September.
B I hope so !

*What a pity !!!

A Did you know Bobby has gained 30 pounds since he got married three months ago ?
B His wife must be a good cook.
A Yes, she is. But she's gained 40 pounds too.
B What a pity !

* i have no idea !!!

Phelps Gordon can you come over here, please ? Which one is better ?
Brown I have no idea.
Phelps Come on, can't you make up your mind for once ?
Brown Well, this one really reminds me of you, but I know you like the other one.

*Watch out !!!

Lacey Why don't you ask Gordon to change the light bulb for you ?
Anthony He's always busy. It's easier if I do it myself.
Lacey Watch out !
Anthony Thank you. You saved my life.

Explanation :

Watch out : used to warn someone of danger or an accident that seems likely to happen

Example : "Watch out!" he shouted, but it was too late - she had knocked the whole tray of drinks on the floor.

*I'm afraid I don't understand !!!

Cate Fiona, I think you should hand over all your present projects to Chris by the end of this month.
Fiona I'm afraid I don't understand. What's happened ?
Cate The board of directors has decided to invest in a new factory in Mainland China. I recommended that you be the unit manager there. Are you surprised ?
Fiona Very ! Thank you so much.

*Forget it !!!

A I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have thrown your violin away. I thought it was old and I've never seen you play it.
B That's okay. It doesn't matter.
A Why didn't you tell me it was a birthday present from your Dad ?
B Forget it. What's done is done.

Explanation :

Forget it : used to tell someone that something is not important and not to worry about it

Example : "I'm so sorry about that cup." "Oh, forget it - I've got plenty."

*You don't look your age !!!

Hayden Your son's just graduated from the University ? That's surprising, Mr. Brandon.
Mr. Brandon You may not believe this but I'm already 55.
Hayden I thought you were only 40. You don't look your age.
Mr. Brandon I'm happy to hear that.

*Who knows !!!

A Did Johnny break up with Helen ?
B That's what I heard. Johnny's always busy and Helen's got a new boyfriend.
A Looks like they're back together again.
B Who knows.

*Would you please answer the door for me !!!

A Adrain, where are you ?
B I'm in the bathroom, what's up ?
A I'm on the phone. Would you please answer the door for me ?
B I wish I could, but I'm covered in suds right now.

*The earthquake struck at 07:00am !!!

Faith Where were you when you heard about the earthquake and tsunami in the Indian Ocean ?
Lawrie I was in Tokyo at the time. I think it was reported between 09:00am and 10:00am ?
Faith That's what I would have expected. The earthquake struck at 07:00am local time off the Indonesian coast.
Lawrie So there must be two hours' time difference between western Indonesia and Japan.
Faith Yes, that's right. I wonder when there will be another big one in the same area.
Lawrie I don't want to think about it. Whenever a massive earthquake strikes, there's always huge loss of life.

*They showed before and after pictures !!!

Sandy There's such a lot of information about the tsunami disaster on the internet now.
Marcella Yes, I've been doing some surfing myself and I found more than I could possibly find time to read.
Sandy Believe it or not, there was a very long article about it on one of the web encyclopedias only a week after it happened.
Marcella The most interesting thing I found was satellite photographs.
Sandy I didn't see those. What did they show ?
Marcella They showed before and after pictures of some of the worst hit areas, mainly on the coast of Banda Aceh. The difference between them was almost incredible.

*Not to mention loss of life !!!

Rona Have you heard about Henry ?
Davis You mean Henry Johnson ?
Rona No, Hurricane Henry.
Davis Of course I have. It slammed into the north coast of Jamaica yesterday evening.
Rona Yes, I've heard that it caused a huge amount of damage, both to buildings and to crops.
Davis Not to mention loss of life. The death toll currently stands at 17.

Explanation :

Not to mention - Used when you want to emphasize something that you are adding to a list

Example : He's one of the kindest and most intelligent, not to mention handsome, men I know.

*He ran like hell !!!

Luke I've just heard the story of how a German tourist on the coast of Sumatra survived the great tsunami of 1883.
Naomi That's incredible, because it was so huge. How did he do it ?
Luke Well apparently he was swept inland on top of the wave and found himself next to a huge alligator.
Naomi How did he escape ?
Luke He didn't. He got on the alligator's back, dug his fingers into its eye sockets and hung on like grim death until the wave subsided and they were dropped down on the jungle floor. Then he ran like hell.
Naomi If that's true, he had a really lucky escape.

Explanation :

Run like hell - Run recklessly and extremely fast

Example : We ran like hell to catch the train

*Energetic and go-getting !!!

Neil I wouldn't settle in San Francisco if I were you.
Grace Why not, it's fantastic. The climate is lovely and there are great opportunities for people who are energetic and go-getting.
Neil Maybe so, but it's in a really dangerous earthquake zone.
Grace What do you mean ?
Neil It's sitting right on top of a huge fault in the earth's crust. It's called the San Andreas fault and a huge earthquake is expected there at any time.
Grace I'm not going to let that put me off.

Explanation :

Go-getting - Determined to be successful and able to deal with new or difficult situations easily

Example : The senator is very go-getting and wants to be president.

*Ravaged by famine and disease !!!

Carmen Why is the death toll there so high, compared to the other affected areas ?
Wilson The main reason is that it is very remote so it took weeks after the disaster for aid to get through.
Carmen What did the aid workers find when they finally arrived ?
Wilson Well the whole area had been ravaged by famine and disease and those who still survived were in a very unhealthy state.
Carmen Oh, how awful ! Life just isn't fair.
Wilson I know. To survive being struck by an earthquake and then to die of hunger or disease is really tragic.

Explanation :

Ravage - To cause great damage to something

Example : The area has been ravaged by drought/floods/war

*Deluged by tropical rains !!!

Fidel The last typhoon they had in the Philippines was the worst of the season by far.
Ramon You're not kidding. My uncle is a farmer in the south and the eye passed directly across his district.
Fidel It must have been very badly battered, because the force of the winds is always so ferocious.
Ramon Yes, but it wasn't just the winds. The whole area was deluged by tropical rains.
Fidel So there was flooding as well.
Ramon Yes, very severe. All of his crops were ruined so he'll need a lot of help from our family to get back on his feet.

Explanation :

Deluge - To cover something with a lot of water

Example : The city was deluged when the river burst its banks.

*Casualty figures are still mounting !!!

Kirsty I've just heard from my cousin. She's involved in the disaster relief effort.
Conan Is she an administrator ?
Kirsty No, she's a doctor with a medical charity.
Conan Oh, I really admire her for that. What's her news ?
Kirsty It's a bit grim I'm afraid. She says that casualty figures are still mounting and that's putting their relief operation under increasing strain.
Conan Well it sounds as if more relief workers are needed there if they're going to be able to cope with the emergency.

Explanation :

Mounting - Gradually increasing

*They showed before and after pictures !!!

Sandy There's such a lot of information about the tsunami disaster on the internet now.
Marcella Yes, I've been doing some surfing myself and I found more than I could possibly find time to read.
Sandy Believe it or not, there was a very long article about it on one of the web encyclopedias only a week after it happened.
Marcella The most interesting thing I found was satellite photographs.
Sandy I didn't see those. What did they show ?
Marcella They showed before and after pictures of some of the worst hit areas, mainly on the coast of Banda Aceh. The difference between them was almost incredible.

*Mains services have been completely disrupted !!!

Una What are your main problems in dealing with the emergency ?
Drew One of the biggest is that mains services have been completely disrupted.
Una So that means this area is without mains water, electricity, gas and sewage disposal.
Drew Yes, that's right. So we're worried, for example, about the possible spread of disease from people drinking water contaminated by sewage.
Una How are you trying to deal with that ?
Drew Well we've asked for supplies of bottled water to be flown in and the first deliveries are expected later today.

Explanation :

Mains - The system of pipes or wires which carry water or electricity into a house, or the pipes which carry sewage away from a house

Example : They bought a house with no mains supply.

*Pick up the pieces !!!

Helga Have you seen the reports on TV from the countries affected by the tsunami disaster ?
Rory Yes, many of the survivors seemed to be absolutely stunned by the disaster.
Helga Well, many of them had lost almost their whole family.
Rory I know. If that had happened to me, I don't know what I would have done.
Helga Nor me. It must be very difficult for them to try to pick up the pieces after such a catastrophe.
Rory Still, I hope the international help that's coming in will help them to rebuild their shattered lives.

Explanation :

Pick up the pieces - Restore matters to normal

Example : The fire was a blow, but we were determined to pick up the pieces and get the business back on its feet.

*They didn't make it !!!

Glenda A lot of fishermen have been lost at sea in this latest disaster.
Peregrine I know. We'll probably never know how many.
Glenda But there've been one or two stories of a few who have survived.
Peregrine Yes, I heard that one was picked up clinging to a raft about two hundred kilometers from land. Apparently he had been on a boat with a crew of five.
Glenda What happened to the others ?
Peregrine Two others were originally clinging to the same raft but they didn't make it. They were just too exhausted to hang on, slipped off and drowned.

Explanation :

If you make it, you are successful in achieving something difficult, or in surviving through a very difficult period.

Example : You're brave and courageous. You can make it.

*Her dog helped her to cheat death !!!

Rudy Did you hear about the woman who survived that horrendous earthquake in Turkey ?
Titus I'm not sure I know which one you mean.
Rudy Well, it was the one who was rescued several days after the earthquake when rescuers had already given up hope of finding any more survivors.
Titus Was that the one whose dog found her ?
Rudy That's right. It had run away just before the earthquake struck. But later it came back and started barking when it heard her faint cries for help. So she was rescued.
Titus It was amazing. That woman really should have died but her dog helped her to cheat death.

Explanation :

Cheat death - To succeed in staying alive in an extremely dangerous situation

Example : As a racing driver, he was involved in many serious crashes and had cheated death on several occasions.

*By the skin of his teeth !!!

Millie I've been really depressed by all the sad stories from the tsunami disaster which I've heard about on the news this week.
Jasmyn Well, that's understandable; whole families have been swept away. On the other hand, there have been some incredible survival stories.
Millie I haven't heard about those.
Jasmyn There was one man who managed to grab and hang on to the top of a tree after the tsunami had carried him inland for more than a kilometer.
Millie He was one of the few lucky ones.
Jasmyn Yes, he escaped death by the skin of his teeth.

Explanation :

By the skin of one's teeth - A narrow escape

Example : He escaped from the secret police by the skin of his teeth.

*Hung on like grim death !!!

Hamish Have you heard about that amazing survival story ? It was on the news this morning.
Orlando No, the batteries in my radio are flat and I haven't had time to buy new ones yet. Tell me about it.
Hamish It was an Indonesian villager who was swept miles out to sea by the tsunami.
Orlando How could he possibly have survived ?
Hamish Well apparently he hung on like grim death to the branch of a tree for more than three days until he was rescued by a passing ship.
Orlando He must have had an incredible will to live. Many people would have just given up.

Explanation :

Hang/hold on like grim death - To hold on very tightly to something, despite great difficulty

Example : Darren always drives and I sit behind him, hanging on like grim death.

*A volcano erupted !!!

Clark The area in the Indian Ocean where the tsunami disaster happened must be very unstable.
Velia It certainly is. You don't have to look too far back in history to realize that.
Clark What do you mean ?
Velia Well a volcano erupted on Krakatau Island there in 1883.
Clark Oh I've read about that. It was one of the greatest volcanic eruptions ever recorded.
Velia It certainly was. It also caused a huge tsunami around 40m high. That's four times higher than the one that's just happened. It must have been absolutely terrifying.

Explanation :

Erupt - To explode or burst out suddenly

Example : Since the volcano last erupted, many houses have been built in a dangerous position on its slopes.

*9.0 on the Richter scale !!!

Caspar I've just read an article in the paper about the causes of the tsunami disaster.
Patti It was an earthquake under the sea, wasn't it ?
Caspar That's right, but it was specifically caused by one part of the earth's crust colliding with another deep inside the earth.
Patti Is that what they call a tectonic plate ?
Caspar Yes, there are lots of them. And when one slipped against the other in this case, the resulting earthquake measured 9.0 on the Richter scale.
Patti I've never heard of an earthquake of that magnitude. It's really frightening.

Explanation :

The Richter scale - A system used to measure the strength of an earthquake

Example : The earthquake in Mexico City registered 7.1 on the Richter scale.

*The whole earth was falling apart !!!

Dougal I've never experienced an earthquake before.
Anya Nor me, it was horrifying. It was as if the whole earth was falling apart.
Dougal What I wasn't prepared for were the aftershocks.
Anya No, I thought an earthquake was just one thing.
Dougal Me too. But the whole area was shaken by aftershocks for quite a long time after the main quake.
Anya I never want to go through that again.

Explanation :

Fall apart - Collapse, break down, either physically or mentally and emotionally.

Example : Their fragile coalition soon fell apart.

*A race against time !!!

Vaughan The people who are trying to cope with this disaster have an incredibly difficult job.
Celia Yes, my brother's actually a volunteer and when he phoned home last night he told us that it was a race against time to bury the dead bodies before they became a danger to health.
Vaughan And there's also the problem of bringing help to the survivors.
Celia Yes, some of them are in very remote areas apparently.
Vaughan They are, and it's another race against time to get food to them before they start to become weak and die of malnutrition or disease.
Celia I know. It's the very young and the very old who are most at risk.

Explanation :

You describe a situation as a race against time when you have to work very fast in order to do something before a particular time, or before another thing happens.

Example : An air force spokesman said the rescue operation was a race against time.

*Inundated by a huge tsunami !!!

John I can still hardly believe it.
Cedric Yes, it is difficult to grasp the full horror of it.
John Coastlines all around the Indian Ocean inundated by a huge tsunami.
Cedric The dead already total more than one hundred thousand, and those made homeless are many times that number.
John Still all the countries affected have been inundated with offers of help from around the world.
Cedric Yes, that's at least something to be thankful for.

Explanation :

1) If an area of land is inundated, it becomes covered with water.

2) If you say that you are inundated with things such as letters, demands, or requests, you are emphasizing hat you receive so many them that you cannot deal with them all.

Example : Their neighborhood is being inundated by the rising waters of the Colorado River.

*Inundated by a huge tsunami !!!

John I can still hardly believe it.
Cedric Yes, it is difficult to grasp the full horror of it.
John Coastlines all around the Indian Ocean inundated by a huge tsunami.
Cedric The dead already total more than one hundred thousand, and those made homeless are many times that number.
John Still all the countries affected have been inundated with offers of help from around the world.
Cedric Yes, that's at least something to be thankful for.

Explanation :

1) If an area of land is inundated, it becomes covered with water.

2) If you say that you are inundated with things such as letters, demands, or requests, you are emphasizing hat you receive so many them that you cannot deal with them all.

Example : Their neighborhood is being inundated by the rising waters of the Colorado River.

*Carry the can !!!

George Our new marketing manager is absolutely hopeless.
Olivia I'm not surprised, I've been hearing from other people that he's pretty incompetent.
George Yes and it's not only his ideas that are no good, but the ways he tries to get us to put them into practice. They just don't work.
Olivia That must make life very difficult.
George It does, but it's even worse. He tries to put the blame for failure on us, but we're determined not to carry the can for his mistakes.
Olivia Why should you ? It's his responsibility.

Explanation :

If you have to carry the can , you have to take all the blame for something

Example : She earns less than her boss, but has to carry the can for his errors

*Bob's your uncle !!!

Herbert What are you wailing about ? Has your computer crashed ?
Alice No, I'm trying to make this photo bigger on the screen.
Herbert Oh, it's not difficult.
Alice Well I've been trying to do it for half an hour without success.
Herbert I'll show you. Look, you open this menu, click here, click on the percentage you want, say 200%, and Bob's your uncle. There it is, twice as large.
Alice It's easy when you know how. Thanks a lot.

Explanation :

Bob's your uncle - Either describing a simple task or used when a task is completed.

Example : It's very easy to make a chocolate cake : you just follow this recipe, and Bob's your uncle.

*Like a stuck pig !!!

Aubrey What's that meat you're slicing up ?
Frank It's best beef. I'm preparing goulash for supper.
Aubrey That's a really sharp knife you've got there.
Frank Yes, it's the sharpest one ... Ahhhh !
Aubrey Oh my god ! You've really cut yourself badly.
Frank Yes, and I'm bleeding like a stuck pig. Get me some tissues quick !

Explanation :

The stuck pig is the pig in the act of being killed

Example : When I produced concrete proof of his guilt, he stared at me like a stuck pig.

*Tom, Dick or Harry !!!

Romola I've just seen a guitar advertised at an amazing price on the internet.
Harley I know you've been wanting to buy one for some time. Is it a good make ?
Romola Oh yes, it's one of the top brands and it's described as in excellent condition.
Harley Are you going to buy it ?
Romola The price is so good, I think I have to go for it.
Harley I'd be very careful if I were you. Any Tom, Dick or Harry can set up as a guitar dealer or any kind of dealer on the internet. You might be dealing with a crook.

Explanation :

Tom, Dick or Harry - an ordinary person / all ordinary people

Example : Riding a bicycle is not at all difficult. Every Tom, Dick or Harry should be able to do it.

*All mouth and no trousers !!!

Denzil I met Gayle's husband for the first time last week. He's very impressive.
Lara Why do you say that ? That's certainly not my impression.
Denzil He was telling me about all the great things he intended to do.
Lara Oh, you don't want to take that seriously.
Denzil Why not ?
Lara Oh, he's all mouth and no trousers. Gayle's the boss there.

Explanation :

All mouth and no trousers - To talk a lot about doing something but never do it

Example : We did not vote for him because he was known to be all mouth ( and no trousers ).

*I cleared the overdraft completely !!!

Gayle You look very relieved. Why's that ?
Larissa I am, I feel as if I've just had a heavy weight lifted off my shoulders.
Gayle Something to do with money, I'll bet.
Larissa Yes, I had to take out an overdraft with my bank to pay for a management course.
Gayle They're always very expensive, aren't they ?
Larissa You're not joking. At one time I was more than $17,000 in debt. But today I cleared the overdraft completely. Let's go and celebrate.

Explanation :

If you have an overdraft, you have spent more money than you have in your bank account, and so you are indebt to the bank.

Example : The bank refused to extend to him an overdraft without security.

*Strike the balance between the two !!!

Barney What kind of personal financial plan do you recommend for me ?
Nathaniel Well that all depends on your objectives.
Barney How do you mean ?
Nathaniel Well, whether you are looking to make gains in the long term, in which case I would recommend investing for capital growth, or whether you have shorter-term objectives.
Barney I am interested in long-term gains, but I would also like a proportion of my funds to provide an income for me now and for the foreseeable future.
Nathaniel That means an investment portfolio balanced between capital growth and income. What you have to decide is where to strike the balance between the two.

Explanation :

If you strike a balance between two things, you accept parts of both things in order to satisfy some of the demands of both sides in an argument, rather than all the demands of just one side

Example : The sentence pronounced by the judge struck a perfect balance between justice and mercy.

*He passed away about an hour ago !!!

Maria Have you heard the sad news ?
David You mean about Pope John Paul ? I'd heard that he was very ill.
Maria No, it's worse than that. He passed away about an hour ago.
David Oh, I am so sorry to hear that. He was a very great man.
Maria Yes, he was respected all over the world, even among non-Christians.
David Let's switch the TV on and get the latest news from Rome.

Explanation :

Pass away - Die

Example : She's terribly upset because her father passed away last week.


*Knock his proposal on the head !!!

Jack Have you heard what Henry is going to propose at the next committee meeting ?
Nigel Something about software I think.
Jack Yes, he wants us to spend $10,000 on a new database system.
Nigel But we haven't got the budget for that.
Jack I know, and our present system has its drawbacks but most people think it works reasonably well.
Nigel We'll have to knock his proposal on the head when it comes up for discussion.

Explanation :

To knock a proposal on the head - To block/defeat a proposal

Example : Fifty-two legislators joined hands to block/defeat the government's proposal to increase taxes.

I can't quite put my finger on it !!!

Nigel Now you've had a good look at it, what do you think about the new window display ?
Jane It's certainly very striking, very colorful.
Nigel You don't sound totally enthusiastic.
Jane Well the theme is " spring " but I'm not sure that the design is really suitable
Nigel What exactly don't you like about it ?
Jane I'm not sure. I can't quite put my finger on it. Give me a bit more time to think about it.

Explanation :

Put your finger on sth - To discover the exact reason why a situation is the way it is, especially when something is wrong

Example : You put your finger on it when you said an unbalanced diet was the root of her ill health.

*Your father will never wear it !!!

Cissy Mum, Ginny's just telephoned to ask if I'll go with her to the disco tonight.
Mother That should be all right. What time does it finish ?
Cissy Well, it's an all-night disco actually.
Mother What ! I'm not going to have you staying out all night. You're far too young.
Cissy Oh Mum, come on. Ginny and I will stick together. We'll be all right.
Mother No, no way. And anyway, you know your father will never wear it.

Explanation :

Wear - To permit or accept something

Example : If we three take this afternoon off, do you think the boss will wear it ?

*To keep tabs on !!!

Trudie That's a really cute cellphone.
Hedda Yes, it's the latest model. It's got a camera, you can access the internet and there are lots of other features.
Trudie How much did it cost ?
Hedda I don't know, my mother bought it for me.
Trudie That was really nice of her.
Hedda It was I suppose, but she bought it mainly to keep tabs on me. She's always ringing up to check where I am.

Explanation :

Keep tabs on sth/sb - To watch something or someone carefully

Example : I like to keep tabs on my bank account so that I don't overdraw

*Give it the once-over !!!

Lara Could you do me a favor ?
Hubert Of course. You only have to ask.
Lara I'm going to look at a second-hand car this evening. It sounds like a good buy, but you know I don't know anything about cars.
Hubert So you'd like me to come with you and give it the once over ?
Lara Yes, I'd feel a lot happier about it if you could check that there's nothing wrong with it.
Hubert No problem. What time shall we meet ?

Explanation :

Give sth/sb the once-over - Examine briefly

Example : The doctor discharged me from hospital after giving me the once-over.

*He has done a complete U-turn !!!

Phyllis Well, the marketing director said it would never bring results but he's changed his mind.
June So what's the new approach ?
Phyllis He's decided that we're going to start a direct marketing campaign.
June I thought he said he would never do direct marketing.
Phyllis He certainly did, but he's done a complete U-turn on this.
June Well let's hope his new strategy works.

Explanation :

U-turn - A complete change from one opinion or plan of action to an opposite one

Example : This year's government budget represents a complete U-turn on welfare spending.

*She thinks she's the cat's whiskers !!!

Felix Look at Catherine. She only seems to be interested in talking to the important people here.
Carol I know but she wasn't always like that. She used to be friendly with everybody.
Felix Why the change ?
Carol It's because she's been elected chair of the association. She thinks she's the cat's whiskers.
Felix That's not the best way to behave if you need everybody's cooperation.
Carol Too true. She'll find out soon enough.

Explanation :

To be the cat's whiskers ( cat's meow or cat's pajamas ) - An excellent or special person

Example : Now that he is earning a handsome salary, he thinks he is the cat's whiskers.

*I've had it up to here !!!

Daniela Could you pass me the jobs page ?
Kate Sure, here you are. You're not looking for a new job, are you ?
Daniela Oh yes I am. And the sooner I get one the better.
Kate Why, what's the matter with your present one ?
Daniela Well I've had it up to here with an impossibly demanding boss and customers who do nothing but complain all day. I've just had enough.
Kate How can you be sure that it will be any different in the new job ?

Explanation :

Have had it up to here with - To have suffered because of someone or something and to be no longer able to bear them

Example : He was sick of his wife's vanity, and said he had had it up to here.

*Working hand in glove !!!

Tim I see the number of homeless people is a lot lower than when I was last in this town.
Marie That's true. When you were last here the numbers were double what they are now.
Tim What's the reason for the fall ?
Marie Well the main reason is that the town council has been working hand in glove with local charities for several months now to try to bring the numbers down.
Tim Well, they've certainly been having some success.
Marie Yes, it's really very encouraging.

Explanation :

Hand in glove - In close cooperation

Example : Several police officers were found to be working hand in glove with drug traffickers.

*The penny dropped !!!

Sybil It was a bit embarrassing at first, because she obviously knew me, but I wasn't sure who she was.
Vanessa You mean the woman in the green dress ?
Sybil Yes. The man standing next to her is her husband.
Vanessa So did you work out who she was in the end ?
Sybil Yes, but it wasn't until she mentioned Jean Smith that the penny dropped.
Vanessa What did Jean have to do with it ?
Sybil Well, Jean and I went to flower arranging classes last year and I suddenly remembered that that woman - her name's Gloria - was in our class.

Explanation :

The penny drops - A realization after a period of confusion or misunderstanding.

Example : At first I did not see the joke - it took quite a while for the penny to drop.

*I haven't the foggiest !!!

Romola Do you remember when we went on the Caribbean cruise last year ?
Martin Yes, of course. Fantastic. The snorkeling was great.
Romola And visited that garden in Jamaica where they had some really beautiful flowers.
Martin I can just about remember that.
Romola Well what was the name of that really gorgeous pink flower with the lovely scent ?
Martin I haven't the foggiest. You know I'm not interested in flowers. Try putting "Jamaican flowers" into Google.

Explanation :

I haven't the foggiest = I do not have a clue

Example : I don't have the foggiest ( idea ) what I am going to do.

*That should do the trick !!!

Hettie The strap on my bag's come off. Can you fix it ?
Larry Let me have a look. Oh yes, you're right. Well, I'll have a try.
Hettie I overloaded the bag because I bought so many things that were on special offer in the supermarket.
Larry You never could resist a bargain. What if I make a couple of holes in the bag and the end of the strap and loop a few strands of wire through to hold them together ?
Hettie That would be great.
Larry There you are, that should do the trick. It didn't take long, did it ?
Hettie No, thanks a lot. It'll get me home and then I'll go out and buy a new bag.

Explanation :

If something does the trick, it has the necessary or desired effect

Example : If you can't go to sleep, take a sleeping pill. That should do the trick.

*The brochure's full of financial gobbledygook !!!

Dee I hate buying financial products.
Max Why's that ? We all need them if we're going to make the most of our money.
Dee Well, maybe. But do you read the paperwork ?
Max Not always as carefully as I should.
Dee Well look at this investment scheme, for example. The brochure's full of financial gobbledygook. I find it very difficult to understand.
Max Let's see. yes, I see what you mean. You'd better get some expert advice on that.

Explanation :

Gobbledygook - incomprehensible or pompous jargon of specialists

Example : As the speaker continued to talk gobbledygook, I went to sleep.

*Didn't she lay it on thick ?

Celia Did you see Jenny at the book signing by the writer Divina Kelly yesterday in the Cosmo bookstore ?
Tessie Yes I was two behind her in the line.
Celia Didn't she lay it on thick when it was her turn to get her book signed ?
Tessie She certainly did. Fancy telling Divina that she was the world's greatest romantic novelist and that her books changed her life.
Celia She didn't really mean it. She was just trying to make a good impression.
Tessie I know. I'm sure Divina Kelly thought she was overdoing it.

Explanation :

Lay it on thick - To praise someone too much

Example : It is laying it on ( a bit thick ) to call him the defender of world peace.

*Zip your lip quick !!!

Russell We're all so frustrated because our departmental manager is just hopeless.
Joanne What do you mean exactly ?
Russell Well he doesn't know how to manage people. He just antagonizes everybody. We're all hoping he'll get fired.
Joanne Don't look round now, but you'd better zip your lip quick.
Russell Why what's the matter ?
Joanne He's heading straight for us.

Explanation :

Zip your lip - Be quiet, stop talking

Example : Hey, zip your lip, I'm sick of your nagging me all morning.

*Stop running yourself down !!!

Donald Why are you looking so worried ?
Petra Well, my boss has just given me my first independent project to run.
Donald That's great news. What's the problem ?
Petra Well I'm not sure I've got enough qualifications or experience to do a proper job. I don't really think I'm good enough.
Donald Stop running yourself down. If he didn't think you were good enough, he wouldn't have given you the assignment.
Petra Do you really think so ?
Donald Of course. You'll be fine.

Explanation :

Run somebody down - To criticize someone unfairly

Example : I don't like him being so cynical. He's always running people down.

*Grab a bite to eat !!!

Billie Hello stranger ! How are things ?
Victoria Fine thanks, how about you ?
Billie Great. But what are you doing here ? We never see you in the canteen.
Victoria That's right. I always make sandwiches and eat them at my desk. But I didn't have time to make any this morning.
Billie So you've decided to grab a bite to eat here.
Victoria That's right. So what would you recommend from today's short-order menu ?

Explanation :

Grab a bite to eat - Buy or get food to eat quickly because you are busy.

Example : We just had time to grab a bite to eat before the concert started.

*It's getting a bit out of hand !!!

Kieran Look at those kids over there. One's trying to scoop goldfish out of the pond and the other's trying to drag the cat by its tail, poor thing.
Maxine And those two little girls at the end of the garden are pulling the flowers out of the flower bed.
Kieran This is supposed to be a children's party not a wrecking operation.
Maxine I know, it's getting a bit out of hand.
Kieran What are we going to do ?
Maxine Don't worry. We'll get them all together and play a game. That'll keep them occupied and out of trouble.

Explanation :

Out of hand - Out of control

Example : The soccer fans got out of hand, and threw bottles at the police.

*Oh, come on, get real !!!

Alaric I've decided to run in this year's charity marathon.
Gilbert You mean the one they're holding in two months' time ?
Alaric Yes, I think I could get round in about six hours and raise a lot of money.
Gilbert Oh, come on, get real ! You haven't done any serious running for years and you're overweight. You'll never finish the course.
Alaric You just wait and see. I've already started training.
Gilbert OK, I'll give you five dollars per kilometer, but only if you finish the course.

Explanation :

Get real - Be realistic, understand what's going on

Example : You think he's going to help you ? Get real !

*An advertisement caught my eye !!!

Naomi Haven't seen you for ages. What's new ?
Hector Well, I've got a new job. I'm a sales manager for an office furniture company.
Naomi Wow, that's great. How did you get it ?
Hector Well I was looking through the job ads in our trade paper a few weeks ago when the one for my present position caught my eye.
Naomi Why was that ?
Hector Well, it was offering an exceptionally good salary plus very good prospects for promotion, so I went for it.

Explanation :

Catch someone's eye - To get someone's attention

Example : She looked at the shopwindow, where a beautiful skirt caught her eye, and she could not help buying it.

*Stretch out and catch some z's !!!

Malcolm They've just announced that our flight will be delayed by six hours.
Deirdre What ! Oh no ! That means it won't be leaving until 3:30 in the morning.
Malcolm I'm afraid so. What shall we do in the meantime ?
Deirdre Let's find some seats in a quiet part of the terminal where we can stretch out and catch some z's.
Malcolm Sounds like a good idea. We've had a hectic day and I'm pretty tired.
Deirdre Me too. Look, there are some in that corner over there. Let's go before somebody else gets to them.

Explanation :

Catch some z's - Take a nap, go to sleep

Example : I stayed up all night studying so I'd better catch some z's.

*Let's call it a day !!!

Colin How many more PCs have we got to network here ?
Euan I think it's about six, certainly not more.
Colin And when do we have to finish tomorrow ?
Euan We've got to be out of here by noon.
Colin Well it's almost 7pm and I've had enough. Let's do the remaining six tomorrow. There'll be enough time.
Euan OK. Let's call it a day. I could do with a drink.

Explanation :

Call it a day - To stop the work you are doing.

Example : After hiking for fifteen kilometers, we decided to call it a day.

*I've been beating my brains out !!!

Andy What's the matter ? You look really fed up.
Kevin I am, I've been having a very frustrating day so far.
Andy What's the problem, boss being difficult ?
Kevin No, I've been beating my brains out trying to fix a fault in our department's computer network.
Andy I suppose there must be some bug in the system somewhere.
Kevin That's what I thought, but I haven't been able to find one yet, so I'll be working late tonight.

Explanation :

Beats one's brains out - To exert or expend great mental effort

Example : The detective beat his brains out to unlock the mystery.

*Beats me !!!

Lauren Have you heard ? May has just got engaged to Ken Smith.
Vera What ? He's the most boring guy I've ever met.
Lauren I know, all he ever wants to do is sit at home, watch football on TV and drink beer.
Vera And he's already a bit thin on top.
Lauren What on earth does a lively girl like May see in him ?
Vera Beats me !

Explanation :

Beats me - This baffles or puzzles me

Example : What am I going to do with this ? Beats me !

*Stop beating about the bush !!!

Jack I wonder if you've ever thought of the possibility of um ...... of us .........
Mary Of us ...... ?
Jack Well, we've been going out for two years now and I wondered if we ah ....... if you ......
Mary If we what ? What are you trying to say ?
Jack I was thinking that it might be an idea if we ...... you know ....... well .......
Mary Oh stop beating about the bush. Spit it out.
Jack Will you marry me ?

Explanation :

Beat about ( around ) the bush - To avoid coming to a conclusion

Example : Enough of this beating about the bush. Tell me straight what you're here for.

*On the go !!!

Gloria Freda ! Put the kettle on. My feet are killing me and I'm dying for a cup of tea.
Freda Had a hard day ?
Gloria I'll say. I've been on the go all day, hardly had a minute to sit down.
Freda Why was that ?
Gloria Well, our store held a clearance sale today and our department was absolutely jam-packed with customers all day.
Freda That's because nobody can resist a bargain.

Explanation :

On the go - In constant activity, very busy

Example : I was dead beat, having been on the go from morning till night.

*He's been in and out all day !!!

Harry Where's Jay ? He was here just now and I need him.
Lea He's gone to make another call.
Harry I've tried to catch him several times but always just missed him.
Lea That's because he's been in and out all day.
Harry What's been going on ?
Lea There have been quite a number of emergency calls and he's the only technician available to go out and deal with them at the moment.

Explanation :

In and out - Coming in and going out very often

Example : In the final years of his life, he was always in and out of hospital

*Keep it on standby !!!

Ramona Why have you started to switch off the TV at the wall socket ?
Darell Well I've been reading how wasteful it is to keep it on standby.
Ramona But it takes the TV time to warm up when you switch it on again.
Darell Only about thirty seconds, if that. That's not very long to wait.
Ramona So what's the advantage ?
Darell Well if everyone in the country did what I do, this article says that we could do without at least one power station.
Ramona If that's true, I suppose it's not such a bad idea.

Explanation :

On standby - When a person or a thing is on standby they are ready to be used if necessary

Example : The red light on the television shows that it is on standby.

*You are environmentally conscious !!!

Gwyneth Why are you saving those old plastic bags ? Just throw them away.
Terri No, I can't do that. I'm saving them to reuse them.
Gwyneth It's hardly worth the effort, surely.
Terri Oh it is. One plastic bag reused is one less thrown away. And that's got to be good for the environment.
Gwyneth My, my, you are environmentally conscious.
Terri And why not ? We've all got a responsibility to protect the environment.

Explanation :

If someone is environmentally conscious, he is concerned about the impact that manufactured products eventually have on the environment.

Example : The act of separating materials for recycling is an educational process that leads environmentally conscious persons to better understand their consumption and disposal behavior.

*It's got an A rating for energy efficiency !!!

Hettie This refrigerator is really stylish. Let's buy one.
Peter Not so fast. Have you looked at the sticker at the side ? It's got a C on it.
Hettie Well, so what ?
Peter That's its energy efficiency rating. That means it uses more energy than one rated B or A. So it costs more to run and is more harmful to the environment.
Hettie Oh, what a shame ! I really like it.
Peter What about this one over here ? I think it's just as good looking and it's got an A rating for energy efficiency.

Explanation :

Rating - A measurement of how good or popular someone or something is

Example : The government's popularity rating sank to an all-time low.

*Seems to be wildlife conservation !!!

Adam Look, it says here that the government has just decided to designate 1,500 square kilometers in the north of the country as a new national park.
Eve Oh, I'm glad. It's really beautiful up there. Any particular reasons ?
Adam Well the main one seems to be wildlife conservation.
Eve I suppose there must be species under threat up there.
Adam Yes. There are a few species of birds, including a rare kind of eagle, which are all decreasing in numbers.
Eve And what about mammals ?
Adam Yes, there's a particular kind of sea otter whose habitat is threatened.

Explanation :

Wildlife conservation - The protection of animals from the damaging effects of human activity

Example : The Japanese are ignoring the call for dolphin conservation.

*Lesley is becoming a bit of an eco-freak !!!

Pam Have you noticed ? Lesley is becoming a bit of an eco-freak.
Isobel Yes, she's put all her savings into eco-investments.
Pam And she's become a vegetarian so she'll only eat in eco-restaurants.
Isobel She's even been trying to persuade me to buy eco-products from the catalogues she's given me.
Pam I don't think I know anyone who is more environmentally conscious.
Isobel Nor me. I just hope she doesn't become an eco-terrorist and start painting environmental slogans on gas-guzzling cars.

Explanation :

Freak - someone who is extremely interested in a particular subject or activity

Example : He is a computer freak, and spends hours in front of the computer every evening.

*It's got to be disposed of !!!

June Where's David gone ?
Miriam He's just finished changing the oil in his car and he's gone to take the used oil to the local collection center.
June Couldn't he just have poured it down the drain ?
Miriam What ! Of course not. Used engine oil is full of harmful chemicals.
June I didn't know that.
Miriam Oh yes it's classed as toxic waste and it's got to be disposed of without harming the environment.
June Pity it can't be reused.
Miriam Well actually I think it can. I've heard that the harmful stuff can be removed and then it can be used again.

Explanation :

Dispose of - To get rid of

Example : I disposed of the old medicine by flushing it down the toilet.

*I'll draftproof the door !!!

Nadine Gosh, there's a really cold draft coming from around this door.
Rex Let me see. Oh, you're right. It's quite strong.
Nadine It would be a lot warmer in this room if you could do something about it.
Rex Don't worry I can. I'll draftproof the door. It's not too difficult.
Nadine How can you do that ?
Rex I'll go to the DIY store and buy some draftproofing strip.
Nadine What will you do with that ?
Rex I'll fit it all round the edge of the door. It's made of rubber so when you close the door it will squeeze the strip against the door frame and fill the gaps where the cold air's coming in.

Explanation :

Draftproof - To block the cold wind from coming into the house around the door or window

Example : To cut our heating bills, we had our home draftproofed and insulated.

*In the jargon, it's got a better fuel efficiency rating !!!

Joe How do you like my new company car ?
Hubert Looks great, but it's a bit smaller than your last one, isn't it ?
Joe It is. That's because of our company's new rules about fuel efficiency. They're part of our new environmental policy.
Hubert I suppose that means the new car gives you more kilometers per liter and less pollution than the old one.
Joe That's right. In the jargon, it's got a better fuel efficiency rating.
Hubert So what'll it do ?
Joe Well, on a long run around 25 kilometers per liter at 110 kph.

Explanation :

Jargon - Special words and phrases which are used by particular groups of people, especially in their work

Example : Will you speak in plain English ? I don't understand all this jargon.

*A sustainable development project !!!

Joshua My company has just introduced career breaks for staff who've got at least five years' service. I'm eligible because I passed the five-year mark last week.
Kerry What does " career break " mean exactly ?
Joshua It means that we can take up to three months away from the company to work on a project involving service to the community at home or abroad.
Kerry Sounds a great idea. Are you going to apply ?
Joshua Oh sure. I've just been reading about a sustainable development project in Africa which is advertising for volunteers. I'm going to go for that.
Kerry What's the project trying to achieve ?
Joshua It's trying to help people improve their standard of living without using up their natural resources and damaging the environment.

Explanation :

Sustainable - Able to continue over a period of time

Example : The forests are managed on the principles of sustainable development.

*A whole raft of energy-saving measures !!!

Angus I see from today's newspaper that the government's going to introduce a whole raft of energy-saving measures.
Jill I'd heard rumors about that. What's in store for us ?
Angus Well, they've increased the standard for roof insulation for a start.
Jill That means a lot more work for insulation contractors.
Angus They're also planning to reduce the maximum speed limit on the roads by 10 kph.
Jill A lot of people will be against that. They'll have a fight to get it through.

Explanation :

Raft - A large number or range, a lot

Example : We have designed a whole raft of measures to improve the transport system.

*Exaggerate his exploits !!!

Davina I was talking to your friend Hughie the other day. He's a really interesting guy.
Joe You could say that. What did you talk about ?
Davina Oh, he was telling me about all the expeditions he's been on. And he said he's been involved in quite a few rescues.
Joe I wouldn't believe everything he told you, if I were you.
Davina Oh, why's that ?
Joe Well he's a bit of a boaster and tends to exaggerate his exploits.

Explanation :

Exploit - Something unusual, brave or funny that someone has done

*He's always shooting his mouth off !!!

Pearl Oh no, here comes Greg, Mr. Smarty Pants.
Robin I'll bet he's going to tell us all about how to fix this bike.
Pearl I'm sure you're right. He's always shooting his mouth off about all the things he can do.
Robin Yes, whether it's computers, bikes or cars, he always boasts that he can fix them.
Pearl He thinks he's some kind of technical genius.
Robin Well I don't need a genius to fix this bike. It'll only take me ten minutes.

*He's always shooting his mouth off !!!

Pearl Oh no, here comes Greg, Mr. Smarty Pants.
Robin I'll bet he's going to tell us all about how to fix this bike.
Pearl I'm sure you're right. He's always shooting his mouth off about all the things he can do.
Robin Yes, whether it's computers, bikes or cars, he always boasts that he can fix them.
Pearl He thinks he's some kind of technical genius.
Robin Well I don't need a genius to fix this bike. It'll only take me ten minutes.

Explanation :

Shoot your mouth off - To talk too much in a loud and uncontrollable way

Example : I hate hearing him shooting off his mouth about English literature; he doesn't know a thing about it.

*He's such a smart alec !!!

Eliza There's going to be a quiz evening at the school next Saturday. Shall we go ?
Charles Why not ? The last time we went we had a lot of fun.
Eliza We certainly did. Our table won second prize, as I remember.
Charles Just one thing. we've got to make sure we're not on the same table as Derry and Jane.
Eliza Oh yes ! We don't want to be with them. He's such a smart alec.
Charles Yes, he thinks he knows the answer to everything. And she only encourages him.

Explanation :

Smart alec - Someone who tries to appear clever that annoys other people

*Have them eating out of her hand !!!

Hella Mandy's car has broken down and she's gone to ask those two guys over there if they'll fix it for her.
Gabrielle Do you think they will ?
Hella Oh, without a doubt. She'll just play little Miss Helpless and she'll soon have them eating out of her hand.
Gabrielle Well you may be right. They're going over to her car now.
Hella She's brilliant at getting men to do just what she wants them to.
Gabrielle What am I doing wrong ?

Explanation :

Eat out of ( someone's ) hand - To be manipulated or dominated by another.
*He was a complete ignoramus !!!

Cathy I thought the new manager was supposed to know everything about sales and marketing.
Walter So did I. But there were a lot of questions he couldn't answer.
Cathy That's right. He didn't seem to know very much about telesales for example.
Walter And he was a complete ignoramus as far as the internet was concerned.
Cathy Yes, he didn't know a thing about it. No wonder the MD started to get impatient with him.
Walter He'd better do his homework before the next meeting, otherwise he'll be in trouble.

Explanation :

Ignoramus - A person who knows nothing

*Some wiseacre kept making comments !!!

Sidonie How did your talk go last night ? It was on renewable energy technologies wasn't it ?
Eugene Yes it was. And it didn't go as well as I had hoped.
Sidonie Sorry to hear that. was the audience hostile ?
Eugene No, not at all, but some wiseacre at the back kept making clever comments about the drawbacks of some of the technologies.
Sidonie Was he some kind of expert ?
Eugene Not really, but he knew enough to make things difficult at times.

Explanation :

Wiseacre - An upstart who makes conceited, sardonic, insolent comments

*He became such a bighead !!!

Winnie Why did you leave the Rubber Rabbits ? It was the best rock band in the town.
Donald Well, my job has been getting more and more demanding and I was finding it difficult to spare the time.
Winnie Was that the only reason ?
Donald No, not really. I was also getting a bit fed up with Norton, you know the lead singer. In fact we all were.
Winnie What was the trouble ?
Donald Oh, he became such a bighead. Thought he was the most important person in the band, and claimed all the credit for our success.
Winnie That's a pity. When someone becomes bigheaded like that, it spoils the team spirit.

Explanation :

Bighead - Thinking that you are more important or more clever than you really are

*She could wind him around her little finger !!!

Stuart I was always very jealous of my sister when we were young.
Lois Why was that ? Was she cleverer than you ?
Stuart She was clever but it wasn't that. It was because my father was very strict with me, but she always managed to get what she wanted from him.
Lois So she was a real Daddy's girl.
Stuart Yes, and she could wind him around her little finger.
Lois Ah, brothers can't compete with that.

Explanation :

Wind / Wrap sb around your finger - To persuade someone easily to do what you want them to do

Example : He can be very firm with men, but women can wind him around their little fingers at will.

*She could wind him around her little finger !!!

Stuart I was always very jealous of my sister when we were young.
Lois Why was that ? Was she cleverer than you ?
Stuart She was clever but it wasn't that. It was because my father was very strict with me, but she always managed to get what she wanted from him.
Lois So she was a real Daddy's girl.
Stuart Yes, and she could wind him around her little finger.
Lois Ah, brothers can't compete with that.

Explanation :

Wind / Wrap sb around your finger - To persuade someone easily to do what you want them to do

Example : He can be very firm with men, but women can wind him around their little fingers at will.

*He was a skirt chaser !!!

Sandie This is the first class reunion I've been to for more than twenty years.
Martin This is my first ever. Can you still recognize everybody ?
Sandie Pretty much, though some of the men have put on a lot of weight around the middle and some have lost a lot of hair.
Martin Isn't that Jed Bardley over there ? He was a great tennis player.
Sandie Yes it is. He was also a great skirt chaser, after every girl in the class at one time or another.
Martin He seems to have a wife with him, so I imagine he has to behave himself.

Explanation :

Skirt chaser - A man who is aggressive in making amorous advances to women

*As miserable as sin !!!

Heather That was the first soccer match I've ever watched in a bar.
Vernon Was it really ? I'm amazed. Anyway, did you enjoy it ?
Heather Oh, yes. The atmosphere was terrific and the game itself was really exciting.
Vernon It would have been a bit different if our team had lost. But they won really well. Four goals to one is a great result.
Heather But your friend Jim didn't look as happy at all. In fact he looked as miserable as sin.
Vernon Well that's because he supports the other side.

Explanation :

As miserable as sin - Very miserable

*Her father's a bit of a rogue !!!

Sharon I met Jill's parents yesterday. They seem to be very nice people.
Casey Her mother certainly is but her father's a bit of a rogue apparently.
Sharon What do you mean ?
Casey Well, he's in the real estate business and I've heard that he's been involved in quite a lot of questionable deals.
Sharon Well they certainly have a beautiful house.
Casey That's probably the result of one of them.

Explanation :

Rogue - An unprincipled, deceitful, and unreliable person

*Bit of a ne'er-do-well !!!

Fleur We're all a bit worried about my sister.
Nicola Is she ill or something.
Fleur No it's not that, it's her new boyfriend. We don't think he's suitable at all.
Nicola Why's that ? Has he been in trouble with the law ?
Fleur No, but he hasn't got a proper job, in fact he doesn't ever seem to have had a proper job.
Nicola Oh I see. Bit of a ne'er-do-well.

Explanation :

Ne'er-do-well - An idle worthless person

*You're a real grind !!!

Euan Warren, come and play soccer with us after school.
Warren No I can't, sorry. I want to get on with my homework.
Euan Aw come on, you can spare half an hour or so.
Warren No, I've got to get this homework finished and after that I've got a lot of extra reading to do.
Euan You're a real grind. You'll end up short-sighted if you're not careful.
Warren No I won't. Anyway I'm not that interested in soccer.

Explanation :

Grind - A student who works or studies excessively.

*He loves playing pranks on people !!!

Marlene Before we go in, just a word of warning about my younger brother.
Ursula Oh, is there something wrong with him ?
Marlene Oh no, don't worry. It's just that he loves playing pranks on people.
Ursula What sort of pranks ?
Marlene Well yesterday, for example, he put a big plastic spider on the toilet seat and my little sister ran out screaming her head off when she saw it.
Ursula So he's a bit of a joker.
Marlene He certainly is. So just be prepared.

Explanation :

Prank - A mischievous act, a trick that is intended to be amusing but not to cause harm or damage

*He's just a ladies' man !!!

Marvin Look at Steve over there. That girl is hanging on his every word.
Lee It's the same with every female he gets talking to.
Marvin I know. He's got the knack of making them feel like they're the only thing in the whole world that matters to him.
Lee That's why he's got a whole string of girlfriends.
Marvin How does he do it ?
Lee I don't know. He's just a natural ladies' man I suppose.

Explanation :

A ladies' man - A man who enjoys and attracts the company of women

Example : Because women seemed to seek him out at parties, Brian got the reputation for being quite a ladies' man.

*She has a sunny disposition !!!

Vicky Your sister's little girl is really sweet. How old is she ?
Belinda Chloe has just turned four.
Vicky She played so well with the other children.
Belinda She did, didn't she ? She's always enjoyed other kids' company.
Vicky And she was always smiling and laughing.
Belinda Yes, she has a really sunny disposition, just like my sister.

Explanation :

Disposition - The particular type of character which a person naturally has, one's usual mood, temperament

Example : He has a naturally easy-going disposition.

*You're out of date !!!

Waldo You look very pleased about something.
Abby I sure am. My elder brother has come home for a few days.
Waldo Is he the one who's been working in France ?
Abby Oh you're out of date. Since France he's worked in Italy, Brazil and Singapore.
Waldo He certainly gets around, doesn't he ?
Abby Yes, he's a real rolling stone.

Explanation :

Out of date - Old, no longer valid or in use

Example : That radio looks so out of date.

*As crooked as an eleven dollar bill !!!

Minnie Did you hear about that fraud trial that's just finished ?
Oscar Oh sure, it was all over the papers and on TV.
Minnie Most people seemed to think that the accused were clearly guilty.
Oscar The evidence certainly pointed that way.
Minnie So how come they got off ?
Oscar Well some people are complaining about the judge. They say it's well known that he's as crooked as an eleven dollar bill.

*He's as straight as a gun barrel !!!

Dana It's about time I changed my car. Problem is I can't afford a new one.
Gavin It's not a good idea to buy new anyway. A new car loses such a lot of value in its first year. It depreciates really fast.
Dana The difficulty is in finding a used-car dealer I can trust.
Gavin No problem there. Go to Harmers Autos. I know the manager and I've bought two used cars from him. They were both really good value.
Dana Are you sure I can trust him ?
Gavin Absolutely. He's as straight as a gun barrel.

*She's as honest as the day is long !!!

Georgina I've just been reading an article about personal finance. It made me think that I ought to sort out my own finances. They're in a bit of mess at the moment.
Alan I was in the same position a couple of years ago but I got a professional financial adviser to help me put them in order.
Georgina How did you find him ? Did he do a good job ?
Alan It's a lady actually. My brother uses her and he introduced her to me.
Georgina Is she any good and can you trust her ?
Alan Yes she is very good, and she's as honest as the day is long. I can thoroughly recommend her.

*That really gets my shirt out !!!

Martin Have there been any more announcements ?
Sibyl No, not since they said our flight would be delayed by three hours.
Martin That was nearly four hours ago. What a way to start a vacation !
Sibyl And we still haven't been given any explanation for the delay.
Martin Yes, that really gets my shirt out. We shoud have been told long ago why we're having to wait so long.
Sibyl There really ought to be compensation in cases like this.

Explanation :

Get one's shirt out - Angry

*A cross word between them !!!

Bert How long have your grandparents been married ?
Daniela They'll be celebrating their golden wedding in two months' time.
Bert Fifty years ! Goodness, that's a really long time.
Daniela Yes, they were actually childhood sweethearts.
Bert And they still seem a very happy couple.
Daniela Oh they are. My grandmother always says that there has never been a cross word between them.
Bert They've never had a cross word ? That must be some kind of record.

Explanation :

A cross word - Having an argument with someone

Example : A cross word led to a fight between them.

*He is a hard act to follow !!!

Jenny Your uncle's a really nice man. Fancy taking so much time to show us around the town.
Hedley He's always been like that. He really is our favorite uncle.
Jenny And everywhere we went everyone greeted him.
Hedley Yes he's very popular round here because he's very friendly and always has a good word for everybody.
Jenny If you follow his example, you won't go far wrong.
Hedley I'm trying, but he's a hard act to follow.

Explanation :

Hard ( tough ) act to follow - To be so good it is not likely that anyone or anything that comes after will be as good

Example : Bob's record is excellent — it will be a tough act to follow.

*She's kindness itself !!!

Dodie I must make sure that we don't run out of rice and tea in future.
Tanya But weren't we lucky that your neighbor Mrs. Jones was in ?
Dodie I'll say. And also that she had rice and tea to spare.
Tanya How much did she give you ?
Dodie A kilogram of rice and a packet of tea. It was really good of her.
Tanya She's kindness itself. I wish everybody were like her.

Explanation :

Kindness - The quality of being kind

Example : I will always remember your many kindnesses to me.

*He puts himself about a lot !!!

Kylie Ever since John Jo decided to become an independent consultant he's been doing extremely well.
George I know. He told me last week that he's got almost more business than he can handle at the moment.
Kylie How does he do it ?
George Well he is very good, but he also puts himself about a lot.
Kylie That's true. I've seen him at every reception and conference I've been to this year.
George Yes he's always there handing out his business cards and talking to anyone he thinks could be a potential client. He sells himself very effectively.

Explanation :

Put oneself about - Very active and sociable

Example : The starlet puts herself about to attract as much public attention as possible.

*Heard the last of it !!!

Sadie Hear that ? It's that drilling noise again.
Hector Oh no, not again ! I thought we'd heard the last of it this morning.
Sadie It's coming from the floor above. What's going on up there ?
Hector The janitor told me that they are refurbishing the whole floor for a new company that's moving in next week.
Sadie Well I hope they hurry up and finish because the noise is really getting on my nerves.
Hector It's disturbing me too and it also reminds me of being at the dentist, which is even worse.

Explanation :

Hear/see the last of sth - If you hear/see the last of something or someone unpleasant or difficult, they do not cause you trouble again

Example : He's horrible - I really hope we've seen the last of him

*That puts my back up !!!

Caroline I'm so glad the election's over, aren't you.
John Yes, I've had enough of politicians on TV and the radio.
Caroline Not to mention knocking on your door to ask for your vote.
John What really puts my back up is when they make all sorts of promises to get your vote but when they get elected it's a different story.
Caroline I know. That puts my back up too.
John Thank goodness the next election is four years away.

Explanation :

Put someone's back up - To make them annoyed or resentful.

Example : He got my back up with his cynical remarks on my proposal.

*Pain in the neck !!!

Holly Watch your language !
Jordan Sorry, but I can't help it. It's so frustrating.
Holly Is there something the matter with your laptop ?
Jordan Something the matter ! It's an absolute pain in the neck. Every time I try to log on to read my e-mail, it loses the connection. It's happened about ten times so far.
Holly It may not be the laptop. It could be that the wireless connection is unreliable here.
Jordan I suppose you could be right. I'll try to find somewhere where the connection is more stable.

Explanation :

Pain in the neck - Someone or something that is very annoying

Example : That child is a real pain in the neck.

*He thinks a lot of himself !!!

Jeffrey Barney's been playing some great soccer this season, don't you think ?
Larry He certainly has. He's about the best striker we've got.
Jeffrey Yes, his goal average is better than anyone else's.
Larry One thing worries me a bit though -- I think he may be getting a bit over-confident.
Jeffrey It's certainly true that he thinks a lot of himself.
Larry Yes and I think he's in danger of forgetting that there are ten other players in the team and that his success depends on their support.

Explanation :

Think a lot of - Have a good opinion of

Example : He is very capable and well thought of.

*Don't be modest !!!

Thea Where did you learn to dance like that ? You're fantastic.
Adeline Oh, come on. I'm not very good at all.
Thea Don't be so modest. You were the best dancer on the floor by a mile.
Adeline There were better dancers than me on the floor, I'm sure.
Thea Don't talk nonsense. As far as I'm concerned you're the bee's knees.
Adeline Well it's very nice of you to say so.

Explanation :

Modest - Having a humble opinion of yourself

Example : He remains modest despite his outstanding achievements.

*She's a real tattletale !!!

Tina I wouldn't mention that to Gloria if I were you.
Vaughan Why not ? She seems a very sympathetic person.
Tina No doubt she is, but she's not the most discreet person in the world.
Vaughan Aren't you being a bit unfair ?
Tina No, not at all. I know from experience that she's a real tattletale.
Vaughan Well if that's the case I'll take your advice.

Explanation :

Tattletale ( tell-tale ) - Someone who gossips indiscreetly She just prattled on !!!

Marie Well that was a complete waste of time.
Kirsty You mean talking to Judie ? I saw you two chatting together just now.
Marie Yes, she gave me the impression that she had something really important to tell me.
Kirsty Didn't she ?
Marie No, she just prattled on about her latest shopping expedition and her new hairdresser. Stuff like that.
Kirsty Well I suppose that's what's important to her.

Explanation :

Prattle : To talk foolishly or childishly for a long time about something unimportant or without saying anything important

Example : He has learned to pay no attention to his wife's prattle.

*Why don't you stop that yackety-yack !!!

Darren You've been on the phone for ages now.
Sara Shhh ! It's Debbie. She's telling me all about her operation.
Darren Can't it wait ? I'm hungry. When are you going to start cooking ?
Sara Just give me a couple more minutes. She's just getting to the most interesting part.
Darren If know Debbie, it'll take another hour.
Sara Darren, just be a bit patient.
Darren My stomach's right out of patience. Why don't you stop that yackety-yack and feed me before I die of hunger.

Explanation :

Yackety-yack ( yak ) - A continuous and prolonged senseless talk

Example : I tried in vain to close my ears to their yackety-yack and go on with my work.

*Blab it around !!!

Sheila Hi, Jake. You're looking very pleased with yourself.
Jake Am I ? Well I'm not particularly.
Sheila Come on, you can't fool me. I can tell something special's happened.
Jake Can't hide anything from you, can I ? well, I've just been invited to audition for a part in a new TV series set in a hospital.
Sheila That's fantastic. I'm sure you'll get it.
Jake Well I may not, because the competition is really hot. So I don't want you to blab it around until I know I've got the part.

Explanation :

Blab - To talk carelessly or too much, often telling others something you should keep secret

Example : She blabbed to everyone she knew about my planned trip to Iraq.

*What's the buzz ?

Vera Hello stranger ! Haven't seen you for ages.
Timothy That's because I've been in Europe for almost a month.
Vera Well, there have been quite a few developments while you've been away.
Timothy Really, what's the buzz ?
Vera Well, everybody's saying that we'll be getting a new chief executive.
Timothy Wow, that's quite a surprise. The current one hasn't been in post that long.
Vera I know, but it's all to do with a new business strategy which the board wants to be introduced.

Explanation :

Buzz - Rumor, gossip

Example : There is a strong buzz that they will soon get married.

*On the market !!!

Monty Well that was a frustrating customer visit.
Jack Really ? You seemed to be away a long time. Didn't you get an order ?
Monty No, I didn't. The guy didn't seem to be that interested in the features of our product, and you know it's about the best on the market.
Jack It sure is. So what did you talk about ?
Monty Well, it was mostly idle chat about his new car, baseball and stuff like that.
Jack Maybe he was checking you out to see if he liked you. I'd try him again in a couple of weeks' time, if I were you.

Explanation :

On the market - Available for sale

Example : This is one of the best televisions on the market.

*It sounds like office tittle tattle !!!

Lily Have you heard ? The boss's son is going to divorce his wife.
Graham Well I saw the son and his wife last week and they looked very happy together.
Lily Well that's what I heard from Mary Silvers in our office this morning.
Graham Well, I wouldn't believe everything she tells you. Where did she hear about it ?
Lily She said someone told her during the department outing last weekend.
Graham Well it sounds like office tittle tattle to me. I just don't believe it.

Explanation :

Tittle tattle - Light informal conversation for social occasions, small talk

Example : Have your heard the latest tittle tattle about Billy ?

*I'm green with envy !!!

Tabitha You'll never guess what happened to me last Saturday.
Effie You found the man of your dreams ?
Tabitha Oh, very funny, but you're not so far off. I got Stephen Laurie's autograph.
Effie You mean that really gorgeous looking actor in the detective series on TV ?
Tabitha Well they were filming some scenes on location just round the corner from my apartment and I managed to catch him during a break.
Effie Oh, I'm green with envy. What did he say to you ?

Explanation :

Green with envy - To be very unhappy because someone has something that you want

Example : Ben's heading off to Spain for the week and I'm green with envy.

*Don't keep me in suspense !!!

Clifford Has anything happened since I've been away ?
Derren Oh, lots. It's difficult to know where to begin.
Clifford Tell me the most important stuff first.
Derren Let me think, ah yes, there's one really juicy tidbit.
Clifford Don't keep me in suspense.
Derren Well one of the accountants in the finance office was caught fiddling the books. Apparently he had defrauded the company of around $10,000.

Explanation :

Keep someone in suspense - To deliberately delay telling them something or the outcome of something.

Example : She kept him in suspense for several days before she said that she would marry him.

*To do down the girls !!!

Kathy Oh no, that's Lesley over there. Let's get out of the way before she spots us.
Tricia Don't you like her then ?
Kathy I used to but I found that she was always trying to do down the girls in our tennis club who were not interested in joining her little clique.
Tricia That's not very nice. What does she actually do ?
Kathy Oh, she criticizes them for not having the most up-to-date outfits or not being able to play tennis properly; things like that.
Tricia Well, I can understand why you want to avoid her.

Explanation :

Do sb down - To criticize someone in order to make them feel ashamed or to make other people lose respect for them:

Example : If you go on doing everyone down like this, you will soon find yourself without a single friend.

*Got on my nerves !!!

Penny What's the matter ? You look really annoyed.
Guy You're not kidding. Harry brought his friend Ray round for a drink today. And that guy really got on my nerves.
Penny Oh, I know him. He plays in my brother's rock band. What did he do ?
Guy Well he was very nosey. Kept asking me all sorts of questions, some of them quite personal.
Penny No surprises there. He has a habit of poking his nose in other people's business.
Guy Well I tried to make it quite clear, without offending Harry, that he should keep his nose out of mine.

Explanation :

Got on someone's nerves - To annoy someone a lot

Example : Please stop making that noise! It really gets on my nerves.

*She's nice to people's faces !!!

Lara Are you free on Saturday ?
Christine Yes, I think so.
Lara Then why don't you come shopping with Julie and me ?
Christine To be honest, I'm not too keen on Julie.
Lara Why not ? I think she's good fun.
Christine Perhaps, but she does talk behind people's back. She's nice to their faces but she criticizes them to other people.

*Putting it about that ... !!!

Titus I must say that Gordon is not my favorite person at the moment.
Nyree Oh, I thought you and he got on well.
Titus Well we did until now, but he's been putting it about that I'm thinking of leaving my job.
Nyree Well, aren't you ?
Titus No, I'm not but people at work are asking questions.
Nyree Well I'm sure it's all a misunderstanding. Why don't you call him and clear the matter up ?

Explanation :

Put sth about ( around ) - To tell a lot of people something that is not true

Example : Someone has been putting rumors about that I live with my girlfriend.

Example : If it were not for that treacherous tattletale, the teacher would never know that I did a bit of cheating in the examination.

*A word in your shell-like !!!

Titus Rory, a word in your shell-like. Let's go outside.
Rory Is there some problem ?
Titus Don't you think Henry's been acting rather strangely lately ?
Rory Now you mention it, he has become rather subdued, as if something's on his mind.
Titus I think there is. I think he's having trouble coping with his workload.
Rory He does seem to have a lot on his plate at the moment.
Titus He does, so I'd like to discuss how we could help to lighten his load a bit.

Explanation :

Shell-like - Ear
A word in your shell-like - I would like to talk to you

*The rumor mill is working overtime !!!

Beth The situation at Southern Airlines seems very uncertain.
Casper Yes, I've spoken to some of the cabin staff and they're very worried.
Beth You hear all sorts of stories about what is supposed to be going wrong.
Casper I know, the rumor mill is working overtime. Some people say that they can't afford to maintain the planes properly.
Beth Another story I heard was that they've got problems with their insurance company.
Casper Whatever it is, it sure isn't good news.

Explanation :

The rumor mill is working overtime - Rumors are being generated like a machine

*I'd never make anything up !!!

Hedda Dawn, you can congratulate me today.
Dawn Why, have you been promoted ?
Hedda I'll say. The editor has given me my own gossip column. How about that ?
Dawn Oh, well done. So life's now going to be one round of parties and receptions, picking up all the gossip about celebrities and making it up if you can't find any.
Hedda I'd never make anything up. What I write in my column will be the truth.
Dawn And nothing but the truth. I wonder.

Explanation :

Make sth up - To invent something, such as an excuse or a story, often in order to deceive

Example : My dad was always really good at making up stories.

*Cash-flow problems !!!

Wayne You don't look too cheerful. What's the matter ?
Norma Well I've just come back from a visit to our biggest customer.
Wayne You mean Baymore. We do get a lot of business from them.
Norma But I wonder for how much longer.
Wayne Why do you say that ?
Norma Well it's rumored in the company that they have got serious cash-flow problems and may find it very difficult to pay our invoices.

Explanation :

Cash flow - The amount of money moving into and out of a business

Example : The company was fortunate to be able to get a bank loan when it was suffering from cash flow problems.

*It was very well attended !!!

Earl How was the National Marketing Association conference ?
Irvine It was pretty good and very well attended.
Earl I've heard that quite a lot of people aren't too happy with the president. They don't think he's been doing a good job.
Irvine That's true. A few members were even spreading rumors that he would be forced to resign before his term comes to an end.
Earl Do you think that will happen ?
Irvine Well it might if he doesn't improve his performance pretty quickly.

Explanation :

Well-attended - Describes an event where many people are present

Example : The information was given at an unusually well-attended press conference yesterday.

*Bitching about her friends !!!

Camilla I'm so glad Loretta's gone, aren't you.
Geraldine Oh, yes. I always try to avoid her if I can.
Camilla She's such a miserable type and always bitching about her friends.
Geraldine I know, she hasn't got a good word to say about anybody.
Camilla I think she's a very jealous person really.
Geraldine Yes, she always thinks other people are doing better than her.

Explanation :

Bitch - To complain and make unkind remarks about someone or something

Example : You can rely on her to bitch about her boss at every available opportunity.

*It's full of showbiz gossip !!!

Douglas What's that magazine you're reading ?
Grace It's called Starworld.
Douglas I didn't know you were interested in astronomy.
Grace I'm not particularly. It's not about astronomy, it's about show business.
Douglas So it's full of showbiz gossip. What a bore !
Grace It might be boring to you but I find it very interesting and entertaining.

Explanation :

showbiz - Show business ( the entertainment business )

Example : Stars of the entertainment world turned out to celebrate his 40th year in show business.

*There's a rumor going the rounds !!!

Carl Why is Dave looking so gloomy ?
Jeanne Haven't you heard the latest ?
Carl No, I've been out of town for a couple of days on a business trip.
Jeanne Well, there's a rumor going the rounds that the board is thinking of closing down his department.
Carl Oh, that's tough. Why would they want to do that ?
Jeanne Well, it's said that they're developing a new business strategy and Dave's department doesn't figure in it.

Explanation :

Go the rounds - To go from person to person or place to place

Example : The doctor is doing his rounds of the ward.

*Behind the scenes !!!

Desmond Isn't that Jed Watney, the gossip columnist over there, talking to the congressman.
Jake Let me see ... it sure is. I wonder why he's talking to him.
Desmond Whatever it is, I'll bet Jed's picking up some juicy political tidbits.
Jake He certainly seems to know about all the things that are going on behind the scenes here.
Desmond That's why everybody reads his column.
Jake They do, but some of them are worried that they'll be reading something about themselves that they don't want other people to know.

Explanation :

Behind the scenes - Revealing what is done out of public view

Example : In his speech, the university president thanked all the staff who had worked behind the scenes to make the fund-raising campaign a success.

*Try to cut you out !!!

Myra There's a really unplesant group of girls in my class.
Opal What do you mean, what do they do ?
Myra Well they're always talking among themselves but as soon as I arrive they say things like, " I can't tell you now, I'll tell you later. "
Opal So they don't share things with you but try to cut you out.
Myra Yes that's right. And I don't know why they do it.
Opal Well I wouldn't let a bunch of gossipy girls make you miserable. You should try to find new friends elsewhere.

Explanation :

Cut sb out - To not allow someone to share something or be included in something

Example : They cut me out of the conversation.

*She is such a gossipmonger !!!

Terri Look at Sheila over there. She's talking non-stop.
Lauren I know. She's always passing on the latest rumors about who's not talking to whom and who's bought the most expensive dresses.
Terri She's such a gossipmonger isn't she.
Lauren She is, you couldn't be more right.
Terri If you want to spread a rumor, just tell Sheila.
Lauren Yes, it'll be round like wildfire.

Explanation :

Gossipmonger - A person habitually engaged in idle talk about others

*I've been bursting to tell you !!!

Jocelyn Babs, Babs ! Oh there you are !
Babs Calm down. What's all the rush ?
Jocelyn I've been bursting to tell you.
Babs Tell me what ? It's obviously got you all excited.
Jocelyn Well, Heather just told me that Mandy has dumped Gordon and got a new boyfriend.
Babs Oooh, fancy that ! Who's her new man ?

Explanation :

Burst - A strong desire to do something

Example : Tom was bursting to tell everyone the news.

*I won't tell a single soul !!!

Fay Can you keep a secret ?
Sadie Well of course. You know me.
Fay Promise not to tell anyone ?
Sadie I wont' tell a single soul.
Fay Well, I've just seen Jacquie and she told me that she and Peter have agreed to separate.
Sadie Oh, my god ! They haven't been married that long.

Explanation :

Soul - A human being

Example : By the time I arrived there wasn't a soul there.

*Have you heard the latest ?

Thea Have you heard the latest ?
Nicole Do you mean about Patsy and George breaking up ?
Thea No, that's old news. It's about Dolly.
Nicole Oh, I haven't heard anything about her.
Thea Well, she's just gone into hospital for a facelift.
Nicole I'm not surprised. She's been looking her age for some time.

Explanation :

Latest = Latest news

*He's being laid to rest !!!

John Did you see the funeral mass in Rome for Pope John Paul ?
Elisabeth Yes, I watched it all on TV. It was a very solemn occasion.
John The numbers of people who came to Rome and who watched on television must have numbered in the tens of millions.
Elisabeth It really was the funeral of the century.
John Where will the Pope be buried ?
Elisabeth He's being laid to rest in the crypt of St. Peter's. that's where so many of his predecessors were laid to rest before him.

Explanation :

Lay sb to rest - To bury a dead person

Example : She was laid to rest next to her husband.

*To mourn the Pope's death !!!

Ruth The papers, TV and radio are all full of the Pope's funeral today.
Hannah I know; one report said that more than a million people are in Rome today to mourn the Pope's death.
Ruth And it's not just in Rome. All over the world millions of Catholics are morning the Pope's death.
Hannah Yes, many of them are attending church services for the Pope.
Ruth They're called requiem masses aren't they ?
Hannah Yes. They're special services in memory of the dead.

Explanation :

Mourn - To feel or express great sadness, especially because of someone's death

Example : She was still mourning for her brother

*Pay their final respects !!!

Rebecca It's incredible. Look at all those thousands of people in St Peter's Square.
Joseph And they're not just local people. They've come from all over the world.
Rebecca So many, all want to pay their final respects at the lying in state of Pope John Paul.
Joseph World leaders have also been sending messages of condolence to the Vatican.
Rebecca Yes I heard the announcer reading some of them. Like everyone else they also want to pay their respects to the Pope.
Joseph I can't think of anyone else in the world today whose death would have such an impact on people.

Explanation :

Pay one's final/last respects - The act of expressing respect for someone who has died.

Example : We held a banquet to pay our respects to the Nobel laureate.

*She's got a way with children !!!

Madeline Is that your sister over there Richie, with the children ?
Richie Yes, that's her. Jeanie loves being with them.
Madeline She's playing some kind of game with them.
Richie It looks like one we used to play when we were children.
Madeline She's managing to keep them all occupied and enjoying themselves.
Richie Yes, she's got a way with children. Always has had.
Madeline That's a real gift. A lot of people would just lose patience.

Explanation :

Get/ have a way with - Have success in dealing with

*Single-sex schools !!!

Grant My cousin and his wife can't agree about what schools to send their son and daughter to.
Vera What's the problem ?
Grant Well, he would like them to go to single-sex schools.
Vera And she wants them to co-educational schools, right ?
Grant Yes. He thinks they will do better in single-sex schools, but his wife thinks that co-educational schools are a more natural environment for them.
Vera Well, there are good arguments on both sides.

Explanation :

Single-sex - Describes a school that is for either girls or boys, but not both

*Prep schools !!!

Gary A lot of top people in America went to prep schools.
Frank I haven't heard of them. What kind of schools are they ?
Gary They're very expensive, private boarding schools, which offer a very high-quality education.
Frank Why do people spend so much to send their children to them ?
Gary Well one of the main reasons is that so many of their alumni get into the top universities like Harvard, Yale and Princeton.
Frank Oh I see. So they're a kind of cradle for the elite.

Explanation :

Prep school - in Britain, a private school (= a school paid for by parents not the government), for children, especially boys, between the ages of 7 and 13, who will then usually go to public school, and in the US, a private school for children over the age of 11, which prepares them to go to college

*Distance learning !!!

Earnest I would really like to study computing but I can't afford the time or money for a course.
Gayle I suppose you're talking about a full-time course, but that's not the only option you know.
Earnest Well what else could I do ?
Gayle You could do it by distance learning. My brother's just completed a distance learning course in HR management.
Earnest Was he satisfied with it ? Was it any good ?
Gayle Yes, he was, although he said it was tough to come home tired after a day's work and then to do two or three hours of study before going to bed.

Explanation :

Distance learning - Obtaining education and training from a remote teaching site via TV or computer

*Boarding school !!!

Theo Is it true that you went to boarding school ?
Robbie Yes, I was there thirteen to eighteen.
Theo Didn't you get homesick living away from home for such long periods ?
Robbie Well I did at times, especially in the early days. But I gradually made quite a few friends and came to enjoy it.
Theo My girlfriend went to boarding school and she absolutely hated it.
Robbie Well it's true that it doesn't suit everyone.

Explanation :

Boarding school - A school where pupils are provided with meals and lodging.

*Correspondence course !!!

Tonia We never see you these days. Have you lost interest in your friends ?
Jennifer No of course not. But I'm taking a correspondence course in hospitality management.
Tonia What's that all about ?
Jennifer It's about hotel management, catering, organizing events, all that kind of thing.
Tonia That sounds like a lot of stuff to cover.
Jennifer It is and it involves two or three hours of study every evening.

Explanation :

Correspondence course - A course of study in which you study at home, receiving and sending off work by post, email, etc.

*The competition to get in is absolutely ferocious !!!

Lucy I feel really sorry for my brother at the moment, he's really under stress.
Josh Why's that ? Has he got some problem or other ?
Lucy Not exactly. He's trying to get into the country's top engineering school and I've never seen anyone study so hard. He hardly sleeps at the moment.
Josh What do you think his chances are of getting in ?
Lucy If it were just a matter of hard work, there'd be no problem. But the competition to get in is absolutely ferocious.
Josh I know. It's such a prestigious university. Getting into anywhere like that these days is really tough.

Explanation :

Ferocious - Fierce and violent

Example : The president came in for some ferocious criticism.

*The cut-off date is only two days away !!!

Hannah There are so many different courses on offer on the course schedule.
Robyn Yes, I'm finding it difficult to make up my mind which ones are the right ones for me.
Hannah Maybe it would be best to get some advice from the student adviser.
Robyn That's a good idea. I don't want to register for a course that turns out to be unsuitable.
Hannah We'd better do that straight away, because we haven't got a lot of time.
Robyn I know, the cut-off date is only two days away.

Explanation :

Cut-off date - Deadline

*We went on a geography field trip !!!

Jordan You've got a suntan. Where have you been ?
Nicole I've been at the coast with my class for three days.
Jordan Vacation in school time ? Shocking !
Nicole No, of course not. We went on a geography field trip.
Jordan So what did you do ?
Nicole We were studying coastal erosion. It's actually a big problem in that area. A lot of homes close to the sea have been washed away.

Explanation :

Field trip - A field trip is typically a journey by a group of people performing research on a topic to a place away from their normal environment

*Take a photo of me !!!

Marcus Excuse me, sorry to trouble you. Can you please take a photo of me ?
Andrew Of course. No problem. Where would you like me to take it ?
Marcus Just under the departures sign thanks.
Andrew You look like you're going somewhere tropical. Where are you going ?
Marcus Oh, nowhere. I just want my friends to think that I can afford a great holiday. Thank you.

*I was stuck in meetings all day !!!

Helen I called and called you today but couldn't get through.
Leo Sorry, I was stuck in meetings all day. I was out of the office. I didn't even get a break for lunch. What did you want ?
Helen I wanted to tell you that your boss called.
Leo What did he want
Helen He wanted to tell you that you're fired and not to bother going to any meetings. Honey, now that you're free all day there are a few things around the house I'd like you to do. Let's have a family meeting about it.

Explanation :

Stuck - Being fixed at a place, unable to move

Example : Seven of us were stuck in the lift for over an hour

*Get it over with !!!

Charlotte Come on, let's go.
Annett I'm not going to enjoy this.
Charlotte Don't be such a misery, exercise is good for you.
Annett Going to the gym is not my idea of fun.
Charlotte But think what it'll do for your figure.
Annett OK, let's get it over with as fast as we can and then we'll have some real fun.

Explanation :

Get it over ( with ) - Complete, have done with, especially something unpleasant

Example : I might as well sign the check and get it over with.

*I'm on a budget !!!

Wife Hey honey. It's our 5th year anniversary tomorrow, what would you like to do ?
Husband Well, what about a romantic night at home ? I can cook you your favorite dinner.
Wife No, we've done that every year for the past five years. I want you to take me for dinner and dancing at that new club that's just opened.
Husband Hummm ... well all right. We'll go to that new club, but I'm on a budget so don't go ordering the most expensive dish on the menu.

Explanation :

On budget - The amount of money you have available to spend

*I only just scraped through in sociology !!!

Rosa Have you had your exam results yet ?
Melissa No, not yet. I'm expecting mine tomorrow.
Rosa I had mine this morning. I was relieved when I opened the envelope !
Melissa So it was good news.
Rosa Yes, I passed in all subjects. But I only just scraped through in sociology.
Melissa Whether you just scraped through or got full marks doesn't matter. You passed. That's the main thing.

Explanation :

Scrape through - Succeed with difficulty in passing an exam.

*My mind suddenly went blank !!!

Gough Now come on, calm down, it's not the end of the world. It was just an exam.
Mahalia But it was absolutely awful. I just don't know why it happened.
Gough Why what happened ?
Mahalia I'd just started on the third and last question when my mind suddenly went blank. I couldn't remember anything of what I'd reviewed for that topic.
Gough But you answered the first two questions ?
Mahalia Well yes, but ......
Gough Then stop worrying. I'm sure you did enough on those to pass.

Explanation :

When your mind is a blank/goes blank, you cannot remember a particular thing, or you cannot remember anything

*Go for a workout !!!

Bernard Well, that's another working day over. Let's go for a drink.
Cesar Not today, Bernard thanks. I'm off to my health club.
Bernard Health club ? I didn't know you belonged to one.
Cesar Yes, I joined last week. I've been getting worried about my fitness.
Bernard So what are you planning to do ?
Cesar Well, I've decided to go for a workout three times a week after work.
Bernard That'll get you really fit if you can keep it up. Maybe I ought to join too.

Explanation :

Workout - A session of exercise or practice to improve fitness

*I have got a splitting headache !!!

Caroline Are you coming to the restaurant with us Judi ?
Judi No, I'm sorry. I can't, I've got a splitting headache. I'm having one of my migraines.
Caroline Oh, you poor thing. Is there anything I can do ?
Judi No, it's all right. I've taken my pills and I'll just stay in and lie down.
Caroline That's a miserable way to spend the day. Tell you what, I'll bring you some of your favorite cookies on my way home.
Judi That's very kind. It'll give me something to look forward to.

Explanation :

Splitting headache/ pounding headache - Severe headache

*They staged a reconstruction of the robbery !!!

Roseline They still haven't caught the gang that robbed the bank last month.
Luther No. It's a bit scary. You wonder when they'll strike again.
Roseline They staged a reconstruction of the robbery on TV yesterday evening.
Luther Yes, that was on the crime watch program. I saw it too.
Roseline Apparently quite a few viewers phoned in later to report that they recognized at least one of the robbers.
Luther Oh good. Maybe that means they'll be caught quite soon.

Explanation :

Stage - To organize and carry out an activity

*The fine is steep !!!

Cory Nat, please don't talk on your cellphone while you're driving.
Natalie Why, what's the problem ? It's Jim. He wants to know what time we'll be arriving.
Cory Well, first of all it's dangerous, you should be concentrating on the road. Second, if you get caught, the fine is really steep.
Natalie Well, the road is clear and there are no police cars around.
Cory Have you checked in your rear-view mirror ?
Natalie Oh my God ! There's a patrol car just coming up behind. Quick, take my phone.

Explanation :

Steep - Excessive, too much

Example : They are having to face very steep taxes.

*They'll need to check you out !!!

Harvey I heard that you're going for a new job.
Matt Sure am. I've applied to be a security guard at the main city bank.
Harvey Why do you want to change ? More money ?
Matt It's partly that, but I've got fed up with being a traveling salesman.
Harvey Is that the application form ? It looks very long.
Matt Yes, fifteen pages. They want to know all about you.
Harvey And then they'll need to check you out. They'll probably use a specialist company to do that.
Matt I know. It's a long process.

Explanation :

Check someone out - Investigate or evaluate someone

*Internet scam !!!

Lily I'll be a lot more careful when I buy stuff in the internet auction.
Carmen How much have you lost ?
Lily Three hundred dollars for a ring the seller never had in the first place.
Carmen This happens all the time. What did you do when the ring failed to arrive ?
Lily Well I contacted him of course. But the answer I got was that it must have got lost in the mail and I should make a claim on the postal service.
Carmen That kind of internet scam is all too common these days.

Explanation :

Internet scam - An illegal plan for making money in the internet

*Exceeding the speed limit !!!

Harvey Just my luck. Look at this letter.
John Jo Ah yes, I thought it was something official looking. You're being fined for exceeding the speed limit it says. Why weren't you fined on the spot ?
Harvey Because I was photographed by a speed camera. I didn't even know it was there.
John Jo They're installing more and more of them around here. Two of my friends were caught speeding by them last month. You're going to have to be more careful in future.
Harvey You're not kidding - the fine is $60. That's a lot of money and it would be double if I got caught again.
John Jo I know, speeding is an expensive hobby.

Explanation :

Exceed - To go beyond a permitted limit

*I was mugged !!!

Police officer I need to take a statement from you. Could you please describe to me exactly what happened ?
Victim I was mugged fifteen minutes ago in Main Street, outside the bank. I had just taken out $200 from the cash machine there.
Police officer Did you see who assaulted you ?
Victim Yes, it was two men, I would say in their early twenties.
Police officer What exactly did they do ?
Victim One of them knocked me to the ground and held me down while the other took my wallet and watch. Then they ran away down a side street.

Explanation :

Mug - To attack a person in a public place and steal their money

*The police had got a tip-off !!!

Cora There's a police cordon around our block so I can't get into my apartment. What's going on ?
Harley Haven't you heard ? There's a suspected terrorist in an apartment on the fourth floor.
Cora What ! That's the one above mine. How did they find out about him ?
Harley Somebody said that the police had got a tip-off from a foreign intelligence service about him.
Cora Why is it taking so long to get him out ?
Harley Well they were also tipped off that he was armed, so they are being very cautious.

Explanation :

Tip-off - Piece of secret information

*Don't be so pessimistic !!!

Noah That history exam was really awful. My worst so far.
Saskia Was it really so bad ?
Noah Yes it was. Only a couple of the topics which I reviewed for the exam came up.
Saskia That was really bad luck. Do you think you managed to do enough to pass ?
Noah No, I think I'll definitely fail that exam.
Saskia Oh, come on, don't be so pessimistic.

Explanation :

Pessimistic - The feeling that bad things are more likely to happen than good things

/*I'm going to brief my lawyer !!!

Josie No time to talk. I must be out of here in five minutes.
Steve Oh, I was hoping for a chat. Where are you going ?
Josie I've got an appointment at Freshman McKenzie Allen.
Steve That's an expensive law firm. What are you going to do ?
Josie I'm going to brief my lawyer.
Steve Are you taking someone to court ?
Josie I hope not. It's about my divorce settlement. I want it settled by mutual agreement, if possible.

Explanation :

Brief - Give essential information to someone

*You just drove through a red light !!!

Police officer Switch your engine off, please sir.
Driver Yes, officer. Why have you pulled me over.
Police officer Because you just drove through a red light.
Driver But the amber light was on when I drove through, officer.
Police officer It was most definitely on red when you drove through. I have photographic evidence of that. May I please see your driving license ?
Driver Well, yes, of course. Here it is.

*A security scare in the subway !!!

Clint The hotel is just around the next corner; it's just across the road from the subway station.
Winona I can't wait to get there. I'm so tired, I need a good night's sleep.
Clint Hello ! Look at that, we can't get through. It's all cordoned off.
Winona And look at all those policemen. What's going on ?
Clint It's probably a security scare in the subway. We'll have to go back and try to get into the hotel through the rear entrance.
Winona Just our luck ! We've been traveling for fourteen hours and now this.

*I couldn't care less !!!

Jim We'll need to hire a car for our trip next week. Could you fix it ?
Julia No problem. Give me fifteen minutes or so.
Jim Is everything fixed ?
Julia Not quite. I need to know whether you want a four-door sedan deluxe, a two-door sports model, or a station wagon.
Jim Julia, I couldn't care less what kind of car it is as long as it has four wheels and goes.
Julia Ok, well let's take the sports model. That should be fun.

Explanation :

I couldn't care less - You are not interested in or worried about something or someone.

*I am in a quandary !!!

Serena Good news in your letter ?
Kenyon Oh hi! Please sit down and join me for coffee. It's very good news in a way.
Serena Don't keep me in suspense.
Kenyon It's from my brother in Japan. He tells me that there are very good jobs available in Tokyo for someone like me.
Serena Wow! Cool! Are you going to go ?
Kenyon I sure want to. The problem is I'm deep in debt and I can't afford to make the move. But I'm desperate to go, because I'm in a really crummy job which pays badly. So I'm in a quandary.
Serena You sure are.

Explanation :

In a quandary - Not knowing what to choose.

*I am of two minds !!!

Philip "What PC ?" What are you reading that for ? Thinking of buying a new PC ?
Sam You've got it. My current machine is four years old and it's a bit slow for the latest video games
Philip That's a museum piece ! You've got to get a new one right away.
Sam I'd like to, but my brother told me that in about six months they'll be selling PCs with even more powerful chips than the latest ones today.
Philip It's always like that.
Sam So I'm of two minds, whether to buy now or wait for six months.
Philip Oh, go for it. If you wait for the next most powerful chip, you could be waiting forever.

Explanation :

Of two minds - Unable to decide about something.

*He's wavering on that commitment

Delia I've seen you looking a lot more cheerful than you are at the moment.
Owen Well this isn't the best day I've had this year.
Delia Is it something to do with the new business strategy ?
Owen How did you guess ? You know the boss said he would commit three hundred thousand dollars to my latest business development project ?
Delia Yes, you fought very hard for that I remember.
Owen Well, he's wavering on that commitment. Says the company may not be able to afford it.
Delia That's a bit of a blow.

Explanation :

Waver - To hold back in uncertainty or unwillingness

*Got up and stormed out of the studio !!!

Rock Did you watch The News Program on TV last night ?
Sissy No, I went to a disco with my sister. We had a great time.
Rock Well, you missed quite an event. There was an interview with the industry minister.
Sissy That doesn't sound like anything special, in fact it sounds really boring.
Rock Ah well, the interviewer kept asking the minister questions about his involvement with a business company.
Sissy Oh, I've heard about that. Something to do with bribes.
Rock Yes, well the minister refused to answer the questions and was getting angrier and angrier with the interviewer until in the end he got up and stormed out of the studio.
Sissy Oh, I sure would have liked to see that.

Explanation :

Storm out - leave a place in a way that shows that you are angry

Example : He stormed out of the house, slamming the door as he went.

*It was a real eye-opener !!!

Natasha That was a really fantastic end-of-year party. Nobody wanted to leave.
Yvette Yes, I reckon it was the best our office has ever had.
Natasha What did you like best ?
Yvette What I enjoyed most was when they persuaded people to stand up on the stage and do karaoke.
Natasha Yes that was a lot of fun. The girl from accounts was amazing I thought.
Yvette Yes, she's normally so shy but she sang like a professional performer. You'd never have thought she would have had the confidence to do that.
Natasha It was a real eye-opener.
Yvette She has real talent. Maybe she ought to think about going professional.

Explanation :

Eye-opener - Something that surprises you and teaches you new facts about life, people, etc

Example : Living in another country can be a real eye-opener.

*Any idea why they were stalling ?

Warren How did your business trip go ? It was your first one overseas, right ?
Yoko Well, I came back with mixed results. We got some business but we didn't get the big deal we were expecting.
Warren That was going to be with the Savory Corporation, wasn't it ?
Yoko That's right. It was frustrating. We seemed to be making good progress in the negotiation and then they began to stall.
Warren Any idea why they were stalling ?
Yoko We weren't sure, but I've since learned that our biggest competitor was there at the same time as we were.
Warren Maybe they were talking to them the same time as negotiating with you.
Yoko I think that's pretty likely.

Explanation :

Stall - To delay taking action or avoid giving an answer in order to have more time to make a decision or obtain an advantage

Example : She says she'll give me the money next week but I think she's just stalling.

*They're obviously faltering !!!

Beryl I've been expecting the government to increase taxes on SUVs.
Logan That's what they promised before the election. Those vehicles put out a lot more carbon monoxide than ordinary cars.
Beryl But did you see the news last night ? The transport minister was being questioned about this.
Logan What did she say ? Did she give a clear answer ?
Beryl No, of course not. She said that the government was still studying the practicalities.
Logan Well, they're obviously faltering, aren't they ?
Beryl I'm sure it's because the motoring organizations have been opposing SUV taxes very loudly and some of the newspapers are also very anti.
Logan Well I hope the government has the guts to resist their demands.

Explanation :

Falter - To be unsteady in purpose or action

*We'd better keep on the safe side !!!

Felicity This has been a really great day out.
Berenice Yes it has. What did you enjoy most ?
Felicity Well I thought the botanical garden was beautiful. So many flowers and shrubs were in bloom.
Berenice It certainly was nice. But I also liked the castle and its museum. Did you see that display of historical clothing ?
Felicity Oh yes. Some of the women's dresses looked very uncomfortable. How could they wear such things ?
Berenice I know. Now how about going to the country dancing display ?
Felicity I don't think we've got enough time. Our train leaves in three quarters of an hour. I think we'd better keep on the safe side and call it a day.

Explanation :

( Just ) to be on the safe side - Being especially careful in order to avoid something unpleasant

Example : I'm sure it won't rain, but I'll take an umbrella (just) to be on the safe side (= to be ready if it does rain).

*She was stumped by the last question !!!

Abigail Did you see "Make a million!" on TV last night ?
Lachlan I sure did. That's a show I never miss.
Abigail Wasn't that lady in the red dress and with brunette hair brilliant ? She seemed to know everything.
Lachlan Yes, there can't be many people whose general knowledge is as good as hers.
Abigail How much did she win ?
Lachlan It was $650,000. It was such a shame that she was stumped by the last question. She'd have won the million if she had got it right.
Abigail Well, it was very difficult. I didn't know it, did you ?

Explanation :

Be stumped - To be unable to answer a question or solve a problem because it is too difficult

Example : Scientists are stumped by this mystery virus

*She was still in a daze !!!

Perry I heard about some accident at your Mom's place. What happened exactly ?
Raine Well there was an explosion caused by a gas leak. A neighbor called me so I got over there as fast as I could.
Perry How was your mother ? She wasn't injured I hope.
Raine No, thank goodness. But she was still in a daze. She couldn't think straight and she had gone temporarily deaf.
Perry Gee, that must have been terrible for her. How is she now ?
Raine Oh, she's much better, but she's decided to switch from gas to electricity for her cooking.
Perry Well, I can't say I blame her although generally speaking gas is pretty safe.

Explanation :

In a daze - Unable to think clearly

Example : His mother's death left him in a daze.

*Don't take it out on me !!!

Alice You've been in such a bad mood all day and you've done nothing but criticize me. I can't do anything right.
Rob No I haven't. It's not true.
Alice Oh yes it is. And I know what the problem is because John's wife told me all about it on the phone this morning.
Rob What do you mean, problem ?
Alice Well I know that you dented the new company car you got yesterday the very first time that you drove it.
Rob Well, so what ? Anyway it wasn't my fault
Alice Well it certainly wasn't my fault so don't take it out on me.

Explanation :

Take it out on sb - To treat someone badly because you are upset or angry, even though they have done nothing wrong

Example : I know you've had a bad day, but there's no need to take it out on me!

*He passed away about an hour ago !!!

Maria Have you heard the sad news ?
David You mean about Pope John Paul ? I'd heard that he was very ill.
Maria No, it's worse than that. He passed away about an hour ago.
David Oh, I am so sorry to hear that. He was a very great man.
Maria Yes, he was respected all over the world, even among non-Christians.
David Let's switch the TV on and get the latest news from Rome.

Explanation :

Pass away - Die

Example : She's terribly upset because her father passed away last week.


*Knock his proposal on the head !!!

Jack Have you heard what Henry is going to propose at the next committee meeting ?
Nigel Something about software I think.
Jack Yes, he wants us to spend $10,000 on a new database system.
Nigel But we haven't got the budget for that.
Jack I know, and our present system has its drawbacks but most people think it works reasonably well.
Nigel We'll have to knock his proposal on the head when it comes up for discussion.

Explanation :

To knock a proposal on the head - To block/defeat a proposal

Example : Fifty-two legislators joined hands to block/defeat the government's proposal to increase taxes.

I can't quite put my finger on it !!!

Nigel Now you've had a good look at it, what do you think about the new window display ?
Jane It's certainly very striking, very colorful.
Nigel You don't sound totally enthusiastic.
Jane Well the theme is " spring " but I'm not sure that the design is really suitable
Nigel What exactly don't you like about it ?
Jane I'm not sure. I can't quite put my finger on it. Give me a bit more time to think about it.

Explanation :

Put your finger on sth - To discover the exact reason why a situation is the way it is, especially when something is wrong

Example : You put your finger on it when you said an unbalanced diet was the root of her ill health.

*Your father will never wear it !!!

Cissy Mum, Ginny's just telephoned to ask if I'll go with her to the disco tonight.
Mother That should be all right. What time does it finish ?
Cissy Well, it's an all-night disco actually.
Mother What ! I'm not going to have you staying out all night. You're far too young.
Cissy Oh Mum, come on. Ginny and I will stick together. We'll be all right.
Mother No, no way. And anyway, you know your father will never wear it.

Explanation :

Wear - To permit or accept something

Example : If we three take this afternoon off, do you think the boss will wear it ?

*To keep tabs on !!!

Trudie That's a really cute cellphone.
Hedda Yes, it's the latest model. It's got a camera, you can access the internet and there are lots of other features.
Trudie How much did it cost ?
Hedda I don't know, my mother bought it for me.
Trudie That was really nice of her.
Hedda It was I suppose, but she bought it mainly to keep tabs on me. She's always ringing up to check where I am.

Explanation :

Keep tabs on sth/sb - To watch something or someone carefully

Example : I like to keep tabs on my bank account so that I don't overdraw

*Give it the once-over !!!

Lara Could you do me a favor ?
Hubert Of course. You only have to ask.
Lara I'm going to look at a second-hand car this evening. It sounds like a good buy, but you know I don't know anything about cars.
Hubert So you'd like me to come with you and give it the once over ?
Lara Yes, I'd feel a lot happier about it if you could check that there's nothing wrong with it.
Hubert No problem. What time shall we meet ?

Explanation :

Give sth/sb the once-over - Examine briefly

Example : The doctor discharged me from hospital after giving me the once-over.

*He has done a complete U-turn !!!

Phyllis Well, the marketing director said it would never bring results but he's changed his mind.
June So what's the new approach ?
Phyllis He's decided that we're going to start a direct marketing campaign.
June I thought he said he would never do direct marketing.
Phyllis He certainly did, but he's done a complete U-turn on this.
June Well let's hope his new strategy works.

Explanation :

U-turn - A complete change from one opinion or plan of action to an opposite one

Example : This year's government budget represents a complete U-turn on welfare spending.

*She thinks she's the cat's whiskers !!!

Felix Look at Catherine. She only seems to be interested in talking to the important people here.
Carol I know but she wasn't always like that. She used to be friendly with everybody.
Felix Why the change ?
Carol It's because she's been elected chair of the association. She thinks she's the cat's whiskers.
Felix That's not the best way to behave if you need everybody's cooperation.
Carol Too true. She'll find out soon enough.

Explanation :

To be the cat's whiskers ( cat's meow or cat's pajamas ) - An excellent or special person

Example : Now that he is earning a handsome salary, he thinks he is the cat's whiskers.

*I've had it up to here !!!

Daniela Could you pass me the jobs page ?
Kate Sure, here you are. You're not looking for a new job, are you ?
Daniela Oh yes I am. And the sooner I get one the better.
Kate Why, what's the matter with your present one ?
Daniela Well I've had it up to here with an impossibly demanding boss and customers who do nothing but complain all day. I've just had enough.
Kate How can you be sure that it will be any different in the new job ?

Explanation :

Have had it up to here with - To have suffered because of someone or something and to be no longer able to bear them

Example : He was sick of his wife's vanity, and said he had had it up to here.

*Working hand in glove !!!

Tim I see the number of homeless people is a lot lower than when I was last in this town.
Marie That's true. When you were last here the numbers were double what they are now.
Tim What's the reason for the fall ?
Marie Well the main reason is that the town council has been working hand in glove with local charities for several months now to try to bring the numbers down.
Tim Well, they've certainly been having some success.
Marie Yes, it's really very encouraging.

Explanation :

Hand in glove - In close cooperation

Example : Several police officers were found to be working hand in glove with drug traffickers.

*The penny dropped !!!

Sybil It was a bit embarrassing at first, because she obviously knew me, but I wasn't sure who she was.
Vanessa You mean the woman in the green dress ?
Sybil Yes. The man standing next to her is her husband.
Vanessa So did you work out who she was in the end ?
Sybil Yes, but it wasn't until she mentioned Jean Smith that the penny dropped.
Vanessa What did Jean have to do with it ?
Sybil Well, Jean and I went to flower arranging classes last year and I suddenly remembered that that woman - her name's Gloria - was in our class.

Explanation :

The penny drops - A realization after a period of confusion or misunderstanding.

Example : At first I did not see the joke - it took quite a while for the penny to drop.

*I haven't the foggiest !!!

Romola Do you remember when we went on the Caribbean cruise last year ?
Martin Yes, of course. Fantastic. The snorkeling was great.
Romola And visited that garden in Jamaica where they had some really beautiful flowers.
Martin I can just about remember that.
Romola Well what was the name of that really gorgeous pink flower with the lovely scent ?
Martin I haven't the foggiest. You know I'm not interested in flowers. Try putting "Jamaican flowers" into Google.

Explanation :

I haven't the foggiest = I do not have a clue

Example : I don't have the foggiest ( idea ) what I am going to do.

*That should do the trick !!!

Hettie The strap on my bag's come off. Can you fix it ?
Larry Let me have a look. Oh yes, you're right. Well, I'll have a try.
Hettie I overloaded the bag because I bought so many things that were on special offer in the supermarket.
Larry You never could resist a bargain. What if I make a couple of holes in the bag and the end of the strap and loop a few strands of wire through to hold them together ?
Hettie That would be great.
Larry There you are, that should do the trick. It didn't take long, did it ?
Hettie No, thanks a lot. It'll get me home and then I'll go out and buy a new bag.

Explanation :

If something does the trick, it has the necessary or desired effect

Example : If you can't go to sleep, take a sleeping pill. That should do the trick.

*The brochure's full of financial gobbledygook !!!

Dee I hate buying financial products.
Max Why's that ? We all need them if we're going to make the most of our money.
Dee Well, maybe. But do you read the paperwork ?

Max Not always as carefully as I should.
Dee Well look at this investment scheme, for example. The brochure's full of financial gobbledygook. I find it very difficult to understand.
Max Let's see. yes, I see what you mean. You'd better get some expert advice on that.

Explanation :

Gobbledygook - incomprehensible or pompous jargon of specialists

Example : As the speaker continued to talk gobbledygook, I went to sleep.

*Didn't she lay it on thick ?

Celia Did you see Jenny at the book signing by the writer Divina Kelly yesterday in the Cosmo bookstore ?
Tessie Yes I was two behind her in the line.
Celia Didn't she lay it on thick when it was her turn to get her book signed ?
Tessie She certainly did. Fancy telling Divina that she was the world's greatest romantic novelist and that her books changed her life.
Celia She didn't really mean it. She was just trying to make a good impression.
Tessie I know. I'm sure Divina Kelly thought she was overdoing it.

Explanation :

Lay it on thick - To praise someone too much

Example : It is laying it on ( a bit thick ) to call him the defender of world peace.

*Zip your lip quick !!!

Russell We're all so frustrated because our departmental manager is just hopeless.
Joanne What do you mean exactly ?
Russell Well he doesn't know how to manage people. He just antagonizes everybody. We're all hoping he'll get fired.
Joanne Don't look round now, but you'd better zip your lip quick.
Russell Why what's the matter ?
Joanne He's heading straight for us.

Explanation :

Zip your lip - Be quiet, stop talking

Example : Hey, zip your lip, I'm sick of your nagging me all morning.

*Stop running yourself down !!!

Donald Why are you looking so worried ?
Petra Well, my boss has just given me my first independent project to run.
Donald That's great news. What's the problem ?
Petra Well I'm not sure I've got enough qualifications or experience to do a proper job. I don't really think I'm good enough.
Donald Stop running yourself down. If he didn't think you were good enough, he wouldn't have given you the assignment.
Petra Do you really think so ?
Donald Of course. You'll be fine.

Explanation :

Run somebody down - To criticize someone unfairly

Example : I don't like him being so cynical. He's always running people down.

*Grab a bite to eat !!!

Billie Hello stranger ! How are things ?
Victoria Fine thanks, how about you ?
Billie Great. But what are you doing here ? We never see you in the canteen.
Victoria That's right. I always make sandwiches and eat them at my desk. But I didn't have time to make any this morning.
Billie So you've decided to grab a bite to eat here.
Victoria That's right. So what would you recommend from today's short-order menu ?

Explanation :

Grab a bite to eat - Buy or get food to eat quickly because you are busy.

Example : We just had time to grab a bite to eat before the concert started.

*It's getting a bit out of hand !!!

Kieran Look at those kids over there. One's trying to scoop goldfish out of the pond and the other's trying to drag the cat by its tail, poor thing.
Maxine And those two little girls at the end of the garden are pulling the flowers out of the flower bed.
Kieran This is supposed to be a children's party not a wrecking operation.
Maxine I know, it's getting a bit out of hand.
Kieran What are we going to do ?
Maxine Don't worry. We'll get them all together and play a game. That'll keep them occupied and out of trouble.

Explanation :

Out of hand - Out of control

Example : The soccer fans got out of hand, and threw bottles at the police.

*Oh, come on, get real !!!

Alaric I've decided to run in this year's charity marathon.
Gilbert You mean the one they're holding in two months' time ?
Alaric Yes, I think I could get round in about six hours and raise a lot of money.
Gilbert Oh, come on, get real ! You haven't done any serious running for years and you're overweight. You'll never finish the course.
Alaric You just wait and see. I've already started training.
Gilbert OK, I'll give you five dollars per kilometer, but only if you finish the course.

Explanation :

Get real - Be realistic, understand what's going on

Example : You think he's going to help you ? Get real !

*An advertisement caught my eye !!!

Naomi Haven't seen you for ages. What's new ?
Hector Well, I've got a new job. I'm a sales manager for an office furniture company.
Naomi Wow, that's great. How did you get it ?
Hector Well I was looking through the job ads in our trade paper a few weeks ago when the one for my present position caught my eye.
Naomi Why was that ?
Hector Well, it was offering an exceptionally good salary plus very good prospects for promotion, so I went for it.

Explanation :

Catch someone's eye - To get someone's attention

Example : She looked at the shopwindow, where a beautiful skirt caught her eye, and she could not help buying it.

*Stretch out and catch some z's !!!

Malcolm They've just announced that our flight will be delayed by six hours.
Deirdre What ! Oh no ! That means it won't be leaving until 3:30 in the morning.
Malcolm I'm afraid so. What shall we do in the meantime ?
Deirdre Let's find some seats in a quiet part of the terminal where we can stretch out and catch some z's.
Malcolm Sounds like a good idea. We've had a hectic day and I'm pretty tired.
Deirdre Me too. Look, there are some in that corner over there. Let's go before somebody else gets to them.

Explanation :

Catch some z's - Take a nap, go to sleep

Example : I stayed up all night studying so I'd better catch some z's.

*Let's call it a day !!!

Colin How many more PCs have we got to network here ?
Euan I think it's about six, certainly not more.
Colin And when do we have to finish tomorrow ?
Euan We've got to be out of here by noon.
Colin Well it's almost 7pm and I've had enough. Let's do the remaining six tomorrow. There'll be enough time.
Euan OK. Let's call it a day. I could do with a drink.

Explanation :

Call it a day - To stop the work you are doing.

Example : After hiking for fifteen kilometers, we decided to call it a day.

*I've been beating my brains out !!!

Andy What's the matter ? You look really fed up.
Kevin I am, I've been having a very frustrating day so far.
Andy What's the problem, boss being difficult ?
Kevin No, I've been beating my brains out trying to fix a fault in our department's computer network.
Andy I suppose there must be some bug in the system somewhere.
Kevin That's what I thought, but I haven't been able to find one yet, so I'll be working late tonight.

Explanation :

Beats one's brains out - To exert or expend great mental effort

Example : The detective beat his brains out to unlock the mystery.

*Beats me !!!

Lauren Have you heard ? May has just got engaged to Ken Smith.
Vera What ? He's the most boring guy I've ever met.
Lauren I know, all he ever wants to do is sit at home, watch football on TV and drink beer.
Vera And he's already a bit thin on top.
Lauren What on earth does a lively girl like May see in him ?
Vera Beats me !

Explanation :

Beats me - This baffles or puzzles me

Example : What am I going to do with this ? Beats me !

*Stop beating about the bush !!!

Jack I wonder if you've ever thought of the possibility of um ...... of us .........
Mary Of us ...... ?
Jack Well, we've been going out for two years now and I wondered if we ah ....... if you ......
Mary If we what ? What are you trying to say ?
Jack I was thinking that it might be an idea if we ...... you know ....... well .......
Mary Oh stop beating about the bush. Spit it out.
Jack Will you marry me ?

Explanation :

Beat about ( around ) the bush - To avoid coming to a conclusion

Example : Enough of this beating about the bush. Tell me straight what you're here for.

*On the go !!!

Gloria Freda ! Put the kettle on. My feet are killing me and I'm dying for a cup of tea.
Freda Had a hard day ?
Gloria I'll say. I've been on the go all day, hardly had a minute to sit down.
Freda Why was that ?
Gloria Well, our store held a clearance sale today and our department was absolutely jam-packed with customers all day.
Freda That's because nobody can resist a bargain.

Explanation :

On the go - In constant activity, very busy

Example : I was dead beat, having been on the go from morning till night.

*He's been in and out all day !!!

Harry Where's Jay ? He was here just now and I need him.
Lea He's gone to make another call.
Harry I've tried to catch him several times but always just missed him.
Lea That's because he's been in and out all day.
Harry What's been going on ?
Lea There have been quite a number of emergency calls and he's the only technician available to go out and deal with them at the moment.

Explanation :

In and out - Coming in and going out very often

Example : In the final years of his life, he was always in and out of hospital

*Keep it on standby !!!

Ramona Why have you started to switch off the TV at the wall socket ?
Darell Well I've been reading how wasteful it is to keep it on standby.
Ramona But it takes the TV time to warm up when you switch it on again.
Darell Only about thirty seconds, if that. That's not very long to wait.
Ramona So what's the advantage ?
Darell Well if everyone in the country did what I do, this article says that we could do without at least one power station.
Ramona If that's true, I suppose it's not such a bad idea.

Explanation :

On standby - When a person or a thing is on standby they are ready to be used if necessary

Example : The red light on the television shows that it is on standby.

*You are environmentally conscious !!!

Gwyneth Why are you saving those old plastic bags ? Just throw them away.
Terri No, I can't do that. I'm saving them to reuse them.
Gwyneth It's hardly worth the effort, surely.
Terri Oh it is. One plastic bag reused is one less thrown away. And that's got to be good for the environment.
Gwyneth My, my, you are environmentally conscious.
Terri And why not ? We've all got a responsibility to protect the environment.
Made mincemeat of !!!

Babs Well that was one of the more lively committee meeting I've attended.
Eamonn Yes, the discussion became quite heated at times.
Babs I felt a bit sorry for David when he challenged the chairman about the accounts.
Eamonn I did too. The chairman really made mincemeat of him.
Babs That was because David hadn't got all his facts right.
Eamonn That's right. I think he'll prepare a bit more thoroughly next time he thinks about doing something like that.

Explanation :

Make mincemeat of sb - To defeat someone very easily in an argument, competition or fight

Example : The Brazil National Team made mincemeat of the Hong Kong Team on 9 February 2005, when they won with a score of 7 to1

*Went up the wall !!!

Sidney Gordon's really in trouble with his father.
Jerome Yes, his sister told me. Still it's his own fault.
Sidney Yes, fancy borrowing his father's car without permission.
Jerome And then crashing it into the garage door.
Sidney No wonder his father went up the wall.
Jerome It's understandable; the repairs are going to cost him a fortune.

Explanation :

Drive sb up the wall - To make someone extremely angry

Example : When his son fails an examination, he runs up the wall.

*The mayor's wife turned her back on her !!!

Hayley You should have seen what happened at the mayor's New Year reception yesterday evening.
Julia I had to miss it. Tell me what happened.
Hayley Well, Laura Dixon approached the mayor's wife to tell her about the new fashion boutique she's just opened in the main street, but the mayor's wife turned her back on her.
Julia Well that wasn't a very friendly thing to do. But I think I know why.
Hayley Really ? Well go on, tell me.
Julia Somebody told me that the mayor's wife had been thinking about opening a similar boutique. She was probably jealous that Laura had done it before she did.

Explanation :

Turn one's back on - Deny, reject; also abandon, forsake.

Example : I can't turn my back on my own daughter, no matter what she's done.

*That's what really gets up my nose !!!

Zack I hate these automated telephone systems.
Magnus You're not the only one. I can't stand them either.
Zack You're listening to one recorded voice after another telling you to press the key on your telephone for the option you want. Sometimes you have to do that four or five times.
Magnus I know, and more often than not, when you finally get to the department you want, you're told that all their customer assistants are busy and that you should ring back later.
Zack That's right, you spend all that time pressing buttons to get the right option but you still can't get to a real person who will sort out your problem.
Magnus Yes, that's what really gets up my nose.

Explanation :

If you say that someone or something gets up your nose, you mean that they annoy you.

Example : He's just getting up my nose so much at the moment.

*You really are an eager beaver !!!

Gerard Could you take the documents to the copy bureau and get two sets please ?
Fiona I've already done that. They're on your desk.
Gerard Oh well done. In that case, I'd like you to book the flights and hotel for my San Francisco trip next week.
Fiona I did that yesterday. I also got you a great deal on a hire car while you're there. I'm now working on the preparations for your meetings when you get back.
Gerard That's fantastic. You really are an eager beaver.
Fiona Just doing my job.

Explanation :

Eager beaver - An exceptionally zealous person, one who habitually takes on more tasks or works harder than others

Example : Our new colleague is a real eager beaver, and seems to work with boundless energy.

*Cut me dead !!!

Melanie Well I just couldn't believe it.
Imogen You don't look best pleased. What happened ?
Melanie I bumped into Dana in the street just now and started to talk to her but she just cut me dead.
Imogen Well, she can be moody at the best of times.
Melanie That's true but I've still been trying hard to think if there's anything I've said or done recently to make her behave like that.
Imogen I wouldn't worry if I were you. She'll be in a better mood tomorrow. I'm sure.

Explanation :

Cut someone dead - Pretend not to see or recognize someone

Example : After I declined to lend him any more money, he cut me dead every time he saw me.

*International roaming cell phone !!!

Susan Always make sure you've got an international roaming cell phone with you when you go on vacation.
Mark Why, I don't always take my cell phone with me on vacation.
Susan Well, I've just been reading how useful cell phones have been for rescuing tourists in Sri Lanka.
Mark How was that ?
Susan Well many were stranded by the tsunami in the remote area of the country where they had been hiking. They couldn't get out, but the authorities were able to locate them when they made calls on their phones.
Mark That's really useful to know. I'll certainly take your advice in future.

Explanation :

International roaming cell phone - A cell phone that be used on all GSM frequencies in the US, Europe and Asia.

*Blow the whole of my New Year bonus !!!

Jodie Why are you looking so pleased with yourself ?
Gloria Well, Chinese New Year's coming up and we've been paid a really good bonus.
Jodie Lucky you. We're getting hardly anything.
Gloria Well our company has done very well over the past year and the boss is quite generous.
Jodie So what are you going to do with the money ? Save it ?
Gloria Oh no, I'm going to blow the whole of my New Year bonus this year on a luxury cruise.

Explanation :

Blow - To spend money freely and rashly

*We have a family get-together !!!

Thea We've had a Chinese friend staying with us over Christmas and she said that it was like Chinese New Year in some ways.
Perry That's interesting. What did she mean by that ?
Thea Well, she said just as we have a family get-together at Christmas they do the same in China at New Year.
Perry Do they eat special food ?
Thea Of course. On New Year's day, for example, they eat a special vegetarian dish with several different ingredients. They'll also eat a whole fish.
Perry What's the point of all that ?
Thea Well it's all to do with bringing wealth and prosperity to the family in the coming year. The names of all the foods sound the same as words connected with money and good fortune.

Explanation :

Get-together - an informal meeting or social gathering, often arranged for a particular purpose

*They're all heading for home !!!

Francis Chinese New Year, or the Spring Festival, in China is absolutely amazing. I've just been reading news reports about it on the internet.
Lesley Do they have lots of celebrations ?
Francis They do, but it's not that so much, it's the way that millions of people are on the move all over the country.
Lesley What do you mean by " on the move " ?
Francis Well they're all heading for home to spend the festival with their family and friends.
Lesley Mainly by train I suppose.
Francis Yes, that's right. The authorities have to put on thousands of extra trains to cope with the huge numbers. It's a colossal task.

Explanation :

Head for - Proceed or go in a certain direction

*Dotting the eyes of the dragon !!!

Kelly We've just had one of the best Chinese New Year celebrations in our town, don't you think ?
Martin Yes, we've had more events than ever before.
Kelly The dragon dance in the town square was really spectacular.
Martin It was. I got a really good shot of the mayor kicking off proceedings by dotting the eyes of the dragon.
Kelly And there were so many different parades and performers. Did you see the jugglers ?
Martin Yes I did. They were great. And the firecrackers were really loud. I nearly jumped out of my skin when they were first let off.

Explanation :

Dotting the eyes of the dragon - When a master painter does a painting, the last thing he paints are the two pupils of the dragon's eyes. The final dot makes it finished, makes it fly. Until then it's a static thing. ( legend )

*It'll be the biggest blowout of the year !!!

Nicole Are you doing anything special for Chinese New Year this year ?
Jamie Oh yes. We've got a few Chinese colleagues in our department and they're organizing dinner in Chinatown for us.
Nicole I hope you've booked. All the restaurants will be absolutely packed out.
Jamie No worries. They booked a private room months ago.
Nicole That's good planning. So what kind of dinner will you be having ?
Jamie Well, they're from different parts of China so they've told us that we'll be having some local dishes that are special to each of them and a lot of other things as well.
Nicole Sounds great. I bet you won't be able to move after all that.
Jamie I don't know about move, but we'll certainly have to sing karaoke. All in all it'll be the biggest blowout of the year.

Explanation :

Blowout - A large party or other social affair

Example : On a cold winter night, is there anything better than a good sleep after a nice blowout ?

*Usher in the Year of the Rooster !!!

Henrietta It's amazing how many places around the world celebrate Chinese New Year.
Wesley Yes, there seem to be celebrations on most continents.
Henrietta I know it's a pretty big thing in New York for example.
Wesley I'm not surprised. What will they be doing to usher in the year of the Rooster there ?
Henrietta Well for a start, they'll be letting off firecrackers in Chinatown and staging all sorts of performances including lion and dragon dances.
Wesley Sounds fun. Anything else ?
Henrietta Yes, lots. For example, there'll be a huge New Year flower market. People will be able to buy all their lucky New Year flowers and plants there. It'll be quite a show.

Explanation :

Usher in - To be at the start of a new period, or to cause important changes to start happening.

Example : Ronald Reagan's assumption of the presidency ushered in a period of economic prosperity.

*It's a movable feast !!!

Jonah What's the animal for Chinese New Year this year ?
Waldo The rooster. It's the Year of the Rooster.
Jonah When is the actual date of New Year's day ?
Waldo It's on 9th February this year.
Jonah That's rather later than last year, isn't it ?
Waldo It is. It moves around a bit because it's a movable feast, just like Easter.
Jonah Anyway, Gong Xi Fa Cai, or Kung Hei Fat Choy as the Cantonese say.
Waldo What does that mean ?
Jonah It means " Congratulations ", I hope you make a fortune.

Explanation :

Movable feast - A religious holiday that is not on the same day every year

Example : Easter is a movable feast.

*I'll just have to hope for the best !!!

Zelda Where are you going on vacation this year ?
Tiffany Well, we were thinking about going on a Caribbean cruise. It's a beautiful part of the world.
Zelda It certainly is. I went on one last year. But the weather can sometimes be really bad.
Tiffany I know. I've been reading weather reports for the Caribbean on the internet. They seem to have lots of hurricanes.
Zelda They certainly so. When we went on a cruise, we called at Jamaica and the Cayman islands and both had been battered by tropical storms two weeks before. You could still see a lot of damage.
Tiffany Well, if I decide to go. I'll just have to hope for the best.

*People were still asleep in bed !!!

Finley I've been reading a report on the very bad earthquake in Iran in 2003.
Walter Is that the one that destroyed a city called Bam ?
Finley Yes, that's the one. It killed around 40,000 people.
Walter My God, what a disaster !
Finley The earthquake struck very early in the morning.
Walter So I suppose most people were still asleep in bed.
Finley Yes, so many just didn't know what hit them.

*Faults are like cracks all over a teapot !!!

Bill It's amazing to think that the land we're standing on is actually part of a huge plate floating on incredibly hot liquid rock deep inside the earth.
Francis Yes, and the earth's crust is actually made up of lots of these tectonic plates, which are moving against one another all the time.
Bill That's why we have earthquakes.
Francis That's true. And the places where these plates come up against one another are called faults in the earth's crust. Faults are like cracks all over a teapot, except that they're moving all the time.
Bill So the surface of our earth is actually quite unstable.
Francis Well I think the tsunami disaster showed that very clearly.

Explanation :

Fault - A crack in the Earth's surface where the rock has divided into two parts which move against each other

Example : Surveyors say the fault line is capable of generating a major earthquake once in a hundred years.

*Run into millions upon millions of dollars !!!

Sabina Isn't it amazing how much ordinary people around the world have been contributing to help the victims of the tsunami disaster ?
Glyn It really is. I don't know what the current total is but it must run into millions upon millions of dollars.
Sabina In fact, I can't ever remember a time when so many people gave so much.
Glyn That's partly because they could see from the TV reports how huge the scale of the disaster was and how much human misery it had caused.
Sabina Even so, I doubt whether any of us will ever appreciate the full extent of the disaster.
Glyn Well, you may be right. Disaster on such a scale is almost impossible to grasp.

Explanation :

Run into sth - To reach a particular cost or amount, as a total

Example : The repairs will probably run into thousands of pounds.

*Short-term and long-term repercussions !!!

Tabitha What do you think will be the main repercussions of this disaster ?
Guy Well, there are both short-term and long-term repercussions.
Tabitha What about the short-term ones ?
Guy For example, the damage to communications makes it very difficult to organize and co-ordinate the relief effort.
Tabitha And the long-term effects ?
Guy The economic ones will be very serious. It may take years for the economy to recover fully from the damage. The fishing industry has been particularly badly hit.

Explanation :

Repercussion - A remote or indirect consequence of some action

Example : President Kennedy's assassination had far-reaching repercussions.

*He was helping to evacuate survivors !!!

Horace My brother's helping with the relief effort after the tsunami disaster.
Robin Is that the one who's a helicopter pilot in the air force ?
Horace Yes, that's right. He got his wings last year.
Robin He must be ferrying food and water to survivors.
Horace He is now, but at first he was helping to evacuate survivors stranded in coastal areas because all road and rail communications had been destroyed.
Robin That must have been quite a job.

Explanation :

Evacuate - To move people from a dangerous place to somewhere safe

Example : The police evacuated the village shortly before the explosion.

*I hope so !!!

A Ms Copperfield told me that your business has been badly affected by the stormy weather this month.
B Yes, sales of our major products have dropped by 30%.
A Don't worry. Things will improve after September.
B I hope so !

*What a pity !!!

A Did you know Bobby has gained 30 pounds since he got married three months ago ?
B His wife must be a good cook.
A Yes, she is. But she's gained 40 pounds too.
B What a pity !

* i have no idea !!!

Phelps Gordon can you come over here, please ? Which one is better ?
Brown I have no idea.
Phelps Come on, can't you make up your mind for once ?
Brown Well, this one really reminds me of you, but I know you like the other one.

*Watch out !!!

Lacey Why don't you ask Gordon to change the light bulb for you ?
Anthony He's always busy. It's easier if I do it myself.
Lacey Watch out !
Anthony Thank you. You saved my life.

Explanation :

Watch out : used to warn someone of danger or an accident that seems likely to happen

Example : "Watch out!" he shouted, but it was too late - she had knocked the whole tray of drinks on the floor.

*I'm afraid I don't understand !!!

Cate Fiona, I think you should hand over all your present projects to Chris by the end of this month.
Fiona I'm afraid I don't understand. What's happened ?
Cate The board of directors has decided to invest in a new factory in Mainland China. I recommended that you be the unit manager there. Are you surprised ?
Fiona Very ! Thank you so much.

*Forget it !!!

A I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have thrown your violin away. I thought it was old and I've never seen you play it.
B That's okay. It doesn't matter.
A Why didn't you tell me it was a birthday present from your Dad ?
B Forget it. What's done is done.

Explanation :

Forget it : used to tell someone that something is not important and not to worry about it

Example : "I'm so sorry about that cup." "Oh, forget it - I've got plenty."

*You don't look your age !!!

Hayden Your son's just graduated from the University ? That's surprising, Mr. Brandon.
Mr. Brandon You may not believe this but I'm already 55.
Hayden I thought you were only 40. You don't look your age.
Mr. Brandon I'm happy to hear that.

*Who knows !!!

A Did Johnny break up with Helen ?
B That's what I heard. Johnny's always busy and Helen's got a new boyfriend.
A Looks like they're back together again.
B Who knows.

*Would you please answer the door for me !!!

A Adrain, where are you ?
B I'm in the bathroom, what's up ?
A I'm on the phone. Would you please answer the door for me ?
B I wish I could, but I'm covered in suds right now.

*The earthquake struck at 07:00am !!!

Faith Where were you when you heard about the earthquake and tsunami in the Indian Ocean ?
Lawrie I was in Tokyo at the time. I think it was reported between 09:00am and 10:00am ?
Faith That's what I would have expected. The earthquake struck at 07:00am local time off the Indonesian coast.
Lawrie So there must be two hours' time difference between western Indonesia and Japan.
Faith Yes, that's right. I wonder when there will be another big one in the same area.
Lawrie I don't want to think about it. Whenever a massive earthquake strikes, there's always huge loss of life.

*They showed before and after pictures !!!

Sandy There's such a lot of information about the tsunami disaster on the internet now.
Marcella Yes, I've been doing some surfing myself and I found more than I could possibly find time to read.
Sandy Believe it or not, there was a very long article about it on one of the web encyclopedias only a week after it happened.
Marcella The most interesting thing I found was satellite photographs.
Sandy I didn't see those. What did they show ?
Marcella They showed before and after pictures of some of the worst hit areas, mainly on the coast of Banda Aceh. The difference between them was almost incredible.

*Not to mention loss of life !!!

Rona Have you heard about Henry ?
Davis You mean Henry Johnson ?
Rona No, Hurricane Henry.
Davis Of course I have. It slammed into the north coast of Jamaica yesterday evening.
Rona Yes, I've heard that it caused a huge amount of damage, both to buildings and to crops.
Davis Not to mention loss of life. The death toll currently stands at 17.

Explanation :

Not to mention - Used when you want to emphasize something that you are adding to a list

Example : He's one of the kindest and most intelligent, not to mention handsome, men I know.

*He ran like hell !!!

Luke I've just heard the story of how a German tourist on the coast of Sumatra survived the great tsunami of 1883.
Naomi That's incredible, because it was so huge. How did he do it ?
Luke Well apparently he was swept inland on top of the wave and found himself next to a huge alligator.
Naomi How did he escape ?
Luke He didn't. He got on the alligator's back, dug his fingers into its eye sockets and hung on like grim death until the wave subsided and they were dropped down on the jungle floor. Then he ran like hell.
Naomi If that's true, he had a really lucky escape.

Explanation :

Run like hell - Run recklessly and extremely fast

Example : We ran like hell to catch the train

*Energetic and go-getting !!!

Neil I wouldn't settle in San Francisco if I were you.
Grace Why not, it's fantastic. The climate is lovely and there are great opportunities for people who are energetic and go-getting.
Neil Maybe so, but it's in a really dangerous earthquake zone.
Grace What do you mean ?
Neil It's sitting right on top of a huge fault in the earth's crust. It's called the San Andreas fault and a huge earthquake is expected there at any time.
Grace I'm not going to let that put me off.

Explanation :

Go-getting - Determined to be successful and able to deal with new or difficult situations easily

Example : The senator is very go-getting and wants to be president.

*Ravaged by famine and disease !!!

Carmen Why is the death toll there so high, compared to the other affected areas ?
Wilson The main reason is that it is very remote so it took weeks after the disaster for aid to get through.
Carmen What did the aid workers find when they finally arrived ?
Wilson Well the whole area had been ravaged by famine and disease and those who still survived were in a very unhealthy state.
Carmen Oh, how awful ! Life just isn't fair.
Wilson I know. To survive being struck by an earthquake and then to die of hunger or disease is really tragic.

Explanation :

Ravage - To cause great damage to something

Example : The area has been ravaged by drought/floods/war

*Deluged by tropical rains !!!

Fidel The last typhoon they had in the Philippines was the worst of the season by far.
Ramon You're not kidding. My uncle is a farmer in the south and the eye passed directly across his district.
Fidel It must have been very badly battered, because the force of the winds is always so ferocious.
Ramon Yes, but it wasn't just the winds. The whole area was deluged by tropical rains.
Fidel So there was flooding as well.
Ramon Yes, very severe. All of his crops were ruined so he'll need a lot of help from our family to get back on his feet.

Explanation :

Deluge - To cover something with a lot of water

Example : The city was deluged when the river burst its banks.

*Casualty figures are still mounting !!!

Kirsty I've just heard from my cousin. She's involved in the disaster relief effort.
Conan Is she an administrator ?
Kirsty No, she's a doctor with a medical charity.
Conan Oh, I really admire her for that. What's her news ?
Kirsty It's a bit grim I'm afraid. She says that casualty figures are still mounting and that's putting their relief operation under increasing strain.
Conan Well it sounds as if more relief workers are needed there if they're going to be able to cope with the emergency.

Explanation :

Mounting - Gradually increasing

*They showed before and after pictures !!!

Sandy There's such a lot of information about the tsunami disaster on the internet now.
Marcella Yes, I've been doing some surfing myself and I found more than I could possibly find time to read.
Sandy Believe it or not, there was a very long article about it on one of the web encyclopedias only a week after it happened.
Marcella The most interesting thing I found was satellite photographs.
Sandy I didn't see those. What did they show ?
Marcella They showed before and after pictures of some of the worst hit areas, mainly on the coast of Banda Aceh. The difference between them was almost incredible.

*Mains services have been completely disrupted !!!

Una What are your main problems in dealing with the emergency ?
Drew One of the biggest is that mains services have been completely disrupted.
Una So that means this area is without mains water, electricity, gas and sewage disposal.
Drew Yes, that's right. So we're worried, for example, about the possible spread of disease from people drinking water contaminated by sewage.
Una How are you trying to deal with that ?
Drew Well we've asked for supplies of bottled water to be flown in and the first deliveries are expected later today.

Explanation :

Mains - The system of pipes or wires which carry water or electricity into a house, or the pipes which carry sewage away from a house

Example : They bought a house with no mains supply.

*Pick up the pieces !!!

Helga Have you seen the reports on TV from the countries affected by the tsunami disaster ?
Rory Yes, many of the survivors seemed to be absolutely stunned by the disaster.
Helga Well, many of them had lost almost their whole family.
Rory I know. If that had happened to me, I don't know what I would have done.
Helga Nor me. It must be very difficult for them to try to pick up the pieces after such a catastrophe.
Rory Still, I hope the international help that's coming in will help them to rebuild their shattered lives.

Explanation :

Pick up the pieces - Restore matters to normal

Example : The fire was a blow, but we were determined to pick up the pieces and get the business back on its feet.

*They didn't make it !!!

Glenda A lot of fishermen have been lost at sea in this latest disaster.
Peregrine I know. We'll probably never know how many.
Glenda But there've been one or two stories of a few who have survived.
Peregrine Yes, I heard that one was picked up clinging to a raft about two hundred kilometers from land. Apparently he had been on a boat with a crew of five.
Glenda What happened to the others ?
Peregrine Two others were originally clinging to the same raft but they didn't make it. They were just too exhausted to hang on, slipped off and drowned.

Explanation :

If you make it, you are successful in achieving something difficult, or in surviving through a very difficult period.

Example : You're brave and courageous. You can make it.

*Her dog helped her to cheat death !!!

Rudy Did you hear about the woman who survived that horrendous earthquake in Turkey ?
Titus I'm not sure I know which one you mean.
Rudy Well, it was the one who was rescued several days after the earthquake when rescuers had already given up hope of finding any more survivors.
Titus Was that the one whose dog found her ?
Rudy That's right. It had run away just before the earthquake struck. But later it came back and started barking when it heard her faint cries for help. So she was rescued.
Titus It was amazing. That woman really should have died but her dog helped her to cheat death.

Explanation :

Cheat death - To succeed in staying alive in an extremely dangerous situation

Example : As a racing driver, he was involved in many serious crashes and had cheated death on several occasions.

*By the skin of his teeth !!!

Millie I've been really depressed by all the sad stories from the tsunami disaster which I've heard about on the news this week.
Jasmyn Well, that's understandable; whole families have been swept away. On the other hand, there have been some incredible survival stories.
Millie I haven't heard about those.
Jasmyn There was one man who managed to grab and hang on to the top of a tree after the tsunami had carried him inland for more than a kilometer.
Millie He was one of the few lucky ones.
Jasmyn Yes, he escaped death by the skin of his teeth.

Explanation :

By the skin of one's teeth - A narrow escape

Example : He escaped from the secret police by the skin of his teeth.

*Hung on like grim death !!!

Hamish Have you heard about that amazing survival story ? It was on the news this morning.
Orlando No, the batteries in my radio are flat and I haven't had time to buy new ones yet. Tell me about it.
Hamish It was an Indonesian villager who was swept miles out to sea by the tsunami.
Orlando How could he possibly have survived ?
Hamish Well apparently he hung on like grim death to the branch of a tree for more than three days until he was rescued by a passing ship.
Orlando He must have had an incredible will to live. Many people would have just given up.

Explanation :

Hang/hold on like grim death - To hold on very tightly to something, despite great difficulty

Example : Darren always drives and I sit behind him, hanging on like grim death.

*A volcano erupted !!!

Clark The area in the Indian Ocean where the tsunami disaster happened must be very unstable.
Velia It certainly is. You don't have to look too far back in history to realize that.
Clark What do you mean ?
Velia Well a volcano erupted on Krakatau Island there in 1883.
Clark Oh I've read about that. It was one of the greatest volcanic eruptions ever recorded.
Velia It certainly was. It also caused a huge tsunami around 40m high. That's four times higher than the one that's just happened. It must have been absolutely terrifying.

Explanation :

Erupt - To explode or burst out suddenly

Example : Since the volcano last erupted, many houses have been built in a dangerous position on its slopes.

*9.0 on the Richter scale !!!

Caspar I've just read an article in the paper about the causes of the tsunami disaster.
Patti It was an earthquake under the sea, wasn't it ?
Caspar That's right, but it was specifically caused by one part of the earth's crust colliding with another deep inside the earth.
Patti Is that what they call a tectonic plate ?
Caspar Yes, there are lots of them. And when one slipped against the other in this case, the resulting earthquake measured 9.0 on the Richter scale.
Patti I've never heard of an earthquake of that magnitude. It's really frightening.

Explanation :

The Richter scale - A system used to measure the strength of an earthquake

Example : The earthquake in Mexico City registered 7.1 on the Richter scale.

*The whole earth was falling apart !!!

Dougal I've never experienced an earthquake before.
Anya Nor me, it was horrifying. It was as if the whole earth was falling apart.
Dougal What I wasn't prepared for were the aftershocks.
Anya No, I thought an earthquake was just one thing.
Dougal Me too. But the whole area was shaken by aftershocks for quite a long time after the main quake.
Anya I never want to go through that again.

Explanation :

Fall apart - Collapse, break down, either physically or mentally and emotionally.

Example : Their fragile coalition soon fell apart.

*A race against time !!!

Vaughan The people who are trying to cope with this disaster have an incredibly difficult job.
Celia Yes, my brother's actually a volunteer and when he phoned home last night he told us that it was a race against time to bury the dead bodies before they became a danger to health.
Vaughan And there's also the problem of bringing help to the survivors.
Celia Yes, some of them are in very remote areas apparently.
Vaughan They are, and it's another race against time to get food to them before they start to become weak and die of malnutrition or disease.
Celia I know. It's the very young and the very old who are most at risk.

Explanation :

You describe a situation as a race against time when you have to work very fast in order to do something before a particular time, or before another thing happens.

Example : An air force spokesman said the rescue operation was a race against time.

*Inundated by a huge tsunami !!!

John I can still hardly believe it.
Cedric Yes, it is difficult to grasp the full horror of it.
John Coastlines all around the Indian Ocean inundated by a huge tsunami.
Cedric The dead already total more than one hundred thousand, and those made homeless are many times that number.
John Still all the countries affected have been inundated with offers of help from around the world.
Cedric Yes, that's at least something to be thankful for.

Explanation :

1) If an area of land is inundated, it becomes covered with water.

2) If you say that you are inundated with things such as letters, demands, or requests, you are emphasizing hat you receive so many them that you cannot deal with them all.

Example : Their neighborhood is being inundated by the rising waters of the Colorado River.

*Inundated by a huge tsunami !!!

John I can still hardly believe it.
Cedric Yes, it is difficult to grasp the full horror of it.
John Coastlines all around the Indian Ocean inundated by a huge tsunami.
Cedric The dead already total more than one hundred thousand, and those made homeless are many times that number.
John Still all the countries affected have been inundated with offers of help from around the world.
Cedric Yes, that's at least something to be thankful for.

Explanation :

1) If an area of land is inundated, it becomes covered with water.

2) If you say that you are inundated with things such as letters, demands, or requests, you are emphasizing hat you receive so many them that you cannot deal with them all.

Example : Their neighborhood is being inundated by the rising waters of the Colorado River.

*Carry the can !!!

George Our new marketing manager is absolutely hopeless.
Olivia I'm not surprised, I've been hearing from other people that he's pretty incompetent.
George Yes and it's not only his ideas that are no good, but the ways he tries to get us to put them into practice. They just don't work.
Olivia That must make life very difficult.
George It does, but it's even worse. He tries to put the blame for failure on us, but we're determined not to carry the can for his mistakes.
Olivia Why should you ? It's his responsibility.

Explanation :

If you have to carry the can , you have to take all the blame for something

Example : She earns less than her boss, but has to carry the can for his errors

*Bob's your uncle !!!

Herbert What are you wailing about ? Has your computer crashed ?
Alice No, I'm trying to make this photo bigger on the screen.
Herbert Oh, it's not difficult.
Alice Well I've been trying to do it for half an hour without success.
Herbert I'll show you. Look, you open this menu, click here, click on the percentage you want, say 200%, and Bob's your uncle. There it is, twice as large.
Alice It's easy when you know how. Thanks a lot.

Explanation :

Bob's your uncle - Either describing a simple task or used when a task is completed.

Example : It's very easy to make a chocolate cake : you just follow this recipe, and Bob's your uncle.

*Like a stuck pig !!!

Aubrey What's that meat you're slicing up ?
Frank It's best beef. I'm preparing goulash for supper.
Aubrey That's a really sharp knife you've got there.
Frank Yes, it's the sharpest one ... Ahhhh !
Aubrey Oh my god ! You've really cut yourself badly.
Frank Yes, and I'm bleeding like a stuck pig. Get me some tissues quick !

Explanation :

The stuck pig is the pig in the act of being killed

Example : When I produced concrete proof of his guilt, he stared at me like a stuck pig.

*Tom, Dick or Harry !!!

Romola I've just seen a guitar advertised at an amazing price on the internet.
Harley I know you've been wanting to buy one for some time. Is it a good make ?
Romola Oh yes, it's one of the top brands and it's described as in excellent condition.
Harley Are you going to buy it ?
Romola The price is so good, I think I have to go for it.
Harley I'd be very careful if I were you. Any Tom, Dick or Harry can set up as a guitar dealer or any kind of dealer on the internet. You might be dealing with a crook.

Explanation :

Tom, Dick or Harry - an ordinary person / all ordinary people

Example : Riding a bicycle is not at all difficult. Every Tom, Dick or Harry should be able to do it.

*All mouth and no trousers !!!

Denzil I met Gayle's husband for the first time last week. He's very impressive.
Lara Why do you say that ? That's certainly not my impression.
Denzil He was telling me about all the great things he intended to do.
Lara Oh, you don't want to take that seriously.
Denzil Why not ?
Lara Oh, he's all mouth and no trousers. Gayle's the boss there.

Explanation :

All mouth and no trousers - To talk a lot about doing something but never do it

Example : We did not vote for him because he was known to be all mouth ( and no trousers ).

*I cleared the overdraft completely !!!

Gayle You look very relieved. Why's that ?
Larissa I am, I feel as if I've just had a heavy weight lifted off my shoulders.
Gayle Something to do with money, I'll bet.
Larissa Yes, I had to take out an overdraft with my bank to pay for a management course.
Gayle They're always very expensive, aren't they ?
Larissa You're not joking. At one time I was more than $17,000 in debt. But today I cleared the overdraft completely. Let's go and celebrate.

Explanation :

If you have an overdraft, you have spent more money than you have in your bank account, and so you are indebt to the bank.

Example : The bank refused to extend to him an overdraft without security.

*Strike the balance between the two !!!

Barney What kind of personal financial plan do you recommend for me ?
Nathaniel Well that all depends on your objectives.
Barney How do you mean ?
Nathaniel Well, whether you are looking to make gains in the long term, in which case I would recommend investing for capital growth, or whether you have shorter-term objectives.
Barney I am interested in long-term gains, but I would also like a proportion of my funds to provide an income for me now and for the foreseeable future.
Nathaniel That means an investment portfolio balanced between capital growth and income. What you have to decide is where to strike the balance between the two.

Explanation :

If you strike a balance between two things, you accept parts of both things in order to satisfy some of the demands of both sides in an argument, rather than all the demands of just one side

Example : The sentence pronounced by the judge struck a perfect balance between justice and mercy.

Explanation :

If someone is environmentally conscious, he is concerned about the impact that manufactured products eventually have on the environment.

Example : The act of separating materials for recycling is an educational process that leads environmentally conscious persons to better understand their consumption and disposal behavior.

*It's got an A rating for energy efficiency !!!

Hettie This refrigerator is really stylish. Let's buy one.
Peter Not so fast. Have you looked at the sticker at the side ? It's got a C on it.
Hettie Well, so what ?
Peter That's its energy efficiency rating. That means it uses more energy than one rated B or A. So it costs more to run and is more harmful to the environment.
Hettie Oh, what a shame ! I really like it.
Peter What about this one over here ? I think it's just as good looking and it's got an A rating for energy efficiency.

Explanation :

Rating - A measurement of how good or popular someone or something is

Example : The government's popularity rating sank to an all-time low.

*Seems to be wildlife conservation !!!

Adam Look, it says here that the government has just decided to designate 1,500 square kilometers in the north of the country as a new national park.
Eve Oh, I'm glad. It's really beautiful up there. Any particular reasons ?
Adam Well the main one seems to be wildlife conservation.
Eve I suppose there must be species under threat up there.
Adam Yes. There are a few species of birds, including a rare kind of eagle, which are all decreasing in numbers.
Eve And what about mammals ?
Adam Yes, there's a particular kind of sea otter whose habitat is threatened.

Explanation :

Wildlife conservation - The protection of animals from the damaging effects of human activity

Example : The Japanese are ignoring the call for dolphin conservation.

*Lesley is becoming a bit of an eco-freak !!!

Pam Have you noticed ? Lesley is becoming a bit of an eco-freak.
Isobel Yes, she's put all her savings into eco-investments.
Pam And she's become a vegetarian so she'll only eat in eco-restaurants.
Isobel She's even been trying to persuade me to buy eco-products from the catalogues she's given me.
Pam I don't think I know anyone who is more environmentally conscious.
Isobel Nor me. I just hope she doesn't become an eco-terrorist and start painting environmental slogans on gas-guzzling cars.

Explanation :

Freak - someone who is extremely interested in a particular subject or activity

Example : He is a computer freak, and spends hours in front of the computer every evening.

*It's got to be disposed of !!!

June Where's David gone ?
Miriam He's just finished changing the oil in his car and he's gone to take the used oil to the local collection center.
June Couldn't he just have poured it down the drain ?
Miriam What ! Of course not. Used engine oil is full of harmful chemicals.
June I didn't know that.
Miriam Oh yes it's classed as toxic waste and it's got to be disposed of without harming the environment.
June Pity it can't be reused.
Miriam Well actually I think it can. I've heard that the harmful stuff can be removed and then it can be used again.

Explanation :

Dispose of - To get rid of

Example : I disposed of the old medicine by flushing it down the toilet.

*I'll draftproof the door !!!

Nadine Gosh, there's a really cold draft coming from around this door.
Rex Let me see. Oh, you're right. It's quite strong.
Nadine It would be a lot warmer in this room if you could do something about it.
Rex Don't worry I can. I'll draftproof the door. It's not too difficult.
Nadine How can you do that ?
Rex I'll go to the DIY store and buy some draftproofing strip.
Nadine What will you do with that ?
Rex I'll fit it all round the edge of the door. It's made of rubber so when you close the door it will squeeze the strip against the door frame and fill the gaps where the cold air's coming in.

Explanation :

Draftproof - To block the cold wind from coming into the house around the door or window

Example : To cut our heating bills, we had our home draftproofed and insulated.

*In the jargon, it's got a better fuel efficiency rating !!!

Joe How do you like my new company car ?
Hubert Looks great, but it's a bit smaller than your last one, isn't it ?
Joe It is. That's because of our company's new rules about fuel efficiency. They're part of our new environmental policy.
Hubert I suppose that means the new car gives you more kilometers per liter and less pollution than the old one.
Joe That's right. In the jargon, it's got a better fuel efficiency rating.
Hubert So what'll it do ?
Joe Well, on a long run around 25 kilometers per liter at 110 kph.

Explanation :

Jargon - Special words and phrases which are used by particular groups of people, especially in their work

Example : Will you speak in plain English ? I don't understand all this jargon.

*A sustainable development project !!!

Joshua My company has just introduced career breaks for staff who've got at least five years' service. I'm eligible because I passed the five-year mark last week.
Kerry What does " career break " mean exactly ?
Joshua It means that we can take up to three months away from the company to work on a project involving service to the community at home or abroad.
Kerry Sounds a great idea. Are you going to apply ?
Joshua Oh sure. I've just been reading about a sustainable development project in Africa which is advertising for volunteers. I'm going to go for that.
Kerry What's the project trying to achieve ?
Joshua It's trying to help people improve their standard of living without using up their natural resources and damaging the environment.

Explanation :

Sustainable - Able to continue over a period of time

Example : The forests are managed on the principles of sustainable development.

*A whole raft of energy-saving measures !!!

Angus I see from today's newspaper that the government's going to introduce a whole raft of energy-saving measures.
Jill I'd heard rumors about that. What's in store for us ?
Angus Well, they've increased the standard for roof insulation for a start.
Jill That means a lot more work for insulation contractors.
Angus They're also planning to reduce the maximum speed limit on the roads by 10 kph.
Jill A lot of people will be against that. They'll have a fight to get it through.

Explanation :

Raft - A large number or range, a lot

Example : We have designed a whole raft of measures to improve the transport system.

*Exaggerate his exploits !!!

Davina I was talking to your friend Hughie the other day. He's a really interesting guy.
Joe You could say that. What did you talk about ?
Davina Oh, he was telling me about all the expeditions he's been on. And he said he's been involved in quite a few rescues.
Joe I wouldn't believe everything he told you, if I were you.
Davina Oh, why's that ?
Joe Well he's a bit of a boaster and tends to exaggerate his exploits.

Explanation :

Exploit - Something unusual, brave or funny that someone has done

*He's always shooting his mouth off !!!

Pearl Oh no, here comes Greg, Mr. Smarty Pants.
Robin I'll bet he's going to tell us all about how to fix this bike.
Pearl I'm sure you're right. He's always shooting his mouth off about all the things he can do.
Robin Yes, whether it's computers, bikes or cars, he always boasts that he can fix them.
Pearl He thinks he's some kind of technical genius.
Robin Well I don't need a genius to fix this bike. It'll only take me ten minutes.

*He's always shooting his mouth off !!!

Pearl Oh no, here comes Greg, Mr. Smarty Pants.
Robin I'll bet he's going to tell us all about how to fix this bike.
Pearl I'm sure you're right. He's always shooting his mouth off about all the things he can do.
Robin Yes, whether it's computers, bikes or cars, he always boasts that he can fix them.
Pearl He thinks he's some kind of technical genius.
Robin Well I don't need a genius to fix this bike. It'll only take me ten minutes.

Explanation :

Shoot your mouth off - To talk too much in a loud and uncontrollable way

Example : I hate hearing him shooting off his mouth about English literature; he doesn't know a thing about it.

*He's such a smart alec !!!

Eliza There's going to be a quiz evening at the school next Saturday. Shall we go ?
Charles Why not ? The last time we went we had a lot of fun.
Eliza We certainly did. Our table won second prize, as I remember.
Charles Just one thing. we've got to make sure we're not on the same table as Derry and Jane.
Eliza Oh yes ! We don't want to be with them. He's such a smart alec.
Charles Yes, he thinks he knows the answer to everything. And she only encourages him.

Explanation :

Smart alec - Someone who tries to appear clever that annoys other people

*Have them eating out of her hand !!!

Hella Mandy's car has broken down and she's gone to ask those two guys over there if they'll fix it for her.
Gabrielle Do you think they will ?
Hella Oh, without a doubt. She'll just play little Miss Helpless and she'll soon have them eating out of her hand.
Gabrielle Well you may be right. They're going over to her car now.
Hella She's brilliant at getting men to do just what she wants them to.
Gabrielle What am I doing wrong ?

Explanation :

Eat out of ( someone's ) hand - To be manipulated or dominated by another.
*He was a complete ignoramus !!!

Cathy I thought the new manager was supposed to know everything about sales and marketing.
Walter So did I. But there were a lot of questions he couldn't answer.
Cathy That's right. He didn't seem to know very much about telesales for example.
Walter And he was a complete ignoramus as far as the internet was concerned.
Cathy Yes, he didn't know a thing about it. No wonder the MD started to get impatient with him.
Walter He'd better do his homework before the next meeting, otherwise he'll be in trouble.

Explanation :

Ignoramus - A person who knows nothing

*Some wiseacre kept making comments !!!

Sidonie How did your talk go last night ? It was on renewable energy technologies wasn't it ?
Eugene Yes it was. And it didn't go as well as I had hoped.
Sidonie Sorry to hear that. was the audience hostile ?
Eugene No, not at all, but some wiseacre at the back kept making clever comments about the drawbacks of some of the technologies.
Sidonie Was he some kind of expert ?
Eugene Not really, but he knew enough to make things difficult at times.

Explanation :

Wiseacre - An upstart who makes conceited, sardonic, insolent comments

*He became such a bighead !!!

Winnie Why did you leave the Rubber Rabbits ? It was the best rock band in the town.
Donald Well, my job has been getting more and more demanding and I was finding it difficult to spare the time.
Winnie Was that the only reason ?
Donald No, not really. I was also getting a bit fed up with Norton, you know the lead singer. In fact we all were.
Winnie What was the trouble ?
Donald Oh, he became such a bighead. Thought he was the most important person in the band, and claimed all the credit for our success.
Winnie That's a pity. When someone becomes bigheaded like that, it spoils the team spirit.

Explanation :

Bighead - Thinking that you are more important or more clever than you really are

*She could wind him around her little finger !!!

Stuart I was always very jealous of my sister when we were young.
Lois Why was that ? Was she cleverer than you ?
Stuart She was clever but it wasn't that. It was because my father was very strict with me, but she always managed to get what she wanted from him.
Lois So she was a real Daddy's girl.
Stuart Yes, and she could wind him around her little finger.
Lois Ah, brothers can't compete with that.

Explanation :

Wind / Wrap sb around your finger - To persuade someone easily to do what you want them to do

Example : He can be very firm with men, but women can wind him around their little fingers at will.

*She could wind him around her little finger !!!

Stuart I was always very jealous of my sister when we were young.
Lois Why was that ? Was she cleverer than you ?
Stuart She was clever but it wasn't that. It was because my father was very strict with me, but she always managed to get what she wanted from him.
Lois So she was a real Daddy's girl.
Stuart Yes, and she could wind him around her little finger.
Lois Ah, brothers can't compete with that.

Explanation :

Wind / Wrap sb around your finger - To persuade someone easily to do what you want them to do

Example : He can be very firm with men, but women can wind him around their little fingers at will.

*He was a skirt chaser !!!

Sandie This is the first class reunion I've been to for more than twenty years.
Martin This is my first ever. Can you still recognize everybody ?
Sandie Pretty much, though some of the men have put on a lot of weight around the middle and some have lost a lot of hair.
Martin Isn't that Jed Bardley over there ? He was a great tennis player.
Sandie Yes it is. He was also a great skirt chaser, after every girl in the class at one time or another.
Martin He seems to have a wife with him, so I imagine he has to behave himself.

Explanation :

Skirt chaser - A man who is aggressive in making amorous advances to women

*As miserable as sin !!!

Heather That was the first soccer match I've ever watched in a bar.
Vernon Was it really ? I'm amazed. Anyway, did you enjoy it ?
Heather Oh, yes. The atmosphere was terrific and the game itself was really exciting.
Vernon It would have been a bit different if our team had lost. But they won really well. Four goals to one is a great result.
Heather But your friend Jim didn't look as happy at all. In fact he looked as miserable as sin.
Vernon Well that's because he supports the other side.

Explanation :

As miserable as sin - Very miserable

*Her father's a bit of a rogue !!!

Sharon I met Jill's parents yesterday. They seem to be very nice people.
Casey Her mother certainly is but her father's a bit of a rogue apparently.
Sharon What do you mean ?
Casey Well, he's in the real estate business and I've heard that he's been involved in quite a lot of questionable deals.
Sharon Well they certainly have a beautiful house.
Casey That's probably the result of one of them.

Explanation :

Rogue - An unprincipled, deceitful, and unreliable person

*Bit of a ne'er-do-well !!!

Fleur We're all a bit worried about my sister.
Nicola Is she ill or something.
Fleur No it's not that, it's her new boyfriend. We don't think he's suitable at all.
Nicola Why's that ? Has he been in trouble with the law ?
Fleur No, but he hasn't got a proper job, in fact he doesn't ever seem to have had a proper job.
Nicola Oh I see. Bit of a ne'er-do-well.

Explanation :

Ne'er-do-well - An idle worthless person

*You're a real grind !!!

Euan Warren, come and play soccer with us after school.
Warren No I can't, sorry. I want to get on with my homework.
Euan Aw come on, you can spare half an hour or so.
Warren No, I've got to get this homework finished and after that I've got a lot of extra reading to do.
Euan You're a real grind. You'll end up short-sighted if you're not careful.
Warren No I won't. Anyway I'm not that interested in soccer.

Explanation :

Grind - A student who works or studies excessively.

*He loves playing pranks on people !!!

Marlene Before we go in, just a word of warning about my younger brother.
Ursula Oh, is there something wrong with him ?
Marlene Oh no, don't worry. It's just that he loves playing pranks on people.
Ursula What sort of pranks ?
Marlene Well yesterday, for example, he put a big plastic spider on the toilet seat and my little sister ran out screaming her head off when she saw it.
Ursula So he's a bit of a joker.
Marlene He certainly is. So just be prepared.

Explanation :

Prank - A mischievous act, a trick that is intended to be amusing but not to cause harm or damage

*He's just a ladies' man !!!

Marvin Look at Steve over there. That girl is hanging on his every word.
Lee It's the same with every female he gets talking to.
Marvin I know. He's got the knack of making them feel like they're the only thing in the whole world that matters to him.
Lee That's why he's got a whole string of girlfriends.
Marvin How does he do it ?
Lee I don't know. He's just a natural ladies' man I suppose.

Explanation :

A ladies' man - A man who enjoys and attracts the company of women

Example : Because women seemed to seek him out at parties, Brian got the reputation for being quite a ladies' man.

*She has a sunny disposition !!!

Vicky Your sister's little girl is really sweet. How old is she ?
Belinda Chloe has just turned four.
Vicky She played so well with the other children.
Belinda She did, didn't she ? She's always enjoyed other kids' company.
Vicky And she was always smiling and laughing.
Belinda Yes, she has a really sunny disposition, just like my sister.

Explanation :

Disposition - The particular type of character which a person naturally has, one's usual mood, temperament

Example : He has a naturally easy-going disposition.

*You're out of date !!!

Waldo You look very pleased about something.
Abby I sure am. My elder brother has come home for a few days.
Waldo Is he the one who's been working in France ?
Abby Oh you're out of date. Since France he's worked in Italy, Brazil and Singapore.
Waldo He certainly gets around, doesn't he ?
Abby Yes, he's a real rolling stone.

Explanation :

Out of date - Old, no longer valid or in use

Example : That radio looks so out of date.

*As crooked as an eleven dollar bill !!!

Minnie Did you hear about that fraud trial that's just finished ?
Oscar Oh sure, it was all over the papers and on TV.
Minnie Most people seemed to think that the accused were clearly guilty.
Oscar The evidence certainly pointed that way.
Minnie So how come they got off ?
Oscar Well some people are complaining about the judge. They say it's well known that he's as crooked as an eleven dollar bill.

*He's as straight as a gun barrel !!!

Dana It's about time I changed my car. Problem is I can't afford a new one.
Gavin It's not a good idea to buy new anyway. A new car loses such a lot of value in its first year. It depreciates really fast.
Dana The difficulty is in finding a used-car dealer I can trust.
Gavin No problem there. Go to Harmers Autos. I know the manager and I've bought two used cars from him. They were both really good value.
Dana Are you sure I can trust him ?
Gavin Absolutely. He's as straight as a gun barrel.

*She's as honest as the day is long !!!

Georgina I've just been reading an article about personal finance. It made me think that I ought to sort out my own finances. They're in a bit of mess at the moment.
Alan I was in the same position a couple of years ago but I got a professional financial adviser to help me put them in order.
Georgina How did you find him ? Did he do a good job ?
Alan It's a lady actually. My brother uses her and he introduced her to me.
Georgina Is she any good and can you trust her ?
Alan Yes she is very good, and she's as honest as the day is long. I can thoroughly recommend her.

*That really gets my shirt out !!!

Martin Have there been any more announcements ?
Sibyl No, not since they said our flight would be delayed by three hours.
Martin That was nearly four hours ago. What a way to start a vacation !
Sibyl And we still haven't been given any explanation for the delay.
Martin Yes, that really gets my shirt out. We shoud have been told long ago why we're having to wait so long.
Sibyl There really ought to be compensation in cases like this.

Explanation :

Get one's shirt out - Angry

*A cross word between them !!!

Bert How long have your grandparents been married ?
Daniela They'll be celebrating their golden wedding in two months' time.
Bert Fifty years ! Goodness, that's a really long time.
Daniela Yes, they were actually childhood sweethearts.
Bert And they still seem a very happy couple.
Daniela Oh they are. My grandmother always says that there has never been a cross word between them.
Bert They've never had a cross word ? That must be some kind of record.

Explanation :

A cross word - Having an argument with someone

Example : A cross word led to a fight between them.

*He is a hard act to follow !!!

Jenny Your uncle's a really nice man. Fancy taking so much time to show us around the town.
Hedley He's always been like that. He really is our favorite uncle.
Jenny And everywhere we went everyone greeted him.
Hedley Yes he's very popular round here because he's very friendly and always has a good word for everybody.
Jenny If you follow his example, you won't go far wrong.
Hedley I'm trying, but he's a hard act to follow.

Explanation :

Hard ( tough ) act to follow - To be so good it is not likely that anyone or anything that comes after will be as good

Example : Bob's record is excellent — it will be a tough act to follow.

*She's kindness itself !!!

Dodie I must make sure that we don't run out of rice and tea in future.
Tanya But weren't we lucky that your neighbor Mrs. Jones was in ?
Dodie I'll say. And also that she had rice and tea to spare.
Tanya How much did she give you ?
Dodie A kilogram of rice and a packet of tea. It was really good of her.
Tanya She's kindness itself. I wish everybody were like her.

Explanation :

Kindness - The quality of being kind

Example : I will always remember your many kindnesses to me.

*He puts himself about a lot !!!

Kylie Ever since John Jo decided to become an independent consultant he's been doing extremely well.
George I know. He told me last week that he's got almost more business than he can handle at the moment.
Kylie How does he do it ?
George Well he is very good, but he also puts himself about a lot.
Kylie That's true. I've seen him at every reception and conference I've been to this year.
George Yes he's always there handing out his business cards and talking to anyone he thinks could be a potential client. He sells himself very effectively.

Explanation :

Put oneself about - Very active and sociable

Example : The starlet puts herself about to attract as much public attention as possible.

*Heard the last of it !!!

Sadie Hear that ? It's that drilling noise again.
Hector Oh no, not again ! I thought we'd heard the last of it this morning.
Sadie It's coming from the floor above. What's going on up there ?
Hector The janitor told me that they are refurbishing the whole floor for a new company that's moving in next week.
Sadie Well I hope they hurry up and finish because the noise is really getting on my nerves.
Hector It's disturbing me too and it also reminds me of being at the dentist, which is even worse.

Explanation :

Hear/see the last of sth - If you hear/see the last of something or someone unpleasant or difficult, they do not cause you trouble again

Example : He's horrible - I really hope we've seen the last of him

*That puts my back up !!!

Caroline I'm so glad the election's over, aren't you.
John Yes, I've had enough of politicians on TV and the radio.
Caroline Not to mention knocking on your door to ask for your vote.
John What really puts my back up is when they make all sorts of promises to get your vote but when they get elected it's a different story.
Caroline I know. That puts my back up too.
John Thank goodness the next election is four years away.

Explanation :

Put someone's back up - To make them annoyed or resentful.

Example : He got my back up with his cynical remarks on my proposal.

*Pain in the neck !!!

Holly Watch your language !
Jordan Sorry, but I can't help it. It's so frustrating.
Holly Is there something the matter with your laptop ?
Jordan Something the matter ! It's an absolute pain in the neck. Every time I try to log on to read my e-mail, it loses the connection. It's happened about ten times so far.
Holly It may not be the laptop. It could be that the wireless connection is unreliable here.
Jordan I suppose you could be right. I'll try to find somewhere where the connection is more stable.

Explanation :

Pain in the neck - Someone or something that is very annoying

Example : That child is a real pain in the neck.

*He thinks a lot of himself !!!

Jeffrey Barney's been playing some great soccer this season, don't you think ?
Larry He certainly has. He's about the best striker we've got.
Jeffrey Yes, his goal average is better than anyone else's.
Larry One thing worries me a bit though -- I think he may be getting a bit over-confident.
Jeffrey It's certainly true that he thinks a lot of himself.
Larry Yes and I think he's in danger of forgetting that there are ten other players in the team and that his success depends on their support.

Explanation :

Think a lot of - Have a good opinion of

Example : He is very capable and well thought of.

*Don't be modest !!!

Thea Where did you learn to dance like that ? You're fantastic.
Adeline Oh, come on. I'm not very good at all.
Thea Don't be so modest. You were the best dancer on the floor by a mile.
Adeline There were better dancers than me on the floor, I'm sure.
Thea Don't talk nonsense. As far as I'm concerned you're the bee's knees.
Adeline Well it's very nice of you to say so.

Explanation :

Modest - Having a humble opinion of yourself

Example : He remains modest despite his outstanding achievements.

*She's a real tattletale !!!

Tina I wouldn't mention that to Gloria if I were you.
Vaughan Why not ? She seems a very sympathetic person.
Tina No doubt she is, but she's not the most discreet person in the world.
Vaughan Aren't you being a bit unfair ?
Tina No, not at all. I know from experience that she's a real tattletale.
Vaughan Well if that's the case I'll take your advice.

Explanation :

Tattletale ( tell-tale ) - Someone who gossips indiscreetly She just prattled on !!!

Marie Well that was a complete waste of time.
Kirsty You mean talking to Judie ? I saw you two chatting together just now.
Marie Yes, she gave me the impression that she had something really important to tell me.
Kirsty Didn't she ?
Marie No, she just prattled on about her latest shopping expedition and her new hairdresser. Stuff like that.
Kirsty Well I suppose that's what's important to her.

Explanation :

Prattle : To talk foolishly or childishly for a long time about something unimportant or without saying anything important

Example : He has learned to pay no attention to his wife's prattle.

*Why don't you stop that yackety-yack !!!

Darren You've been on the phone for ages now.
Sara Shhh ! It's Debbie. She's telling me all about her operation.
Darren Can't it wait ? I'm hungry. When are you going to start cooking ?
Sara Just give me a couple more minutes. She's just getting to the most interesting part.
Darren If know Debbie, it'll take another hour.
Sara Darren, just be a bit patient.
Darren My stomach's right out of patience. Why don't you stop that yackety-yack and feed me before I die of hunger.

Explanation :

Yackety-yack ( yak ) - A continuous and prolonged senseless talk

Example : I tried in vain to close my ears to their yackety-yack and go on with my work.

*Blab it around !!!

Sheila Hi, Jake. You're looking very pleased with yourself.
Jake Am I ? Well I'm not particularly.
Sheila Come on, you can't fool me. I can tell something special's happened.
Jake Can't hide anything from you, can I ? well, I've just been invited to audition for a part in a new TV series set in a hospital.
Sheila That's fantastic. I'm sure you'll get it.
Jake Well I may not, because the competition is really hot. So I don't want you to blab it around until I know I've got the part.

Explanation :

Blab - To talk carelessly or too much, often telling others something you should keep secret

Example : She blabbed to everyone she knew about my planned trip to Iraq.

*What's the buzz ?

Vera Hello stranger ! Haven't seen you for ages.
Timothy That's because I've been in Europe for almost a month.
Vera Well, there have been quite a few developments while you've been away.
Timothy Really, what's the buzz ?
Vera Well, everybody's saying that we'll be getting a new chief executive.
Timothy Wow, that's quite a surprise. The current one hasn't been in post that long.
Vera I know, but it's all to do with a new business strategy which the board wants to be introduced.

Explanation :

Buzz - Rumor, gossip

Example : There is a strong buzz that they will soon get married.

*On the market !!!

Monty Well that was a frustrating customer visit.
Jack Really ? You seemed to be away a long time. Didn't you get an order ?
Monty No, I didn't. The guy didn't seem to be that interested in the features of our product, and you know it's about the best on the market.
Jack It sure is. So what did you talk about ?
Monty Well, it was mostly idle chat about his new car, baseball and stuff like that.
Jack Maybe he was checking you out to see if he liked you. I'd try him again in a couple of weeks' time, if I were you.

Explanation :

On the market - Available for sale

Example : This is one of the best televisions on the market.

*It sounds like office tittle tattle !!!

Lily Have you heard ? The boss's son is going to divorce his wife.
Graham Well I saw the son and his wife last week and they looked very happy together.
Lily Well that's what I heard from Mary Silvers in our office this morning.
Graham Well, I wouldn't believe everything she tells you. Where did she hear about it ?
Lily She said someone told her during the department outing last weekend.
Graham Well it sounds like office tittle tattle to me. I just don't believe it.

Explanation :

Tittle tattle - Light informal conversation for social occasions, small talk

Example : Have your heard the latest tittle tattle about Billy ?

*I'm green with envy !!!

Tabitha You'll never guess what happened to me last Saturday.
Effie You found the man of your dreams ?
Tabitha Oh, very funny, but you're not so far off. I got Stephen Laurie's autograph.
Effie You mean that really gorgeous looking actor in the detective series on TV ?
Tabitha Well they were filming some scenes on location just round the corner from my apartment and I managed to catch him during a break.
Effie Oh, I'm green with envy. What did he say to you ?

Explanation :

Green with envy - To be very unhappy because someone has something that you want

Example : Ben's heading off to Spain for the week and I'm green with envy.

*Don't keep me in suspense !!!

Clifford Has anything happened since I've been away ?
Derren Oh, lots. It's difficult to know where to begin.
Clifford Tell me the most important stuff first.
Derren Let me think, ah yes, there's one really juicy tidbit.
Clifford Don't keep me in suspense.
Derren Well one of the accountants in the finance office was caught fiddling the books. Apparently he had defrauded the company of around $10,000.

Explanation :

Keep someone in suspense - To deliberately delay telling them something or the outcome of something.

Example : She kept him in suspense for several days before she said that she would marry him.

*To do down the girls !!!

Kathy Oh no, that's Lesley over there. Let's get out of the way before she spots us.
Tricia Don't you like her then ?
Kathy I used to but I found that she was always trying to do down the girls in our tennis club who were not interested in joining her little clique.
Tricia That's not very nice. What does she actually do ?
Kathy Oh, she criticizes them for not having the most up-to-date outfits or not being able to play tennis properly; things like that.
Tricia Well, I can understand why you want to avoid her.

Explanation :

Do sb down - To criticize someone in order to make them feel ashamed or to make other people lose respect for them:

Example : If you go on doing everyone down like this, you will soon find yourself without a single friend.

*Got on my nerves !!!

Penny What's the matter ? You look really annoyed.
Guy You're not kidding. Harry brought his friend Ray round for a drink today. And that guy really got on my nerves.
Penny Oh, I know him. He plays in my brother's rock band. What did he do ?
Guy Well he was very nosey. Kept asking me all sorts of questions, some of them quite personal.
Penny No surprises there. He has a habit of poking his nose in other people's business.
Guy Well I tried to make it quite clear, without offending Harry, that he should keep his nose out of mine.

Explanation :

Got on someone's nerves - To annoy someone a lot

Example : Please stop making that noise! It really gets on my nerves.

*She's nice to people's faces !!!

Lara Are you free on Saturday ?
Christine Yes, I think so.
Lara Then why don't you come shopping with Julie and me ?
Christine To be honest, I'm not too keen on Julie.
Lara Why not ? I think she's good fun.
Christine Perhaps, but she does talk behind people's back. She's nice to their faces but she criticizes them to other people.

*Putting it about that ... !!!

Titus I must say that Gordon is not my favorite person at the moment.
Nyree Oh, I thought you and he got on well.
Titus Well we did until now, but he's been putting it about that I'm thinking of leaving my job.
Nyree Well, aren't you ?
Titus No, I'm not but people at work are asking questions.
Nyree Well I'm sure it's all a misunderstanding. Why don't you call him and clear the matter up ?

Explanation :

Put sth about ( around ) - To tell a lot of people something that is not true

Example : Someone has been putting rumors about that I live with my girlfriend.

Example : If it were not for that treacherous tattletale, the teacher would never know that I did a bit of cheating in the examination.

*A word in your shell-like !!!

Titus Rory, a word in your shell-like. Let's go outside.
Rory Is there some problem ?
Titus Don't you think Henry's been acting rather strangely lately ?
Rory Now you mention it, he has become rather subdued, as if something's on his mind.
Titus I think there is. I think he's having trouble coping with his workload.
Rory He does seem to have a lot on his plate at the moment.
Titus He does, so I'd like to discuss how we could help to lighten his load a bit.

Explanation :

Shell-like - Ear
A word in your shell-like - I would like to talk to you

*The rumor mill is working overtime !!!

Beth The situation at Southern Airlines seems very uncertain.
Casper Yes, I've spoken to some of the cabin staff and they're very worried.
Beth You hear all sorts of stories about what is supposed to be going wrong.
Casper I know, the rumor mill is working overtime. Some people say that they can't afford to maintain the planes properly.
Beth Another story I heard was that they've got problems with their insurance company.
Casper Whatever it is, it sure isn't good news.

Explanation :

The rumor mill is working overtime - Rumors are being generated like a machine

*I'd never make anything up !!!

Hedda Dawn, you can congratulate me today.
Dawn Why, have you been promoted ?
Hedda I'll say. The editor has given me my own gossip column. How about that ?
Dawn Oh, well done. So life's now going to be one round of parties and receptions, picking up all the gossip about celebrities and making it up if you can't find any.
Hedda I'd never make anything up. What I write in my column will be the truth.
Dawn And nothing but the truth. I wonder.

Explanation :

Make sth up - To invent something, such as an excuse or a story, often in order to deceive

Example : My dad was always really good at making up stories.

*Cash-flow problems !!!

Wayne You don't look too cheerful. What's the matter ?
Norma Well I've just come back from a visit to our biggest customer.
Wayne You mean Baymore. We do get a lot of business from them.
Norma But I wonder for how much longer.
Wayne Why do you say that ?
Norma Well it's rumored in the company that they have got serious cash-flow problems and may find it very difficult to pay our invoices.

Explanation :

Cash flow - The amount of money moving into and out of a business

Example : The company was fortunate to be able to get a bank loan when it was suffering from cash flow problems.

*It was very well attended !!!

Earl How was the National Marketing Association conference ?
Irvine It was pretty good and very well attended.
Earl I've heard that quite a lot of people aren't too happy with the president. They don't think he's been doing a good job.
Irvine That's true. A few members were even spreading rumors that he would be forced to resign before his term comes to an end.
Earl Do you think that will happen ?
Irvine Well it might if he doesn't improve his performance pretty quickly.

Explanation :

Well-attended - Describes an event where many people are present

Example : The information was given at an unusually well-attended press conference yesterday.

*Bitching about her friends !!!

Camilla I'm so glad Loretta's gone, aren't you.
Geraldine Oh, yes. I always try to avoid her if I can.
Camilla She's such a miserable type and always bitching about her friends.
Geraldine I know, she hasn't got a good word to say about anybody.
Camilla I think she's a very jealous person really.
Geraldine Yes, she always thinks other people are doing better than her.

Explanation :

Bitch - To complain and make unkind remarks about someone or something

Example : You can rely on her to bitch about her boss at every available opportunity.

*It's full of showbiz gossip !!!

Douglas What's that magazine you're reading ?
Grace It's called Starworld.
Douglas I didn't know you were interested in astronomy.
Grace I'm not particularly. It's not about astronomy, it's about show business.
Douglas So it's full of showbiz gossip. What a bore !
Grace It might be boring to you but I find it very interesting and entertaining.

Explanation :

showbiz - Show business ( the entertainment business )

Example : Stars of the entertainment world turned out to celebrate his 40th year in show business.

*There's a rumor going the rounds !!!

Carl Why is Dave looking so gloomy ?
Jeanne Haven't you heard the latest ?
Carl No, I've been out of town for a couple of days on a business trip.
Jeanne Well, there's a rumor going the rounds that the board is thinking of closing down his department.
Carl Oh, that's tough. Why would they want to do that ?
Jeanne Well, it's said that they're developing a new business strategy and Dave's department doesn't figure in it.

Explanation :

Go the rounds - To go from person to person or place to place

Example : The doctor is doing his rounds of the ward.

*Behind the scenes !!!

Desmond Isn't that Jed Watney, the gossip columnist over there, talking to the congressman.
Jake Let me see ... it sure is. I wonder why he's talking to him.
Desmond Whatever it is, I'll bet Jed's picking up some juicy political tidbits.
Jake He certainly seems to know about all the things that are going on behind the scenes here.
Desmond That's why everybody reads his column.
Jake They do, but some of them are worried that they'll be reading something about themselves that they don't want other people to know.

Explanation :

Behind the scenes - Revealing what is done out of public view

Example : In his speech, the university president thanked all the staff who had worked behind the scenes to make the fund-raising campaign a success.

*Try to cut you out !!!

Myra There's a really unplesant group of girls in my class.
Opal What do you mean, what do they do ?
Myra Well they're always talking among themselves but as soon as I arrive they say things like, " I can't tell you now, I'll tell you later. "
Opal So they don't share things with you but try to cut you out.
Myra Yes that's right. And I don't know why they do it.
Opal Well I wouldn't let a bunch of gossipy girls make you miserable. You should try to find new friends elsewhere.

Explanation :

Cut sb out - To not allow someone to share something or be included in something

Example : They cut me out of the conversation.

*She is such a gossipmonger !!!

Terri Look at Sheila over there. She's talking non-stop.
Lauren I know. She's always passing on the latest rumors about who's not talking to whom and who's bought the most expensive dresses.
Terri She's such a gossipmonger isn't she.
Lauren She is, you couldn't be more right.
Terri If you want to spread a rumor, just tell Sheila.
Lauren Yes, it'll be round like wildfire.

Explanation :

Gossipmonger - A person habitually engaged in idle talk about others

*I've been bursting to tell you !!!

Jocelyn Babs, Babs ! Oh there you are !
Babs Calm down. What's all the rush ?
Jocelyn I've been bursting to tell you.
Babs Tell me what ? It's obviously got you all excited.
Jocelyn Well, Heather just told me that Mandy has dumped Gordon and got a new boyfriend.
Babs Oooh, fancy that ! Who's her new man ?

Explanation :

Burst - A strong desire to do something

Example : Tom was bursting to tell everyone the news.

*I won't tell a single soul !!!

Fay Can you keep a secret ?
Sadie Well of course. You know me.
Fay Promise not to tell anyone ?
Sadie I wont' tell a single soul.
Fay Well, I've just seen Jacquie and she told me that she and Peter have agreed to separate.
Sadie Oh, my god ! They haven't been married that long.

Explanation :

Soul - A human being

Example : By the time I arrived there wasn't a soul there.

*Have you heard the latest ?

Thea Have you heard the latest ?
Nicole Do you mean about Patsy and George breaking up ?
Thea No, that's old news. It's about Dolly.
Nicole Oh, I haven't heard anything about her.
Thea Well, she's just gone into hospital for a facelift.
Nicole I'm not surprised. She's been looking her age for some time.

Explanation :

Latest = Latest news

*He's being laid to rest !!!

John Did you see the funeral mass in Rome for Pope John Paul ?
Elisabeth Yes, I watched it all on TV. It was a very solemn occasion.
John The numbers of people who came to Rome and who watched on television must have numbered in the tens of millions.
Elisabeth It really was the funeral of the century.
John Where will the Pope be buried ?
Elisabeth He's being laid to rest in the crypt of St. Peter's. that's where so many of his predecessors were laid to rest before him.

Explanation :

Lay sb to rest - To bury a dead person

Example : She was laid to rest next to her husband.

*To mourn the Pope's death !!!

Ruth The papers, TV and radio are all full of the Pope's funeral today.
Hannah I know; one report said that more than a million people are in Rome today to mourn the Pope's death.
Ruth And it's not just in Rome. All over the world millions of Catholics are morning the Pope's death.
Hannah Yes, many of them are attending church services for the Pope.
Ruth They're called requiem masses aren't they ?
Hannah Yes. They're special services in memory of the dead.

Explanation :

Mourn - To feel or express great sadness, especially because of someone's death

Example : She was still mourning for her brother

*Pay their final respects !!!

Rebecca It's incredible. Look at all those thousands of people in St Peter's Square.
Joseph And they're not just local people. They've come from all over the world.
Rebecca So many, all want to pay their final respects at the lying in state of Pope John Paul.
Joseph World leaders have also been sending messages of condolence to the Vatican.
Rebecca Yes I heard the announcer reading some of them. Like everyone else they also want to pay their respects to the Pope.
Joseph I can't think of anyone else in the world today whose death would have such an impact on people.

Explanation :

Pay one's final/last respects - The act of expressing respect for someone who has died.

Example : We held a banquet to pay our respects to the Nobel laureate.

*She's got a way with children !!!

Madeline Is that your sister over there Richie, with the children ?
Richie Yes, that's her. Jeanie loves being with them.
Madeline She's playing some kind of game with them.
Richie It looks like one we used to play when we were children.
Madeline She's managing to keep them all occupied and enjoying themselves.
Richie Yes, she's got a way with children. Always has had.
Madeline That's a real gift. A lot of people would just lose patience.

Explanation :

Get/ have a way with - Have success in dealing with

*Single-sex schools !!!

Grant My cousin and his wife can't agree about what schools to send their son and daughter to.
Vera What's the problem ?
Grant Well, he would like them to go to single-sex schools.
Vera And she wants them to co-educational schools, right ?
Grant Yes. He thinks they will do better in single-sex schools, but his wife thinks that co-educational schools are a more natural environment for them.
Vera Well, there are good arguments on both sides.

Explanation :

Single-sex - Describes a school that is for either girls or boys, but not both

*Prep schools !!!

Gary A lot of top people in America went to prep schools.
Frank I haven't heard of them. What kind of schools are they ?
Gary They're very expensive, private boarding schools, which offer a very high-quality education.
Frank Why do people spend so much to send their children to them ?
Gary Well one of the main reasons is that so many of their alumni get into the top universities like Harvard, Yale and Princeton.
Frank Oh I see. So they're a kind of cradle for the elite.

Explanation :

Prep school - in Britain, a private school (= a school paid for by parents not the government), for children, especially boys, between the ages of 7 and 13, who will then usually go to public school, and in the US, a private school for children over the age of 11, which prepares them to go to college

*Distance learning !!!

Earnest I would really like to study computing but I can't afford the time or money for a course.
Gayle I suppose you're talking about a full-time course, but that's not the only option you know.
Earnest Well what else could I do ?
Gayle You could do it by distance learning. My brother's just completed a distance learning course in HR management.
Earnest Was he satisfied with it ? Was it any good ?
Gayle Yes, he was, although he said it was tough to come home tired after a day's work and then to do two or three hours of study before going to bed.

Explanation :

Distance learning - Obtaining education and training from a remote teaching site via TV or computer

*Boarding school !!!

Theo Is it true that you went to boarding school ?
Robbie Yes, I was there thirteen to eighteen.
Theo Didn't you get homesick living away from home for such long periods ?
Robbie Well I did at times, especially in the early days. But I gradually made quite a few friends and came to enjoy it.
Theo My girlfriend went to boarding school and she absolutely hated it.
Robbie Well it's true that it doesn't suit everyone.

Explanation :

Boarding school - A school where pupils are provided with meals and lodging.

*Correspondence course !!!

Tonia We never see you these days. Have you lost interest in your friends ?
Jennifer No of course not. But I'm taking a correspondence course in hospitality management.
Tonia What's that all about ?
Jennifer It's about hotel management, catering, organizing events, all that kind of thing.
Tonia That sounds like a lot of stuff to cover.
Jennifer It is and it involves two or three hours of study every evening.

Explanation :

Correspondence course - A course of study in which you study at home, receiving and sending off work by post, email, etc.

*The competition to get in is absolutely ferocious !!!

Lucy I feel really sorry for my brother at the moment, he's really under stress.
Josh Why's that ? Has he got some problem or other ?
Lucy Not exactly. He's trying to get into the country's top engineering school and I've never seen anyone study so hard. He hardly sleeps at the moment.
Josh What do you think his chances are of getting in ?
Lucy If it were just a matter of hard work, there'd be no problem. But the competition to get in is absolutely ferocious.
Josh I know. It's such a prestigious university. Getting into anywhere like that these days is really tough.

Explanation :

Ferocious - Fierce and violent

Example : The president came in for some ferocious criticism.

*The cut-off date is only two days away !!!

Hannah There are so many different courses on offer on the course schedule.
Robyn Yes, I'm finding it difficult to make up my mind which ones are the right ones for me.
Hannah Maybe it would be best to get some advice from the student adviser.
Robyn That's a good idea. I don't want to register for a course that turns out to be unsuitable.
Hannah We'd better do that straight away, because we haven't got a lot of time.
Robyn I know, the cut-off date is only two days away.

Explanation :

Cut-off date - Deadline

*We went on a geography field trip !!!

Jordan You've got a suntan. Where have you been ?
Nicole I've been at the coast with my class for three days.
Jordan Vacation in school time ? Shocking !
Nicole No, of course not. We went on a geography field trip.
Jordan So what did you do ?
Nicole We were studying coastal erosion. It's actually a big problem in that area. A lot of homes close to the sea have been washed away.

Explanation :

Field trip - A field trip is typically a journey by a group of people performing research on a topic to a place away from their normal environment

*Take a photo of me !!!

Marcus Excuse me, sorry to trouble you. Can you please take a photo of me ?
Andrew Of course. No problem. Where would you like me to take it ?
Marcus Just under the departures sign thanks.
Andrew You look like you're going somewhere tropical. Where are you going ?
Marcus Oh, nowhere. I just want my friends to think that I can afford a great holiday. Thank you.

*I was stuck in meetings all day !!!

Helen I called and called you today but couldn't get through.
Leo Sorry, I was stuck in meetings all day. I was out of the office. I didn't even get a break for lunch. What did you want ?
Helen I wanted to tell you that your boss called.
Leo What did he want
Helen He wanted to tell you that you're fired and not to bother going to any meetings. Honey, now that you're free all day there are a few things around the house I'd like you to do. Let's have a family meeting about it.

Explanation :

Stuck - Being fixed at a place, unable to move

Example : Seven of us were stuck in the lift for over an hour

*Get it over with !!!

Charlotte Come on, let's go.
Annett I'm not going to enjoy this.
Charlotte Don't be such a misery, exercise is good for you.
Annett Going to the gym is not my idea of fun.
Charlotte But think what it'll do for your figure.
Annett OK, let's get it over with as fast as we can and then we'll have some real fun.

Explanation :

Get it over ( with ) - Complete, have done with, especially something unpleasant

Example : I might as well sign the check and get it over with.

*I'm on a budget !!!

Wife Hey honey. It's our 5th year anniversary tomorrow, what would you like to do ?
Husband Well, what about a romantic night at home ? I can cook you your favorite dinner.
Wife No, we've done that every year for the past five years. I want you to take me for dinner and dancing at that new club that's just opened.
Husband Hummm ... well all right. We'll go to that new club, but I'm on a budget so don't go ordering the most expensive dish on the menu.

Explanation :

On budget - The amount of money you have available to spend

*I only just scraped through in sociology !!!

Rosa Have you had your exam results yet ?
Melissa No, not yet. I'm expecting mine tomorrow.
Rosa I had mine this morning. I was relieved when I opened the envelope !
Melissa So it was good news.
Rosa Yes, I passed in all subjects. But I only just scraped through in sociology.
Melissa Whether you just scraped through or got full marks doesn't matter. You passed. That's the main thing.

Explanation :

Scrape through - Succeed with difficulty in passing an exam.

*My mind suddenly went blank !!!

Gough Now come on, calm down, it's not the end of the world. It was just an exam.
Mahalia But it was absolutely awful. I just don't know why it happened.
Gough Why what happened ?
Mahalia I'd just started on the third and last question when my mind suddenly went blank. I couldn't remember anything of what I'd reviewed for that topic.
Gough But you answered the first two questions ?
Mahalia Well yes, but ......
Gough Then stop worrying. I'm sure you did enough on those to pass.

Explanation :

When your mind is a blank/goes blank, you cannot remember a particular thing, or you cannot remember anything

*Go for a workout !!!

Bernard Well, that's another working day over. Let's go for a drink.
Cesar Not today, Bernard thanks. I'm off to my health club.
Bernard Health club ? I didn't know you belonged to one.
Cesar Yes, I joined last week. I've been getting worried about my fitness.
Bernard So what are you planning to do ?
Cesar Well, I've decided to go for a workout three times a week after work.
Bernard That'll get you really fit if you can keep it up. Maybe I ought to join too.

Explanation :

Workout - A session of exercise or practice to improve fitness

*I have got a splitting headache !!!

Caroline Are you coming to the restaurant with us Judi ?
Judi No, I'm sorry. I can't, I've got a splitting headache. I'm having one of my migraines.
Caroline Oh, you poor thing. Is there anything I can do ?
Judi No, it's all right. I've taken my pills and I'll just stay in and lie down.
Caroline That's a miserable way to spend the day. Tell you what, I'll bring you some of your favorite cookies on my way home.
Judi That's very kind. It'll give me something to look forward to.

Explanation :

Splitting headache/ pounding headache - Severe headache

*They staged a reconstruction of the robbery !!!

Roseline They still haven't caught the gang that robbed the bank last month.
Luther No. It's a bit scary. You wonder when they'll strike again.
Roseline They staged a reconstruction of the robbery on TV yesterday evening.
Luther Yes, that was on the crime watch program. I saw it too.
Roseline Apparently quite a few viewers phoned in later to report that they recognized at least one of the robbers.
Luther Oh good. Maybe that means they'll be caught quite soon.

Explanation :

Stage - To organize and carry out an activity

*The fine is steep !!!

Cory Nat, please don't talk on your cellphone while you're driving.
Natalie Why, what's the problem ? It's Jim. He wants to know what time we'll be arriving.
Cory Well, first of all it's dangerous, you should be concentrating on the road. Second, if you get caught, the fine is really steep.
Natalie Well, the road is clear and there are no police cars around.
Cory Have you checked in your rear-view mirror ?
Natalie Oh my God ! There's a patrol car just coming up behind. Quick, take my phone.

Explanation :

Steep - Excessive, too much

Example : They are having to face very steep taxes.

*They'll need to check you out !!!

Harvey I heard that you're going for a new job.
Matt Sure am. I've applied to be a security guard at the main city bank.
Harvey Why do you want to change ? More money ?
Matt It's partly that, but I've got fed up with being a traveling salesman.
Harvey Is that the application form ? It looks very long.
Matt Yes, fifteen pages. They want to know all about you.
Harvey And then they'll need to check you out. They'll probably use a specialist company to do that.
Matt I know. It's a long process.

Explanation :

Check someone out - Investigate or evaluate someone

*Internet scam !!!

Lily I'll be a lot more careful when I buy stuff in the internet auction.
Carmen How much have you lost ?
Lily Three hundred dollars for a ring the seller never had in the first place.
Carmen This happens all the time. What did you do when the ring failed to arrive ?
Lily Well I contacted him of course. But the answer I got was that it must have got lost in the mail and I should make a claim on the postal service.
Carmen That kind of internet scam is all too common these days.

Explanation :

Internet scam - An illegal plan for making money in the internet

*Exceeding the speed limit !!!

Harvey Just my luck. Look at this letter.
John Jo Ah yes, I thought it was something official looking. You're being fined for exceeding the speed limit it says. Why weren't you fined on the spot ?
Harvey Because I was photographed by a speed camera. I didn't even know it was there.
John Jo They're installing more and more of them around here. Two of my friends were caught speeding by them last month. You're going to have to be more careful in future.
Harvey You're not kidding - the fine is $60. That's a lot of money and it would be double if I got caught again.
John Jo I know, speeding is an expensive hobby.

Explanation :

Exceed - To go beyond a permitted limit

*I was mugged !!!

Police officer I need to take a statement from you. Could you please describe to me exactly what happened ?
Victim I was mugged fifteen minutes ago in Main Street, outside the bank. I had just taken out $200 from the cash machine there.
Police officer Did you see who assaulted you ?
Victim Yes, it was two men, I would say in their early twenties.
Police officer What exactly did they do ?
Victim One of them knocked me to the ground and held me down while the other took my wallet and watch. Then they ran away down a side street.

Explanation :

Mug - To attack a person in a public place and steal their money

*The police had got a tip-off !!!

Cora There's a police cordon around our block so I can't get into my apartment. What's going on ?
Harley Haven't you heard ? There's a suspected terrorist in an apartment on the fourth floor.
Cora What ! That's the one above mine. How did they find out about him ?
Harley Somebody said that the police had got a tip-off from a foreign intelligence service about him.
Cora Why is it taking so long to get him out ?
Harley Well they were also tipped off that he was armed, so they are being very cautious.

Explanation :

Tip-off - Piece of secret information

*Don't be so pessimistic !!!

Noah That history exam was really awful. My worst so far.
Saskia Was it really so bad ?
Noah Yes it was. Only a couple of the topics which I reviewed for the exam came up.
Saskia That was really bad luck. Do you think you managed to do enough to pass ?
Noah No, I think I'll definitely fail that exam.
Saskia Oh, come on, don't be so pessimistic.

Explanation :

Pessimistic - The feeling that bad things are more likely to happen than good things

/*I'm going to brief my lawyer !!!

Josie No time to talk. I must be out of here in five minutes.
Steve Oh, I was hoping for a chat. Where are you going ?
Josie I've got an appointment at Freshman McKenzie Allen.
Steve That's an expensive law firm. What are you going to do ?
Josie I'm going to brief my lawyer.
Steve Are you taking someone to court ?
Josie I hope not. It's about my divorce settlement. I want it settled by mutual agreement, if possible.

Explanation :

Brief - Give essential information to someone

*You just drove through a red light !!!

Police officer Switch your engine off, please sir.
Driver Yes, officer. Why have you pulled me over.
Police officer Because you just drove through a red light.
Driver But the amber light was on when I drove through, officer.
Police officer It was most definitely on red when you drove through. I have photographic evidence of that. May I please see your driving license ?
Driver Well, yes, of course. Here it is.

*A security scare in the subway !!!

Clint The hotel is just around the next corner; it's just across the road from the subway station.
Winona I can't wait to get there. I'm so tired, I need a good night's sleep.
Clint Hello ! Look at that, we can't get through. It's all cordoned off.
Winona And look at all those policemen. What's going on ?
Clint It's probably a security scare in the subway. We'll have to go back and try to get into the hotel through the rear entrance.
Winona Just our luck ! We've been traveling for fourteen hours and now this.

*I couldn't care less !!!

Jim We'll need to hire a car for our trip next week. Could you fix it ?
Julia No problem. Give me fifteen minutes or so.
Jim Is everything fixed ?
Julia Not quite. I need to know whether you want a four-door sedan deluxe, a two-door sports model, or a station wagon.
Jim Julia, I couldn't care less what kind of car it is as long as it has four wheels and goes.
Julia Ok, well let's take the sports model. That should be fun.

Explanation :

I couldn't care less - You are not interested in or worried about something or someone.

*I am in a quandary !!!

Serena Good news in your letter ?
Kenyon Oh hi! Please sit down and join me for coffee. It's very good news in a way.
Serena Don't keep me in suspense.
Kenyon It's from my brother in Japan. He tells me that there are very good jobs available in Tokyo for someone like me.
Serena Wow! Cool! Are you going to go ?
Kenyon I sure want to. The problem is I'm deep in debt and I can't afford to make the move. But I'm desperate to go, because I'm in a really crummy job which pays badly. So I'm in a quandary.
Serena You sure are.

Explanation :

In a quandary - Not knowing what to choose.

*I am of two minds !!!

Philip "What PC ?" What are you reading that for ? Thinking of buying a new PC ?
Sam You've got it. My current machine is four years old and it's a bit slow for the latest video games
Philip That's a museum piece ! You've got to get a new one right away.
Sam I'd like to, but my brother told me that in about six months they'll be selling PCs with even more powerful chips than the latest ones today.
Philip It's always like that.
Sam So I'm of two minds, whether to buy now or wait for six months.
Philip Oh, go for it. If you wait for the next most powerful chip, you could be waiting forever.

Explanation :

Of two minds - Unable to decide about something.

*He's wavering on that commitment

Delia I've seen you looking a lot more cheerful than you are at the moment.
Owen Well this isn't the best day I've had this year.
Delia Is it something to do with the new business strategy ?
Owen How did you guess ? You know the boss said he would commit three hundred thousand dollars to my latest business development project ?
Delia Yes, you fought very hard for that I remember.
Owen Well, he's wavering on that commitment. Says the company may not be able to afford it.
Delia That's a bit of a blow.

Explanation :

Waver - To hold back in uncertainty or unwillingness

*Got up and stormed out of the studio !!!

Rock Did you watch The News Program on TV last night ?
Sissy No, I went to a disco with my sister. We had a great time.
Rock Well, you missed quite an event. There was an interview with the industry minister.
Sissy That doesn't sound like anything special, in fact it sounds really boring.
Rock Ah well, the interviewer kept asking the minister questions about his involvement with a business company.
Sissy Oh, I've heard about that. Something to do with bribes.
Rock Yes, well the minister refused to answer the questions and was getting angrier and angrier with the interviewer until in the end he got up and stormed out of the studio.
Sissy Oh, I sure would have liked to see that.

Explanation :

Storm out - leave a place in a way that shows that you are angry

Example : He stormed out of the house, slamming the door as he went.

*It was a real eye-opener !!!

Natasha That was a really fantastic end-of-year party. Nobody wanted to leave.
Yvette Yes, I reckon it was the best our office has ever had.
Natasha What did you like best ?
Yvette What I enjoyed most was when they persuaded people to stand up on the stage and do karaoke.
Natasha Yes that was a lot of fun. The girl from accounts was amazing I thought.
Yvette Yes, she's normally so shy but she sang like a professional performer. You'd never have thought she would have had the confidence to do that.
Natasha It was a real eye-opener.
Yvette She has real talent. Maybe she ought to think about going professional.

Explanation :

Eye-opener - Something that surprises you and teaches you new facts about life, people, etc

Example : Living in another country can be a real eye-opener.

*Any idea why they were stalling ?

Warren How did your business trip go ? It was your first one overseas, right ?
Yoko Well, I came back with mixed results. We got some business but we didn't get the big deal we were expecting.
Warren That was going to be with the Savory Corporation, wasn't it ?
Yoko That's right. It was frustrating. We seemed to be making good progress in the negotiation and then they began to stall.
Warren Any idea why they were stalling ?
Yoko We weren't sure, but I've since learned that our biggest competitor was there at the same time as we were.
Warren Maybe they were talking to them the same time as negotiating with you.
Yoko I think that's pretty likely.

Explanation :

Stall - To delay taking action or avoid giving an answer in order to have more time to make a decision or obtain an advantage

Example : She says she'll give me the money next week but I think she's just stalling.

*They're obviously faltering !!!

Beryl I've been expecting the government to increase taxes on SUVs.
Logan That's what they promised before the election. Those vehicles put out a lot more carbon monoxide than ordinary cars.
Beryl But did you see the news last night ? The transport minister was being questioned about this.
Logan What did she say ? Did she give a clear answer ?
Beryl No, of course not. She said that the government was still studying the practicalities.
Logan Well, they're obviously faltering, aren't they ?
Beryl I'm sure it's because the motoring organizations have been opposing SUV taxes very loudly and some of the newspapers are also very anti.
Logan Well I hope the government has the guts to resist their demands.

Explanation :

Falter - To be unsteady in purpose or action

*We'd better keep on the safe side !!!

Felicity This has been a really great day out.
Berenice Yes it has. What did you enjoy most ?
Felicity Well I thought the botanical garden was beautiful. So many flowers and shrubs were in bloom.
Berenice It certainly was nice. But I also liked the castle and its museum. Did you see that display of historical clothing ?
Felicity Oh yes. Some of the women's dresses looked very uncomfortable. How could they wear such things ?
Berenice I know. Now how about going to the country dancing display ?
Felicity I don't think we've got enough time. Our train leaves in three quarters of an hour. I think we'd better keep on the safe side and call it a day.

Explanation :

( Just ) to be on the safe side - Being especially careful in order to avoid something unpleasant

Example : I'm sure it won't rain, but I'll take an umbrella (just) to be on the safe side (= to be ready if it does rain).

*She was stumped by the last question !!!

Abigail Did you see "Make a million!" on TV last night ?
Lachlan I sure did. That's a show I never miss.
Abigail Wasn't that lady in the red dress and with brunette hair brilliant ? She seemed to know everything.
Lachlan Yes, there can't be many people whose general knowledge is as good as hers.
Abigail How much did she win ?
Lachlan It was $650,000. It was such a shame that she was stumped by the last question. She'd have won the million if she had got it right.
Abigail Well, it was very difficult. I didn't know it, did you ?

Explanation :

Be stumped - To be unable to answer a question or solve a problem because it is too difficult

Example : Scientists are stumped by this mystery virus

*She was still in a daze !!!

Perry I heard about some accident at your Mom's place. What happened exactly ?
Raine Well there was an explosion caused by a gas leak. A neighbor called me so I got over there as fast as I could.
Perry How was your mother ? She wasn't injured I hope.
Raine No, thank goodness. But she was still in a daze. She couldn't think straight and she had gone temporarily deaf.
Perry Gee, that must have been terrible for her. How is she now ?
Raine Oh, she's much better, but she's decided to switch from gas to electricity for her cooking.
Perry Well, I can't say I blame her although generally speaking gas is pretty safe.

Explanation :

In a daze - Unable to think clearly

Example : His mother's death left him in a daze.

*Don't take it out on me !!!

Alice You've been in such a bad mood all day and you've done nothing but criticize me. I can't do anything right.
Rob No I haven't. It's not true.
Alice Oh yes it is. And I know what the problem is because John's wife told me all about it on the phone this morning.
Rob What do you mean, problem ?
Alice Well I know that you dented the new company car you got yesterday the very first time that you drove it.
Rob Well, so what ? Anyway it wasn't my fault
Alice Well it certainly wasn't my fault so don't take it out on me.

Explanation :

Take it out on sb - To treat someone badly because you are upset or angry, even though they have done nothing wrong

Example : I know you've had a bad day, but there's no need to take it out on me!

Selling Like Hot Cakes !!!

Ivy Do you have the new Jay Chou CD?
Clerk I'm afraid that it's sold out. It's been selling like hot cakes.
Ivy Are you serious?
Clerk Yes! It's really popular. As soon as we stock them, they sell out.
Ivy When do you think you'll have more in stock?
Clerk We should be getting some in by this afternoon.
Ivy Great! Can you hold one for me? I can't wait to get my hands on one.

Explanation :

Sell like hot cakes - To be bought quickly and in large numbers

Example : His new video game is apparently selling like hot cakes.

The Grass is Greener on the Other Side !!!

Howard Where's Missy?
Lisa She called in sick.
Howard Lisa, tell me the truth. I know she's job hunting.
Lisa Yes, but she didn't want anyone to know.
Howard Missy may think the grass is greener on the other side, but she has a great job here.
Lisa But her heart isn't in our company any longer.
Howard If that's the case, then we shouldn't hold her back.

Explanation :

The grass is Greener on the other side - A different situation always seems better than one's own

I've been having dizzy spells !!!

Ai Ling Hi, Betty, how are you ? I haven't seen you for days !
Betty Yes, I've been a little ill.
Ai Ling Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. What's wrong with you ?
Betty Well, actually, I've been having dizzy spells.
Ai Ling Dizzy spells ? Oh dear ! Are you all right now ?
Betty Oh yes, thanks. I'm much better now. That's why I'm able to come to today's picnic. I'm just feeling a little exhausted, that's all.
Ai Ling Well, perhaps you haven't been getting proper meals. Or, perhaps you've been working too hard.
Betty I think you're right on both counts. I've to stay up really late at night to study for the coming exam.
Ai Ling Well, make sure you eat properly and get as much rest as you can.

Explanation :

dizzy spell - feeling woozy from the blow on his head

A taste of their own medicine !!!

Lee Why are you looking so upset, Donald
Donald I've just had an encounter with a very rude and unreasonable man. Can you believe it ? I was waiting for my wife to come out of a shop when a van drew up behind me. He started hooting at me and tried to squeeze past my car. Unfortunately, he scraped the side of my car and scratched it.
Lee So, what did you do ?
Donald I got out to talk to him. Well, to my great shock, he also got down, holding an iron pipe !
Lee My goodness ! Did he hit you with it ?
Donald No, but he hit my car with it. Then, he marched off.
Lee Did you take down his license plate number ?
Donald No, I was too shocked to do anything.
Lee That's a pity. Otherwise you could report him to the police.
Donald I think I too should carry around an iron pipe. Then, I can give the road bullies a taste of their own medicine.

Explanation :

give sb a taste of their own medicine - to treat someone as badly as they have treated you

She called in sick !!!

Howard Where's Missy ?
Lisa She called in sick.
Howard Lisa, tell me the truth. I know she's job hunting.
Lisa Yes, but she didn't want anyone to know.
Howard Missy may think the grass is greener on the other side, but she has a great job here.
Lisa But her heart isn't in our company any longer
Howard If that's the case, then we shouldn't hold her back.

Explanation :

Call in sick - Telephone one's employer or school that one is ill and cannot come to work or attend

In hot water !!!

Laura How was work today ?
Ben It was awful. I was very stressed.
Laura Why ? What happened ?
Ben My boss was a bit hot under the collar.
Laura Why ?
Ben He doesn't think the new product I designed will sell like hot cakes.
Laura You're in hot water now.
Ben I know. He wants me to come up with a new design as soon as possible.
Laura Well, there goes our vacation plans.

Explanation :

In hot water - To be in or get into a difficult situation in which you are in danger of being criticized or punished

Example : He found himself in hot water over his comments about immigration

Let off steam !!!

Kevin What are you doing after work?
Jess Some girls and I are going karaoke singing.
Kevin Why? You can't even sing.
Jess I know, but it's a great way to let off steam.
Kevin Can I join you?
Jess No, it's a ladies-only night.
Kevin I guess I'll be alone on a Friday night.
Jess Poor Kevin. Rent a movie and order a pizza. You'll be fine.

Explanation :

Let off steam - relieve one's pent-up feelings

Example : He lifts weights after work to let off steam.

You've lost me !!!

Nancy Have you heard about the latest event in town ?
Irine You must be talking about the funfair.
Nancy Now, that's a surprise.
Irine What are you trying to say ? You've lost me.
Nancy The circus is here too. Isn't that marvelous ?
Irine It depends on how you look at it. We'll be much poorer by the time they leave.
Nancy It's not often that there is so much excitement here. I think it is worthwhile to spend a little money on this kind of good clean entertainment.

Explanation :

You've lost me - I can't follow what you're saying, I'm puzzled or bewildered.

Example : Please explain it again; you've lost me.

Ins and outs !!!

Michael Thanks for letting me do this, Miss Dakar.

Miss Dakar No problem, Michael. It's very nice of you to volunteer to teach our kids.
Michael I've been traveling around India and I want to give something back in return.
Miss Dakar Great. How long will you be able to stay here?
Michael I have one more week left before I have to fly back to Taiwan.
Miss Dakar Let me tell you the ins and outs of our school.
Michael I'm all ears.

Explanation :

Ins and outs - The detailed or complicated facts of something

Example : I know how to use computers, but I don't really understand the ins and outs of how they work.

Wet blanket !!!

Fran Congratulations on the new job.
Seth Thanks ! I'm really excited about it.
Fran What are you going to be doing ?
Seth I'll be working in sales. The hours are flexible and they say I can earn a lot of money easily.
Fran That sounds too good to be true.
Seth I think I will like this job. Please don't be a wet blanket.
Fran I'm sorry. You're right. We're here to celebrate.

Explanation :

Wet blanket - A person who says or does something that stops other people enjoying themselves

You're being inappropriate !!!

Delivery Man Hey, baby, I've got a package here for Jane Stevens.
Jane That's me. I'd prefer it if you didn't call me "baby".
Delivery Man Whoa ! Calm down. I'm just trying to be nice to a pretty little thing.
Jane I'm not a little thing. I'm an assistant supervisor and a woman, and you're being inappropriate.
Delivery Man You're pretty uptight. Maybe you'd like me to help you relax.
Jane That's it. I'm calling your supervisor right now. Keep this up and you're just asking for a lawsuit. What's your full name ?

Explanation :

Inappropriate - Not proper

Example : His casual behavior was wholly inappropriate for such a formal occasion

Flesh and blood !!!

Tyle My mother kicked me out of the house today.
Karina Why ?
Tyle I'm not a kid anymore, but she still wants to boss me around.
Karina But what did you do to make her so mad ?
Tyler I didn't go home for a few days and didn't call. I can't believe she'd treat her own flesh and blood like that.
Karina I don't blame her.

Explanation :

Flesh and blood - One's blood relatives

Example : I couldn't send him away - he's my own flesh and blood.

Make a beeline for !!!

Leslie My feet are killing me.
Susan Mine, too. We've been shopping for hours.
Leslie But we have one more store to hit.
Susan What's our plan ?
Leslie When we get there, you make a beeline for the skirts and I'll go to the dresses.
Susan All right ! Don't forget I'm looking for a dress for work.
Leslie Let's go ! My money is burning a hole in my pocket.

Explanation :

Make a beeline for - to go directly and quickly towards

Example : At parties he always makes a beeline for the prettiest woman in the room.

I'm swamped !!!

Roger Hey Jane, can you edit these for me ?
Jane I don't think so. I'm swamped.
Roger Me, too. With all these new contracts, I'm loaded with work. Our department's success has been a real mixed blessing.
Jane You're telling me. I've never been so busy in all my life.
Roger Well, good luck keeping your head above water.
Jane Same to you. See you after I get this pile of work under control.

Explanation :

Swamp - If something swamps a person, system or place, they receive more of it than they can easily deal with

Example : I'm swamped with work at the moment.

Put you up in the Hyatt !!!

Jack Hi, Tom. We're sending you and Jane to the Asia-Pacific marketing convention.
Tom OK. Where is it this year ?
Jack San Francisco.
Tom Great. I love California. What are the dates ?
Jack You'll be leaving next Sunday and returning the following Saturday. The flight's on Occanic Airlines, I'll have the travel agent email you all of the flight information.
Tom What about the hotel ?
Jack We'll put you up in the Hyatt. You stayed there before, right ?
Tom Yeah, it was nice. Thanks, Jack.

Explanation :

Put you up - to provide you with a place to stay temporarily

Example : Tracy is putting me up for the weekend.

Bend over backwards !!!

Jack Hi, Tom. I'm just checking in about your trip.
Tom OK. Any last-minute suggestions ?
Jack Well, remember the meeting with the people from Ivy Online on Tuesday.
Tom We're meeting with them over lunch at 1:00 PM, right ?
Jack Exactly. This could be an important deal for us, so bend over backwards to impress them.
Tom Got it. Anything else ?
Jack Say " Hi " to George Wang for me, would you ? He's an old friend of mine.
Tom Will do. see you when we get back.

Explanation :

Bend over backwards - try hard to do something

Example : I've been bending over backwards trying to help you and this is all the thanks I get!

I'm moonlighting as a teacher !!!

Rita How does it feel to be back, Jane ?
Jane Pretty good. It's nice that I know my way around already.
Rita I can imagine. So, do you want to come out for a drink with the new staff after work ?
Jane Actually, I can't. I've got to work tonight. I've taken a second job.
Rita Really ? Why ?
Jane Just for fun and a little pocket change. I'm moonlighting as a teacher at a community college. I teach business classes at night.
Rita What a great idea !

Explanation :

Moonlight - To work at an additional job, especially without telling your main employer

Example : A qualified teacher, he moonlighted as a cabbie in the evenings to pay the rent.

Call it quits !!!

Tom Hi, Bill. What's up ?
Bill I've been thinking, Tom. I've been here for a long time.
Tom That's certainly true.
Bill I think it might be time for me to call it quits.
Tom You're retiring, Bill ? Are you sure about that ?
Bill Yes, I am. My kids have finished college and I've got some money saved up. I'd like to finish up at the end of next month.
Tom Okay. That should give us enough time to find your replacement, so that's alright with me.

Explanation :

Call it quits - To stop doing something

Example : This ground is far too stony for a garden so I'm calling it quits.

I'm on a tight schedule !!!

Howard Hello. Do you have a minute to spare ?
Woman 1 I'm sorry. No.
Howard OK. Excuse me, could I interest you in filling out a survey ?
Woman 2 Don't you know I'm on my lunch break ?
Howard But this will only take a minute.
Woman 2 I'm on a tight schedule.
Howard All right. Hi, today is my first day and I was wondering ...
Woman 3 I'm waiting for my boyfriend. Don't bother me.

Explanation :

On a tight schedule - very busy

Example : I'd love to go, but I've got a pretty tight schedule today.

A piece of my mind !!!

Steve Hello, Mr. Willis. What seems to be the problem ?
Mr. Willis I want to give you a piece of my mind. Do you know what your secretary said to me yesterday ?
Steve What's that ?
Mr. Willis She told me you weren't in the office and I'd just have to wait to talk to you. A secretary told me to wait.
Steve I apologize. I will speak to her about the tone she uses with customers.
Mr. Willis You had better. Otherwise, I might take my business elsewhere.

Explanation :

Give sb a piece of your mind - To speak angrily to someone about something they have done wrong

Example : I'm going to give that mechanic a piece of my mind if the car's not fixed this time.

Keep the ball rolling !!!

Zoe Look ! I found some great houses in the newspaper we can visit.
Burt Ok. I'll look at them later.
Zoe You agreed that we would move to a bigger house, but it seems like I'm the only one who has kept the ball rolling.
Burt I know. I guess I'm just nervous about it right now.
Zoe Well, I still want to move, but we need to decide on this together. The ball is in your court now. Let me know when you make up your mind.

Explanation :

Keep the ball rolling - To keep doing something

Example : The product has been a great success, and we hope this advertising campaign will keep the ball rolling.

Hen party !!!

David Do you want to go out ?
Colin Yeah, I guess so. But what should we do ?
David We could go see that new action movie.
Colin I heard it's really bad.
David Okay ... well, we could go play basketball.
Colin I hurt my ankle last time.
David Do you want to go check out the party at Kristina's ?
Colin No way. It's going to be a total hen party.
David That's perfect 1 Maybe you can finally get a girlfriend. Maybe Julie will go out with you.
Colin I doubt it. She has some crazy idea about me.
David What is it ?
Colin She says I'm very negative.

Explanation :

Hen party - a party held for a woman who is about to be married as a rite of passage

Stand up for !!!

Cheryl Did Chris go talk to his boss yet ?
Paula I don't think so. He's too scared.
Cheryl I guess he's just burying his head in the sand like an ostrich.
Paula Yeah.
Cheryl He's never going to succeed if he doesn't stand up for himself.
Paula I told him that just the other day. In fact, I made him sign up for karate lessons.
Cheryl Hey, that might really help him build up his self-esteem !
Paula Well, it was a bad idea.
Cheryl You mean it didn't work ?
Paula No. He came back from the first lesson with a black eye and a sprained ankle.

Explanation :

Stand up for - defend

Example : You must stand up for your rights.

Our friends set us up !!!

Ivy It's about time for me to go home, Paul.

Paul I'm really glad our friends set us up.
Ivy Me, too. It seems like we've known each other for years.
Paul Yes. I have a question to ask.
Ivy Go ahead.
Paul Do you think that we can see each other again?
Ivy You know that I've been really busy at work lately.
Paul But when two people like each other, they can make time.
Ivy True. Let's make some time.

Explanation :

Set sb up - to provide someone with all the necessary things for a particular activity

Example : I think we're set up with everything we need for the journey.

To top it off !!!

Ned How could you ?

Larry What do you mean?
Ned You are the one who sent me on that blind date with the woman from hell.
Larry Jessica?
Ned Yes. She didn't stop talking about her ex the whole time.
Larry Ha ha.
Ned Don't laugh. When we ate dinner, a big piece of spinach got stuck in her teeth.
Larry Ned, you're mean.
Ned To top it off, she wanted me to walk her home. She lives 10 miles from my house.

Explanation :

To top it off - to complete something successfully by doing a last action or adding a last detail

Example : Now to top it off, he was lying to her.

Listen in on !!!

Mark I think someone is listening to our conversation.
Ivy Yeah. I hear someone breathing on the other end. Let me call you back.
Rose (Ivy walks downstairs.) Oh, hi. What are you doing?
Ivy Were you listening in on my conversation again, Mom?
Rose No, I was going to make a phone call and when I picked up the phone...
Ivy Mom! I'm serious. Will you please quit it?
Rose Sorry. I won't ever do it again.

Explanation :

Listen in on - Overhear the conversation of others

Example : I wish Dad would stop listening in on my phone conversations.

Hit it off !!!

Sam I have just the girl for you, Paul.
Paul I'm not sure. I'm not a fan of blind dates.
Sam Ivy is great. You two will hit it off for sure.
Paul I'm listening.
Sam She's a friend of my sister. She's 21 years old and has traveled all around Europe by herself.
Paul What does she look like?
Sam Looks aren't so important. She's smart and funny.
Paul I really don't know. Can you show me a picture of her before I decide?

Explanation :

Hit if off - get along well together

Example : I was so glad that our parents hit it off.

Your behavior is totally uncalled-for !!!

Tina Excuse me, but I need some help.
Vanessa I'll be with you in a minute.
Tina I've been waiting for over twenty minutes.
Vanessa Can't you see I'm on the phone ?
Tina I'm sorry. What did you say? I'd like to speak to your manager. Your behavior is totally uncalled-for.
Vanessa I'm sorry, ma'am. Please forgive me.
Tina All right, but didn't your mother ever teach you that you can catch more flies with honey than you can with vinegar.

Explanation :

Uncalled-for - describes a criticism, insult, remark or action that is unfair, rude or hurtful and therefore considered to be unnecessary

Example : There's no need to make personal remarks - that was quite uncalled-for.

I like just chilling out !!!

Larry Where do you live?
Jimmy I live near Yang-Ming Mountain.
Larry What is your favorite thing to do on the weekends?
Jimmy I love to go hiking.
Larry Well, I prefer to relax on the weekends. I like reading and just chilling out in my room.
Jimmy Really? I'd die if I stayed at home all weekend.
Larry Yeah, but I save money and no one bothers me very much. That's just how I like it.

Explanation :

Chill out - to relax completely

Example : I'm just chilling out in front of the TV.

Veg out !!!

Ivy Hi, John. It's been a long time. What have you been up to?
John Nothing much. I'm just working a lot of overtime. What about you?
Ivy Same. It seems as if I spend day and night at the office.
John This weekend I'm planning on just relaxing.
Ivy What are you going to do?
John I'm just going to rent a couple of movies and just veg out all weekend.
Ivy Now, that sounds like the perfect way to relax.

Explanation :

Veg out - to relax and spend time doing very little

Example : I'm exhausted - I think I'll just go home and veg out in front of the TV tonight

Put in a good word for me !!!

Larry What do you mean, Professor?
Professor You've always been one of my favorites, right?
Larry Sure.
Professor My friend is planning a new bridge right downtown.
Larry Yes.
Professor I think you would be a great help to him.
Larry Can you put in a good word for me ?
Professor Not only that, I will call him personally and recommend you for the job. Why don't the three of us go to lunch next week?
Larry That would be terrific.

Explanation :

Put in a good word for me - to say positive things about me

Example : I really need a job and I was hoping you might put in a good word for me with your boss.

That's the trade-off !!!

Rose James, I remember when we used to walk around this museum when we were only boyfriend and girlfriend.
James That was a long time ago. Things sure have changed since then.
Rose Yes. This place used to be so relaxing. Now, it's too loud. I've seen three tours in three different languages walk by in the past 10 minutes.
James Yes, but by gaining popularity, the museum can host more exhibits of famous artists. There's a collection of Picassos downstairs right now.
Rose I guess that's the trade-off.
James Let's head down there now.
Rose Yeah, I think another tour group is coming.

Explanation :

Trade-off - a situation in which you accept something bad in order to have something good

Example : For some car buyers, lack of space is an acceptable trade-off for a sporty design.

There's one drawback !!!

Larry Hey, Rob! I just got a call from a friend. She wants to rent out her apartment.
Rob Are you serious? Tell me about it.
Larry It's dirt-cheap. It's only $8,000 a month, water and electricity excluded.
Rob Fantastic! When can I see it?
Larry Tonight if you want. But, there's one drawback.
Rob What is it?
Larry It's on the sixth floor.
Rob And then?
Larry Her building doesn't have an elevator.
Rob That's OK. I can just cancel my gym membership. Who needs a gym when I can run up and down the stairs?

Explanation :

Drawback - a disadvantage or the negative part of a situation

Example : One of the drawbacks of living with someone is having to share a bathroom.

Someone would snatch them up !!!

Ivy It looks like someone wants to buy the shoes I'm selling.
Larry Wow! That was quick. You only had them for sale for less than a day.
Ivy That's because they're designer. I knew someone would snatch them up. How do I get the money from them?
Larry That part's a piece of cake. They can transfer the money into your account.
Ivy What information do I give them?
Larry Just give them your account number, bank number, and then they can transfer it at any ATM machine.
Ivy Cool. Once I get the money, I'll send them the shoes.
Larry Seems like your "babies" have found a new home.

Explanation :

Snatch - to take hold of something suddenly and roughly

Example : He snatched the photos out of my hand before I had a chance to look at them.

Love is for the birds !!!

Mr. Lee Should I open my son's mail ?

James Why would you want to do that ?
Mr. Lee He's dating a girl and I think she only wants his money.
James Really? What if they're in love?
Mr. Lee Love is for the birds. My son needs to focus on the family business.
James If you open the letter, you may never have your son's trust again.
Mr. Lee True. But I'm the only one who truly knows what's right for him.

Explanation :

For the birds - no good, worthless, ridiculous

Example : This conference is for the birds -- let's leave now

This is a riot !!!

Jack It's you !

Ivy Yes, it is. What are you doing in this coffee shop?
Jack I'm waiting for an intelligent, well-traveled and sexy blind date.
Ivy Really? I'm here to meet a thoughtful, handsome and funny blind date.
Jack This is a riot.
Ivy It sure is amusing. Since we're here, let's have some coffee.
Jack I can't believe we've known each other for 10 years and never thought about dating.
Ivy But our friends did instead.

Explanation :

Riot - An irresistibly funny person or thing

Example : I met Mike's brother for the first time - he's a riot.

Do the trick !!!

Doctor I've written you a prescription for your breathing difficulty.

Larry How should I take it?
Doctor I've prescribed an inhaler and some tablets. Take two puffs of the inhaler whenever you feel tightness in your chest.
Larry When do I take the tablets?
Doctor The pills are just to control your allergies. Take one every morning on an empty stomach.
Larry I hope this will do the trick.
Doctor Come back to see me in thirty days and I'll check on your progress.

Explanation :

Do the trick - If something does the trick, it has the necessary or desired effect

Example : This sauce needs a bit of flavor - I know, some lemon juice should do the trick.

I'll take the plunge !!!

Rose Ivy, you know a lot about shopping online. Do you really think it's safe?

Ivy That depends.
Rose On what? I really want to buy a few things online, but I'm a bit worried.
Ivy For the most part, it's safe. There are people that try to steal money, but most of the sites are safe.
Rose How can I make sure that the site I'm using is safe?
Ivy The best thing to do is find other people who have shopped on the website. They can give you an idea if it's safe.
Rose Thanks. I think I'll take the plunge and order something.
Ivy I hope it’s something for me.
Rose Dream on, babe!

Explanation :

Take the plunge - to make a decision to do something, especially after thinking about it for a long time

Example : They're finally taking the plunge and getting married.

To be on the safe side !!!

Rose Are you afraid of buying things online ?

Ivy Not at all. In fact, I prefer shopping online to going to the mall.
Rose Why? Isn't it a hassle and dangerous as well?
Ivy Not at all. Going to the mall and dealing with crowds is more troublesome.
Rose But what about getting ripped off?
Ivy That's a chance that you have to take, but if you're smart, you can get some great bargains.
Rose Maybe I'll try, but can I use your credit card just to be on the safe side.

Explanation :

To be on the safe side - being especially careful in order to avoid something unpleasant

Example : I'm sure it won't rain, but I'll take an umbrella (just) to be on the safe side.

Trivial matters !!!

Larry Tina, make sure you turn off the lights when you leave the house. I came home and three lights were on.
Tina Who cares?
Larry If we are saving money for the future, then we both should care.
Tina You know what? I'm sick of going in the bathroom and having to put the toilet seat down.
Larry Well, this is my apartment.
Tina No, Larry. This is our apartment now.
Larry You're right. I'm sorry for arguing about such trivial matters.
Tina Me, too. Let's just forget about this and have some ice cream.

Explanation :

Trivial - Of little significant value, ordinary

Example : Sexual harassment in the workplace is not a trivial matter.

Culture shock !!!

Ivy The people are so fat here. Everyone has blonde hair, and the Chinese food tastes different.
Larry Does this mean you like or dislike America?
Ivy I can't stand it. I need to get on the next flight home.
Larry You're suffering from culture shock.
Ivy I don't know. I really feel so overwhelmed. I can't handle it anymore.
Larry Take a deep breath and relax, Ivy. I think you might need to go see someone.
Ivy You're right. There's a counselor I can make an appointment with.

Explanation :

Culture shock - A condition of confusion and anxiety affecting a person suddenly exposed to an alien culture

Example : It's not just jet lag -- it's the culture shock of being in a new country

How long does it take on foot !!!

Tina Excuse me, officer. I'm lost. How do I get to the new shopping mall ?

Police officer You're pretty far from there. I hope you are not in a hurry.
Tina No, I 'm just going to do some shopping. Which way should I go?
Police officer To get there, go straight for five blocks. Then turn left and walk about two blocks. It's on the right.
Tina OK. How long does it take on foot ?
Police officer Around 20 minutes.
Tina Thank you, sir.

Explanation :

On foot - Walking or running, not using a vehicle.

Example : There's no road to the lodge; we have to get there on foot.

That is a steal !!!

Rose Wow! These packs of noodles are really a bargain.

James How much are they?
Rose The store is having a special right now. If you buy five, you get five for free.
James That is a steal. We'd better stock up on them. They last forever.
Rose That's true. Also, packs of noodles are always good to have on hand.
James Look! Cans of soup are also discounted. Push the cart over here and I'll get a dozen.
Rose With all of this food, it looks as if there's a typhoon coming. Do you know something I don't?

Explanation :

Steal - an item that has a very low price, or a price that is much lower than the original cost

Example : I picked up a new iron at the sale - it was a steal.

That's the last straw !!!

Rose That's the last straw, Sam. You don't respect me at all.
Sam I do. You have done great work as the vice-president of this company.
Rose Then why do you constantly refer to me as "honey" ?
Sam I just thought that you looked sexy in that red dress.
Rose That's borderline sexual harassment. Do you want me to sue you ?
Same You know that's the last thing I want, honey.
Rose That's it. I'm finished here. I quit. I'm cleaning out my office this afternoon.

Explanation :

The last straw - the last in a series of unpleasant events which finally makes you feel that you cannot continue to accept a bad situation

Example : She's always been rude to me, but it was the last straw when she started insulting my mother.

Show someone up !!!

Simon Come on, Rose. It will be sweet revenge.
Rose I'm really not like that.
Simon Rose, think about it. If you work for us, you will be in direct competition with your former company. This means that you can show Sam up. I heard you two had a blow up, didn't you ?
Rose What happened at my job is my business and no one else's.
Simon Sorry. But we can offer you a great salary, benefits, and a huge signing bonus.
Rose I will think about your offer, Simon. But right now, I'm thinking about going in a new direction.
Simon Please sleep on it. But just remember, Rose, you are the reason your old company did so well.

Explanation :

Show someone up - to behave in a way which makes someone you are with feel ashamed or embarrassed

Example : I wish you wouldn't show me up in front of my parents by getting so drunk.

Rub me the wrong way !!!

Sam I heard you had a meeting with Simon, Rose.
Rose I have talked to a few interested companies and Simon was one of them.
Sam You know that Simon has always rubbed me the wrong way.
Rose That gives me motivation to work for him, Sam. Anyway, I've made up my mind and there's nothing you can say to change it.
Sam Rose, I'm sorry. I was disrespectful and I'm begging you to stay.
Rose I'll work for you again when hell freezes over. Until then, I think we should just call this the end of the road.
Sam Have it your way, Rose.
Rose I'll be in at two o'clock tomorrow to pack up all of my belongings. See you then.

Explanation :

Rub me the wrong way - to annoy me

Example : The expression of his ideals and intentions must have rubbed many people the wrong way.

Shoot off your mouth !!!

Kevin I'm going to play ball today.
Jess Did you shoot off your mouth and challenge Harry to a game ?
Kevin Yes, he kept saying he'd beat me.
Jess Come on, Kevin. Why not leave him alone ?
Kevin No way ! He'd think I'm a wimp.
Jess Well, he's a much better player than you are.
Kevin I know, but fortune favors the brave.

Explanation :

Shoot off one's mouth - brag and boast

Example : Terry is always shooting off his mouth about how many languages he speaks.

Your eyes are bigger than your stomach !!!

Toby I'm going to order a steak, a large plate of fries, some green beans and mushrooms, a salad, and a piece of cake.
Leslie Isn't that a bit too much ?
Toby I'm very hungry.
Leslie Yes, but your eyes are always bigger than your stomach.
Toby Not this time.
Leslie What about dinner is on you if you don't eat them all ?
Toby It's a deal.
Leslie All right. You'll be eating your words.

Explanation :

Your eyes are bigger than your stomach - someone wants more than he or she can handle

Example : He's thinking of acquiring a third business, but we think his eyes are bigger than his stomach.

Boss me around !!!

Tyle My mother kicked me out of the house today.
Carina Why ?
Tyler I'm not a kid anymore, but she still wants to boss me around.
Carina But what did you do to make her so mad ?
Tyler I didn't go home for a few days and didn't call. I can't believe she'd treat her own flesh and blood like that.
Carina I don't blame her.

Explanation :

Boss around - to tell someone what to do, give orders

Example : David complained that his older sister was always bossing him around.

A sensory overload !!!

Counselor Hello, Susie. Please take a seat.
Susie Where should I sit ?
Counselor Wherever you feel most comfortable.
Susie I just feel like I need to get back to LA. This place is a sensory overload.
Counselor Susie, you are only here for three months. I know you can handle it.
Susie I know, I know. But I just don't have any friends here.
Counselor Do you have any activities you enjoy ?
Susie I love swimming.
Counselor Give going to the pool every night a try. Do this for a week and if you don't feel any better, come see me again.

Explanation :

Sensory overload - a condition where one or more of the five senses are strained and it becomes difficult to focus on the task at hand

Example : I believe people are on sensory overload in this technology era.

A sensory overload !!!

Counselor Hello, Susie. Please take a seat.
Susie Where should I sit ?
Counselor Wherever you feel most comfortable.
Susie I just feel like I need to get back to LA. This place is a sensory overload.
Counselor Susie, you are only here for three months. I know you can handle it.
Susie I know, I know. But I just don't have any friends here.
Counselor Do you have any activities you enjoy ?
Susie I love swimming.
Counselor Give going to the pool every night a try. Do this for a week and if you don't feel any better, come see me again.

Explanation :

Sensory overload - a condition where one or more of the five senses are strained and it becomes difficult to focus on the task at hand

Example : I believe people are on sensory overload in this technology era.

My back started acting up !!!

James Oh, my. I think I've pulled a muscle in my back. I was on the treadmill and my back started acting up.
Trainer Did you get off immediately ?
James Actually, no. I was on pace to run five kilometers in 30 minutes.
Trainer So you kept going ?
James As long as I could. After 20 minutes, I felt my muscles tighten up so I stopped.
Trainer You should quit as soon as you feel any injury next time. Now go to the steam room and stretch your back a little. See how you feel when you're finished.

Explanation :

Acting up - hurting because of injury

Example : My left knee acts up in damp weather

Don't speak ill of !!!

Eve I really can't stand being around Evelyn.
Adam I know exactly what you mean. She talks too much and always needs to be the center of attention.
Stacy Hey, you two. Don't speak ill of Evelyn. Especially when she's not here to defend herself.
Adam Stacy, don't tell me you like her.
Eve You told me before that the sound of her voice makes your blood run cold.
Stacy That was before I was stabbed in the back. Now, I won't say anything that I wouldn't say to someone's face.
Eve Well, maybe we are being too hard on Evelyn.

Explanation :

Speak ill of sb - talk bad about someone

I'm all ears !!!

Rose Hello, Doc. My back is killing me.
Doctor Do you work in an office ? Do you spend a lot of time at a desk ?
Rose I do. I'm the vice-president of a design company. I'm usually at my desk at least 10 hours a day.
Doctor It's all about your posture in your chair. I'll give you some tips that can help.
Rose OK. I'm all ears.
Doctor First, to make sure you don't slouch over your desk. Also, your chair is not a couch, so don't lean back like you're sitting on one.
Rose I do that sometimes.
Doctor The most important thing is to make sure that you get up and walk around at least once an hour. Go get some water. Use the restroom. Or walk up and down the stairs. This will help you out.

Explanation :

All ears - waiting eagerly to hear something

Example : I'm all ears - tell us what they had to say.

You're just blowing me off !!!

Joey Nope. I can't go. I have
Freddy Come on, Joey. I know you love plays.
Joey You're right, Freddy. I do love plays, but right now I'm just so busy.
Freddy If you liked me, you would make time for me.
Joey Like I was saying, I have to do something later.
Freddy Whom do you have an appointment with?
Joey Umm...I have to meet an associate to talk about business.
Freddy You're really full of it, Joey. You're just blowing me off.
Joey Sorry, Freddy. Maybe some other time.

Explanation :

Blow sb off - ignore, evade, treat someone as if they are not important

Example : They wanted us to come along, but we blew them off.

I have two left feet !!!

Emily Come on, you guys. It's time to dance.
Billy Not a chance. I don't like this song.
Emily Don't be a wallflower. Let me go get Irene. She'll dance with you. Hey, Irene, do you want to dance with Billy ?
Irene Sure. He looks really sexy in his Hawaiian shirt. Billy, do you like my outfit ?
Billy Sure, Irene. You look stunning. But you know that I have two left feet.
Irene I don't care. Just come over here and dance with me. The DJ is going to play my favorite song soon.
Billy What song is that, Irene ?
Irene Who Let the Dogs Out? Oh, I hear it starting. Please, Billy. Get your back off that wall.

Explanation :

Have two left feet - clumsy

Example : I'll never get the hang of this dance; I've got two left feet.

I have butterflies in my stomach !!!

Ann I've got butterflies in my stomach.
Richard Don't be so nervous. It'll be fine.
Ann But, I'm afraid they won't like me.
Richard They're going to love you just as much as I love you.
Ann Are you sure ?
Richard Absolutely ! My parents have been dying for me to bring a girl home. In fact, my mother may end up liking you too much.
Ann That doesn't sound bad at all.

Explanation :

Have butterflies in one's stomach - to feel very nervous, usually about something you are going to do

Example : I always get butterflies in my stomach before making a speech.

To a T !!!

Tess I've been doing really well on my diet.
Rollin How much have you lost in total ?
Tess Last week I lost five pounds, but this week I gained two. I don't know what's wrong.
Rollin Are you following the diet plan I gave you ?
Tess I'm following it to the T. I haven't had one slip.
Rollin Are you drinking enough water ?
Tess I drink at least eight glasses of water each day.
Rollin Just give it more time. This happens sometimes. You'll soon be back on track. You have my word on it.

Explanation :

To a T - perfectly, exactly, in every detail

Example : The description fitted him to a T.

Catch him red-handed !!!

Cindy Well, I think Dan is having an affair.
Tina You've got to be kidding. What makes you think he's cheating on you ?
Cindy He keeps breaking our dates, he's been working late all the time, and he's always telling me he's visiting his sister.
Tina There's only one way to find out for sure.
Cindy How ?
Tina Let's follow him.
Cindy Then we can catch him red-handed.

Explanation :

Catch sb red-handed - to discover someone while they are in the act of doing something bad or illegal

Example : He was caught red-handed taking money from the register.

I always chicken out !!!

Eddie I think I'm falling in love.
JJ With whom ?
Eddie A girl in my office. I want to tell her how I feel, but I always chicken out when I talk to her.
JJ What's she like?
Eddie She's incredible. She's smart, beautiful, and nice.
JJ You really should ask her out. What are you afraid of?
Eddie My boss. She's his daughter.

Explanation :

Chicken out - to decide not to do something because you are too frightened

Example : I was going to go bungee jumping, but I chickened out.

As happy as a clam !!!

Mary Hi, Greg. I've been thinking about you.
Greg I've been thinking about you, too.
Mary I'm glad we're finally dating.
Greg Me, too. Ever since we met, I've been as happy as a clam.
Mary How sweet! I think I could…
Greg What ? Love me ?
Mary No! I said, I think I could go for a seafood dinner. When you said you were as happy as a clam, it made me hungry.

Explanation :

As happy as a clam - Extremely glad, delighted, very cheerful

Example : Once I got the test results I was happy as a clam at high tide.

You're jumping the gun !!!

Anthony So, why are we going to your home tonight ?
Mary I want you to meet my parents.
Anthony What for ?
Mary Well, they want to hear our wedding plans.
Anthony Hold on a minute. You're jumping the gun, Mary.
Mary Got you! I'm just kidding. I just wanted to see the look on your face.
Anthony Now I know what it feels like to have a heart attack.

Explanation :

Jump the gun - Start doing something too soon, act too hastily

Example : The local weather bureau jumped the gun on predicting a storm; it didn't happen for another two days.

Things got out of hand !!!

Cara Hey, Lynne. How was the party last night ?
Lynne At first, it was great.
Cara Then what happened ?
Lynne Some guys started to fight, and then things really got out of hand.
Cara Did your date do anything to protect you ?
Lynne No! He ran away as soon as the fight started.
Cara In that case, you're lucky. He sounds more like a frog than a prince.

Explanation :

Out of hand - out of control

Example : The children were getting out of hand again.

Has a crush on me !!!

Mary I’ve been hearing rumors about you.
Anthony What ?
Mary My friend Susan said that you’ve been bad-mouthing me behind my back.
Anthony That’s a lie. Susan just has a crush on me. So she wants us to break up.
Mary That’s crazy.
Anthony Just look at me. I’m smart, charming, and I have a good job.
Mary You forgot to say “Funny!” You’re very, very funny.

Explanation :

Crush - a strong but temporary attraction for someone

Example : She has a crush on one of her teachers at school.

Wake up and smell the coffee !!!

Jodie I think Bill is seeing someone else.
Carey Why would you say that ?
Jodie I'm your friend. I just want you to wake up and smell the coffee.
Carey What proof do you have ?
Jodie Yesterday, I saw him walking down the street holding hands with another woman.
Carey Maybe it was a friend.
Jodie He was also kissing her. Friends don't kiss the way he was kissing her.

Explanation :

Wake up and smell the coffee - to tell someone that they are wrong about a particular situation and that they must realize what is really happening

On the spur of the moment !!!

Linda What do you think of my new dress ?
Cathy It's gorgeous ! What's the occasion ?
Linda I'm going out to dinner tonight with a new guy.
Cathy Where's he taking you ?
Linda I don't know. We were just chatting when, on the spur of the moment, he asked me out.
Cathy Well, I hope it's somewhere nice.
Linda Why ?
Cathy That dress would really stand out at McDonald's.

Explanation :

On the spur of the moment - A decision or action done without any planning

Example : We just jumped in a car on the spur of the moment and drove to the seaside.

There are plenty of fish in the sea !!!

Nick What did you do when she said it was over ?
Max I went home.
Nick Don't you love her ?
Max I like her, but I don't love her. Besides, there are plenty of fish in the sea.
Nick Yes, but it's hard to catch any good ones.
Max If they're all as jealous as Jessica, I'd rather throw them all back.

Explanation :

There are plenty of fish in the sea - there are many other people or possibilities, especially when one person or thing has been unsuitable or unsuccessful

Example : Don't cry over Pierre - there are plenty more fish in the sea !

That's the straw that broke the camel's back !!!

Frank How can I prove that Lila's just a friend ?
Enid I don't want you to see her anymore.
Frank But, we're co-workers. Next week, we even have to go out of town together.
Enid What ! You'd better not !
Frank I don't have a choice. It's for work.
Enid Well, that's the straw that broke the camel's back. It's over.
Frank Fine ! Good-bye !

Explanation :

The last straw ( that broke the camel's back ) - the last in a series of unpleasant events which finally makes you feel that you cannot continue to accept a bad situation

Example : She's always been rude to me, but it was the last straw when she started insulting my mother.

It hits a home run !!!

Sean I heard you're now dating Maggie.
Robert Yeah.
Sean Robert, what's your secret ? You never have problems with women.
Robert I just treat them well. Women love romance.
Sean This weekend with Lucy... Where should I take her?
Robert Moon Bay, man. It always hits a home run for a romantic evening.
Sean Maybe I'll give it a try. Lucy's mad at me for something.
Robert Aren't women always?

Explanation :

Hit a home run - successful

Example : We hit a home run with that drug stock, buying it at 15 and selling at 30.

Heard it through the grapevine !!!

Sonny Why did you want to talk ?
Sue I think we need to call it quits.
Sonny Why ? I thought everything was going along so well.
Sue Well, I heard it through the grapevine that you have another girlfriend.
Sonny What're you talking about ?
Sue Angela. My friend Penny told me about her.
Sonny But Angela is just a friend.
Sue I find that hard to believe. You've got to prove it to me.

Explanation :

Hear it through the grapevine - to hear news from someone who heard the news from someone else

Example : I heard on the grapevine that he was leaving - is it true?.

Call to touch base with you !!!

Albert You're lucky to go abroad with your family.
Pat I know I am, but it's just hard being away from you and my friends.
Albert Do you have a number I can reach you at ?
Pat Not yet. I'll call to touch base with you this evening.
Albert I'll be waiting by the phone.
Pat Don't wait by the phone too long. It's a 12-hour flight.

Explanation :

Touch base with - make contact

Example : I'll try to touch base with you when I'm in Ohio.

A needle in a haystack !!!

Lisa Grandma, I’m so happy Dan finally popped the question.
Grandma It’s about time. You’ve been dating forever.
Lisa I was wondering if I could wear your wedding shoes.
Grandma That would be great if I could find them.
Lisa Don’t you have them?
Grandma They’re around here, but finding them will be like looking for a needle in a haystack.
Lisa Well, since the wedding is in June, we’ll have plenty of time.

Explanation :

A needle in a haystack - something which is impossible or extremely difficult to find

Example : Looking for that screw in Dean's workshop amounts to looking for a needle in a haystack.

You're stressed out !!!

Stacey Doctor Tsai, I’m really desperate.
Dr. Tsai What seems to be the problem ?
Stacey It’s me. I’m so unhappy.
Dr. Tsai Why ?
Stacey Eric never helps me out with the kids.
Dr. Tsai It sounds to me like you’re really stressed out. You need a break.
Stacey True, and the only thing I want to break is my husband’s neck.
Dr. Tsai Sorry, but I can’t help you with that.

Explanation :

Stressed out - worried, anxious, undergoing the effects of extreme stress

Example : I was really stressed out before the exam.

Twist her arm !!!

Mrs. Su I’m sorry you had to take time off to come see me.
Mrs. Chen Well, you said it’s important.
Mrs. Su Fanny is failing all of her classes.
Mrs. Chen What ?
Mrs. Su Do you help her with her homework ?
Mrs. Chen I try, but I have to twist her arm to get her to do it.
Mrs. Su I think you should get her a tutor.
Mrs. Chen All right. It’s either that or I’ll have to twist a little harder.

Explanation :

Twist sb's arm - Coerce or persuade someone to do something they do not want to do

Example : I didn't want to go but Linda twisted my arm.

Pitch in !!!

Mrs. Chen Turn off that TV, now !
Fanny What? I can't hear you. The TV is too loud.
Mrs. Chen I said turn off that TV !
Fanny But, Mom ! My favorite show is on.
Mrs. Chen I don't care what is on. I need you to pitch in and do some housework.
Fanny But, Mom…
Mrs. Chen No more buts. Go do the dishes.
Fanny But, I'll miss my show.
Mrs. Chen Don't make me repeat myself. I say NOW !

Explanation :

Pitch in - to start to do something as part of a group, set to work vigorously

Example : After we had seen the video everyone started pitching in with comments on its faults.

Can't make heads or tails of !!!

Sandra What're you going to order ? We've been sitting here for 20 minutes.
Kylie I know. I just can't make heads or tails of this menu.
Sandra Why not?
Kylie It's in Japanese.
Sandra Why didn't you say something ? They have menus in English and Chinese.
Kylie Oh, I didn't know.
Sandra What were you going to do ? Starve ?
Kylie No. I was just going to order what you ordered.

Explanation :

Can't make head(s) or tail(s) of - Fail to understand, be quite confused about

Example : I can't make head or tail of these directions

Drop like a hot potato !!!

Ken Do you think I should ask Caroline out ?
Higgins No way !
Ken Why not ? She's really pretty.
Higgins Yes, but she only dates guys with money. She's a gold digger.
Ken Is that a bad thing ?
Higgins It sure is. If you were broke, she'd drop you like a hot potato.
Ken If that's the case, then she'd better stay away from me. I'm such a hot potato that she'll really get burned.

Explanation :

Drop sb/sth like a hot potato - to quickly stop being involved with someone or something because you do not now like them or you think they will cause problems for you

Example : He dropped the plan like a hot potato when he realized how much it would cost him.

I didn't sleep a wink !!!

Selby You look rested.
Mark Yeah, I slept like a baby last night.
Selby But I didn't sleep a wink.
Mark Why not ? Did you worry about anything ?
Selby Not really. I did sleep like a baby.
Mark But you just said you didn't sleep well.
Selby Yeah, but like a baby, I was up every two hours looking for something to eat.

Explanation :

Not sleep a wink - not sleep at all

Example : I couldn't sleep a wink last night

Keep a straight face !!!

Carol Did you enjoy your little sister's concert ?
Bruce Are you kidding ?
Carol I thought it would be fun to watch the kids dance and sing.
Bruce It was pretty funny. In fact, I could barely keep a straight face.
Carol What do you mean ?
Bruce The kids were horrible. Some of them didn't have a bit of talent.
Carol What about your sister ?
Bruce Of course she was great. After all, like brother like sister.

Explanation :

Keep a straight face - Don't show one's feelings, especially refrain from laughing

Example : The school orchestra played so many wrong notes that I had trouble keeping a straight face.

On cloud nine !!!

Lucy You're looking happy today.
Lisa I am. I've never been happier.
Lucy Did you win the lottery or something ?
Lisa No. Last night Dan proposed to me. He finally popped the question.
Lucy That's great !
Lisa It sure is. I've been on cloud nine all day long.
Lucy Well, you'd better come down. There's work right here on Earth for you to do.

Explanation :

On cloud nine - extremely happy and excited

Example : Ever since he proposed to her, her parents have been on cloud nine.

Have ants in your pants !!!

Mrs. Chen Hold still.
Fanny I can't ! I'm so excited !
Mrs. Chen Don't act like you have ants in your pants. Her flight will be here soon enough.
Fanny Oh, my goodness ! That's her. Do you see her ?
Mrs. Chen How can you tell ? That girl is too far away.
Fanny But she's smiling at us.
Mrs. Chen Fanny, I think you're right. That is your cousin.

Explanation :

Have ants in one's pants - Be extremely restless, uneasy, impatient, or anxious

Example : This child just can't sit still; she must have ants in her pants.

Rotten apple !!!

Scott I need to find another place to live in.
Paul I thought you loved living in the dorms.
Scott I did, but now we have to sign in and out all the time
Paul What happened ?
Scott A guy in our building had a couple of his friends living in his room. They were there for five months.
Paul Now you're all having to pay the price.
Scott It just goes to show that one rotten apple spoils the barrel. Now we all have to carry a pass and sign in every evening.

Explanation :

Rotten apple - A bad individual among many good ones, especially one that spoils the group.

Example : The roommates are having problems with Edith--she's the one rotten apple of the bunch

The best thing since sliced bread !!!

Patrick This is a cool nightclub !
Matthew Of course it’s cool! It’s the best thing around since sliced bread.
Patrick I agree.
Matthew All of the hip and trendy people often hang out here.
Patrick Wait a minute ! I don’t see anyone famous around.
Matthew They might come later.
Patrick Why are we here ? We’re not exactly hip and trendy.
Matthew I’m working on it. Believe me. I’m working on it.

Explanation :

The greatest/best thing since sliced bread - the ultimate depiction of innovative achievement and American know-how

Dish the dirt !!!

Grace That was a great movie. Do you want to go grab a bite to eat ?

Rita Sure !
Grace Meanwhile, I want to dish the dirt with you about what's been going on at school.
Rita Do we have to ? You know I don't like to talk about people behind their backs.
Grace Don't be such a spoilsport, Rita.
Rita I'm sorry. It's just that I'm always afraid the gossip will be about me.
Grace You're so silly. The two of us are too boring to be gossiped about

Explanation :

Dish the dirt - Spread gossip or scandal

Example : Sally was notorious for dishing the dirt.

Play the field !!!

Dennis Why don't you break up with Rena ?
Jimmy She's a great girl and I really care for her.
Dennis But we're in college now. You can play the field and meet lots of new college girls.
Jimmy If it's so easy, why are you still single ?
Dennis Because I'm playing the field.
Jimmy If that's the case, you've definitely struck out way too many times.

Explanation :

Play the field - Date more than one person; avoid an exclusive commitment
Strike out - fail

Example : All of Joe's friends are married now, but he continues to play the field.

Roll out the red carpet !!!

Peggy I can't believe Jolin is visiting our school.
Anita Neither can I. Do you know what the principal is planning ?
Peggy No, but I'm sure the school will roll out the red carpet for her.
Anita …Well, she deserves it.
Peggy She sure does. I'm so excited. I haven't been able to sleep ever since it was announced she was coming.
Anita Well, you'd better try. She won't be here for another two weeks.

Explanation :

Roll out the red carpet - to welcome with great hospitality and ceremony

Example : We'll have to get out the red carpet for the President's visit

Cut class !!!

Carla Amy, can I borrow 500 dollars from you ?
Amy What for ? You just got your allowance yesterday.
Carla I saw a sweater I want to buy.
Amy No way. You still owe me 200 dollars.
Carla If you don't lend it to me, I'll tell Mom and Dad that you cut class last week.
Amy That's blackmail ?
Carla It's not blackmail. It's information control. You pay me, and I control what I tell Mom and Dad.

Explanation :

Cut class - Absent oneself from a class or other, usually mandatory event

Example : If he cuts one more class he'll fail the course.

Like chickens with their heads cut off !!!

Timmy I'm going out, Michelle. Do you want to come ?
Michelle Where are you going ?
Timmy To the day market.
Michelle No, thanks !
Timmy I thought you liked going there.
Michelle I liked it when I was younger, but now it's too crazy. Everyone's running around like chickens with their heads cut off. It's horrible.
Timmy Thanks.
Michelle For what ?
Timmy Reminding me that I need to get some chicken for dinner.

Explanation :

Like chickens with their heads cut off - In a frenzied manner, distractedly, crazily

Example : She ran around the station looking for her lost bag like a chicken with its head cut off.

Pop into my head !!!

Shelly Do you think you passed the math test ?
Aileen I don't think so.
Shelly Oh, it was so easy. Why didn't you do well on it ?
Aileen Don't be so rude. I'm not good at math. Answers to these questions don't just pop into my head.
Shelly I'm sorry.
Aileen That's OK. But, maybe you can help me get an A next time.
Shelly Come on, Aileen. I can tutor you, but I'm not a miracle worker.

Explanation :

Pop into one's head - to think of something suddenly

Example : The idea popped into my head while I was in the washroom.

Not a penny to my name !!!

Francis How should we decorate our dorm room ?
Jim We could head for IKEA and pick out a few things.
Francis That would be cool, but there's just one problem.
Jim What's that ?
Francis I don't have a penny to my name. I'm completely broke now.
Jim I can lend you some money.
Francis That would be great, but I can't pay you back for a while.
Jim Don't worry about it. Just think of it as a gift.

Explanation :

Not a penny to one's name - Very poor

Example : When I got married I didn't have a penny to my name.

Dog's life !!!

Mrs. Lai Honey, you look exhausted.

Shirley I am. All I want to do is crawl back in bed.
Mrs. Lai That sounds nice, but it's a school day. Did you stay up late ?
Shirley Yes. It's really a dog's life preparing for exams.
Mrs. Lai I know. It can be really tough.
Shirley Tell me about it. I'm so tired I can't see straight.
Mrs. Lai Well, you can sleep in on Saturday.
Shirley Huh ? I'm sorry. I think I just dozed off for a minute.

Explanation :

Dog's life - A miserably unhappy existence
Sleep in - sleep late

Example : He's been leading a dog's life since his wife left him
Example : On weekends we like to sleep in.

Get into the swing of things !!!

Flint I can't believe spring break is already over.

Roche Yeah, but it's nice to be back in classes.
Flint Are you kidding ?
Roche Not at all. It's good to get back into the swing of things.
Flint Well, I'd rather be back in the dorms in bed.
Roche Flint, you can't sleep your life away.
Flint True, but at least I can sleep through the first class. Call me when it's over.

Explanation :

Get into the swing of things - Become active, make progress.

Example : She only started work last week, but she quickly got into the swing of things.

Put your thinking cap on !!!

Kurt I'm dying to ask your friend Mindy out on a date.

Sharon What's stopping you ?
Kurt Money. I can't afford to take her anywhere nice.
Sharon That could be a problem. Mindy has expensive tastes.
Kurt Well, I'd better put on my thinking cap.
Sharon If you're planning to ask Mindy out, you'll need more than a thinking cap. Maybe you should think better of it.

Explanation :

Put one's thinking cap on - to think seriously about something

Example : I'm in need of some interesting suggestions so if you can put your thinking cap on I'd be grateful.

Spill the beans !!!

Winston Where are you going ? Come on. Spill the beans.
Egbert I'm going on a blind date.
Winston You're kidding, right ?
Egbert No, I'm serious. My sister set me up with one of her friends.
Winston That's cool. But let me know if you want me to call you in the middle of your date.
Egbert What for ?
Winston It's easier to make an exit if you get an important phone call during dinner.
Egbert Good idea.

Explanation :

Spill the beans - to reveal a secret

Example : So who spilt the beans about her affair with David ?

Ballpark figure !!!

Brent How many people will attend the French club meeting ?
Lila I'm not sure.
Brent Come on, Lila. Don't you have a ballpark figure ? After all, you're the club president.
Lila Maybe 10 or 20.
Brent That's a big difference.
Lila Actually, only two people, you and me, have signed up for it so far.

Explanation :

Ballpark figure - a number which is a guess, but which you believe is near the correct number

Example : We'll have to go away and cost this carefully, but as a ballpark figure I'd say that it'll be about two million dollars.

Draw a blank !!!

Ruby How did you do on the test ?
Gigi Horrible. As soon as the paper was in front of me, I just drew a blank. I don't know what I'm going to do.
Ruby Don't let it get you down too much.
Gigi Yeah, but now I really need to pull up my GPA.
Ruby Maybe you can do some extra credit.
Gigi Extra credit won't help much at this point. I need a miracle. Maybe I'll call a priest.

Explanation :

Draw a blank - Fail to find or remember something

Example : He looks familiar but I've drawn a blank on his name.

Slack off !!!

Mr. Wang So, Sutton, why do you want to work here ?
Sutton I really love photography. It's one of my passions.
Mr. Wang Why did you leave your last job ?
Sutton I was actually asked to leave.
Mr. Wang Can you tell me why ?
Sutton My boss said I slacked off too much.
Mr. Wang Thanks for coming in, Sutton. I'll be in touch.

Explanation :

Slack off - Decrease in activity or intensity

Example : When the project fell behind schedule again, she thought we were slacking off.

It's all Greek to me !!!

Tobias How are you doing in calculus ?
Eileen Not so good.
Tobias But I thought you were making progress.
Eileen No, I'm getting more and more confused. Can you help me?
Tobias I can't. When it comes to calculus, it's all Greek to me.
Eileen Maybe I should drop the class.
Tobias Or you could just try harder.
Eileen You're right, but my idea would be easier.

Explanation :

It's all Greek to me - a way of saying that you do not understand something that is said or written

Eat a horse !!!

Grace I thought you were on a diet.
Ella I was, but I'm breaking it today.
Grace Why ?
Ella I'm under a lot of pressure right now. Finals are coming up.
Grace Yes, but you shouldn't give up your diet.
Ella But, I'm so hungry I could eat a horse !
Grace If you do not watch your figure, you're going to end up as big as a horse.

Explanation :

Eat a horse - extremely hungry

Out of the running !!!

Karen Did you get the part-time job you wanted ?
Christine No, I was turned down for it.
Karen What happened ?
Christine They said I’m out of the running because I’m too young.
Karen That’s not fair !
Christine It’s all right. I’ll just have to make do with my allowance.
Karen I wish you luck. I couldn’t manage on $200 a week.

Explanation :

Out of the running - not having a chance

Example : Is Mary out of the running for this election ?

Break even !!!

Linda I've got some good news, everyone.
Howard What is it ?
Julie Yeah ? You said it was urgent that we talk today.
Linda I just got off the phone with Terry, and it looks like we're going to break even this quarter.
Julie That's fantastic ! That's a load off my mind.
Linda It sure is. We can now all rest a bit easier.
Julie You can say that again.

Explanation :

Break even - to have no profit or loss at the end of especially a business activity

Example : After paying for our travel costs, we barely (= only just) broke even.

It's all over my head !!!

Mrs. Lee Why are you still awake ?
Miki I can't sleep. I've been tossing and turning all night.
Mrs. Lee Is something on your mind ?
Miki Yeah. I have a big test coming up tomorrow.
Mrs. Lee Did you study ?
Miki I've been hitting the books for weeks, but it's all over my head.
Mrs. Lee Well, no matter what you do, don't fail this test.
Miki I won't, Mom. I promise I won't let you down.

Explanation :

Over one's head - Beyond one's understanding or competence

Example : The math required to complete these figures is way over my head.

Get your feet wet !!!

Stephen I need a job.
Harry What type do you want ?
Stephen One where I work a few hours, earn a lot of money, and don't have to do much.
Harry Dream on. Really, what do you want to do ?
Stephen I'd like to be a photographer.
Harry Maybe you can get a job as an assistant to get your feet wet.
Stephen Good idea. I'll try it.

Explanation :

Get one's feet wet - Embark on a new venture, start into new territory.

Example : I've only had a few cello lessons -- I've barely gotten my feet wet.

In the red !!!

Linda I just spoke to Terry in accounting.
Julie Everything all right?
Linda Not good. We've got problems with sales.
Julie What type?
Linda Major ones. We're seriously in the red.
Julie That's not good. We need to turn things around quickly, or we could go bankrupt.
Linda I'll try my best. Hopefully, we'll be in the black by the end of the year.

Explanation :

In the end - in debt, operating at a loss

Example : If you or your bank account are in the red, you owe money to the bank.

Cut corners !!!

Henry Do you think we can spend more on marketing ?
Jessica Yes, but we’ll have to become creative.
Henry What do you mean ?
Jessica We’ll have to cut corners in other areas.
Henry Where ?
Jessica Travel. We’ll have to cut down on our spending when we travel for conferences.
Henry That’s not bad. As long as we still get free lunches, it doesn’t matter where we cut corners.

Explanation :

Cut corners - Do something in the easiest or least expensive way.

Example : Cutting corners in production led to a definite loss in product quality.

Get a break !!!

Dickson Your resume looks excellent.
Mitch Thank you. I've…
Dickson But I notice that you don't have any experience in this field.
Mitch I realize that, but I would really like to get a break in marketing.
Dickson Well, if you work hard, you'll catch on quickly. You're hired.
Mitch Great! You won't regret it.
Dickson Welcome aboard, Mitch. I believe you're going to fit in fine here.

Explanation :

Get a break - Obtain a favorable opportunity

Example : The new price is higher, but you are getting a break on service.

Give the green light !!!

Mark I'd like to hire a new marketing assistant.
Liz Have you asked Rachel about it?
Mark Not yet, but I'll do it this week.
Liz I'm sure she'll give you the green light.
Mark I'd hope so. I've been swamped with work.
Liz Let me know if there's anything I can do.
Mark Thanks. I really appreciate it.
Liz Just don't ask me to type, file, or answer phones.

Explanation :

Give the green light - to give permission for someone to do something

Example : The council has given the green light to the new shopping development

Fill the bill !!!

Jeffrey Marie, can I hire an assistant ?

Marie Do you have anyone in mind ?
Jeffrey Not yet.
Marie What type of person are you looking for ?
Jeffrey I'm not sure, but they must be efficient, hard-working, and smart.
Marie Once you find someone to fill the bill, just go ahead and hire them.
Jeffrey Thanks, Marie. I'm sure I can find the right person.

Explanation :

Fill the bill - Serve a particular purpose well.

Example : I was afraid there wasn't enough chicken for everyone, but this casserole will fill the bill.

Knock the socks off !!!

Jack Rachel, I'm pleased with the way you turned things around.
Rachel Thank you, Jack. It's only because I have a great team.
Jack You're an excellent manager, and your department is number one.
Rachel Thanks! Next quarter I really want to knock the socks off the competition.
Jack I know you can do it.
Rachel I won't let you down.

Explanation :

Knock the socks off - to completely defeat a competitor

Example : Japan and Korea knocked the socks off the United States in tests of science and math.

Jack up !!!

Michael I'm sorry I'm punching in late, Billy.
Billy Did you have car problems ?
Michael No, I'm riding my bike now.
Billy Really ? I thought you drove to work.
Michael I did until the prices on gas were jacked up.
Billy That must be tough. I'm glad I live within walking distance.
Michael Well, when I had to decide between eating and gas, my stomach won out.

Explanation :

Jack up - to increase the price of something suddenly and by a large amount

Example : Once the tourists arrive, the restaurants jack up their prices.

Strike while the iron is hot !!!

Gregory I want to ask for a raise, but I'm afraid my boss will turn me down.
Mike But, you've been doing a great job.
Gregory I know, but I'm nervous about asking.
Mike If I were you, I'd strike while the iron is hot.
Gregory What do you mean ?
Mike Do it while he's happy with you, and you'll surely get that raise.
Gregory Thanks, I'll try it. I think I deserve it.

Explanation :

Strike while the iron is hot - Take advantage of favorable conditions

Example : They just made a huge profit, so let's strike while the iron is hot and ask for some money.

Move the goalposts !!!

Gail I can't believe the sales target has been changed again.
Nicky Neither can I. I was so close, and now it's gone up to a million dollars. I'll never get a bonus now.
Gail It's totally unfair. They keep moving the goalposts.
Nicky I'm two steps away from walking out.
Gail Really ?
Nicky Yeah ! I've had it.
Gail I haven't. Can I have your desk ?

Explanation :

Move the goalposts - to change the aims of an activity to ensure the desired results

Example : I see no reason to move the goalposts at all.

The ball is in your court !!!

Mr. Ervin I've been trying to reach someone in your company for hours.
Cassie I'm sorry, but the line is busy.
Mr. Ervin Listen! The washing machine I purchased yesterday has some design flaws. I want my money back or to exchange it.
Cassie Yes, sir. I understand.
Mr. Ervin The ball is in your court. Someone needs to answer me right away.
Cassie Hold on a minute, please. Someone will handle your problem immediately.

Explanation :

The ball is in one's court - If the ball is in someone's court, they have to do something before any progress can be made in a situation

Example : It's up to you what to do - the ball is in your court now.

Cover a lot of ground !!!

Marco All right, let's get the meeting started.
Gary What was so urgent that we had to skip lunch?
Marco Marketing needs a new report from us.
Gary But, we gave them one last week.
Marco It doesn't matter. Let's just get to work. We need to cover a lot of ground today.
Gary Great, but I'll just have to starve to death.
Marco Here's a mint. It'll hold you until we take a break.

Explanation :

Cover a lot of ground - to examine subjects or discuss ideas.

Example : Much of the book covers ground that will be familiar to Unix programmers.

Keep my nose clean !!!

Brenda Have you heard about Linda's husband ?
Mat No, and I don't …
Brenda He's having an …
Mat Before you cut me off, I was going to say I didn't want to hear it. Gossiping isn't my thing.
Brenda But, it's my thing. Lunch just isn't fun without a bit of gossip.
Mat Well, I'm new around here, and I just want to keep my nose clean.
Brenda Oh, well. Suit yourself.

Explanation :

Keep one's nose clean - Stay out of trouble

Example : Dad told Brian to keep his nose clean from now on or he'd cut off his allowance.

Bottom out !!!

Stan We are still in the red, right ?
Johnny Yeah, we may have to tighten our belts for quite a while.
Stan It's all because of the recession. No one is to blame.
Johnny I know, but we must do something about it.
Stan The good news is that there are signs that the recession has bottomed out.
Johnny Hopefully, we may get out of the red soon.

Explanation :

Bottom out - to have reached the lowest point in a continuously changing situation and to be about to improve

Example : The government claims that the recession is bottoming out.

Come to light !!!

Mark Tom, I just got a call from Alan. A major problem has come to light.
Tom What's wrong ?
Mark Mr. Alvin isn't pleased with his order.
Tom What does he want ?
Mark He wants either his money back or someone to call him back.
Tom What are you waiting for ? Call the man back !
Mark I wanted to check with you first. I'll get on with it at once.

Explanation :

Come to light - become known

Example : Fresh evidence has recently come to light which suggests that he didn't in fact commit the murder.

Spring for !!!

Jake I just found out that I'm getting a raise.
Sara That's great, honey !
Jake What should we do to celebrate ?
Sara Let's take Edward and Jenny out for dinner. They're our best friends.
Jake Good idea ! I'll spring for the entire meal.
Sara Hey, maybe we can even go on vacation this year.
Jake Wait a minute ! It wasn't that big a raise.

Explanation :

Spring for - Pay another's expenses, treat

Example : I'll spring for the dinner this time.

Lie low !!!

Roger Why are you snapping at everyone today ?
Carol I'm under a lot of pressure.
Roger Aren't we all ?
Carol Yeah, but a big cheese from our European division is coming in today.
Roger Really ? I had no idea. Is there anything I can do ?
Carol Just lie low for the day. I'll handle everything.
Roger Well, let me know if there's anything I can do to help.

Explanation :

Big cheese - An important person

Lie low - Keep a low profile, try not to be noticed

Example : I'd lie low if I were you till the trouble passes.

The bottom line !!!

Keith Your division is doing very well.
Chris Thank you. We all pitch in around here to do our best.
Keith Yes, but the bottom line is that if we want to make more money, you'll have to do things differently.
Chris But, we're doing fine.
Keith I think you can do better.
Chris Thanks, Keith, but I'll stick to the way we handle things.
Keith Suit yourself.

Explanation :

The bottom line - The most important fact of a situation

Example : The bottom line is that we need another ten thousand dollars to complete the project.

Budget crunch !!!

Dell My girlfriend is looking for a job.
Jerry What type of work can she do ?
Dell She was a graphic designer, but due to a budget crunch, she was laid off.
Jerry That's too bad.
Dell Is there anything around here she could do?
Jerry Not really. We've had to tighten our belts a bit, too.
Dell Well, can you keep her in mind if anything comes up ?
Jerry No problem.

Explanation :

Budget crunch - A period of financial difficult when there is no money to spend

Example : Budget crunch forces cuts in several community programs

Cold calls !!!

Stuart My finger is killing me.
Moore Did you hurt it playing tennis ?
Stuart No, I've been making cold calls all day long.
Moore Any luck ?
Stuart No. I think I need to try something different. Any suggestions ?
Moore Be tactful. Customers don't like a pushy salesperson.
Stuart You might be right. That could be why I'm always getting hung up on.

Explanation :

Cold call - A telephone call or visit made to someone who is not known or not expecting contact, often in order to sell something.

Example : We were cold-called by a company offering savings on our phone bill.

Hard sell !!!

Gordon I finally made that sale.
Alex Way to go ! I know it was a hard sell.
Gordon Tell me about it.
Alex I'll treat you to a coffee to celebrate. It's not every day that you sell two million dollars worth of products.
Gordon In that case, make mine a double cappuccino with extra foam.
Alex Great ! Here's the money. I'll have the same thing.

Explanation :

Hard sell - a method of selling in which the seller tries very hard to persuade the customer to buy something

Example : Those brokers who call us at dinnertime find me a hard sell -- I usually just hang up on them.

Go belly up !!!

Jeff It's final.
Susan What ?
Jeff I couldn't get the loan.
Susan Really ?
Jeff My uncle's afraid that our company is going to go belly up.
Susan Come on, Jeff. Don't let it get you down too much. There's still hope.
Jeff It would take a miracle at this point.
Susan I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Explanation :

Go belly up - Go bankrupt

Example : This company's about to go belly-up.

Get off the ground !!!

Trisha I think making purses is a great idea.
Stella So do I.
Trisha With my business skills and your design sense, we'll surely be a success.
Stella But we have one problem.
Trisha What's that ?
Stella Money ! How can a business get off the ground without it ?
Trisha That's what fathers are for.
Stella Yeah, it does help that your father's loaded. I'm happy you're my best friend.

Explanation :

Get off the ground - Make a start

Loaded - Having a great deal of money

Example : Because of legal difficulties, the construction project never got off the ground.

Tough cookie !!!

Theo I heard you went out with Iris last night.
Justin Yeah. We went out to the movies.
Theo What do you think of her ?
Justin She's a real tough cookie if you ask me.
Theo That's just an act. She's actually very shy.
Justin I don't know. When she opened the beer bottle with her mouth, I was a bit shocked.

Explanation :

Tough cookie - someone who is very determined to do what they want and who usually succeeds even in difficult situations

Example : We're talking about a woman who brought up six children on her own - she's one tough cookie.

Put the cart before the horse !!!

Carly I think I'm in love.
Iris What ?
Carly We just have so much in common. We like all of the same things.
Iris Yes, but you've only chatted with him online.
Carly It doesn't matter. I know we'll end up getting married.
Iris I'm afraid you're putting the cart before the horse. You should at least meet him first.
Carly That might be a good idea.

Explanation :

Put the cart before the horse - Reverse the proper of things

Example : Don't put the cart before the horse and give away the punch line.

Leave no stone unturned !!!

Catherine Do you have the book I lent you ?
May I saw it yesterday, but now I can't find it.
Catherine What ! You'd better find it then. It's my mother's.
May I'll leave no stone unturned until it turns up.
Catherine You'd better. If you don't, I swear I'll never ever speak to you again.
May I'm really so sorry, Catherine. I promise I'll find it.

Explanation :

Leave no stone unturned - Make every possible effort, search thoroughly and exhaustively

Example : He left no stone unturned in his search for his natural mother.

Pot calling the kettle black !!!

Karen Can you believe how much weight Lisa has gained ?
Carmen That's not nice.
Karen It's true. She's always eating.
Carmen Well, that's the pot calling the kettle black.
Karen What's that supposed to mean ?
Carmen Let me just put it this way; you're not exactly thin yourself.
Karen It's my clothes. They must have shrunk in the dryer.
Carmen If you say so.

Explanation :

Pot calling the kettle black - Accusing someone of being something you are yourself

Example : You think police should stop all those other terrible drivers ? That's like the pot calling the kettle black !

Kick yourself !!!

Martin Cathy, I hope you can forgive me.

Cathy Why should I? You lied to me. You said you were studying when you were out with your friends.
Martin I'm sorry. I should have kicked myself for lying to you. Can't we just kiss and make up ?
Cathy Maybe.
Martin Let's talk about it over dinner.
Cathy All right, but it had better be a really good dinner.

Explanation :

Kick yourself - reproach yourself for some mistake

Example : I've been kicking myself all day for forgetting the keys.

Go off the deep end !!!

Justin I didn't sleep a wink last night.
Theo Why not ?
Justin A friend of mine was about to go off the deep end when he felt he needed to talk to me.
Theo That's too bad. How's he doing now ?
Justin Much better. His girlfriend dumped him, so he became irritable.
Theo Well, there are plenty of fish in the sea.
Justin I told him that, but he said he didn't like fishing.

Explanation :

Go off the deep end - to get very angry about something or lose control of yourself

Example : When he heard about John's smashing into his car, he went off the deep end.

Put our foot down !!!

Ennis Aren't you meeting Irene for lunch ?
Elizabeth I was supposed to, but she canceled on me again.
Ennis She does that a lot. She did the same thing to me last week.
Elizabeth Well, I think we should put our foot down and tell her to stop doing this to us.
Ennis That's a good idea. How about having dinner together ?
Elizabeth All right. But let me cancel my dinner with Aaron first.

Explanation :

Put your foot down - take a firm stand, to use your authority to stop something happening

Example : When she started borrowing my clothes without asking, I had to put my foot down.

Know which side your bread is buttered !!!

Frank Why weren't you at work this morning ?

Ann I didn't feel like going in.
Frank Aren't you afraid of getting fired ?
Ann Nah, they love me there.
Frank I just hope you know which side your bread is buttered on. Nowadays, good jobs are hard to come by.
Ann You might be right. Perhaps I should go in this afternoon.
Frank That's a good idea. You won't regret it.

Explanation :

Know which side of one's bread is buttered - Be aware of where one's best interests lie

Example : Jerry always helps out his boss; he knows which side of his brad is buttered.

Keep it under your hat !!!

Walter Why are you smiling from ear to ear ?

Betty I have a secret.
Walter Come on. Tell me about it.
Betty All right, but you have to promise to keep it under your hat.
Walter I promise. What is it ?
Betty My brother is going to get married and move.
Walter That's great !
Betty It sure is. I've been waiting for his bedroom for twenty years.

Explanation :

Under one's hat - As a secret or in confidence

Example : Keep this information under your hat.

Twist around your little finger !!!

Max Your daughter is so cute. You and your husband are really lucky.

Susie We really are. She's our pride and joy.
Max You must be having a hard time taking care of her.
Susie We are. It's especially hard for my husband.
Max Why's that ?
Susie He pampers her. She twists her father around her little finger.
Max She must be a real daddy's girl.

Explanation :

Twist sb around your little finger - to be able to persuade someone to do anything you want, usually because they like you so much

Example : He'd do anything for you. You've got him twisted around your little finger.

Has a finger in every pie !!!

Jasmine Kenny, how can I get promoted ?

Kenny You've got to get involved in things around here.
Jasmine What do you mean ?
Kenny Act like Clint.
Jasmine But he has his finger in every pie.
Kenny Exactly. All of the managers see him, so he's bound to get promoted.
Jasmine I'll give it a try. I've got nothing to lose but only a promotion to win.

Explanation :

Has a finger in every pie - to have an interest in or be involved in everything

Example : She does a great deal for the town; she has a finger in every pie.

To add insult to injury !!!

Gerry I'll never have my sister over my apartment again.

Desmond What happened ?
Gerry She did nothing but bug me.
Desmond That's pretty bad.
Gerry Yes, but, to add insult to injury, she kept telling me how successful her boyfriend is compared to me.
Desmond That's rude.
Gerry Yes, but I learned a lesson. Never open my door without looking.

Explanation :

To add insult to injury - said when you feel that someone has made a bad situation worse by doing something else to upset you

Example : They told me I was too old for the job, and then to add insult to injury, they refused to pay my expenses!

Make a splash !!!

Stacey You look fantastic, Mom.
Mom Thanks, dear. I really want to make a splash tonight.
Stacey You will. Dad won't be able to take his eyes off of you.
Mom You're so sweet.
Stacey You look great for your age.
Mom Well, since I'm only 30, I should look good.
Stacey Didn't you turn 30 long time ago ?
Mom Yes, but that's our little secret.

Explanation :

Make a splash - to become suddenly very successful or very well known

Example : Jodie Foster made quite a splash in the film 'Taxi Driver'.

Go under !!!

Charlie Since my friend floated me a loan, the company isn't going to go under.
Jean That's a relief. I thought I was going to be out of a job.
Charlie Don't worry, Jean. We'll manage to survive.
Jean I hope so. I'd hate to end up on the street.
Charlie I'd never let you end up like that.
Jean Really ? How sweet !
Charlie That's what friends are for.

Explanation :

Go under - If a company goes under, it is unsuccessful and has to stop doing business

Example : Thousands of companies went under during the recession.

Knock down the price !!!

Mrs. Lai I'd like to get that jade necklace I saw.
Mr. Lai What are you waiting for ?
Mrs. Lai I'm waiting for the storekeeper to knock down the price.
Mr. Lai Really ? I didn't realize you were trying to get a bargain.
Mrs. Lai Of course.
Mr. Lai Why ? We have plenty of money.
Mrs. Lai Yes, but the more money I save on the necklace, the more I have to spend somewhere else.

Explanation :

Knock down the price - to reduce the price

Example : She wanted $200 but I knocked her down to $175.

Keep the books !!!

Alice In your home, who takes care of the money ?
Peter My wife. She's in charge of keeping the books.
Alice That's pretty smart.
Peter That's what she tells me every month when I give her my pay.
Alice What do you do when you need money ?
Peter She gives me an allowance.
Alice Are you kidding ?
Peter No. It's great except when I run out of money.

Explanation :

Books - Financial or business records

Out-of-pocket expenses !!!

Mona Kerry in accounting called about your travel documents.
Lawrence What about them ?
Mona He said that you can't claim all of your meals.
Lawrence Why not ? Shouldn't my meals be out-of-pocket expenses ?
Mona Normally it should be, but you made six trips to a fast food restaurant in one day.
Lawrence It was all because I was hungry.
Mona That may be true, but three meals is the limit

Explanation :

Out-of-pocket expenses - money that you spend on things such as food and travel while you are working for someone else

Example : All out-of-pocket expenses will be reimbursed by the company.

Make money hand over fist !!!

Patricia Things are really turning around.
Geoff They sure are. It's almost hard to believe.
Patricia It's great! We're making money hand over fist.
Geoff At this rate, we'll be able to pay back the loan in no time.
Patricia Best of all, I won't have to move back to live with my parents.
Geoff I bet they would be happy to learn about that.
Patricia They don't care, but my younger sister is thrilled. She likes being the only child.

Explanation :

Make money hand over fist - make money very quickly

Example : Business was good and we were making money hand over fist.

Count me in !!!

Hilton We've got to order more copies of that book.
Charles But we just ordered 2000 copies of them last week.
Hilton I know, but they've been selling like hot cakes.
Charles That's great for us and the author.
Hilton If we can keep this up, we'll be a success.
Charles Absolutely. I'm already thinking about opening up another store.
Hilton Well, Charles, you can count me in.

Explanation :

Count me in - to include me in the activity

Example : "Do you want to come swimming tomorrow?" "Yes, count me in."

Feel out of the loop !!!

Williams What's been going on around here ?
Jacky Nothing much. Why ?
Williams I feel out of the loop after my vacation.
Jacky That's natural. There's a staff meeting later on this afternoon.
Williams Good. Maybe that will help me catch up with things.
Jacky It's not an important one. It's about the company picnic.
Williams In that case, it won't matter that I'm clueless in the meeting.

Explanation :

Feel out of the loop - feel being left out

Example : The chairman was consistently leaving Chris out of the loop.

Second a motion !!!

Jill I think that we need to change our working hours.
David What did you have in mind ?
Jill Since we do business overseas, we should come in an hour later and work until seven.
David It sounds like a good idea. I second the motion.
Chairman The motion has been moved and seconded. All those in favor, say “aye.” All those opposed, say “nay.”
Everyone Aye.
Chairman The ayes have it. The motion carries.

Explanation :

Second a motion - To endorse (a motion or nomination) as a required preliminary to discussion or vote

Put my nose to the grindstone !!!

Adrian You've been working really hard lately.

Stephanie I'm taking your advice.
Adrian I've noticed that, and so has Fayne.
Stephanie Now that I'm putting my nose to the grindstone, I'm actually enjoying my work more.
Adrian That's good to hear. You have a bright future with this company.
Stephanie Thank you, Adrian. I hope so.
Adrian Your future is so bright that I'll have to wear shades.

Explanation :

Keep one's nose to the grindstone - Stay hard at work

Example : We expect John to get good grades again, since he really keeps his nose to the grindstone.

Put on hold !!!

George I thought you were going away to Hawaii.
Christy I had planned to, but I had to put my vacation on hold.
George What happened ?
Christy Linda gave me a new account to work on. Because of it, I'm really busy.
George That stinks. But, look on the bright side.
Christy Is there one ?
George At least you don't have to worry about getting sunburned.
Christy But I'm getting depressed !

Explanation :

Put on hold - In a state of temporary interruption, postponement

Example : They had to put me on hold while they looked up my account.

Plug everything !!!

Albert That singer is always on TV.

Paula She's plugging everything from hamburgers to shampoo.
Albert She must be very busy all the time.
Paula Yes, but she's making a lot of money.
Albert That's true. She's loaded.
Paula I'd love to be a star like her.
Albert I know what you mean. But for a woman at 57, a singing career might be out of the question.

Explanation :

Plug - to advertise something by talking about it a lot or praising it, especially on the radio or television:

Example : That interview was just a way for him to plug his new book.

Be left holding the bag !!!

Trish I'm excited about starting our own business.

Stella Yes, but first we should take stock of the entire market.
Trish You're right.
Stella The good thing is that our purses are really unique.
Trish But if no one buys them, we'd be stuck.
Stella You should take responsibility then.
Trish Everyone should pitch in. I don't want to be left holding the bag.

Explanation :

Be left holding the bag ( baby ) - to suddenly have to deal with a difficult situation because others have decided that they do not want the responsibility

Example : The other investors pulled out of the project and we were left holding the bag.

Took a nosedive !!!

Eric I saw the news this morning.
Gloria What's going on ?
Eric The stock market in the US took a nosedive last night. I'll call Dave to see if there's anything we should do.
Gloria Wait a while first.
Eric You're right. We should do the paperwork.
Gloria Actually, I meant he doesn't wake up until 11:00.
Eric Man, it must be nice to be rich.

Explanation :

Take a nosedive - a sudden fast fall in prices, value

Example : There was alarm in the markets when the dollar took a nosedive.

A bitter pill to swallow !!!

Jim We're going to have to let Andrea go.
Debbie Why ?
Jim The boss hinted that she must go.
Debbie But she's been with the company for years.
Jim That's part of the reason.
Debbie That's going to be a bitter pill for her to swallow.
Jim Yes, but we've got to do it. You'll have to break the bad news to her.

Explanation :

A bitter pill to swallow - something that is very unpleasant but which must be accepted

Example : Losing the championship to a younger player was a bitter pill to swallow.

Cash in on !!!

Derek I've come up with some really good designs.
Sharon I know, but how can we promote them ?
Derek The new singer Maxine is really hot. She loves purses. Maybe we can cash in on her popularity.
Sharon How ?
Derek We could get her to endorse our products.
Sharon That's a brilliant idea. I'll see if we can speak to her agent.
Derek That sounds wonderful. Let's get started.

Explanation :

Cash in on - to get money or another advantage from an event or situation

Example : Her family have been accused of cashing in on her death.

Dot the i's and cross the t's !!!

Jeff Susan, can you hand me that contract over there ?
Susan Sure. Have you finished drafting it yet ?
Jeff Almost.
Susan That's great. When will you show it to the client ?
Jeff Tomorrow. I want to look it over again.
Susan We need to make sure to dot the i's and cross the t's on this contract.
Jeff You're right. One mistake could cost us thousands of dollars.

Explanation :

Dot the i's and cross the t's - Be meticulous and precise, fill in all the particulars

Example : Laura had dotted all the i's and crossed the t's, so she wondered what she'd done wrong.

Hit the jackpot !!!

Sharon I just got a call from Maxine's agent.
Derek What did she say ?
Sharon She said it's a go. Maxine loves our bags and will be glad to be our endorser.
Derek This is totally awesome ! How much will it cost us ?
Sharon Believe it or not, nothing ! She said she'd do it just because we're new.
Derek Wow ! We've really hit the jackpot.

Explanation :

Hit the jackpot - to suddenly get/win a lot of money

Example : She hit the jackpot at the auction; that platter turned out to be genuine Meissen

A live wire !!!

Walter It was great visiting your grandmother. She's a lot of fun.

Eva Do you think so ?
Walter Yes. It's hard to believe she's 79 years old. She's a real live wire.
Eva Tell you about it ! Right now she's out on a date with her boyfriend.
Walter Really ?
Eva Yeah ! He's younger than she is, too. He's only in his sixties.
Walter Lucky him !

Explanation :

A live wire - A highly alert or energetic person

Example : Sally's a real live wire; she brightens up any gathering.

Eat my words !!!

Carey I thought you and Mark were breaking up.
Sandy I can't. I really love him.
Carey I may eat my words, but I don't think the two of you are right for each other.
Sandy But he's everything I could ask for. He's kind, funny, and he has a great heart.
Carey But, he's unemployed, lazy, and he lives with his parents.
Sandy Those are just minor problems. I'm working on them.

Explanation :

Eat one's words - Be forced to retract something one has said

Example : The incumbent won easily, so I had to eat my words.

Got the boot !!!

Terry Do you want to grab a cup of coffee ?
Edward I'd love to, but I can't.
Terry Come on. There's a coffee shop right across the street.
Edward I really can't. Ever since I got the boot from my job, money has been tight.
Terry Don't worry about it, Edward. Coffee is on me.
Edward That's nice of you, but I'll pass. Besides, that's where I used to work.

Explanation :

Get the boot - be discharged or fired

Example : The manager was stunned when he got the boot himself.

Diamond in the rough !!!

Joe Do you want to go away for the weekend ?

Kelly Sure ! What do you have in mind ?
Joe How about we go to that fishing village on the coast ?
Kelly But, it's so tiny. There's nothing to do there.
Joe It's a diamond in the rough. It just hasn't been discovered yet.
Kelly Really ?
Joe Yeah, there are many surprises in store for you.

Explanation :

Diamond in the rough ( rough diamond ) - One having exceptionally good qualities or the potential for greatness but lacking polish and refinement

Look a gift horse in the mouth !!!

Penny This trip isn't a good idea.

Andrew Oh, don't be such a spoilsport.
Penny But, there's a hole in the tent.
Andrew Yes, but we can't look a gift horse in the mouth. It is free, and at least we have a tent.
Penny We should have a hotel. When you asked me to go away, I didn't think you meant a camping trip.
Andrew Oh, but isn't it romantic ?

Explanation :

Look a gift horse in the mouth - Be critical or suspicious of something received at no cost.

Example : Dad's old car is full of dents, but we shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth.

By my own bootstraps !!!

Teddy I'm going home for Mid-Autumn Festival. Want to come along ?

Andy No, thanks.
Teddy Don't you like my family ?
Andy They're great. But your brother-in-law is a pain.
Teddy Why do you say that ?
Andy He's always lecturing me on how I should pull myself up by my own bootstraps.
Teddy You are unemployed.
Andy Yes, so I can't even afford a pair of boots.

Explanation :

By my own bootstraps - By my own efforts

Let sleeping dogs lie !!!

Vicky I can't see the TV.
Sarah Can't you pull yourself away from the game ? We need to talk.
Vicky Come on. This is a playoff game.
Sarah But we need to talk about our problems.
Vicky Sarah, just let sleeping dogs lie.
Sarah No ! Baseball can wait. Our relationship can't !
Vicky It's going to have to. Wang is up, and baseball is stronger than love.

Explanation :

Let sleeping dogs lie - Allow inactive problems to remain so

Example : Jane knew she should report the accident but decided to let sleeping dogs lie.

At each other's throats !!!

Jane James and I were planning to travel to Hawaii for a vacation.
Bennett What happened then ?
Jane Nothing. We just don't get along anymore. We've just been at each other's throats for months.
Bennett Maybe things will get better.
Jane I don't think so. This is it.
Bennett Don't give up hope. You can work it out.
Jane Maybe after baseball season's over.

Explanation :

At each other's throats - arguing or fighting

Example : It was a very dramatic trial, with the prosecutor and the defense attorney constantly at each other's throats.

Left a bad taste in my mouth !!!

Angelina I need to make an appointment.
Naomi Are you going to see Dr. Michael ?
Angelina No way. I don't really like him. He really left a bad taste in my mouth during my last visit.
Naomi What do you mean ?
Angelina He was rude. He answered none of my questions.
Naomi I know what you mean.

Explanation :

Leave a bad taste in one's mouth - make a bad impression

Example : The argument left a bad taste in my mouth, so after that I avoided talking politics.

Have an axe to grind !!!

Jason Are you going to the flea market this weekend ?
Bobby Yeah. I've got to talk to one of the booth owners.
Jason What for ?
Bobby I have an axe to grind with him.
Jason I didn't know that.
Bobby Yeah, he ripped me off. He bought my comic book collection and didn't give me a fair price.
Jason Well, you accepted it.
Bobby That's true, but I regret it, too.

Explanation :

Have an axe to grind - to have a strong opinion about something

Example : Environmentalists have no political axe to grind - they just want to save the planet.

Read me the riot act !!!

Merilyn You're running late.

Daniel I overslept.
Merilyn I bet your manager won't be too happy with you.
Daniel You're right ! He's going to read me the riot act when I get in.
Merilyn Maybe it won't be as bad as you think.
Daniel Oh, it will be. I've been late four times this week.

Explanation :

Read someone the riot act - Warn or reprimand forcefully

Example : When he was caught throwing stones at the windows, the principal read him the riot act.

Rob Peter to pay Paul !!!

Mattie I need to get some money off my credit card at the ATM.

Tyler What for ?
Mattie I need to pay another credit card bill.
Tyler Do you think that's a good idea ? Basically, you're robbing Peter to pay Paul.
Mattie I know, but I have no choice.
Tyler Can't you get a loan ?
Mattie I don't think I can get one.

Explanation :

Rob Peter to pay Paul - Take from one to give to another, shift resources

Example : They took out a second mortgage on their house so they could buy a condo in Florida--they're robbing Peter to pay Paul.

In the dark !!!

Blake I just heard that Kate got married.
Leo Yeah. None of us had any idea.
Blake Tell me about it. I was really surprised. She left us all in the dark.
Leo Are you getting her a present ?
Blake I don't think we have to.
Leo Really ?
Blake From what I heard, a baby present might be a better idea. It was a bit of shotgun wedding.

Explanation :

In the dark - not knowing about something, uninformed

Example : They kept me in the dark about their plans.

Let your hair down !!!

Bill You're awfully uptight.

Sheila I've got a lot on my mind.
Bill What ?
Sheila There's a lot going on in my life right now – work, family, boyfriend.
Bill Well, it's the weekend. You should just let your hair down and relax.
Sheila I'll try, but it's hard to put everything out of my mind.
Bill Let's go to the movies. Getting lost in a movie always helps me unwind.

Explanation :

Let your hair down - Drop one's reserve or inhibitions, behave casually or informally

Example : Whenever the two sisters get together, they let their hair down and discuss all their problems.

Like clockwork !!!

Murphy I'm going to miss the 8:00 train to K.L Main Station.
Francis There'll be another one coming very soon.
Murphy Are you sure ?
Francis Of course. These trains run like clockwork. They're always on time.
Murphy I hope so. My boss gets upset when I clock in late.
Francis In fact, one will be coming in less than five minutes.
Murphy I've got to fly ! I don't want to miss that one, too.

Explanation :

Like clockwork - very regularly, at exactly the planned times

Example : Since the recent improvements to the service, the buses are running like clockwork.

Set my sights on !!!

Evan You work so hard. Don't you ever take a vacation ?

Stanley Yeah, but I'm saving up for a car.
Evan Really ?
Stanley Yeah. I've had my driver's license for years, but I haven't had a car.
Evan What type of car do you want ?
Stanley I've set my sights on a Proton Wira.
Evan Cool ! That's a perfect car to take me out in. Make sure it's blue. I look good in that color.

Explanation :

Set one's sight on - Have a goal

Example : She's set her sights on law school.

Not set in stone !!!

Sophia What are you doing this weekend ?
Taylor I'm going to the movies and out to dinner with some friends.
Sophia Oh, I was hoping you'd help me move into my new apartment.
Taylor Well, my plans aren't set in stone, so I think I can help you then.
Sophia That would be wonderful.
Taylor Thanks. Besides, once you move, I can hang out at your place.

Explanation :

Not set in stone - not fixed yet

Example : These are just a few ideas - nothing is set in stone yet.

Smoke like a chimney !!!

Sammy Did you have fun on your date ?
Lucy Not at all ! I wouldn't date Carl again if he were the last man on Earth.
Sammy It couldn't have been that bad.
Lucy You weren't there. The entire evening, he smoked like a chimney. I probably have cancer now.
Sammy Did he try to kiss you ?
Lucy Yes, and I felt like kissing an ashtray.

Explanation :

Smoke like a chimney - Smoke heavily

Get all ducks in a row !!!

Mandy All right. All of our travel plans are set.
Reese Two weeks in the Caribbean is going to be so cool.
Mandy You'd better get all your ducks in a row at work before you go.
Reese Everything's already taken care of.
Mandy Tomorrow we just have to go get our visas.
Reese Afterwards, we need to get our flight tickets at the travel agent's office.
Mandy I'm just excited that we're finally going.

Explanation :

Get/Have all ducks in a row - to organize things well

Example : I thought Mike was extremely smart and always had his ducks in a row.

Test the water(s) !!!

Ben Do you think your friend Alice will go out with me ?
Martha I don't know. Why don't you ask her ?
Ben I'm scared she'll turn me down.
Martha But you'll never know if you don't make the effort.
Ben Can you ask her if she likes me ? You know, just to test the water.
Martha Why don't you just jump in ?
Ben The water might be too hot.

Explanation :

Test the water(s) - to find out what people's opinions of something are before you ask them to do something

Until I'm blue in the face !!!

Kim I don't know what to do about my father.
Ray What's wrong with him ?
Kim It's his health. He doesn't take care of himself.
Ray Have you tried talking to him ?
Kim I could talk to him till I'm blue in the face, and it wouldn't work.
Ray What about his doctor ?
Kim His doctor is his golf buddy, so they're always lying to each other.

Explanation :

If you say or shout something until you are blue in the face, you are wasting your efforts because you will get no results

Example : You can tell her to tidy her room until you are blue in the face, but she won't do it.

Toe the line !!!

Robin Now that we're roommates, we're going to have to do things differently.
Dick What do you mean ?
Robin We're going to have to split all the bills down the middle.
Dick Sure. No problem !
Robin You say that now, but make sure you toe the line.
Dick Don't worry, Robin. Have I ever let you down ?
Robin Do you want me to honestly answer that ?

Explanation :

Toe the line - do what is expected

Example : The new director will make us toe the line, I'm sure.

Wake-up call !!!

Nancy My dad was taken to the hospital last night.
Annie Is he all right ?
Nancy He is fine now, but he thought he was having a heart attack.
Annie Did he ?
Nancy No, he ate 30 of my Mom's dumplings. He just had heartburn.
Annie Not so bad.
Nancy Yeah. It was a real wake-up call for him, and now he's going to eat more carefully.

Explanation :

Wake-up call - a sign or warning

Example : The rise in unemployment has given a wake-up call to state governments

Eat them alive !!!

Robert You don't look too happy. Anything you want to talk about ?
Ella It's my new boss. She's horrible.
Robert In what way ?
Ella If anyone does anything wrong, she practically eats them alive.
Robert No one is that terrible.
Ella You've never met her. She's been nicknamed the Witch of the Accounting Office.
Robert That's not bad. At least it's not the entire company.

Explanation :

Eat someone alive - to criticize someone very angrily

Example : If we get our facts wrong we'll be eaten alive by the press.

Exciting as watching paint dry !!!

Carina Did you attend the art history lecture at the museum ?

Alison Yes. I went last night.
Carina How was it ? I bet it was really exciting.
Alison It was about as exciting as watching paint dry.
Carina So, you wouldn't recommend it ?
Alison If you're tired and you can't fall asleep, you should go.
Carina In that case, I know I'll enjoy it. You know, I'm into art history.

Explanation :

Exciting as watching paint dry - used to refer to an activity that you consider extremely boring

Example : "So you don't want to watch the football?" "To be honest I would rather watch paint dry".

Over my dead body !!!

Raymond Kevin, can I borrow your car for the weekend ?

Kevin No way.
Raymond Come on. I want to go out with a new girl. I want to impress her.
Kevin Take a taxi.
Raymond But, she's not a taxi type of girl.
Kevin The only way you're going to borrow my car is over my dead body.
Raymond Well, since you put it that way, maybe I should take a taxi.

Explanation :

If you say that something will happen over your dead body, you mean that you will do everything you can to prevent it.

Example : If they cut down those trees, they'll do it over my dead body.

Shoot off your mouth !!!

Alvin I'm going to play ball today.

Janet Did you shoot off your mouth and challenge Darren to a game ?
Alvin Yes, he kept saying he'd beat me.
Janet Come on, Alvin. Why not leave him alone ?
Alvin No way ! He'd think I'm a wimp.
Janet Well, he's a much better player than you are.
Alvin I know, but fortune favors the brave.

Explanation :

Shoot off your mouth - Speak indiscreetly; also, brag or boast

Example : Marco is always shooting off his mouth about how many languages he speaks.

Turn up your nose !!!

Edmond Would you like to go hiking this weekend ?

Jessie Why don't we go to the mall instead ?
Edmond But I have some new hiking gear I want to try out.
Jessie Yes, but there's a sale at the department store.
Edmond Jessie, you always turn your nose up at anything I want to do.
Jessie It's not you, Edmond. It's the outdoors. I hate it. I prefer air-conditioned stores instead.

Explanation :

Turn up your nose - to not accept something because you do not think it is good enough for you

Example : They turned their noses up at the only hotel that was available.

In the works !!!

Jane Hello, Mr. Lin. I'm Jane Stevens. The receptionist told me to come see you first.

Mr. Lin Welcome, Jane. We're glad you'll be working with us.
Jane What do I need to do to get started ?
Mr. Lin Well, we've got some paperwork for you to fill out.
Jane What will I be working on ? They weren't very specific in the interview.
Mr. Lin I'll let your supervisor, Mr. Wang, talk to you about that. We have some great projects in the works right now.
Jane Well, I'm very excited.

Explanation :

In the works - in preparation, under development

Example : He assured her that a follow-up campaign was in the works.

Clock in, clock out !!!

Cara OK, one more challenge for my first day. How do I use the time card machine ?

Nigel It can be kind of tricky at first.
Cara Yeah, and I'm not used to clocking in and out.
Nigel All you have to do is press the "In" button when you arrive at work and the "Out" button when you're going home.
Cara Then I stick my card in the top ?
Nigel Exactly. You should also punch in and out at lunchtime.
Cara I'm clocked out. Thanks!

Explanation :

Clock in - to record the time you arrive at work on a special machine

Clock out - to leave work, especially by recording the time you leave on a special machine

A brief rundown !!!

Claire Hello, everyone. Williams and I will start by giving you a brief rundown.

Williams Thanks. First of all, one department has stood out this quarter.
Claire That's right. Marketing has done very well with some of their recent projects.
Williams The numbers for the quarter show that marketing revenue has increased by 22 percent and that all other departments have reached their revenue goals.
Claire Good job this quarter, everyone. Congratulations for doing so well.
Williams Now, let's take a look at the agenda.

Explanation :

Rundown - a detailed report

Example : Here's a run-down on/of the activities of our ten biggest competitors.

Thanks for the heads-up !!!

Frankie I got your email today, Jenny.
Jenny Oh, good. So, what do you think ?
Frankie It was a little confusing. Do you want to meet on Thursday or Friday ?
Jenny Friday. I guess I didn't express myself very well.
Frankie Yeah. Sometimes your emails can be pretty long and disorganized.
Jenny Oh, I didn't realize that. Thanks for the heads-up.
Frankie It's not a big problem. It would just be better if you could be more concise.
Jenny I see what you mean.

Explanation :

Heads-up - Information or notification, especially in advance

Example : Gave me the heads-up on the new security measures.

No spring chicken !!!

Mary Let's go dancing.
Kelly No way. I've got to take it easy tonight. I'm no spring chicken, you know !
Mary Kelly, you're only 34. What are you talking about ?
Kelly Well, I'm getting old. I've got to think about slowing down.
Mary You've relaxed for a while - you haven't gone out in three weeks.
Kelly I've got to think about my family, may be having grandchildren ...
Mary Grandchildren ? You're not even married !
Kelly Yes, but time flies by so quickly. Before you know it, we'll be in our graves.
Mary This is depressing. I'm going dancing. See you later !

Explanation :

No spring chicken - no longer younger

Example : Sally's no spring chicken, but she plays a fine game of tennis.

Fat cat !!!

Alain Hi, Joe. Wow, is that a new car ?
Joe Yep. It's a Ferrari.
Alain I can see that ! It's so cool.
Joe I use this one on weekdays, and I have another one for weekends.
Alain It seems like you're living like a real fat cat these days.
Joe Not really. I'm borrowing money, so I can rent these from the shop.
Alain But why ?
Joe Well, if I'm going to be broke, I want to do it with style !

Explanation :

Fat cat - someone who has a lot of money

Example : The report criticized boardroom fat cats who award themselves huge pay increases.

In Claire's good graces !!!

Jack I heard they're going to choose a new senior Vice-president.
Kelly I heard the same rumor. Who do you think will get picked ?
Jack Well, it's up to Claire.
Kelly Claire doesn't like me very much. I don't think it'll be me.
Jack Greg has been here the longest, but I don't think he's very qualified.
Kelly Maybe you'll get the nod.
Jack I wouldn't mind a promotion. But I'm not really in Claire's good graces.
Kelly Kiss up a little and you might get the job.

Explanation :

In someone good graces - In someone's favor or good opinion

Example : She was always in the good graces of whoever happened to be in charge.

Ran me over !!!

Billy Hey, you nearly ran me over. Why don't you watch where you're going ?
Jasmine Sorry, Billy. I didn't see you coming out of that office.
Billy Then maybe you should go get a new pair of glasses.
Jasmine That's totally uncalled for. It was an accident.
Billy I guess you're right. I'm just stressed out, that's all.
Jasmine We all are, but it's no reason to be that rude.
Billy I'm really sorry. I was still inappropriate.
Jasmine It's all right, Billy. No worries.

Explanation :

Run over - Knock down, pass over

Example : The car ran over our dog.

Out of line !!!

Bradley Hi, Rosemary. I wanted to talk to you about yesterday.
Rosemary Oh, it was nothing. You don't have to say anything.
Bradley No, I really owe you an apology. I was way out of line.
Rosemary Well, I was surprised by your reaction. It's not like you to be so brash.
Bradley I know. I haven't been myself lately. Can you forgive me ?
Rosemary Of course. It's water under the bridge.
Bradley I'm relieved to hear that. Thanks for being so understanding.
Rosemary Any time. See you later !

Explanation :

Out of line - behave in an unsuitable way

Example : It was made quite clear to me that if I stepped out of line again I'd be out of a job.

On second thought !!!

Jack Hi, Tom. As Senior VP, I have to deal with the poor efficiency of this department.
Tom All right. What do you have in mind ?
Jack Well, first of all, you should stop the projects you're working on and go to an efficiency seminar.
Tom But we are pretty busy right now. Is there another way we can accomplish your goals here ?
Jack Maybe we should fire the staff and hire new employees.
Tom On second thought, an efficiency seminar might help. I'll try to arrange for it.

Explanation :

On second thought(s) - to change a decision you have made

Example : I'd like a cup of coffee, please - actually, on second thoughts, I'll have a beer

Out of it !!!

Bryce Whitney, were you able to get those new designs finished ?
Whitney Nope. Sorry, Bryce. I haven't been able to focus for the past few days.
Bryce Why no ? What's the matter ?
Whitney I broke up with my boyfriend last week. Ever since, I've been out of it.
Bryce Breaking up can be rough, and I'm sure you'll feel better soon.
Whitney I just have to get my head together.
Bryce Of course you will. In the meantime, I'll help you out with the new designs. Do you want to take any time off ?

Explanation :

Out of it - confused or disoriented

Example : He had no idea where he was or had been; he was totally out of it.

Run yourself into the ground !!!

Nancy Hey, Jessie. Can we talk about the ABC contract ?

Jessie Sorry, I can't talk now. I've got to get over to Sales for a meeting with Ted.
Nancy Haven't you already met with Sarah and Jason today ?
Jessie Yeah, I've been running all over the place lately.
Nancy Why are you so in demand ?
Jessie Since Charlie's out of the office this week, I'm his mouthpiece at these meetings.
Nancy Be careful that you don't run yourself into the ground.

Explanation :

Run yourself into the ground - to make yourself very tired by working too hard

Example : We ran ourselves into the ground to meet the July deadline.

Kick it into high gear !!!

Jeremy How are those layouts coming ?
Janet Slowly but surely. I don't know if we'll finish on time.
Nicole We're doing our best to get them over and done with. We'll keep you posted.
Jeremy OK, well, it's time to kick it into high gear. The deadline's tomorrow.
Nicole I know. We've already got the pedal to the metal.
Jeremy I know you do. Thanks, you two. Good luck finishing up.
Janet We're going to need all the luck we can get.

Explanation :

High gear - A state of maximum activity, energy, or force.

Example : The political campaign is finally moving into high gear.

Fill in for you !!!

Parker Hi, Tanya. You busy ?
Tanya I'm just finishing something up. What can I do for you ?
Parker I'm supposed to represent our department at the strategy meeting, but I need to take the day off tomorrow.
Tanya I see. So you want me to fill in for you ?
Parker Could you ? That'd be a big help.
Tanya Yeah, no problem. Just email me the agenda beforehand.
Parker Thanks, Tanya. You're a lifesaver. I owe you one.

Explanation :

Fill in - to do someone else's work for them because they cannot or will not do it themselves

Example : Volunteers would fill in for teachers in the event of a strike.

Walk you through !!!

Miller Nora, I'm putting you in charge of a new project. I want you to create some web applications for our marketing product line.
Nora Alright, sir. I don't know much about programming for the Internet.
Miller That's OK. I'm bringing in an online application instructor. He'll walk you through the basics.
Nora Sounds great. I've always wanted to pick up online designing.
Miller Great. Take some time to hone your skills and then show me what you can do in two weeks.
Nora Will do, boss. Thanks !

Explanation :

Walk someone through - Instruct someone carefully, one step at a time

Example : He was very helpful, walking me through all the steps in this complex computer program.

Show you the ropes !!!

Lynn It's time to start our first web application project. Scott wants me to show you the ropes so we can do it together.
Nina I'm not much for software programming.
Lynn That's OK. We'll learn as we go. Now, here's the template for the project.
Nina That looks complicated. Can you break it down for me ?
Lynn Of course. I'll do a demo for you so that you can get a feel for the process.
Nina That'll be great. Then, I'll be happy to give it a try.

Explanation :

Show sb the ropes - to show someone how to do a job or activity

Example : Lynn spent an afternoon showing the new girl the ropes.

It comes in handy !!!

Julie Is there anything in particular I should bring to the convention ?
Alex Make sure you've got your convention materials.
Julie OK. Are you taking your laptop with you ?
Alex Yes, I find it comes in handy.
Julie What will the level of dress be ?
Alex Business casual, mostly. However, we'll be meeting with a client. Make sure you have a professional-looking outfit for that.
Julie Anything else I should do ?
Alex Leave some room in your bag. You're going to get a lot of complimentary goodies.

Explanation :

Come in handy - be useful

Example : Don't throw those bottles away - they'll come in handy for the picnic next Sunday.

Pay off my credit card !!!

Lyndon We get our bonuses today. I can't wait.
Alicia Me neither. Do you have any special plans for yours ?
Lyndon I'm going to the store to buy a huge plasma TV. I've already got it picked out.
Alicia Cool ! You must have been planning this for a while.
Lyndon Believe me, I have. So, what about you ?
Alicia Oh, nothing exciting. I'll probably just pay off my credit card.
Lyndon Well, that's much more sensible than my plan.
Alicia Maybe, but it's much less entertaining.

Explanation :

Pay off - Pay the full amount on a debt or on wages

Example : Leon pays off the workers every Friday evening.

Give us a heads up !!!

Jean Hey, these bonuses aren't as big as last year.
Ronnie No, not nearly as big. What a letdown !
Jean I wish they had at least given us a heads up about this.
Ronnie I agree. This won't cover the price of a plasma TV.
Jean Or the balance on my credit card. What are you going to do ?
Ronnie I guess I'll have to save up a little longer for the TV.
Jean That's too bad. Hopefully, the bonuses will be back to normal next year.

Explanation :

Heads up - Information or notification, especially in advance

Work up the courage !!!

Peggy Oh, there goes Albert. He's cute, isn't he ?
Gina So, you think Albert is cute, huh ? Why don't you ask him out ?
Peggy I can't do that. He's my co-worker.
Gina So what ? A little office romance never hurts anybody.
Peggy I don't even know if he's interested. He might not even know who I am.
Gina Well, there's only one way to find out. Ask him if he'd like to go for a drink with you.
Peggy I'll see if I can work up the courage.

Explanation :

Work up sth - to develop an emotional and physical state

Example : It's strange, but I can't work up any enthusiasm for going on this trip.

He's a handful !!!

Sue Good afternoon, Jessica. How's the baby ?
Jessica He's a handful, but very healthy.
Sue You know, you're looking great. I'm amazed you were able to get back into such good shape so soon after having a baby.
Jessica Oh, you're too nice, Sue.
Sue No, I mean it. You really look terrific. What's your secret ?
Jessica I don't know. I have been trying to exercise a lot, I guess.
Sue Well, whatever you're doing, it's working.
Jessica If you keep this up, I'm going to start blushing.

Explanation :

Handful - a person, often a child, who is difficult to control

Example : Her older son is fine but the little one is a bit of a handful.

Keep it under wraps !!!

Dave Marie's been spending a lot of time with Jim lately.
Nicky Yeah, she's crazy about him. They've been on five dates already.
Dave Really ? How long have they been together ?
Nicky A couple of weeks. They're keeping it a secret, though.
Dave How come ?
Nicky They're worried about the boss finding out.
Dave That's a good idea. There are rules against co-worker relationships. Too bad they trusted you with their secret.
Nicky Hey, I wouldn't tell just anyone. I know you'll keep it under wraps.

Explanation :

Under wraps - concealed or secret

Example : Let's keep this theory under wraps until we've tested it sufficiently.

On a whim !!!

Evelyn Fred, I just found out some great news.
Fred What's that, Evelyn ?
EvelynIn a while !!!

Stephen Hi, Karen, it's Stephen.
Karen Hi, Stephen. I haven't heard from you in a while.
Stephen Well, I've been busy. I've started my own company.
Karen Wow. What kind of business is it ?
Stephen Just a little Internet startup. I'm recruiting staff and I want you to come work for me.
Karen Actually, I just got started working at the old company again.
Stephen I didn't realize you were going back. Well, can you recommend someone else ?

Explanation :

In a while - after a period of time, usually a moderately short time

Example : Go ahead, I'll along in a while.

You know how I've always wanted to be a professional photographer ? Well, I just got a job at Fashion Magazine.
Fred Wow, Evelyn. I didn't even know you were looking for another job.
Evelyn Well, I wasn't really, but I applied on a whim.
Fred Congratulations. When will you be leaving ?
Evelyn They want me to start at the beginning of next month. I'll be happy to help find my replacement.

Explanation :

On a whim - a sudden desire or idea, especially one that cannot be reasonably explained

Example : We booked the holiday on a whim.

Day in day out !!!

Diana Terry, I'm giving my notice. I'll be leaving the company in two weeks.

Terry Okay. Is there any particular reason ?
Diana I've just gotten so bored with doing the same old thing day in and day out.
Terry Don't you think there's any variety in your job ?
Diana Some, but my duties are very limited. I need to try something new.
Terry Do you have a new job yet ?
Diana I'm looking into a few different things.
Terry Well, good luck with your job hunt.

Explanation :

Day in day out - every day

I'm completely strung out !!!

Ken Johnny, I can't take it anymore.

Johnny What do you mean, Ken ?
Ken The stress of this job is killing me. My whole department is quitting, and I'm not getting any support. I'm completely strung out.
Johnny These changes are hard on all of us.
Ken Well, I've had enough. I quit.
Johnny You can't quit on us now. Who will handle all the new employees that are coming in ?
Ken I'll be happy to help with the transition, but then I'm out of here.

Explanation :

Strung out - physically or emotionally exhausted

Example : Everyone was so strung out last night at the concert.

Push comes to shove !!!

Stan Regarding new employees, I'd really appreciate your suggestions.

Carrie Why don't you hire a headhunter ?
Stan They can be expensive. For now, I'm hoping to recruit through the Internet and through word of mouth.
Carrie I'm not sure what Timothy's doing. You might give him a call.
Stan Thanks. I will. Let me know if there are any others you think of.
Carrie Sure thing. And, if push comes to shove, you can try going to a career fair.
Stan I'll probably have to. Thanks, Carrie.

Explanation :

( When/If ) push comes to shove - When matters must be confronted, when a crucial point is reached

Example : If push comes to shove, the Federal Reserve Chairman will lower the interest rate

Hold the fort !!!

Delia How's business, Dick ?
Dick Pretty good, but busy. My father's been ill, so I've had to take over his business as well.
Delia I'm sorry to hear that. What kind of company is it ?
Dick He ran a little hardware store in my hometown. I'm just trying to keep it afloat while he recovers.
Delia Well, let me know if you need any help.
Dick I will, but I've got Robert managing my company while I'm holding down the fort here. I'm sure things will be fine.

Explanation :

Hold the fort - Assume responsibility, especially in another's absence; also, maintain a secure position.

Example : Harry did a good job of holding the fort until his boss recovered.

Get it sorted out !!!

Connie There you are, Steve. We need to talk.
Steve What's up, Connie ?
Connie The new computers haven't arrived and the mess still hasn't been cleaned up from the party. You have to do something.
Steve I'm sorry, Connie. I've been very busy outside the office. I can't be in two places at once.
Connie Well, we can't work under these conditions, Steve.
Steve Don't worry. I'm here now. I'll get it sorted out.
Connie I hope so. Productivity is very low in this office right now.

Explanation :

Sort out - to find a solution to a problem

Example : Did you sort out the mess ?

Up to speed !!!

Wendy Hi, there. What did you want to see me about ?
Lucy It looks like they're short on employees in the Sales Department. You're the most experienced here, so we'd like to transfer you.
Wendy But I've never done any sales work before. I'm not sure I'm qualified.
Lucy You've got good communications skills and you're familiar with our products. That's all you need.
Wendy It's OK with me.
Lucy Great. Your new supervisor, Danny, will get you up to speed.

Explanation :

Up to speed - Have all the information about something and be able to do it well

Example : Before we start the meeting I'm going to get you up to speed with the latest developments.

Put us on the map !!!

Lawrence Everyone, listen up. We just got a contract from The Jones Company.
Kenny Wow ! That's terrific. This will really put us on the map.
Lawrence I'm excited, too. To celebrate, we're going to take a company trip next month. We need to start planning it right away. Any ideas for destinations ?
Cathy The mountains are really nice right now. We could go skiing.
Lawrence Alright, perfect. We'll need to coordinate transportation and lodging. Cathy will be in charge of planning the trip. Good job, everyone.

Explanation :

Put sth/sb on the map - to make a thing or person famous

Example : The governor has managed to put this sleepy southern state in America on the map.

I'm just monkeying around with it !!!

Marco What happened to your radio ? Did it break ?
Dana Yeah. I've been trying to fix it, but nothing seems to work.
Marco You know how to fix radios ? I never knew that.
Dana Actually, I don't. I'm just monkeying around with it, and hoping I'll get lucky.
Marco Don't you think you're making the problem worse ?
Dana It's all right. I hate this radio anyway

Explanation :

Monkey around - to behave, or to use or move things, in a silly and careless way

Example : The children were bored and started monkeying around.

Monkey business !!!

Mrs. Lee What are you doing, Kenny ? You're supposed to be helping me clean.

Kenny I'm tired of cleaning the house, Mom. I want to have some fun.
Mrs. Lee After you finish your chores, you can go outside and play.
Kenny Why can't I go play now ? It's such a nice day outside.
Mrs. Lee I've had enough of your monkey business. Get back to work.
Kenny OK, Mom, I'll finish cleaning. But afterwards, I'm going outside.

Explanation :

Monkey business - behavior which is not acceptable or is dishonest

Example : The teacher suspected that there had been some monkey business going on in the class.

Monkey business !!!

Mrs. Lee What are you doing, Kenny ? You're supposed to be helping me clean.

Kenny I'm tired of cleaning the house, Mom. I want to have some fun.
Mrs. Lee After you finish your chores, you can go outside and play.
Kenny Why can't I go play now ? It's such a nice day outside.
Mrs. Lee I've had enough of your monkey business. Get back to work.
Kenny OK, Mom, I'll finish cleaning. But afterwards, I'm going outside.

Explanation :

Monkey business - behavior which is not acceptable or is dishonest

Example : The teacher suspected that there had been some monkey business going on in the class.

Like a bear with a sore head !!!

Dave Hey, Lynne. Why do you look so nervous ?

Lynne I have to talk to Mr. Gerry about taking a vacation today.
Dave Do you really have to do it today ? After he heard about Margaret quitting, he has been like a bear with a sore head.
Lynne Oh, well, maybe I'll wait until tomorrow then.
Dave Good idea. He's going golfing this afternoon. That always seems to cheer him up.
Lynne Thanks for the advice, Dave. I really appreciate it.

Explanation :

Like a bear with a sore head - to be in a bad mood which causes you to treat other people badly and complain a lot

Example : You're like a bear with a sore head this morning. What's wrong with you?

She's quite doe-eyed !!!

Greg Have you met my older brother's new girlfriend yet ?

Eric Yes, I just did. What do you think of her ?
Greg She seems very nice, but she's much younger than we are.
Eric I can tell. She's quite doe-eyed. Do you know how old she is ?
Greg I'm not sure, but I did overhear her talking about her high school graduation.
Eric Hmm. Maybe I'll go over and talk to her. I'm really curious about her now.

Explanation :

Doe-eyed - Credulous and unsophisticated; naive

Example : : Many doe-eyed investors go bankrupt within a year, sometimes by expanding too fast, sometimes because of pure ignorance.

On the dole !!!

Barry Rags to riches, right ? I read she was on the dole when she wrote the first book.
June Now look at her. She's a billionaire.
Barry I guess the true magic at work involved her computer rather than a wand and a broom.
June Now you can't tell me you don't like her story.
Barry I get enough of Harry Potter from my children. Besides, I'm a Lord of the Rings man, myself.
June How can you compare them ? Harry Potter is way better.
Barry Tolkien wrote Lord of the Rings fifty years before Harry Potter, thank you very much.

Explanation :

On the dole - Receiving regular relief payments from or as if from the government

Example : : If I can't find any work within a month, I'll have to go on the dole.

I'm beat !!!

Aaron Ahhh ! I'm beat !
Babel What happened to you ? You look like you got hit by a tornado !
Aaron I just got back from fighting the crowds.
Babel You mean at the mall ? Was there a sale ?
Aaron Yeah. For five minutes, everything was half off. It was total chaos...
Babel Cool !
Aaron Grabbing, pushing and shoving...

Explanation :

I'm beat - I'm worn out / extremely tired.

Example : : You've been working too hard, you look dead beat.

Feast your eyes on !!!

Yang I think I need a new notebook...
Eddie Why? Is there some new, cool computer out on the market ?
Yang You bet there is. Feast your eyes on this puppy !
Eddie That's a notebook ?
Yang Believe it !
Eddie It looks more like a toy, or a cool briefcase !

Explanation :

Feast one's eyes on - Be delighted or gratified by the sight of

Example : : I'm feasting my eyes on this new sculpture -- it's wonderful.

Like a bat out of hell !!!

Jena Watch where you're going, Jake ! How rude !

Rick What's wrong, Jena ?
Jena Jake just came running out of the classroom like a bat out of hell.
Rick Really ? I wonder where he was going so quickly.
Jena Who knows ? Anyway, he should have been careful. He almost knocked me over.
Rick Hm. Well, it is lunch time. Maybe he was just too hungry to wait.

Explanation :

Like bat out of hell - moving extremely fast

Gets my goat !!!

Jessie Hey Shirley, what's wrong ? You look kind of bummed out.

Shirley I really can't stand gym class. Mrs. Smith said I run as fast as a potato.
Jessie She said that ? Wow, I don't think you're that bad.
Shirley Yes, she said it in front of everyone. She really gets my goat.
Jessie Still, that's a pretty funny joke…
Shirley Jessie ! Would you please stop laughing ? I am not a potato !

Explanation :

Get sb's goat - to greatly annoy someone

Example : : That sort of attitude really gets my goat.

Have a memory like an elephant !!!

Leon How does he remember all that information ?

Martin He has a memory like an elephant.
Leon Why can't I remember as much as him ?
Martin Well, that's what he likes to do. Everyone has a special talent, I guess.
Leon Oh, really ? That's interesting. So what's my special talent ?
Martin I don't really know. Maybe you haven't found yours yet.
Leon Maybe my talent is finding out other people's talents.

Explanation :

Have a memory like an elephant - to be able to remember things easily and for a long period of time

The lion's share !!!

Louis The pizza smells good. I can't wait to eat 8 pieces of it.
Mike Wait a minute ! You can't take the lion's share of it.
Louis But I was the one that suggested pizza.
Mike You may have thought of it, but who paid for it ?
Louis Well, I did pay for it, sort of. But I used your wallet.
Mike What ? Louis, I told you a hundred times not to take my wallet !
Louis Sorry. But I was hungry, and pizza isn't free, you know.

Explanation :

The lion's share - the largest part or most of something

Example : : Reputable charities spend the lion's share of donations on aid and a tiny fraction on administration.

He's such a fox !!!

Marie What do you think of the cute new guy ?
Betty The new guy in the shipping department ? He just sits around and tells jokes all day.
Marie But he's such a fox !
Betty Who cares ? I'm too busy to worry about that these days.
Marie You need to relax and have some fun. You work too hard.
Betty Maybe you're right. But I'm trying to get promoted to general manager.
Marie Well, you don't have to worry about that anymore.
Betty Why ?
Marie The new guy just got the position.

Explanation :

Fox - A sexually attractive person

Black sheep !!!

Billy My sister's coming to visit on Sunday.

Todd That's nice. Will your family be happy to see her ?
Billy Well, yes, but they're a little worried. She's a bit of a black sheep.
Todd Why's that ?
Billy Everyone else in the family is studying to be a lawyer or doctor.
Todd What does she want to do ?
Billy Nothing at all. She's just fooling around.
Todd I see what you mean.

Explanation :

Black sheep - a person who has done something bad which brings embarrassment or disrespect to their family

Example : He's the black sheep of the family.

A wolf in sheep's clothing !!!

George That candidate seems to be a good choice.

Thomas I know. What an honest face he has !
George I'm telling everyone to vote for him.
Thomas Well, don't bother telling Sandy. She thinks he's a wolf in sheep's clothing.
George How could she think that ? Didn't she see him holding a baby on TV ?
Thomas I guess she thinks he's only trying to get elected.
George No one would hold a baby just to get more votes.
Thomas Well, I would.

Explanation :

A wolf in sheep's clothing - a person who hides the fact that they are evil, with a pleasant and friendly appearance

Kangaroo court !!!

Tony John should be put in jail for calling me a moron.

Mark I think you might be going too far.
Tony Anyone who would say that is crazy, and a danger to society !
Mark I think he was only kidding.
Tony I want you, Albert, and Sue to make him defend himself against my accusations.
Mark And if he refuses ?
Tony Then, we'll have to fine him or imprison him in the broom closet.
Mark I think this kangaroo court is a terrible idea, you moron.

Explanation :

Kangaroo court - an unofficial court of law set up by a group of people, especially in a prison, trade union or other organization, to deal with a disagreement or with a member of the group who is considered to have broken the rules

Like lambs to the slaughter !!!

Kim Did you see the sales team going downstairs after work ?

Carey They had to sit through a four-hour meeting with their boss.
Kim I can't believe they didn't refuse ! They didn't even complain.
Carey They followed Mr. Jones like lambs to the slaughter.
Kim I heard that Terry fell asleep during the meeting.
Carey I know. Mr. Jones got even with him, though.
Kim What did he do ?
Carey He balanced three paper cups on Terry's head and posted pictures on the company website.

Explanation :

Like a lamb to the slaughter - If a person does something or goes somewhere like a lamb to the slaughter, they do it without knowing that something bad is going to happen and therefore act calmly and without fighting against the situation.

The rat race !!!

Fiona Every day, it's the same old thing.
Joey What do you mean ?
Fiona Take the bus, go to work, punch in, punch out. What's the point ?
Joey Well, you know, make money, do a good job. That sort of thing.
Fiona Well, I'm just not interested in the rat race.
Joey What would you rather be doing ?
Fiona I'd like to be making movies.
Joey Fiona, you hardly ever watch movies. And when you do, you don't pay attention.
Fiona Well, if I made a movie, I would pay attention to it !

Explanation :

The rat race - a way of life in modern society, characterized by people competing with each other for power and money

Example : He decided to get out of the rat race, and went to work on a farm.

Pig out !!!

Joe Look at all this food. I'm going to pig out !
Fannie Oh, no. Not again.
Joe Remember last time at this restaurant, when I ate so much I had to go to the hospital ?
Fannie Unfortunately, yes, I do remember.
Joe And then at the hospital I got another milkshake at the cafeteria ?
Fannie Can we just forget about it ?
Joe I was surprised they put my picture in the newspaper for that, though. I guess I'm kind of a hero, in a way.
Fannie That's a very peculiar kind of heroism, Joe.

Explanation :

Pig out - to eat a lot or too much

Example : We pigged out on all the lovely cakes and pastries.

When pigs fly !!!

Freddy Can you give me 500 dollars ?
Sharon Sure I can. When pigs fly.
Freddy But I would give my friends 500 dollars if they really need it.
Sharon I asked you for 500 dollars two weeks ago, and you said no !
Freddy I thought it would be bad for you to borrow money. It's better for you to learn how to manage your resources.
Sharon That's ridiculous !
Freddy Now I'm trying to teach you the importance of generosity. So, 500 dollars, please.
Sharon I wish I could teach you the importance of leaving me alone.

Explanation :

When pigs fly - never

Example : Sure he'll pay for the drinks -- when pigs fly.

Got ripped off !!!

Nancy I have something really cool to tell you about ! Do you know anything about online auctions ?
Jim Not really.
Nancy They're awesome ! I was browsing through the eBay auction today, and I found the cutest fat little copper Buddha ! It's over a hundred years old.
Jim Please don't tell me you bought it.
Nancy Why not ?
Jim If you did, you probably got ripped off.

Explanation :

Rip sb off - to cheat someone by making them pay too much money for something

Example : Bob's tickets cost much less than ours - I think we've been ripped off.

You're a snob !!!

Pete I never watch foreign films. They're too boring.
Sandy Pete, you have no taste. You think First Blood is a good movie.
Pete Hey, it is ! A lot of people like that movie !
Sandy I'm sorry, but it's a bad movie. The plot is stupid, and the script is poorly written.
Pete Face it, you don't like action movies because you're a snob.
Sandy No, I don't like action movies because I'm cultured !

Explanation :

Snob - One who looks down on others considered to be less important

Example : It is difficult to like and trust a snob because you never know why a snob wants to be your friend.

Came to your senses !!!

Ronald See ! The directions are difficult to understand.
Debbie Yes, you're right.
Ronald I'm glad you finally came to your senses and stopped blaming everything on me.
Debbie Actually, you didn't ask for help until it was too late. So, in a sense, it's still your fault.
Ronald Whatever. Look, there's the street !
Debbie Great ! At least we found it in the end.
Ronald Yep. Thanks to you.

Explanation :

Come to one's sense - Return to thinking or behaving sensibly and reasonably; recover consciousness

Example : I wish he'd come to his senses and stop playing around.

Straight from the horse's mouth !!!

Patty We're having a test tomorrow in math class.
Jenny What ! Where did you hear that ?
Patty It came straight from the horse's mouth.
Jenny Mr. Peterman said that ? But we have no time to study !
Patty I know.
Jenny I have badminton practice after school. What can I do ?
Patty I know ! Challenge him to a badminton game. If you win, he changes the date.

Explanation :

Straight from the horse's mouth - from a reliable source

Example : I have it from the horse's mouth that he plans to retire next month.

In the doghouse !!!

Samuel How's your wife these days ?
Gary Well, I don't know. I'm kind of in the doghouse.
Samuel Why is she angry with you ?
Gary I don't know! All I said was that she's not looking so great now.
Samuel You said that? What were you thinking ?
Gary Well, it's true! I wasn't lying.
Samuel There are some things you just keep to yourself.

Explanation :

In the doghouse - someone is annoyed with you and shows their disapproval

Example : I'm in the doghouse - I broke Sara's favorite vase this morning.

Bark up the wrong tree !!!

Alex I'm sure that Cynthia took my candy.
Mike Cynthia ? There's no way she took it.
Alex I think she did ! She was at school yesterday.
Mike So was everyone else! It's a big school.
Alex She likes candy.
Mike Lots of people like candy. I think you're barking up the wrong tree.
Alex Wait a minute. Why are you so sure she didn't take it ?

Explanation :

Bark up the wrong tree - Waste one's efforts by pursuing the wrong thing or path

Example : If you think I can come up with more money, you're barking up the wrong tree.

Top dog !!!

Simon Hey, you ! Tuck in your shirt. This is an office, not a party !
Chris What ? Who do you think you are ?
Simon I'm Simon, the filing clerk.
Chris Well, I'm the boss !I'm the top dog around here !
Simon Oh. Well, I still think you should tuck in your shirt.
Chris Ha, ha ! You're very responsible. I'm going to promote you to assistant manager.
Simon Great ! Now, listen to me for a minute. Tuck in your shirt, or you're fired.
Chris Now you're really going too far.

Explanation :

Top dog - a person who is in charge

Lone wolf !!!

Eddy Jack is kind of a lone wolf.
Sam I know. Always by himself. He doesn't even talk to anybody.
Eddy Maybe he's shy, or maybe he has nothing to say.
Sam All the girls think he's so interesting and mysterious, though.
Eddy I know, they talk about him all the time.
Sam You know, maybe he's onto something big with that silent-type idea. I'm going to try it for myself.
Eddy How are you going to try it ?

Explanation :

Lone wolf - A person who prefers to do without the company or assistance of others.

Example : Her nursery school teacher described Beth as a lone wolf, an assessment her parents found astonishing.

Please quit bugging me !!!

Jimmy Nice shirt, Frank. Did you find it in the garbage ?
Frank Shut up, man.
Jimmy And your shoes ! My grandfather would be jealous if he were still alive.
Frank Give me a break, will you ?
Jimmy He wouldn't be jealous if he could see your haircut, though. You look like a fern.
Frank Jimmy, would you please quit bugging me ? Why don't you leave me alone ?
Jimmy But I'm bored.

Explanation :

Bug someone - to annoy someone

Example : He's been bugging me all morning.

A can of worms !!!

Sam How's it going, Carol ?
Carol Not bad. But I had a weird conversation with Paul this morning.
Sam What happened ?
Carol We were just talking nicely, but then I asked him about his wife.
Sam Oh, no. You shouldn't have opened a can of worms.
Carol Yeah, I know. He spent about half an hour telling me about it.
Sam What did he say ?
Carol Well, I guess she's hanging out with some rock stars in town.
Sam Oh, no.

Explanation :

A can of worms - A complex unexpected problem or unsolvable dilemma

Example : Tackling the budget cuts is sure to open a can of worms.

Worm out of !!!

Elizabeth Are you going to help me with my cleaning today ?
Philip Oh, I can't. I, uh... I have to go volunteer at the hospital. I promised them I would.
Elizabeth The hospital ? You ?
Philip Yeah, I thought it would be a nice gesture.
Elizabeth You're not going to volunteer ! You're just trying to worm your way out of helping me.
Philip How could you say that ?
Elizabeth You hate hospitals ! And plus, you're obviously dressed to play basketball !
Philip Um, I told them I'd help them start a hospital basketball team.
Elizabeth Nice try, but do you think I would believe that ?

Explanation :

Worm out of - make one's way by artful or devious means

Example : She can't worm out of this situation.

The world is your oyster !!!

Suzanne I'm so depressed.

Leonard Why ? What's wrong ?
Suzanne I don't know. I am afraid I don't have much of a future.
Leonard What are you talking about ? You're young, smart, and talented. The world is your oyster.
Suzanne You really think so ?
Leonard Sure ! I'll bet you will even become famous someday.
Suzanne But if I'm famous, I'll have to try to avoid photographers all the time.
Leonard Okay, but –
Suzanne I'll never have a moment's peace. They'll invade my privacy.

Explanation :

The world is your oyster - Everything is going well

Example : I was younger then, and the world was my oyster.

I'm getting goosebumps !!!

Paula This movie is so scary. I'm frightened to death !
Leo Paula, this isn't scary ! This movie is for little kids !
Paula No it's not... oh, no! That monster is horrible! I'm getting goosebumps !
Leo That "monster" is just a cute little elf ! What's the matter with you ?
Paula I've never been good with scary movies. They really freak me out.
Leo You should try to relax. It's not real, it's just a movie !
Paula But how can you be so sure? Maybe this is a documentary and you don't even know it ...
Leo No more of such nonsense ! How can this be a documentary ?

Explanation :

Goosebumps - small, raised lumps that appear on the skin because of cold, fear or excitement

Example : You're cold - look, you've got goosebumps !

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